Mobile Legends Golden Gala

By miarebel65

7.3K 247 202

As Zlatan is getting modernized day by day, it had been chosen as the host for the 21st Golden Gala in the L... More

Fight Song
Gavin Paxley
Break Up
Loving You More Than Him
The Job
Field Ops
Aamon Paxley
Between Brothers
Dress Up
Finally Yours
New Groom
To Keep
You're a Snake
White Rose
Betray and Guilt

Meaning of Loyalty

212 8 2
By miarebel65

It was a lovely morning at the mansion, where now Gavin and Hanabi lived. As Gavin was fixing up a decent breakfast for himseld and his fiancée, Hanabi walked into the kitchen with a different look for the day. Gavin turned off the stove as he turned to look at the woman, his eyes widen slightly as he was awed struck by her beauty. He smiled, "Pink is a good look on you".

Hanabi now wearing her new uniform stood at the doorway as Gavin complemented her new look. For her raven black hair, she dyed it to a light pink colour with a some white strands. "It's Layla's suggestion," she told him.

"But I think her plan backfired on her," she smiled.

"True and your eyes are livelier in pink," he lifted her chin so he could look closely in her eyes that were once scarlet red, were now pink.

She could feel her cheeks burning up as he was flattering her with sweet compliments. She could look deep in his amber eyes as it showed her, his compassion towards her, but did she feel the same to him. "You're just saying that because I'm prettier than Layla," she awkwardly chuckled.

Gavin leaned closed and kissed her lips, which made the pink haired marksman surprised. As he pulled away he enjoyed her expression, they were cute and unique to him. He let out a chuckle, "I think that explains it all".

Hanabi could only nodded her head as she was to surprise to let out a word. Gavin gestured her to sit down as he continued on cooking, she did what she was told; and as she waited, she texted someone her phone, someone close to her.

After breakfast, both cop and marksman walked into the S.A.B.E.R. building. All operatives eyes on the her, as the rumors of the enemy being recruited into the organisation were actually true. Hanabi felt uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving, but their gaze made her feel worst, as their gaze were more like glares. She could feel the daggers of eyes digging into her skin, as she felt pain of being rejected by her new colleagues, as if she was a high school wallflower. Gavin noticed his fiancée's uneasiness as he hold her hand and walked to elevator.

Inside finally Hanabi spoke, "I don't think anyone likes me" she grip on her her other arm, feeling unwelcome by the others.

Gavin smiled at her, "Nonsense, it's a big change for them, since you quit the V.E.N.O.M.s," he pulled her closer, "they will get used to it. All you have to do is just do your best and surpass the elite marksmen".

Hanabi felt so touch that Gavin tried to motivate her, but she began to ask herself, would Gusion do the the same to her; like Gavin did?

The elevator stopped at the top floor. Hanabi took note of her surrounding and mapping the layout of the floor in her mind, it might come be handy in the future. They stopped in front of a door, Hanabi peeked over Gavin's shoulder as she read, 'Conference Room 3', on the door. Gavin then gestured her to sit down and told her to wait for him.

"You mean I'm not going in with you?" she asked.

He shook his heaad, "Not yet, they need to trust you first and I'm the lieutenant".

Hanabi looked down as she knew that they wouldn't a newbie like her in, and yet she was surprised. Gavin pushed away her bangs and kissed her forehead. "I will be out soon," he walked into the conference room.

She touched the spot, where he kissed her and slowly sat down. Hanabi felt something in her heart, it felt weird and yet it was familiar. Both brothers are different in many ways and yet her heart said they were the same to her. "How long can my heart still be loyal to him?" she looked down at the bracelet around her wrist.

Meanwhile, Gavin just walked up to the table as he was face to face with his surpiriors. "Are we still sure to keep that dirty spider in our ranks?" Layla asked as she saw Gavin walked into the room. Normally, Gavin would snapped at the magenta haired marksman, for insulting his fiancée, but today he kept his cool in front of the higher ups.

"We discuss this already Breacher: with Hanabi in our ranks she will spill all the V.E.N.O.M.s' info," Saber replied, obviously feeling annoyed with her rivalry with their new recruit.

"Enough Layla, Gavin we received reports of some stolen heavy materials at a nearby construction site along with their equipment," Rafaela began to brief Gavin on his new assignment.

"That would make sense since, making a simple explosive or even some dangerous weaponry could be found online," Gavin thought aloud,

"Indeed, but we figure that no thieves would steal these type of equipment," Cyclops passed him a table.

Gavin took the tablet and scrolled down the list of items, hoping to look for a clue. "Drills, wrenches and a crane are the only equipment that are stolen; along with cement, light bulbs, a power generator and motor oil. I think it might be some teenagers making bad choics, but all this could be afford at a store. However, the crane really is really strange".

"That's why we need you to investigate," Saber told.

Gavin slightly raised his brow, "No offence Saber, why would you give me, an assignment that even a lower rank detective could solve it?"

"Might I remind you that you have a rat with you now," Layla reminded, as she was still complaining of Hanabi's recruitment.

"Layla does have a point," Johnson pointed out, "she was an ex-member of the enemy; and until we can trust you with important missions with her, these assignment will show us how skilled she really is".

"Need I to remind all 5 of you that she nearly killed Breacher and Lethal Lady, the other day," Gavin reminded with a smirk.

"I am so going to kill her," Layla muttered.

"We did not forget, but we are still unable to trust her," Rafaela replied.

"I guess that make sence," he let out a sighed as he agreed to the assignment. He was about to excuse himself as one thought came to mind. "May I asked, why my brother want to steal the Magic Cube? He had no connections nor ties in this organisation and yet he is determine to steal it at all cost".

The S.A.B.E.R. members were shocked at his question as they exchange looks with one another, unsure to tell the true story or cover it up with a lie. As they were completely oblivious to the many eyes, that were watching and listening to them.

Meanwhile, Hanabi was talking to someone on her phone. She spoke in a low and quiet voice as if she did not want anyone in the building to easdrop on her her conversation. When she heard the clicking sound of the door opening, Hanabi quickly ended her call and rushed over to the Gavin with a smile, until she notice the grim look on his face. "You look quite upset, what's wrong?" she asked.

"It's nothing," he reassured her. Hanabi was not convinced, but she just went with it.

"Come on, we got work to do," Gavin grabbed her hand and they walked to his bike.

The S.A.B.E.R. squad reply kept on repeating his mind, as he questioned his brother's loyalty and sanity. He knew that loyalty meant everything to the squad and the organisation; but also to his familty. He and Gusion always had that rival relationship ever since they were small, but he cared for his brother until the day Gusion left their family. He always thought that Gusion too was loyal to the family and that he would change for the sake of family. And yet he turned his back on the family, on his twin.

Loyalty means trusting in others. Loyalty means changing for what you believed in. Loyalty means to forever stay at ones side. Loyalty had a new meaning and Gavin was beginning to learn.

'Is he that insane?' Those four words kept on bothering him as he too was questioning his own loyalty towards the squad and maybe to his family.

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