Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky...

By missmatched123

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Zathe is convince that he has to avenged Seto's death. By doing that he will kill Sky and Midnight. But he ha... More

A Surprise Visit
Makeshift Poison
Author's Note- Update on some things
Author's Note- Sequel- Writer's Block
Talk Zytan
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
Author's Note- MUST READ!
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
The Best of them
Debt Paided
Author's Note- NEXT BOOK

Mind Games

650 27 10
By missmatched123

Song is Metamorphosis by Blue Stahli.

Seto's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Stone floor. I look around. I'm in a room chained to a wall. Zathe appears.

"Seto if you try to escape those chains won't like it." Zathe said. I look at the ground. I wasn't going to try.

"How could you?"

"What?" Zathe asks.

"What are you going to do? You can't use it." Zathe puts his hand under my chin and lefts it up so I see him.

"I will. Sky will get what he deserves." Zathe said.

"But he doesn't deserve it."

"What changed you?" Zathe asks.

"Dying did."

"I took you in." Zathe said. But he also lied to me.

"But you also lied to me."

"Makeshift Poison is something I would have never thought of. Your still useful. Actually your not anymore. You have served your purpose for me." Zathe said. So I was a pawn? Zathe stands up. .

"So I was another one of your pawns?"

"Yes you were. When you woke up, you didn't even try to run and we did nothing to you. You had your memories. But why didn't you run? I took you cause of who you really are." Zathe said. No.

"That's not me."

"I doubt it Seto. This is someone that was made for you to hide the real you. It might not makes sense Seto it will soon. That girl Midnight, I'll have to repair the damage she did to your mind." Zathe said. She damaged nothing. If anything she help me.

"But of course that would require dieing all over again. A third time." Zathe said. A third time?


"Right second time. The other time you don't remember." Zathe said. He pulls out his sword. I feel the blade go on my neck.

"I'm only asking this once, are you going to join us or that army?" Zathe asks. Army. I look at him.

"If you want to kill me so bad Zathe. Do it." Zathe lowers the sword. He looks at me intently. He puts the sword in my leg. I grit my teeth. He grabs me by my neck and slams me into the wall. He pulls me to my feet.

"Seto you never seem to understand anything." Zathe said. I try to push him off of me. But I can't for some reason.

"Those chains take away not only your magic, but your strength too. Try to escape and it will hurt you like nothing before." Zathe said.

"What is so important about me to you?"

"Your parents were getting into something they shouldn't have. They were going to involve you in it. They were evil and would have changed you too. But I saved you, you ungrateful brat. Did I ever get a thanks? No not one from you. I was too late to get you out of that spell your parents did to you, but you will never change from what your suppose to be." Zathe said. That's not true. He lets go of me and pulls his sword out of me. I sink to the ground.

"I'm doing everyone a favor by keeping you locked up here. You can't hurt anyone. Once Midnight got your memories back I knew that you would be unstable. But I don't know what that spell did to you and I know what it's suppose to turn you into. I took your memories cause you wouldn't change into that. But now that you have them back, you will. I can't save you from yourself Seto. It's too late for you to survive." Zathe said. HE's a liar. I stand up. I put my hand on the wall.

"Your a liar."

"I'm not lieing. You have always been a pawn in everyone's game. Especially your parents and Sky. I was only trying to help. But your a loss cause Seto." Zathe said. He's lieing. They wouldn't do that to me. I look at the ground.

"No, no your wrong."

"I'm right Seto. But one spell I think can save you. I'll need sacrifices. Villages." Zathe said. I look at him. I grab a fist full of his shirt.

"Leave them out of this. They don't deserve it. If I'm such a lost cause then give up on me and leave me to die again."

"I can't allow that. Unlike everyone I'm not leaving you to die." Zathe said. He puts something in my hand. He disappears. I stand there. I'm in a dungeon. I look at the bars. I'm the only one here and still have those chains. He can't be serious. No my parents wouldn't have done that to me. Sky wouldn't abandon me. He didn't use me. But what if he's right? I go on the wall and sink to the floor. I look at what Zathe gave me. It starts glowing. The dungeon disappears. This looks like the base. I stand up. I look around. Someone walks through me. What the?

"Midnight wait up." Someone said. Midnight! I walk to her. It's Jason.

"Hey Jason." Midnight said. She stops.

"You okay now?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, I'm over Seto. Who needs him?" Midnight asks. W-What? No.

"No one. He was just our little puppet. Sky said it himself that he was useful. But dieing was not suppose to happen. So no one needs him. He's a waste of space." Jason said. My eyes widen.

"Exactly. Everyone is saying that." Midnight said. They disappear. I'm back in the dungeons. Zathe appears.

"See. That was the truth." Zathe said. I look at the ground. That can't be true. But why does it feel like it was?

"I try to tell you, but you wouldn't listen to me. Seto the real you is someone made you in a lab. Your not a real person. Your just an experiment." Zathe said. He disappears. No, that's not true. It can't be. It feels true. I look at my hands. Being at the Sky Army was just someone using me this whole time. I'm not a experiment. I can't be. He's lying. A tear goes down my face. I was nothing more then a empty shell of nothing! I'm just a fail experiment pitch to die cause I failed at what I'm suppose to do? I had always had my doubts, but this is something I can't believe. Someone appears in the cell next to me.

"Seto is that you?" Someone asks. I don't move. Zathe is lying. He has to be lying. He's not lying. What? But he has to be. It doesn't make any sense. It will in time. But I want to know now. All you need to know is what Zathe is saying is true about you. You were nothing more then a failed experiment when he found you. O my god.

"Seto what's wrong?" Someone asks. My eye looks at him. Robert. I look back at my hands.

"It doesn't make sense. None of it does."

"What did Zathe tell you?" Robert asks. If I'm a fail experiment, then why did I survive? Why am I so important?

"Seto." Robert said. I know sometimes I would like blurred out, it was like I would stop functioning. My eyes widen. It is true.

"Seto what did he tell you?" Robert asks. Them all. They knew. Did they and they never told me? Plus didn't you hear what Midnight said about you? Zathe was right. They just don't want you to go against them. Once they have you they'll kill you. But my memories. Sky put them there so you would never find out Seto. He locked your memories of that lab so you wouldn't hurt him.

"Seto." Someone said. I look up. People are here. Zathe appears.

"Zathe what did you tell Seto?" Robert asks.

"The truth and by the looks of him, he believes me." Zathe said.

"Seto whatever he told you is not true." Robert said.

"He knows it is." Zathe said.

"It's not true. He messed with your head." Robert said. Wait a second. I look at Robert. He looks worried. I look at Zathe. He smiles. Of course. How could I be so stupid?

"I think your losing Seto Robert. You'll have to try harder." Zathe said.

"It would help if I know what you told him." Robert said. He's acting. I look at the ground. I put my hands on the ground.

"Zathe your still good at doing mind games. It bad that you taught most of them to me and you trying to do one of those is a dumb move." The chains disappear.

"What? How?" Zathe asks. I look at him. I stand up.

"If you think your game is working it's not Zathe. I spent 4 years with you before I know your mind games."

"It's the truth." Zathe said.

"Sure it messed with my head a little. But knowing you Zathe you only care about yourself."

"How does that change anything?" Zathe asks. About that saving me stuff, not true.

"I knew once you open your mouth, you would be lying every word that came out of your mouth." Zathe walks towards me.

"I brought you back." Zathe said.


"I can put you back to how you were before." Zathe said. His eyes glow.

"I'll like to see you try."

"Have it your way Seto." Zathe said. I knew that experiment stuff was a load of lies. He shots something at me. I smile. It dissolves in mitt air.

"No way." Robert said.

"What?" Zathe asks. Everyone goes back home. I look at Zathe.

"How did you break those chains?" Zathe asks.

"I made them remember?"

"I forgot you did. You made a flaw in them didn't you?" Zathe asks.

"Yeah I did. Never thought I had to use it."

"I'm just wondering on what your plan is?" Zathe asks. Me too. I'm winging it actually.

"I actually believe your little act." Zathe said. I was acting the whole time. Well most of it.

"I'm wondering how long it took you to come up wth that lie."

"Not long. I thought you actually believe me. But it turns out your still my best student I taught magic to." Zathe said. That was years ago. I learned most magic form Zathe. I got to know him.

"That was your downfall, thinking that I would actually believe you forever. I have ot say that I actually did for a little bit. but once Robert showed up it made sense. Cause when he said you messed with my head, I remember your mind games you taught me. You find ways to mess with people's head making them believe that everyone is against them. You are still good at it. But it won't work on me. I know my place. It's not with you, it's with the Sky Army." Zathe still looks mad.

"Seto where do you think I have been? I found your little plan to kill Sky and put it in action. It's actually I good plan that could work." Zathe said. My eyes widen.

"How did you get the item you need though?"

"It wasn't that hard to get it. But of course once you get back to the base it will be too late for Sky." Zathe said. No. I have to get out of here.

"I don't believe you. That potion is extremely rare. I thought it won't work."

"I have ways. But how did you see through my lie?" Zathe asks.

"I knew once you started talking bad about Sky, something was up. Sky is not like that. He's a great guy. He has more then he wants. He doesn't take rewards or stuff like that. He doesn't use people. I may not remember my parents but even them would never do that to me."

"Clever and smart. That's why your best student I ever taught. Your clever, smart, strong, brave and no one can surpass your skills I have gave you. But how do I make more of my students like you? That got me thinking that I could use you for something. But then I heard you died, I couldn't allow that. So when came back. I let revenge blind me to why I brought you back. Then Midnight showed up. That girl that ruined everything. Who would have thought she would mess with your head? I mean seriously. I didn't know you had a girl. I thought you went solo like you always do." Zathe said.

"I use to go solo. But the Sky Army taught me you can't do things alone. That you will always have someone to come help you even if you don't want them too."

"Sounds terrible. I could never teach you that. To work as a team. That was your only flaw. But why is it I can make you and not more like you?" Zathe asks.

"I'm one of a kind. Zathe what is your real reason here?"

"This world must pay for what they did." Zathe said.

"What did it do?"

"That's my own business." Zathe said. Wait Sky. I forgot. I teleport into the forest. I run towards the base.  

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