Spiderkid oneshots

By rozeroze55

188K 3.6K 449

Oneshots with spiderkid and avengers. Been reading loads of these recently, so I decided to do my own. Leave... More

First word
It hurt just a little bit.
Hydra Spider.
Son of the Black Widow.
Peter meets the Rogues.
Tower full of broken people.
Holding on
Meeting Howard Stark
Sippy cup (songfic)
Bad grades
Saved (part 2)
Saved (part 3)
New clothes
It won't be easy
Bad habits
Made of stone.
Big sisters are scary.
Good boy
Why didn't you tell me?
Feel something (songfic)
Hydra Spider 2.
All we need (part 1)
All we need (part 2)
Career day
First day of school.
The first press conference.
Hydra spider 3
Not letting go.
Meeting Auntie Tasha
Evil Peter
Soul collector
Protect you
Baby Peter.
Dad, this is my girlfriend
Peter Barnes
Road to a new home
Way down we go (songfic)
Not an illusion
Spider-man can take a lot
They all missed him.
You are always better
Requests (not an update)
Alive again.
If Peter would snap.
Change time
Baby Peter 2
Don't insult my family
Baby Tony
Coming out.
If I killed someone for you (songfic)
British Peter
A nice visit
A school play.
Cherries (part 2)
Son of the black widow (part 2)
Carnival hearts (songfic)
A new job
Skiing gone wrong.
Nice training
Kidnapped (part 1)
Kidnapped (part 2)
Too late
Wake me up (songfic)
The wizard
Get away
A/N Thank you!

Chicken Noodle Soup

2.1K 42 4
By rozeroze55

Thank you all for voting!

This was requested by  @SpiderCassie. Hope you enjoy!

Peter woke up with a stomachache and a headache, and a soar throat. For any other teenager, just one of these symptoms would be enough to go wine to their parents and beg to stay home. But not for Peter. He had a physics test today and was not going to miss it just because moving and even breathing hurt. 'The Avengers don't take breaks when they're sick. Why should I?' the boy thought to himself. Not even getting out of bed he could hear his parents – Tony and Pepper talking about his mom's trip to Europe. Usually, he could hear them quietly in the background, but today, today it was like they were in the room yelling. Peter dreaded going to school full of loud teens, but the test was too important to miss.

The boy got up and his head hurt as soon as he changed position. Peter barely got to the closet, dressed, looked in the mirror to his zombie-like features, and moved out of the room. He heard Tony telling mom about rushing to a meeting, and Pepper responding about a conference waited for them to scatter, and stumbled to the elevator.

Happy was driving him today which was good because he wouldn't have to walk to the bus stop and stand in the bus trying not to fall on the ground. On the other hand, Happy would possibly be worried, because of Peter's appearance, the boy could only hope that the driver would be as ignorant and not talkative as always.

Riding the lift was hellish. Every floor consisted of its own loud noises. An argument about a project. Drill for safety. Sirens. Paparazzi on a tour. His head exploding with noise. Getting to the basement he ran, well in his mind he ran, actually he limped to the car and shut the door to escape the noise. His wish came through and the driver's seat barricaded as soon as he got in. For a few moments, the quiet of the car in the basement was a cold breeze to his burning forehead. Then they drove on the street and hell restarted on a new level. The boy had never noticed how torturously loud were the streets of New York. But now, with his head buried in his hands, every loud sound was like a hit with a bat and every quiet was like a sting with a needle. Even though the ride was only five minutes long, when the car turned in the school parking lot Peter felt like he had aged severely.

At least most of the car noise didn't make it on the campus. Ned and MJ were already waiting for him and he quickly rushed over trying to concentrate on them not the soccer team's practice.

"Hi, Bro!" said Ned clapping Peter on the back.

"Hey, man!" Peter's voice came out sounding like a dying squirrel, he coughed to try and get it to work but it didn't help him, "Hi, MJ!"

"You okey loser?" asked MJ, "cause, you look like you're dead and sound like you're dying," both of the boys smiled and Peter nodded, not trusting his voice.

'Just make it till physics' the boy thought to himself, 'just make it to physics'

But he was never meant to make it. When the trio entered the always Peter stopped. Moving was like going through a thick barrier of sound. All the talking, laughing, texting, lockers closing, doors opening, people walking, running, breathing. Everything was so loud the boy couldn't take it. And after a few steps, he collapsed.

Tony's pov.

Tony was in a meeting when his phone rang. Usually, he wouldn't pick it up... who was he kidding he would pick up any number just to have an excuse to get out of this boredom. Anyways, this time Peter's school was calling and Tony immediately rushed out, not explaining anything to some of the most financially influential people in the country.

"Hello?" he asked on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Stark, you are labeled as Peter Stark's emergency number. Is that correct?" Asked the uninterested lady on the other end.

"Yes, what happened to him?" The man was already starting the car.

"Your son is unconscious," Tony was getting ready to murder someone, "His friends brought him to the nurse's office and told us that he just passed out. He is okey now, though."

"I'll be there in few minutes!" He said and hung up.

The man drove through the streets cursing the heavy traffic and every red light on the way. He didn't bother to park normally just drove straight to the main entrance, let the car on, and ran through the door. Then not paying any attention to the one he was getting, he almost yelled at some poor students about where he could find the infirmary.

When he rushed in Peter was sitting on the bed with his friends by his side. He ran forward and hugged him: "Are you okey?"

"I'm fine, dad!" Peter said, his voice anything but fine.

"Passing out in the middle of a hallway is not my definition of fine!" The man was breathing heavily from the rushing, "Why didn't you tell me you needed to stay home?"

"We have a test in physics today..." the boy understood when the words left his mouth, that his argument was week.

"Yes, and I'm sure your teacher will allow you to write it another time, cause we're going home!" Even if Peter would have enough strength to argue Tony's voice would have convinced otherwise. The boy just nodded.

Tony helped his son to his feet and moved to the door, turned back against Ned and MJ: "Thanks!"

They were going through the corridors and luckily for Peter everybody was too shocked by the sight of his dad to talk or move. Soon they got in the car, which Friday had turned of and closed.

During the ride, Tony didn't say anything not wanting to cause an overload. He typed in the screen for Friday to take a route through the smaller streets. Also turned on the heaters even though it was spring. Spiders are sensitive to cold.

The quieter route took about 20 minutes in which Peter was drifting between sleep and awakening. When they got to the tower though he was too exhausted to move. Tony without even asking took the boy in his hands and stepped into the private elevator. They road straight to the penthouse and the man carried Peter to his room. As soon as they entered he whispered for Friday to soundproof it and close the curtains, slowly laid Peter in bed, took off his shoes, and tucked the blanket for him. After that was done as fast as Tony could he walked out of the room not to cause any more noise, headed to the kitchen to make some chicken noodle soup.

After a few hours, the A.I. from the ceiling announced that Peter was awake. Tony carefully filled a bowl with the soup and slowly walked to the room, opened the door, magically not pilling anything. Peter was lying down with his eyes open and when his dad walked in turned his head to see him.

"How you feeling?" Asked Tony.

"Bad, but better," answered Peter with his voice still weak.

"I made you soup, but you need to sit up." The man continued and Peter got on his elbows and then sat up, laying his back against the wall.

Tony placed the bowl in his son's arms who looked at him, smiled weakly, and got out a: "Thanks!"

After Peter had finished Tony took the bowl and put it on the ground. Then he carefully got in the bed and started ruffling Peter's hair. At first, he thought he'd stay only till Peter fell asleep, but soon they both were sleeping. Friday might have taken a few pictures and sent them to Pepper and few avengers.

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