Batman: Shadow Of XANA

By BillMclaughlinJr

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When XANA launches an attack on Gotham City, Batman begins an investigation onto XANA. His investigation take... More

Chapter One - Attack On Gotham
Chapter Two - Collision Course
Chapter Three - The Factory
Chapter Four - Questions & Answers
Chapter Five - Comparing Notes
Chapter Seven - Assault On Kadic Academy
Chapter Eight - Assault On Lyoko
Chapter Nine - Desperate Times
Chapter Ten - The Dark Knight Of Lyoko
Chapter Eleven - Aftermath

Chapter Six - XANA Strikes

120 4 0
By BillMclaughlinJr

As Batman works with the Lyoko Warriors to try and locate the Ion Cortex, Jeremy and Aelita monitor Lyoko in search for any Activated Towers. Soon enough, a signal was picked up. 

Aelita: Jeremy, XANA's activated a Tower! 

Batman: So XANA's making it's move?

Jeremy: That's correct. When XANA activates a Tower, it uses it's connection to the real world to launch an attack. Given the information about Ion Cortex, XANA may be trying to activate the Ion Cortex. 

Odd: Uh, guys? You might want to want to look at this?

Everyone including Batman gathers around Odd who plays news footage on his phone. In the footage, several of Batman's villains are seen attacking Paris. On instinct, Batman accesses security footage of Arkham Asylum where he sees the villains attacking Paris still in their cells. 

Ulrich: Great. First we have XANA to deal with and now we're dealing with super villains!

Batman: It's not them. They're all still locked up in Arkham Asylum. 

Jeremy: Then we're dealing with polymorphic spectres. XANA must've figured out that you were involved so it created spectres of your various villains. 

Batman soon became troubled as the spectres fought exactly like his villains. This would make fighting them more difficult as they wouldn't have the same exploitable weaknesses as his villains had. In light of this threat, Batman contacts Oracle. 

Batman: Oracle, XANA has launched an attack on Paris. He's created spectres of several of my villains. Have you located the Ion Cortex?

Oracle(Communicator): I'm seeing a couple of high energy spikes all across the city. XANA must be trying to throw us off the trail, but it won't me long to pinpoint the Ion Cortex's location. I also finished the program you requested. Just let me know when you're ready to launch. 

As Batman begins to formulate a plan, the Lyoko Warriors notices something in the villain's route. As the cameras continue to roll, they notice the villains approaching Kadic Academy. 

Jeremy: Oh no! They're approaching Kadic Academy! 

Yumi: My brother's at Kadic!

Ulrich: Great. XANA's throwing all the stops at us. We better get to Lyoko and deactivate the Tower. 

Batman: I'll deal with the spectres. 

Aelita: What about the Ion Cortex?

Batman: Oracle is working on locating the Ion Cortex. XANA's trying to throw her off the trail, but it won't work. 

Jeremy: Then we all know what to do. Batman will deal with the spectres and the Ion Cortex while the rest of us focus on deactivating the Tower. 

As the Lyoko Warriors got in the elevator to get to the Scanner Rooms, Batman hands Jeremy a communicator. 

Batman: Take this. This will allow us to maintain contact. 

Jeremy: Got it. When you fight XANA's spectres, be careful. They're extremely dangerous. 

Batman: Understood. 

Jeremy: Good luck out there, Batman. 

Batman nods to Jeremy as he exits the Factory. Soon enough, the Lyoko Warriors reached the Scanner Room. As they got in the Scanners, Jeremy virtualized them onto Lyoko. When the virtualization was complete, they were loaded onto the Mountain Sector. 

Aelita: We're in the Mountain Sector, Jeremy. 

Jeremy(Voice): The Tower isn't too far away from your position. The quickest way to the Tower is through the Labyrinth directly ahead of you. 

Odd: It's a shame Batman can join in on the fun! I'm sure he'd be real handy in fighting XANA's monsters!

Jeremy(Voice): We're lucky Batman showed up when he did. If he didn't, things would be even more complicated for us. Let's just hope things go smoothly. 

Yumi: Then there's no time to waste! Let's get to that Tower!

With that, the Lyoko Warriors began navigating through the Labyrinth to get to the Activated Tower quickly. Meanwhile, the spectres of Batman's villains were wrecking havoc across Paris. Law enforcement were helpless to halt the advance of the villains. 

Police Officer: Stop right where you are!

As the police officers attempt to halt the advancing villains, the villains prove too much for them to handle. As chaos grips the city, Batman stands above a rooftop. As he formulates a plan, Oracle contacts him.

Oracle(Communicator): Batman, I managed to pinpoint the Ion Cortex's location. It's at a chemical factory south of the Factory. I'm detecting a large energy source. 

As Oracle informs Batman of this, he notices that the villains split up. A group consisted of Bane, Killer Croc, Scarecrow and Poison Ivy converge on Kadic Academy while another group consisted of Joker, Mr. Freeze, Riddler, Catwoman and several others moving away from Kadic. 

Batman: Oracle, the spectres have split up. A small group is is heading towards Kadic Academy. 

Oracle(Communicator): XANA must be trying to lure you out into the open. 

Batman: Or maybe trying to divide up the others. It won't be long until XANA finds out they're all on Lyoko. 

Oracle(Communicator): What's your next step?

As Oracle said that, Batman took a moment to think on his approach. While he could focus on making sure XANA's spectres don't get their hands on the Ion Cortex, he'd be putting the lives at Kadic Academy in danger.

Batman: I'm going to Kadic Academy. I won't let any innocent people get hurt. Keep me updated on the Ion Cortex. 

Oracle(Communicator): I'll keep you posted. Let me know if you need anything. 

With that, Batman prepared himself to deal with the spectres preparing to attack Kadic Academy. In that moment, XANA had struck. It would be a two pronged attack with the Lyoko Warriors fighting in Lyoko and Batman fighting the spectres in Paris as well as search for the Ion Cortex.

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