Just the Two of Us (Frank and...

By dancerchic16

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The tragic love story of the underrated heroes, Frank and Alice Longbottom. The story starts in 1974 (Aka Ali... More

Chapter 1: Prefect
Chapter 2: Study buddies.
Chapter 3: Professor Demiguise
Chapter 4: Night Watchers
Chapter 5: Brother and Sister
Chapter 6: Music Man
Chapter 7: Gryffindor VS Slytherin
Chapter 8: Centre of Attention
Chapter 9: Sleepover
Chapter 10: Gifts
Chapter 11: Shoes and Nifflers
Chapter 12: Asking Permission
Chapter 13: Preparations
Chapter 15: Stories
Chapter 16: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 17: Dresses and Stresses
Chapter 18: Beauxbatons
Chapter 19: The Yule Ball
Chapter 20: The Parents
Chapter 21: Disappointment
Chapter 22: Auror
Chapter 23: End of the Term
Chapter 24: Pandora
Chapter 25: Diagon Ally
Chapter 26: Voldemort
Chapter 27: The Burrow
Chapter 28: Taken
Chapter 29: The Tales Of Beedle The Bard
Chapter 30: The Funeral
Chapter 31: Alone
Chapter 32: Everything Changes
Chapter 33: Nightmares
Chapter 34: Resume
Chapter 35: Energy
Chapter 36: Halloween Letter
Chapter 37: Reunion
Chapter 38: Regulus
Chapter 39: The Order
Chapter 40: Surprise
Chapter 41: Bonus Story
Chapter 42: Invitation
Chapter 43: Fire
Chapter 44: Slug Club
Chapter 45: Attack
Chapter 46: Argument
Chapter 47: Andrew's Girl
Chapter 48: Back Home

Chapter 14: Perfectly Imperfect

83 3 0
By dancerchic16



I SPENT THE LAST TWO DAYS PREPARING FOR TODAY. I wanted it to be perfect for Alice. 

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, trying to fix my hair. Every time I finished placing my hair in its correct spot, I'd look at it. And look at it. Then look at it longer. Until I stared at it for too long, and then it began to appear ugly. So, I'd restart. I had redone it five times already.

"It looks fine," A voice behind me called. I turned and found a boy around Alice's age. He wore a jumper that held a yellow prefect badge. Edgar Bones. I only really knew his name from seeing him at the prefect meetings. I must have had a strange look on my face because he said, "I've seen you redo it multiple times now. It looks good."

I smiled, "You don't think it looks off?"

"No. I think you've just been staring at it too much," Edgar chuckled.

"Probably," I returned the laugh.

"You've got a date or somethin'?" Edgar asked.

"Yeah, actually."


"Bloody terrified," I chuckled.

"Well, your hair looks terrific. She'll probably agree," He smiled. "Go out there and wow the girl," He patted my back. Yeah... wow the girl. Fake confidence coursed through my veins.

"Thanks, mate," I nodded.

"Anytime," Edgar smiled. I left the prefects bathroom and headed towards my dorm.

Once at my dorm, I quickly grabbed the small box on my bed and headed to the courtyard. I had sent an owl to Alice's dorm late last night telling her when to meet me. I desperately hoped that she had gotten it.

When I arrived at the courtyard, I leaned against a wall and waited. I fidgeted with the box in my hands, as I watched the courtyard. My heart pounded. The cold air nipped my cheeks, as the wind blew past my face. Stupidly, I worried about my hair. Hoping the wind wouldn't mess it up.

Time passed and my worry amplified. She wasn't late. Yet. But that didn't stop my heart from pounding, or my head from coming up with awful scenarios. I just stood there, waiting for her dark hair to appear.

I decided to distract myself, hoping to calm down a bit. The green box, I held, was oddly soft. As if it was well-used paper. I had randomly found it in a classroom. It reminded me of her, so I took it. I moved the box between my hands, shifting the weight. I could feel the things inside move. Hitting each other as I fidgeted.

I scanned the courtyard for the millionth time. Then, there she was. Alice. I had forgotten how to properly breathe in. Or out. I just stood there with my mouth slightly opened. All of my worry and fear left me, as I stared fondly at her. My heart fluttered. She elegantly walked towards me. I smiled. I took in everything about her. Her signature ribbon and platform shoes. She wore a plaid dress with matching stockings. She was stunning. Even someone who couldn't see would agree with me. She was utterly beautiful.

"Hey," I softly spoke.

"Hi." Alice's cheeks were pushed up from her gorgeous smile. They were rosy, but I don't think it was from the cold.

"You look... wow," I breathed. My brain was mushy. The only thing I could clearly picture was the image of her. She bit her lip as she looked down. I followed her gaze. They landed on my hands. I had nearly forgotten about the present that I held. "I brought you something." I handed it to her. She looked up at me with soft eyes. Her gorgeous eyes.

"I got you something too," She said.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Besides, I like giving gifts." She handed me a tiny white box.

"Open yours first," I smiled. I couldn't stop smiling, and I didn't plan on stopping any time soon. Alice nodded and lifted the top of the box. Her eyes widened with, what I assumed was, excitement.

"Merlin!" She squealed, "You got me Drooble's Best Blowing Gum! I love it! Thank you." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I was shocked at first, but then I melted into the hug. I wrapped my arms around her waist. We fit perfectly with each other. It felt as if we were puzzle pieces that were placed together. It was just... right. Perfect even. After a couple of seconds, we pulled away, "Alright, your turn."

I removed the shiny ribbon from the box, then opened the top. There sat tiny clogs attached to a metal chain. I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't confused.

"Not to be rude, but what is it?" I asked.

"It's a muggle key chain. Lily showed me one a while ago. Apparently, they attach them to their keys. I saw the tiny clogs at Hogsmeade. It reminded me of when you said you wanted a pair so we could match. So, I got it," She smiled.

"It's brilliant," I said as I pulled it out of the box, "How does it work?"

"Oh, here." She took the chain from my hand, "If you push this." She pushed a piece of metal attached to the circle on top of the chain. "See? You can put it on stuff. Like a bag. Whatever you want, really."

"It's really brilliant Alice. Thank you," I smiled. I placed the small keychain onto the belt loop of my pants, "How does it look?" I showed it off to her.

"Compliments your hips," She chuckled.

"You like my hips?" I teased. Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. She was so cute when she got embarrassed. "We should get going." I held out my arm. She looked up and looped her arm in mine.

"What do you have planned?" She asked.

"Something special, of course. You deserve the best," I smiled as I looked down at her. The tip of her ears reddened. My heart thumped. I couldn't get my mind off the fact her arm was touching mine. The warmth that she passed onto me. It made my heart flutter. Her touch was so delicate and soft.

We walked through the castle as students passed us. A bit of pride struck me, knowing I was walking around with the most beautiful girl in the school.

                          *** *** *** *** ***


My heart was pounding. I was holding Frank's arm on a date. I couldn't believe it. My heart fluttered at his touch. Not only was I walking around holding his arm, but others saw us. They saw me walking with the most handsome guy in the school. He chose me. He asked me. I couldn't believe it. Even when he was right here, it felt like a dream. The best part was that it was all real. Everything. It wasn't a silly dream. It was a real moment.

We walked throughout the castle and into the open fields until we found a picnic blanket filled with wonderful things.

"Frank," I gasped. It was beautiful. The flowers, the food. Everything. It was perfect.

"Do you like it?" Frank asked. I could hear the slight worry behind his words.

"It's perfect. I love it," I smiled.

"Well, let's get closer. Shall we, M'lady?" He motioned towards the fabric. I nodded and we sat on the sheet. Everything on the blanket was my favourite. Favourite flowers, favourite desserts, favourite drink. Everything.

"How did you..." I couldn't speak. I was so happy.

"Poppy helped me. She was so excited too," He said. I wanted to cry. It was so incredibly perfect. It was everything I'd ever wanted in a first date. I would fall asleep fantasizing about a first date. Wishing someone would go out of their way to make it perfect. And here it was. The perfect first date, "Are you alright?"

"Never been better."

Due to the time of year and the cloudy sky, it was quite cold. Frank decided to use the bluebell flame charm to warm us. He placed the blue flame into a jar and set it between us. We enjoyed a good conversation as we ate.

"Why are you taking that many classes?" He asked after I told him how many classes I took.

"I want to be an Auror—"

"You don't need to take that many classes to be an Auror," He said.

"I know. It's just... I feel like the more I know, the more I can help people. Besides, I'm not really good at anything other than school," I explained.

"What do you mean? You're good at a lot of things."

"Oh, no-no-no. I'm really not. There's nothing to worry about because I do really like to learn. It's fun," I smiled.

"But you're so good at things other than learning," He said, I could hear the slight frustration in his voice.

"Frank, I'm not mad about it. I mean, sure, I wish I had better social skills or quidditch skills. But I promise it doesn't bother me." Without thinking, I placed a hand on top of his. The rough feel of his skin made me realize what I did. Embarrassed, I quickly moved it.

"You have perfectly normal social skills—"

"I really don't Frank," I chuckled. I felt a drop lightly hit my head.

"Come on. Give yourself credit, you're perfectly fine with me."

"That's because you're easy to talk to. Ask Lily or Pandora. I promise. I can't hold a conversation," I laughed. Frank held a strange kind of concern in his eyes, "Here," I handed him a cookie, hoping it would make him smile. It did.

"You could be brilliant at quidditch and I wouldn't know," He said, before placing the chocolate chip cookie into his mouth.

"We can play a game sometime. However, I have to warn you that I can't really catch a quaffle." Something wet fell on my face. I quickly whipped it away. "Nor can I throw it with my tiny hands."

"Well, now I have to watch this," He chuckled.

"Just make sure you're on the other team so you can win," I laughed.

"No way, I'm going to be on your team. Always and forever." There was a slight sign of a joke in his words, but he was serious. I couldn't help but blush at his words.

More drops of water fell. It began to shower. I looked up as small droplets hit my face. I grinned as I stared at the sky. The sky was so pretty. Even when beautiful grey clouds swirled, the sky managed to stay bright. Everything was perfect. The drops tickled my skin, making me chuckle a bit before I looked back at Frank. His wet hair flopped over his forehead. His face held a sad and disappointed look.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"It's ruined. I worked so hard to make this perfect for you and the rain is ruining it," I could hear the pain in his voice.

"It's not ruined," I said.

"What?" He looked me in the eyes. I gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Lay down," I placed my hands on his chest and lightly pushed down. He followed the pressure and laid on his back, "Now, enjoy the beauty. Just relax and enjoy it. Don't focus on the negative part." I moved the blue flame jar to the opposite side of me and laid down next to him. Our shoulders were brushing.

Our hands grazed each other. I desperately wanted to hold his hand, but I was too scared. So, I let my hand stay as I watched the sky.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I whispered as I stared into the atmosphere. The cold rain touched my cheeks, making it hard not to smile. There was just something so beautiful about the rain. Maybe it was the peace or the way the drops complement anything it touches. Either way, it was beautiful. I loved it. I felt Frank's hands turn. He laced his fingers into my hand. I turned my head to face him. The water complimented his skin and his features. I couldn't help but blush. I fondly stared into his brown eyes.

"Yeah, beautiful," He said as he stared back. Heat spread from my heart all the way to my toes and fingertips. I could feel it pulsing throughout my body. Oh gosh, he's perfect.

The freezing rain began to come down harder. Leaving us drenched. I couldn't help but laugh as the water came down, tickling my cheeks.

Luckily, the charmed fire was waterproof. It allowed us to keep warm in the middle of October.

I sat up, "Come," I stood, keeping my hand in Frank's. He stood.

"Where are we going?" He asked. His hair threatened to cover his eyes. I chuckled and moved his hair out of his face. His hair was soft and light. I couldn't help but want to comb his hair for hours. However, I stopped.

"To have fun, of course," I giggled. I gave him a mischievous smile before running forward.

"Alice," He called as I dragged him along behind. "How are you so fast?" He laughed as we ran up a hill. The hill made it harder to run, so I ran as fast as I could. However, nature didn't like my speed because my foot slipped on some mud, sending me towards the floor. before I could fall far, Frank wrapped an arm around my stomach, "Going a little too fast there, huh?"

He stood up straight, pulling me with him. I turned around to face him. We were close. We were really close. My body was pressed up against his. I placed my hands on his chest. While he kept his arms around my waist.

My hair mopped over the front of my face. Making it hard to see. However, I could feel his breath on my face.

He moved his hands off of my waist. He brushed my hair out of my face and cupped my cheeks with his hands. Then. He just stared at me. With the desirable unknown expression in his eyes. His eyes quickly flickered at my lips. Heat flooded my chest as I watched him. I glanced at his lips, desiring them. Our eyes locked once again. He looked so pretty in the rain.

"I like you, Alice Fortescue," He breathed, "I really bloody like you. And if I don't kiss you right now, I think I'll explode," He stared at my lips, "May I?"

Every single word I knew vanished from my mind. Any response I could mutter out disappeared. All I could think of was him. He was all I wanted. So, I nodded.

His lips crashed into mine. The initial passion dissolved into softness. He was delicate. I leaned into the kiss. Everything about this felt right. Felt perfect. Emotions exploded within me as I kissed him. I dragged my hand up his chest and to his neck. Softly touching the skin on the back of his neck.

He placed one hand on my upper back. As if he didn't like that, he carefully slid it down my back. Sending sparks throughout my spin. It made the hair on the back of my neck rise. He stopped at the small of my back. He pulled me closer to him, making me bend my back. His other hand took its place on the back of my neck, also pulling me closer.

As if we could read each other's minds, we pulled away at the same time. However, we kept our foreheads together. We stood there, smiling like the lovesick fools we were.

"I like you too," I whispered.


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