Royal Puppy Love

By kpop4evry1

64.3K 2.7K 428

In a world of werewolves, not all are created equal. What happens when a mate shows up although Jungkook has... More



1.9K 97 9
By kpop4evry1


'It wasn't intentional. I would never leave you intentionally. What happened this past week?'

Jimin: 'After the bonding, I woke to find you heavy with fever. You were delirious and basically so out of it that you had to have cold baths to lower your temperature... for days.'

I sat up and wrapped my hands around his hips, holding him gently on my lap. He played a bit with my shirt and stroked my forearm. Every touch from him was pure pleasure.

Jimin: 'Once we stabilized your temperature, you slept for another four days and here we are! You did wake up at times, do you not remember?'

I shook my head. "Did I say anything?'

Jimin blushed and I grinned, looking closely into his face.

Jimin: 'Only things about me or asking for me.'

I nod. Of course I would. I had just bonded with him, so he would be my everything for the next few decades at least. I ran a hand through his hair, pushing back his bangs. He grabbed the hand and kissed the palm.

'I can't stress enough how much I am loving your comfort with me now. We should have bonded earlier!'

Jimin (slapping my arm): 'Stop. It feels natural for some reason...'

'It is.'

I paused. A week or so? That is crazy! I have never been sick in my entire life. I am an alpha and never gets sick.

'What made me sick? Did you find out?'

Jimin was quiet and stared at me. He made to get off my lap, but I wasn't allowing it.

'Tell me.'

He sighed and looked at me. 'Me.'


Jimin: 'When we bonded, you ingested some of my blood and being close to the full moon it was potent with the Fae blood which made it like a poison to you.'

I hesitated. Did that mean we can't mate or would it affect mating? I could never bite him again? Jimin shook his head, obviously hearing my thoughts.

Jimin: 'We don't know... but come with me...'

I allowed him to slide off my knees and pulled me to the bathroom, posing me in front of the mirror. It was at that moment I realized that the partial Skye look to Jimin's eyes was also in mine.

'What the goddess!!?'

Jimin: 'Exactly. Mine don't revert either. Whatever happened when we marked each other, we shared the resulting blood and now our eyes are like this.'

I looked in the mirror closer. We did both have the same blue ring around our eyes. It was very thing, but it sparkled so called attention to itself. The unique quality was the odd sparkle that happened every so often with the brown of our irises.

'It's beautiful. Is it all the time?'

Jimin: 'Yes. I shifted and Skye now has the same eyes.'


Jimin: 'It is, but we still don't know all the effects it has had. I still have my powers, so Jiwoon's prophecy of me losing them was a load of crap.'

'That's good.'

I look at Jimin who didn't seem so happy with the prospect. I reflected back to the glass of water earlier. Did that mean I have powers now?

Jimin's head snapped around and looked at me. Damn that mind link!

Jimin: 'You controlled water?'

'Well a glass filled with it. I'm not was after I woke up and everything...I might have been seeing things.'

Jimin: 'Or not.'

I nod.

Jimin: 'I started training, so maybe you can come with me to 'observe' my training and see if it could apply to you as well.'

'That might be an idea. For now, I probably should let the pack know I am alive.'

Jimin nodded and flung his arms around my neck to draw me into a deep kiss. I happily obliged him and cupped his ass that was readily available for my hands. When we stepped back, I grinned.

'What was that for?'

Jimin: 'Because I can.'

'Yes...yes you can.' He laughed and stood there as I changed my clothes. Usually he would shy away, but he watched me openly. I raised an eyebrow.

Jimin: 'Who do you think changed you every day and gave you sponge bathes?'

He crossed his arms and I laughed. "I missed way too much when I was sleeping. I need to check in with Doc Evi first. Did you want to come with me?'

I saw the hesitation and knew what the cause was. Jimin, if given the chance, would stay as far away from the doctor as possible. I still didn't know the reason, but I couldn't blame him.

On the other hand, bonded mates really wanted to be with each other all the time if given the chance. He shook his head, but still look like he was doing so reluctantly.

Jimin: 'I'll go see everyone downstairs. They should be having their evening meeting, so I will let Linda know you are up.'

I nodded.

I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss as I stroked his cheek. 'I'll know where you are, so will let you know when I am done. This mind link should have quite a large range, so just let me know anything you want. I am here.'


I slammed open the door and stomped inside. The doctor jumped at my sudden appearance.

Evi: 'Alpha! You are awake!'

Doc Evi spung to action and met me halfway across the room, sticking a thermometer into my mouth and taking my pulse before I had a chance to even say hi. I settled into the closest chair. After the preliminary exam and the consensus that I was doing alright now, Doc eyd me appraisingly.

'He is gone.'

Evi: 'Who?'


Evi: 'What? What do you mean gone? How did you lose your wolf?'

'You tell me. He is there but in a tightly curled up ball and not speaking at all. I tried shifting on the way here and I can't even feel him enough to call it forth.'

Evi: 'Interesting...'

'You know I absolutely hate when you use that word. I am not some experiment. This is dire! The Alpha cannot lose their wolf! I am a werewolf by Goddess sake!'

Evi nodded and stared at me. 'You obviously haven't lost your alpha energy...'

'No but it seems Jimin has gained some.'

Evi: 'Yes. I saw that. It is really interesting...'

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 'What are we going to do about Minjun?'

Evi: 'I don't think he is gone. He seems to be acting like Skye did before Jimin joined us. I think you just need to let him have time to adjust to the new blood.'

'Yeah...Jimin was saying that I now have Fae blood from the marking? How long before it is out of my system?'

Doc Evi turned away and shuffled papers. I didn't like the fact that the doc didn't want to face me. Was there something wrong?

'What is it?'

Evi: 'I have been taking samples daily and it looks like the mixture is not lessening.'

'What does that mean? Have I lost Minjun because of this?' I could feel the panic begin to rise in me. My wolf was my soul, Minjun was 'me'. Without him, how could I be the Alpha. If Jung Joon knew this it would have just been easier to leave us alone.

I doubled over and in my mind I heard Jimin regretting the bond. I had to respond...

Mindlink: No, baby. I didn't mean it that way... you know I am a hothead. We can discuss Minjun later.

I sent him the feeling I had when he was sitting on my lap, my hands on his thighs... then I tried to block him out. The last thing I wanted was Jimin to feel like he was the cause of my downfall.

Evi: '...It means that the amount of Fae in your system is not changing. If anything, it has somehow become part of your makeup rather than being overwhelmed by the werewolf blood. As far as Minjun, he was not born as a hybrid, so this is as new to him as it was for you. Let's keep him under observation for a few more days.'

I nod. I really didn't like the answer, but I had no other choice.

Evi: 'Have you experienced any manifestations of powers? Anything out of the ordinary?'

'Not yet' I lied.

Evi: 'Well you just woke, so let me know if anything comes up. Jimin has started training so he will be a good help if anything shows itself. It might be that you just acquire recessive abilities since you were not born this way.'


The pack filed out after the meeting and I slipped in, trying to capture Linda's attention. Faith was next to her and poked the beta, getting a stern look as a result, but ignored it as she pointed to me. Linda's facial expression changed the moment she saw me.

Linda: 'Is he?'

I nodded. 'He's up but not one hundred percent.'

Pack member walked past me, nodding, and murmuring that they were happy to see me up and feeling better. I blushed. I had been lying and saying that I was spending time in my rooms because I wasn't feeling well after the bonding. It was better that everyone sees me as weak rather than Jungkook.

It was a small price to pay considering it allowed me the excuse to spend my days curled around Jungkook while he recuperated. I would never give up that decision...never.

'I think that Doc Evi might have the details.'

Linda: 'Okay, Luna. I will go and check on that.'

I nodded. Linda knew the meaning behind my words. I watched her go and made my way to the gardens. Jungkook would surely know where I was, the same way I could locate him right now, and I needed to feel the plants.

Jungkook was missing Minjun and that fact was devastating me. I knew first-hand how it felt to have your wolf ignore you. It was a painful experience and I was still new to this whole world. I couldn't imagine how it felt to lose your wolf after being close after years!

I needed to get outside. I needed fresh air...


It was dusk and with the impending night I happily wandered the paths, taking in the crisp air and the joy of the growth. Besides next to Jungkook, I really only felt at peace here. My hocks rose at the chill that ran up my back. I turned to the right and stared into the black of the woods.

There was no scent and no sounds, but I could tell he was near. It suddenly move to my right and I took the three steps needed, my hand formed into a savage claw reached out to grab his neck.

The air shifted and a soft mist formed. Jiwoon stepped from it and right into my outstretched hand, his eyes wide in surprise. I hit him hard with my energy and watched as his body went limp in submission, allowing me to hold him up by my hand clutching his chin.

'Hello Jiwoon.'

Jiwoon: 'Jimin.' His voice was small and shallow as he fought for breath. I released him and looked down at him kneeling before me. The awe in his face gave me a small thrill.

'Why are you here?'

Jiwoon (coughing slightly): 'I wish to talk.'


I always thought I would want to see him, but since the bonding I have very little patience and am wary of everyone and I mean everyone. The only person I don't feel that little hesitation in my chest is Jungkook.

Jiwoon: 'You have changed...'

I could feel his gaze land on the mark glowing in the faint lights coming from the palace. His eyes stayed there for a pause then slowly raised to my face and he looked into my eyes. He grinned.

Jiwoon: 'Your powers survived the bonding?'

'Yes, you said I would lose them but for some reason they feel closer to the surface.'

Skye: 'He is admiring you...honoring you.'

I could sense his submission so agreed with Skye.

Jiwoon nodded. He pointed to the spot in front of him. He had been bowing to me this entire time so I settled down and sat cross legged in front of him. Skye materialized next to me and laid his head on my thigh. I stuffed my hand into his thick fur and stroked him happily. He was a great comfort. At his presence Jiwoon's eyes widened slightly.

Jiwoon: 'Amazing...I heard rumors of mother being able to do that!'

I glanced at Skye. I really was not in the mood to reminisce nor talk about the woman that felt the need to abandon her kids in the wilds and with a horrible family. 'So what did you want to say?' My patience was not what it was before.

Jiwoon: 'You are the target of a conspiracy. There is a wolf in town looking to get others involved in kidnapping you.'

'You think that will happen? Even you who is able to materialize out of thin air cannot sneak up on me. I can smell Hani over there behind the tree...'

We look over and I concentrated. Soon there was gasps as Hani came out from behind the tree, gasping on her saliva. She fell to her knees and I let up immediately. It was not my desire to hurt Hani at all. I just didn't wish to be spied upon.

Hani: 'Sorry, Luna. I was sent to watch over you and be sure you were safe.'

I sighed. 'Run back and tell them we are fine. It is just my brother come for a family reunion.' I tried not to sound sarcastic. I watched Hani run back towards the palace after bowing deeply to both of us.

Jiwoon: 'Yes, you should be fine.'

'Feel free to dispatch the infidels or bring knowledge of their location back to me.'

Jiwoon nodded. 'They used to be part of the palace...'

'I know who you speak of and they were to be banished from our territory. So either they leave or they will be 'handled' and I am sure it is best that they leave.'

Jiwoon: 'You are different than you were when I watched you these past months.'

I nod. I can imagine all the ways I have changed and I must admit that I am enjoying the new sense of independence.

Jiwoon: 'Do you trust me?'

'No.' The simple word stunned him but I cannot lie, that much he knows which is why he asked the question. 'Can I trust you?'

Jiwoon: 'Yes.'

'What is it you are looking for by being here?'

Jiwoon: 'I want to be closer to you but still be free. Is that possible?'

I nod.

'Okay. Please find those two that mean me harm and I will make sure you are allowed freedom to live as you like within our territory.'

Jiwoon nodded and gifted me the first true smile I had seen on his face. It was lovely and heartwarming. In that instant, my chest constricted with joy at having him near...

...someone else like me.

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