Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At L...

By sajmra

2.5M 193K 33.6K

Houssam Shaykh is living the dream. He is a big sought after basketball star who has his pick of teams, is re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Finding Qadr Sneak Peek

Chapter 41

31.8K 2.7K 538
By sajmra

“Hana, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Hana looked up from her laptop, staring at Kalthoum for a second before nodding, and motioning towards the seat across from her. She was sitting in the library preparing for the next newspaper staff meeting, and she didn’t like the tone in her friend’s voice.

“Of course. What’s up?” she asked, and Kalthoum sat down, rearranging her skirts before looking up.

“I don’t like to beat around the bush and to play games. So I am just going to be honest with you. I thought I made it perfectly clear about how I felt in regards to you and Houssam?”

Hana recoiled in shock, as if Kalthoum had hit her.

“Excuse me!?” she exclaimed, and Kalthoum nodded.

“Please Hana, don’t play coy with me. I know he called you the other night when Yusra went to the hospital.”

“How is that my fault that he called me?!” Hana asked in astonishment.

“You could have told him you weren’t going to come. Especially at three in the morning!”

“Kalthoum! The child was crying his head off and Houssam didn’t know what to do! What if Kareem made himself sick? What if one of the neighbors called the cops on him?! I had to help!”

“You didn’t have to do anything. You obviously can’t stay away from him.”

Hana’s mouth dropped open.

“What are you talking about!? The only time I am around him is when we are babysitting and that is over!”

“If that’s true, how come last time I met with him he was upset because she said there was something wrong with you. You don’t notice that about someone if you are only around them when you are babysitting!”

“Once again you are blaming me for something that he did.” Hana said tersely, and Kalthoum shook her head.

“Stay away from him Hana.”

“What is wrong with you Kalthoum!?”

“What is wrong with me?! You’re going after an engaged man!”

“First of all, I am not going after anybody.” Hana exclaimed angrily. “Second of all, has he proposed to you?”

When Kalthoum remained silent, Hana felt relief like she had never experienced before flood through her.

“Exactly. So before you go and project your own insecurities on me, take a look at yourself!” she exclaimed hotly before sitting back down and staring at her laptop, though she was so angry she couldn’t even see the screen. Kalthoum stood above her, clenching and unclenching her hands.

“You like him don’t you?”

A profound silence rang through the library at Kalthoum’s words.

“Look Hana. You’re my friend, and no matter what we are going through I do care about you. But I’m with Houssam now.” She gave a shrug. “You’re just going to end up hurting yourself. Give it up.”

Hana gave a short laugh.

“That’s caring about me? Friends don’t talk like that to each other.”

Kalthoum took a step back in surprise.

“What are you saying?”

“We aren’t friends anymore Kalthoum. You have been a terrible friend to me, and all because of some guy. What happened to never letting anyone come between us?” Hana asked softly, and Kalthoum looked away. “And the sad thing is, you don’t even really care about him.”

“What?!” Kalthoum exclaimed and Hana nodded.

“You don’t care about who he is. You care about what he has.”

“That’s not true!”

“Oh yeah!? What’s his favorite color? What was the best moment in his career? What’s his favorite food? What would he have been if he didn’t become a basketball player?! Have you ever actually had a conversation with him that didn’t have to do with his houses or cars?! You know nothing about him!” Hana exclaimed.

“Yes I do!”

Hana shrugged.

“Whatever you want to believe, but you are going to end up not only hurting him, but yourself.” It was quiet in the room before Kalthoum stood abruptly.

“He’s mine Hana, stay away.” And with those words, Kalthoum flounced out of the library, leaving Hana staring after her wearily.


Houssam sat across from Kalthoum feeling totally awkward. He had been at her house for an hour, and while she had been trying to talk to him about other things, he had to give her credit for trying, it still seemed forced and unnatural.

“So do you have any hobbies?” she asked, and he winced slightly at the fakeness in her tone. Had she always been like this, or was he just now realizing it?!

He had been up the entire night thinking about Hana, and was nowhere closer to understanding what his feelings were, or what he wanted to do. Part of him was angry at her if she did like him. Why had she not come forward before he asked to talk to Kalthoum!?

They could have been together! She could have saved him from this terrible fate of having to sit here uncomfortably with Kalthoum!

But now he had a huge dilemma. He couldn’t just ditch Kalthoum. But he was terribly conflicted about Hana! Ugh this was such a mess! Part of him longed for the time where she was just his friend. Before Layla had thrown his life for a loop.

He would have to get it confirmed toda…


He started in surprise as he realized he hadn’t said anything in a few minutes, he had been so engrossed thinking about Hana.

“Oh uh sorry. Yeah I like to cook.”

Her eyebrows rose in surprise.


He didn’t like that tone.

“Oh what?”

She shrugged.

“I never would have thought you would like to cook.” She said the last word as if it were an insult, and Houssam shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He didn’t like feeling like he had to explain himself to her. As she began to talk about her own hobbies he tuned her out, getting slightly annoyed with himself because he couldn’t help but compare her to Hana. Every word she said, everything she did, in his mind he was thinking, ‘that’s not what Hana would say’ or ‘Hana would never do that.’

She wouldn’t get out of his head!

He stayed with Kalthoum for another half hour before leaving, and after realizing it was almost time for Asr, he made his way to the Masjid, his mind in turmoil. Once he pulled into the parking lot, he recognized Amir’s car, and he hurriedly pulled out his phone.


“Hey Amir. Are you at the Masjid bro?”

“Yeah I’m in the library doing some work. What’s up?”

“Well I just got here and I really need to talk to you about something.”

“Yeah sure, come on up.”

“Be right there.” He said hanging up his phone, and taking the stairs two at a time. Once he had reached the library, Amir looked up with a smile.

“Salaam Houssam. You okay?”

“I hate her! So help me Amir I hate her so much!” Houssam exclaimed, and Amir looked at him in astonishment.”

“What are you talking about? You hate Kalthoum?”

Houssam shook his head.


“Hana?!” Amir exclaimed. “When did that happen?!”

“Does she like me?” Houssam demanded, and Amir started in surprise.


“Does she like me? Hana? And don’t bother lying if you know the truth.”

“Oh wow. Houssam.”

“Don’t Houssam me. Does she like me?”

Amir regarded his brother for a few seconds before nodding.

“Yeah. She does.”

Houssam fell back into one of the chairs, his eyes wide.

“Why? Why did this have to happen?! I was perfectly fine before I found out how she felt about me!”

“Houssam, I think you are overreacting.” Amir began, but Houssam cut him off with a raised hand.

“No I am not Amir. It’s terrible! The worst timing ever! Why did she have to like me?! It was one thing if I had to deal with my own feelings, because at least I could try to get over it. But now knowing about her feelings?! This is just awful!”

“Houssam,” Amir tried again, but Houssam sighed loudly.

“What do I do Amir? How do I fix this?”

“Houssam.” Amir said softly, and when Houssam looked up his face paled as he saw Hana standing in the doorway.

“I forgot my purse.” She whispered, her eyes filled with tears, and Houssam stood up from his seat.

“Oh my God Hana. No, it wasn’t what it sounded like.” he exclaimed before she grabbed her purse, and ran out of the room, Houssam running after her. 

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