Yandere One Piece Oneshots

By DehydrationStation

188K 2.9K 1.2K

TW: Violence, threats, yandere themes Here's my horrible take on One Piece yandere's, hope you enjoy :) I t... More

❤️Requests❤️[CLOSED FOR NOW]
3 Admirals
Kid Pirates
Whitebeard Pirates
Red-Haired Pirates

Whitebeard Pirates

10.8K 141 40
By DehydrationStation

"Hey (Y/N), I know it's Haruta's turn to explore the next island with you but wouldn't you like it better if I took you instead?" Duece asked, looking down at you laid across his lap. 

"I guess, I don't really care who takes me though, as long as I can go somewhere other than this ship." 

"Yeah, but I think I'd still be able to protect you better." 

"It doesn't really matter, no one's actually out to get me." You responded. The masked man just frowned at you, as he ran his hand through your hair. 

The Whitebeard pirates were nice enough to you, but it didn't mask the fact that they were all insane. You wanted nothing more than to be dropped off at an island and left alone, the life of a pirate just wasn't for you. You figured if you convinced them that you weren't as "Precious" or "in danger" as they thought you were, you could leave and restart your life on land. 

"Are you trying to persuade (Y/N) to run away with you again? You know Pops doesn't like it when you do that." Turning your head, you saw Rakuyo walking over to where you and Deuce were. 

"No, I wouldn't do that!" The blue-haired man claimed, glaring at him.

"Yeah right, you do it all the time!" The blond argued, "Come on (Y/N), Thatch prepared you lunch." He told you, his tone a lot friendlier to you than it was with the pirate who you were currently laying on.

"Ok." You said, sitting up and going over towards the blond, "What'd he make?" You asked, linking your arm with his own.

"You'll have to see for yourself." He replied, smiling down at you.

The two of you made your way towards the kitchen, the wooden floorboards of the ship creaking whenever you stepped on them.

"Here you go, darling~" Thatch cooed as he handed you a plate of food. "I hope you like it."

"I always like your food." You replied as you ate the meal in front of you. A sudden weight on your shoulders made you turn your head to see Ace's arms wrapped around you, his head resting on your shoulder.

"That looks good, can I have some?" The raven-haired man asked, already reaching over your shoulder to grab some of the food.

"Stop that," Thatch ordered, slapping his hand away.

"Yeah, you can have some." You responded.

"Thanks, babe~," He said, kissing you on the cheek, "You're my favorite person." 

"Are you sure you want to let Ace eat your food? He'll end up eating it all." Thatch reminded, leaning on the table.

"It'll be fine, I'm not really that hungry." You informed, grinning up at the brunette. "Anyways, I'm gonna go see how Pops is doing." You said, standing up and going to Pop's room. He was probably the biggest threat here, if you could distract him then it'd probably be easier to escape. Knocking on the large wooden door that led to Whitebeard, you waited until you heard the gruff man say to come in. 

"How're you doing?" You questioned the tall man as you walked inside.

"Better now that you're here."

"You're too kind." You giggled, "Seriously though, do you need anything?"

"You don't need to worry about me, lass." He rumbled, bringing his large hand to lightly pat you on the head. 

"If you say so," You sighed, "I'm just worried about you."

"Don't be worried dear, I'm fine." 

Everyone on this ship made it so difficult. You wouldn't be able to escape if they were all watching you and not telling you anything. You could only rely on luck at this point, but even then you were scared of what they do if you really did runaway, you knew how ruthless they could be.

"There you are (Y/N)," Izo smiled once he saw you with Pops, "Jozu, and I have gift's for you." 

"Oh, ok." You said, getting up and starting towards the door, "See ya later." You called, as you waved goodbye to the white-haired man. 

Following the crossdresser, you made it around toward the back of the ship where you saw the demand man sitting, most likely awaiting for Izo to bring you over. Jozu, upon seeing you, got up and started to reach into his pocket and proceeded to pull out a handful of jewelry.

"This looks really expensive, are you sure you want to give it to me?" You nervously questioned, looking at the many jewels.

"Of course we're sure, you'd look adorable in them," Izo stated, taking your hand and slipping a ring on your finger.

"You guys could probably sell this somewhere and get a lot of cash."

"We could, but you're more important to us than money," Jozu assured, handing the samurai a necklace for him to put around your neck. You could feel the cold metal as it was tied around your throat, you almost felt bad for wanting to run away. 

"We made to an island." You looked over your shoulder to see Vista walking towards where the three of you stood. You perked up at that. This was your chance, you were finally going to leave. 

"Already? What island are we at?" Izo asked, pausing from covering you in jewels. 

"I dunno, some busy little town. We're only here to stock up on supplies." Vista responded, looking over at you. "You look gorgeous as always." 

"Heh, thanks V," You said, waving at him. 

"Come on, Haruta's waiting for you. I'll take you to him." The tall mustached man said, holding his hand out for you to take. Grabbing it, you made you're way across the deck towards the blue-eyed male.

"Hey, babe!" Haruta shouted to you as he ran over to you. "We're gonna have a lot of fun on this island, I promise!" He exclaimed, grabbing your hand. You stumbled a bit as he dragged you off the ship and towards the town. 

"Where are we going?" You frantically asked as you struggled to keep up with the brunette.

"You wanna go on a date?" He questioned, stopping suddenly making you run into him. 

"Uh, sure, but what would we do?"

"Let's just walk around the town together." He decided, squeezing your hand and walking with you. Your feet tapped on the cobbled road as you followed the blue-eyed boy. "Hey! Look at that! Do you like it? If you like it I'll buy it for you." Haruta chirped, letting go of your hand to point at the dress in the shop window. 

You slowly walked backward, being free from his grasp. You quickly turned around and sprinted towards the police station. You were finally going to be free, you just had to make it to the authorities. 

"Where are you going?" You heard Haruta shout to you as you ran off.

Ignoring him, you speed down the road. You were so close. You stumbled a bit as you reached for the handle on the door, you swiftly opened it and ran inside. Falling down, you panted and smiled in relief, you did it. 

"Are you ok, ma'am?" One of the officers asked, squatting down next to you. 

Shaking your head, you breathed in trying to catch your breath before you spoke. That's when it hit you, the smell of smoke filled your senses as you realized the building was on fire. 

"Come on yoi, you can't just run away like that." 

You froze in fear when you heard the blond's voice. Looking at him, you saw him walking through a gap where he burned through the wall. 

"Leave me alone." 

"No can do." Marco replied, "If you come with me now we won't have to hurt you." 

Standing up from your position on the floor, you sprinted out the door. You already came this far, you weren't going to come back now. 

"You're making this harder than it has to be." You heard the blond say from behind you.

You continued to run, looking behind you every once in a while to see Marco just standing there watching you. You only stopped when you felt yourself collide with someone else. Tumbling to the ground you looked up to see that you ran into Fossa.

"Listen, dear, none of us want to hurt you so just come with us." He said, taking a drag from his cigar.

Getting up, you started backing away from the taller man. A loud thud behind you made you stop in your tracks. Looking back you saw a huge hammer had been slammed down on the ground behind you. Blamenco was glaring at you with a dark look in his eyes, as he lifted up the hammer to reveal the crushed bodies of some of the policemen. 

"You did this." He said, pointing towards the dead bodies. A pool of blood started to form around the corpses. 

"N-No I didn't, you did!" 

"You made me. If you just came with us I wouldn't have had to do that." 

"Y-You're insane." You said, trying to step away from both Fossa and Blamenco. You felt someone's arm sling itself around your waist, and a gun pressed against the side of your head. 

"Pops won't be happy to hear you tried to run off. If you come with us we won't have to tell him." Curiel whispered into your ear. 

"Go away." You said, pushing him off of you and starting to walk away before being lifted into the air. 

"Guess we'll just have to tell Pops." Blenheim shrugged, throwing you over his shoulder and walking towards the ship with you. 

"Let go of me!" You screamed as you squirmed in his grip. You felt yourself being carried away towards the ship you despised so much. Leaning down you bit the bearded man as hard as you could. Surprised, he dropped you allowing you to run away again. You weren't going to be taken back, you were going to stay here on this island and be free. You sprinted as fast as you could towards the forest behind the town. You'd be able to hide there, and maybe be able to escape.

"(Y/N)~ Come out please, we're all tired of this game." You heard Atmos call out to you as he continuously sliced down the trees around him, attempting to find you. 

You stayed quiet, or at least you tried to. He was coming closer and closer to finding you by the second and if you didn't leave the place you were at he'd either find you or you'd get crushed by a tree. Both options would lead to your demise but you were starting to think getting killed wasn't all so bad.  

"Found her!" You lifted your head up to see someone had really found you, Namur was standing there looking down at you with an unreadable expression. You couldn't tell if he was angry or not. 

"Hey, listen I'm sorry for running away, I just wanted to play a fun little game, y'know?" You explained. If you weren't going to escape then talking your way out of getting tortured would be the next best course of action. 

"Bullshit! You weren't playing a game, you were actually trying to escape!" Speed Jiru exclaimed, glaring at you. 

"Come on, let's give her the benefit of the doubt. I mean she's never tried to run away before." The Fishman argued, guarding you from the man with the jousting lance.

"Fine, but if she tries this again we'll have to discipline her."  

"Alrighty, let's take you back to the ship," Kingdrew said as he picked you up and started to carry you bridal style. I guess you won't be escaping any time soon, they'll surely watch you more now. Maybe it wasn't so bad, at least they respected some of your boundaries and they didn't plan on harming you. They were all pretty strong too so it's not like you'd ever get hurt by anything, and besides what were you going to do if you succeeded in running away? It's not like you had anyone to go to, not after they killed them all. The Whitebeard Pirates were all you had left. 

The ship was starting to come into view as Kingdrew carried you closer towards it. You might as well get used to the sea, it'd be your new home for a long time. 


Sorry, this took me so long to write :/ Hope you like it tho. Kid pirates are the next ones up squadsters. 

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