You're My Water Kami Rin...


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Love Story about Rin Matsuoka and Haruka Nanase I appreciated the story very much while writing, Hope you a... Еще

1. What's the Meaning of Life, Everyone
6 Kisumi tells a story: Rin and Ikuya's beef over Haru
7. Haru's Anger ☆ A Flashback
8. FaceTime sweet-cotton-cool
10. Belgian Chocolate 1st reunion Haru & Rin あい
1. BONUS Haru Rin Chat ☆ Iwatobi flashbacks
Bonus 2. Liquid Dream
Sirius and Orion
Chapter. 14 The Quest

3. Morning Glory & so much more

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3. Morning Glory                                                           April/May 2021

When Haru woke up, he opened his eyes immediately to face the one next to him who seems to be still asleep, breathing lightly. The room was lit by sun rays, beaming through the blue louvre. Haru watched Rin's face for some time, not moving, to not wake him up. Although he needed and wanted to make breakfast. Just than his stomach growled, pointing out the urgency for substantial food. Haru rose lightly up and left the room with soundless steps. It took him only few minutes to prepare tea, boil rice and scramble the five eggs he had in his empty fridge. He had to go to the grocery store urgently as there wasn't even bread left. Being quite hungry, he aimed to wake up Rin before he baked the eggs and the rice was ready cooked. As soon as he entered the warm bed, he was grabbed by heated, muscular arms and was held in a tide embrace. Kisses covering his head and face. For a while they looked at each other with grinning eyes. How did You sleep? - Haru asked, placing a kiss on Rin's lips. After the kiss has been greatly returned, he answered. Very well, like a new born. And you? Same. I've prepared breakfast. Just the fridge is empty so I had to improvise. Rin interrupted him with some more kisses. I'm starving, he said in a joyous manner.

Then peak some clothes, Haru pointed at his wardrobe. He wore just his swim shorts, the only supply he always had stored in his bathroom.

Thanks, no need. I have my things in the car, will run down and pick them. Rin massaged his face and head, stretching his body delightfully. Haru looked in wonder. You will be going naked? No way!

Rin laughed. No, of course not. I'll put my jeans and shirt on. He leaped enthusiastically. Haru stared at the perfect, naked body especially at Rin's manhood in his morning state. Rin looked fatal-handsome, sexy-handsome, and sweet beyond measure. Noticing Haru's bright eyes on him, Rin's heart burst with happiness.

Are the car keys in your jeans; Haru asked on his way downstairs to pick up the jeans. Nope, in my jacket. Rin heard him already going out and called after him, the Red Boxster... (as if)

When Haru returned, he placed Rin's black bag infront of the bed. Rin must have been in the bathroom he guessed. Haru went to the kitchen to bake the eggs. He made coffee for Rin and placed everything nicely on the table. Rin appeared in a cloud of fresh shower scent. May I help? Haru shook his head, placing a cup of coffee in Rin's hand. Thanks. It looks delicious and it smells delicious, he said, watching Haru with a bright expression. Haru kept his cool because he was eager to eat. They sat apart staring at each other, eating quietly. Rin knew his friend's preferences too well. Haru valued a quiet eating.

Thanks. It's so delicious, yummy! - Rin exclaimed. Haru taught, Rin looked a bit nervous. What's on your mind, he asked. After some chewing Rin let out some confused words. I'm nervous. Just unsure if, or whether you want me to stay or do you have plans or what's for today? Rin exhaled deeply. Cause I've died to be here with you, Here and Now. This sounds Off may be, but I can't help It. I want to stay... His face paled, eyes hung gloomy.

What else would you want?! Haru asked in a low voice that gave Rin a cold chill. His eyes watered immediately. His typical vivid arrangement of emotions got him all mixed up. Haru noticed Rin's emotional havoc, especially the tearful eyes and spoke quickly to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding. Rin, It's fine by me. How long will you be able to stay, anyway? Haru looked away as he spoke, his voice nearly relaxed and sincere.

Rin answered eagerly, though he spoke more slowly than usual, mastering his emotions. I have five free days left. Afterwards I'm flying to Sydney and ... we'll see each other again in about two weeks at the National Swimming Team training. Haru turned to look at him, making a strange face. Two weeks... he said. Rin sighed. Let's not talk about separation now. What do you want to do today? That car is so fast! I want to take you out like on a date? Let's cruise and eat somewhere and do grocery afterwards... Rin sounded joyful, excited. Haru smiled. I had a plan to go hiking, there is an interesting waterfall I saw, when I was little. I feel like going there. There's also a shrine of a Water Kami. Rin's eyes brightened even more. Yeah, let's do this! And let us eat somewhere too. He took a sip of his coffee cup. I just wish to do good things for you. To make you feel happy, to give you pleasure. I've suppressed those feelings far too long.

Rin, Stop!

Rin heard the uneasy tone in Haru's words. Again, Haru had turned his face away; He needed a pause, taking some breaths, before he opened up. I'm glad you're here! He looked at Rin intensely. Rin knew Haru didn't like to speak feelings out. It has always been like this. He nodded with a sweet smile and picked up his bowl to finish his meal. Haru watched him. His eyes went on Rin's shirt. It was white, looked new and had a print at the level of his chest: PLEASURES, in bright pink letters. Rin noticed Haru's bemused sight. What? He looked down on him. Was something off with his clothes?

Pleasures, Haru said. Rin laughed laud. Ay. It's the label, turning around and presenting the backside – FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT – in bright pink letters, all over his backside. I liked this and just bought it online.

It's cool. It suits your hair color, Haru commented. You do wear cool clothes!  I've always liked your style! Rin was amazed by Haru's honesty. He took his shirt off, placing it neatly infront of Haru. I want you to have this. I've bought four shirts last week. Please. Moving his hand gallantly.

Me? - Haru felt astonishment but he liked the gesture very much. Thanks. I'll put it on after I shower.

Rin ate nodding and happily gazing. Haru couldn't help but stare at his lips for a while. He stared at Rin's glowing joyful face, his still wet hair, bond together but mostly at his lips. They seemed magnetically to him. Rin felt Haru's eyes on his lips, licking them, answering the look. He wasn't quite sure whether to move closer and touch Haru. Just than Haru stood up and walked away in a cool manner. Haru? Rin called after him. Shower ... The answer came from upstairs.

When Haru entered his room, he found the T-shirt Rin had given him, neatly placed on the tidily made bed. He put on his cool CK briefs, light blue shorts made of light canvas and the new shirt and went to look for Rin's opinion. Rin had cleaned the dishes. Everything was placed in order. He was standing on the patio dressed in a melon red colored T-shirt, his light-blue, ripped Jeans, bare feet, letting the sun warm his chilled face. Hearing Haru's light steps he turned to face him. His eyes widened. At that moment Haru's eyes widened too. Rin went towards him. Woah! Ooooh, I love your look. He stopped in front of Haru.

You're the sexy one! Haru said. Both grinned at each other. 

To me you are a godly being who's entered me since I met you. Rin looked down saying this, only to find his bravery and look into the most beautiful eyes. Haru remained silent. After a moment his lips covered Rin's. It is Haru's way to answer feelings, by action. They kissed long and deep, their bodies started bonfires easily. Rin whispered something in Haru's ear, making him step aside. I'm sorry for This...

No. Don't be. I have to get used to it. Besides we both know pain.

Not that much, Haru replied. Let's go upstairs. He pulled Rin's hand.

They fell on the bed in wild kisses, undressing easily what they had just put on. Rin created the action as he had a wish and a vision, which he wanted to generate. Haru exploded in a very short while, as he was loaded with pleasure all the time since he woke up, or since he discovered the meaning of pleasure. Unexpectedly Rin swallowed what was in his mouth, making Haru cover his face, letting out a deep sound and a sigh. Rin laid next to Haru kissing Haru's shoulder, resting for a moment. How about going out now? -  he asked. Haru raised and moved before him, placing his legs between Rin's. Sure, he spoke sketchily. His hand reached out touching Rin's hair.

Rin's voice was louder than before as the windows were closed; he could let it out. It took him about the same time like Haru to explode in shaky waves, tossing his body around. Haru let his hair loose to not hurt him. This time he went to the bathroom to clean his mouth. When he returned, he laid next to Rin kissing his neck, shoving his face in Rin's soft hair, inhaling his scent over and over again. Rin smiled, looking like a saint.

Haru, let me drive first, then we switch? Make it half-half? How far is it by the way?

Sure, Haru nodded. It's an hour and twenty minutes, because of the mountain roads. Then we'll hike about one and a half hours. It's more like a walk through the woods.

It's quite warm, we should buy some water and protein bars, or some bread, Rin suggested. Yes, of course, Haru replied. Soon after they left the house. Walking down the stony steps both of them glanced over to Makoto's house but turned quickly away. Makoto knows; - Haru said.

I know. I met him on these steps yesterday, Rin confirmed. Sounding matter-of-factly both nodded. Souske knows too. When I lost it, he came to the medical center to pick me up and I couldn't hold my crazy. I'm sorry.

It's fine by me, - Haru said in his calm manner.

You know what... Souske told me, he had felt my crush on you for an eternity. He wasn't that happy about the situation, but he gave me strength and calmed me down. He even said, you must be confused too. And he believed, you would care for me and like me. Haru nodded. Rin laughed. I have to text him later.

We should text them both. Makoto deserves a fair treat. He's my best friend. There won't be a change, Haru said calmly.

I know. Sometimes I was jealous, but I sensed Makoto's friendship was a friendship. Like Souske's to me. I know of Souske's type of women and the girls he's been with. He discloses his adventures to me and I – yeah, just listen. What else can I do? Rin opened up. Haru looked at him with astonishment. He's adventuring with girls?! - He asked.

Yo, Rin shrugged his shoulders. We are the only two who aren't, I believe. Haru gave him a look. Makoto would have told me, he demanded.

They stood before the red Boxster. Haru's attention went on the sports car. Rin started the engine for the full automatically procedure of transforming the ceiling into a cabriolet, lecturing about the car. Haru began to examine the details. Rin put on the most suitable and sexy sunglasses of the most actual Designer, and offered Haru another pair of his, some Ray Ban Wayfarer classic sunglasses. Haru agreed to. He looked sexy chilled too, yet he couldn't even guess how much sexiness he was radiating.

When the car was ready, they saw a figure appearing on the other side of the street, who just came down the stony stairs. It was Makoto. They weren't willing to linger or have that conversation now and Rin drove away. Let's text him soon, he said. Haru nodded. The sound of the motor roared around and made people turn their heads and look at them. Rin was a bit too fast as usual. Haru loved the air around his face and body, the sound of the car embedded in the wholeness of the situation. Though somehow, he appeared thoughtful. Rin captured his mood and asked him about. Haru kept his cool: I'm thinking, you've mentioned - Souske had adventures with girls, then, what about you?

Rin blushed as he gasped loudly: Whoa! You are my first time! He said defensively. Haru watched him intensely. There was something not quite truthful he could sense it. Rin took a breath. Yes! You are! But ... I had a date with a girl, once. It's more than one and a half year ago. When I went to Australia, after finishing school, I was so lonely! Most of all, I was so exhausted from fighting against my desires to have you, which had already built up like a bomb, of many years of suppression. Rin spoke very fast. So, I thought, I may look for a way to get you out of my system. So, I went out with a girl from there. She was nice. Rin laughed. It was so embarrassing. Haru froze next to him. I don't want to hear that!

No, please let me finish. Cause, this is how I found out that it was pointless to try to ... put you aside. So, I gave up on this and decided to make a move when the time is right. Toward you. Even if...

Did you sleep with her? - Haru asked calm.

No! I learned something about kissing. That's all. Sigh! I tried to be somewhat gentle, but like after a minute or so, I noticed - her eyes color ... blue! Not as beautiful as yours, but blue. I went crazy. Really, my insides felt sick and I left. I didn't touch her, she touched me more daring, while we kissed. That's all. I mean, we went out, had some food and I haven't even noticed her eyes color, or cared to look into her face or whatever... I felt nothing when kissing. The consequence of this Crazy was: I cried for a week over my destiny, every night and every morning, and even prayed for divine help, I would want to be turned to a woman to be with you. Tears ran down Rin's face. Haru placed his hand on Rin's leg. Openly relieved. Rin ignored his tears and remained silent.

Rin. I may be jealous. Every time I've witnessed how everyone surrounded you and you are so magnetic, my insides hurt. I have to stood apart. To me, it has been like that for 6 fucking years, Haru imitated Rin's words. After some pause, he continued. I was lonely too, but it took me longer than you, to admit to myself how truly I have been missing you. Sometimes, when you said things or looked to me in a certain way, I felt... something. Few times I tried to show you my feelings, but I'm poor at that so, you didn't notice. That's how it looked for me. And I was scared you'll come up with a girl from Sydney one day. I really was. It was easier to keep my distance from you.

It was for me too, Rin said. And. I'm jealous too. Everyone is admiring you, openly, they all want to swim like you, imitating your freestyle. Rin shook his head. This is how it looked to me: Haru could chose whomever he wanted. I was jealous of someone particular.

Rin, No reason! There's no one! -  Haru looked at him for some time.

Rin grinned again, looking a bit ashamed. They sat in silence, observing the changing surroundings. The road lead through a variation of fields, continuing towards the lushed green peaks. The wind caressed their bodies and faces. Rin's tears dried up. He pulled the car aside. It's your turn now. Haru nodded. After changing seats, they bent over towards one another kissing intensely. I learned kissing from you, Haru said. I learned, Real kissing from you, Rin replied and sighed. However, you are my first and I hope this will never change. But if Souske dares to come for my sister I might end him and go to jail. Stop me please. Haru smiled. May be Makoto will come for her, and Rei and Nagissa, or an army of heated idiots. I'll stop you. But. You have to let her make her own decisions.

Yeah, Rin sighed. I will, but if an idiot appears I will not! Haru, she may have noticed my crazy about you. And also. Sometimes I worried you may fall for her. This would have freaked me out. You've spent so much time together; I was spacing out sometimes. What a relief, she kept her sweet talk about muscles and bodies of countless men, all the time. Otherwise. Haru closed his mouth, kissing him intensely, touching his hair.

Rin. Let's leave the speculation and the past out. We're here now. We need to find a way for us to keep us safe and to not lose our rank in the national team. I mean, it is important for us both. I could be without this however, but you will suffer greatly. Let's talk about this properly and make a plan.

You're right. I wanted to say the same, Rin commented. Haru started the engine looking excited. He liked the driving immediately and drove a bit faster than he would normally do. Since he, himself rented such a car from time to time, he was thrilled again to cruise around. Though, it was huge fun, it couldn't be compared with what they did with their bodies. There wasn't such comparison in the world, except for swimming freestyle.

Later when they were on the paths of the green forests, Rin said out of the blue: Haru, losing a status and position in the national team would make me suffer greatly. However, loosing you, or being apart from you, will kill me. Haru stopped and stared. Rin grabbed his hand. Let's go find your waterfall. Maybe we could cool up ourselves in the waters. They ran off. Covered all in sweat and dust from the paths and the drive, finally they reached the beautiful waterfall. All the way while running, they'd hold hands. Passing by some people, it doesn't concern them. They wanted to stay close to one another. Connected.

Rin admired the natural beauty of the waterfall. Haru gazed in a daze. His eyes moved between the waterfall and Rin. In a moment Haru spoke: You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere. Tears filled up once again Rin's eyes. Haru squeezed his hand. Some people were standing on the other side of the waterfall basin. Kissing wasn't an option. It would have been if they were a couple of two genders like most of the people. Still Haru stood close to Rin so their bodies glued on the sides. The waterfall was about five to ten meters high. It poured down in strong ways, sounding majestically even If it wasn't that big, its water shimmered rainbow colored, on the spots where the sun rays touched the streams. Both they squeezed hands while admiring the beauty of nature. The edges of the basin were covered with leaves from the surrounding trees. Everything apart from the waterfall bloomed in all shades of lush, vivid green. They discussed, whether to jump into the waters. As some more people appeared, they decided to sit on a large, light stone, quite near to the falling waters. The moisture floating around in proximity of the waterfall got them all covered up and refreshed. I would like to be with you under these waters, Haru spoke first. Rin nodded. We may wait till It's dark or come back some time, when it's not so frequented. What do you wish? Haru looked away: To swim with You, he answered. Rin smiled. Let's go to the sea tomorrow or to Iwatobi S.C.? Though, this may be too daring. I might be too emotional and give us away. The sea would be better. Or you go alone. Rin let his thoughts on the subject pour out. The sea than, Haru said. We have to... Rin stopped himself from talking further, eyes full with amusement. Haru narrowed his eyes. Say it. Rin shook his head. They teased around till Rin burst out in laughter. The salt waters will burn my ass if we have our pleasures tonight, which I strongly prefer. He lost himself in laughter.

Haru covered his face. Won't touch you.

Rin stopped laughing. No, please! I'm bearing the pain, I'm bearing the pain, please...  please... DO ME, when we're home. He has even stopped breathing. Haru still covering his face, shook his head.

Stop. Stop it or I'll leave. Rin inhaled, making efforts to calm down. I'm sorry. I'm a Baka. It's just: I'm so happy. I've discovered I could endure without swimming for some days, but not without sleeping with you. Stop, now! - Haru's voice sounded hoarse.

I'm sorry.


Please do me when we're home. Haru stood up turning away to leave. Rin shoot up grabbing his hand. I'm sorry. He said with the calmest face he could manage, which was already an Olympic achievement. Haru looked at him. Rin, Stop apologizing! Rin rose his arms like surrendering. Haru eyed him. I'm not mad. Your words and your aura ... you turn me on! It's too daring. We're not alone. He went down the road. Rin walked next to him. He wanted to mention the water kami shrine but, didn't dare, instead he dwelled in his happiness, cherishing Haru's words, basking in his blissful senses.

A nicely decorated, small restaurant, named Yattsu 八つ 8, caught their sight as they crossed the surroundings close to Iwatobi. It happened to be rated with 5 stars by random customers on google, ran by a young couple. Haru and Rin liked a little blue wooden table in the outside area. The whole interior design, conveyed an Italian flair. They sat amidst a green garden, blooming summer flowers, fenced by pink bougainvillea bushes, almost matching the pink skies, as the sun had already been setting. The card offered only few variations of food and promised exquisite and delicious freshness. Luckily, they hit Haru's taste. Rin ate the same as Haru. Grilled mackerel with salad, potatoes, rice and summer vegetables. Rin conversed in his typical friendly manners to the woman who recommended and served the food. Her husband was the cook, since Rin and Haru were the only two guests, beside some others, who sat inside and who had finished their meal, he also came out to chat, asking them about the flavors of his creations. Further they talked very openly about how they escaped the crowded cities to start a business and a family sometimes after. Both were engineers, who met at the university and married only after a month despite the protests of their families. After graduating the university, they went together on some projects to Italy, Germany and the USA. This is how they put their favorite foreign dishes together, mixed up with some Japanese style food, integrating the change of seasons. All together it was worth the price it had. Rin was deeply impressed. The food was very delicious, the interior furnishing and arrangement expressed the Feng Shui. The owner lady added an impressive yellow candle on their table, when burning down, it's wax shaped like flower leaves. Rin and Haru were dazed and satisfied and decided to come back some time. Rin eyed Haru with a sparkling  gaze. What's going on in your head? Haru asked.

I imagined when we're done and had won every gold medal, this may be something you will fill good about. Am I wrong? Haru thought a while. It sounds quite Good to me, as long as I am free to swim.

We could make it work, I believe, Rin exclaimed. Haru felt his joy. You'll be the waiter, I'm the better cook anyway and you're the handsome one, Haru sounded earnestly. Rin laughed. If you would look at yourself with my heart, Haru, you'll see who's the handsome one.

It's you, Haru declared. No! Rin countered. Yes! It's you!

Their knees touched under the table.

You're the one on the Cover of the magazine. However, this round is on me. - Rin declared.

No way! You said I'm the Male part, I'm paying. Rin's mouth dropped open: ahem, Fifty-fifty?

No! Be good!

Fine. Next time it's my turn. Haru nodded.

It's settled than. We have a plan what to do later in our lives. I'm satisfied, Rin spoke full of joy. Haru looked at him. Rin looked back smiling all over his face. Let's text Souske and Makoto. He took his smartphone, texted and showed Haru. It's good, Haru nodded. Before they left, they talked again to the owner, exchanging openly further thoughts on quality foods and careers.

Once again Rin seemed thoughtful. Haru wanted to start the engine but waited for Rin to say what's up with him. Rin noticed. I'm happy, I'm just thinking, they said, they wanted to start a family. This is great to me. We may have that opportunity sometime. Having Kids is a natural way. I know you're good at this. You took care of the Tachibana twins; you and Makoto have told often.

Haru widened his eyes. Rin... how?! I can't give a thought on this. It's too far off. Rin placed a sweet kiss on his neck. I mean, let's see what the future brings. Maybe Gou will have some in ten years or so, we could be the second family. Haru shook his head. He gave a thought to Rin's intentions. Rin. Are you sure you're not;

Rin interrupted immediately. I am! Haru, Don't! Now Rin sounded distinctly serious. A clear masculine power defined his aura. Haru felt the energy. Rin looked in Haru's eyes, piercing him genuinely, keeping his gaze occupied, speaking in solemn and gentle manner.

I love you with my heart and my soul! This, will never change!

Haru closed his eyes, to stop his tears from falling. Shortly he started the loud engine. Driving calmed him down. Rin knew Haru wouldn't answer. He may show his love with a meaningful action instead of words.

When they entered the town, Haru drove not to the huge grocery market, but on some familiar routes straight to their elementary school. Without a word he led Rin follow him. The sun had set. Street lights shone on the grounds of the school. They jumped over the fences walking to the side yard. There they stood under that green tree of their first commitment. Stillness surrounding them. No soul in sight. Even the birds were asleep. Facing each other they embraced tightly and kissed long to their hearts content. Making some steps while kissing, leaning on their tree.

Rin's eyes were tearful, when he started to light up the side board with his smartphone, where he had written: For the Team; and Haru had written: Free. Of course, after seven years, they were weathered to paleness. Even so, the meaning lingered: on the stones, between the branches of the old, majestic tree and most-deeply, in their hearts. Now, he was there with Haru, teamed up in a new way, their bond had deepened, in an exquisite and powerful way:

with Love.

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