
By griki0936

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They made the perfect duo, but what's going to happen when they get officially involved with another powerful... More

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 - 𝐊𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐱 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐳

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 - 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢

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By griki0936

Kalix's Pov

I picked up my phone. Now being fully awake.

'Ezra Aldaine' would like to facetime

Actually, I haven't talked to Ezra in a while even if he is my best friend. It was spring break and we had both been focusing on our own things. Along with trying to graduate high school. I knew my family was rich but growing up, but they tried their best to allow me to experience a "normal" life.

Which was how I ended up meeting Ezra. We both lived in Las Vegas and attended a typical public high school. Ezra wasn't rich. He was a pretty normal kid and his family was comfortable.

Seeing how I looked on my screen, I clicked the green button to accept the call. "hey! you look pretty tired. should i call at another time?" Ezra was probably one of the most respectful people that I have ever met in my life. My parents loved him.

"nah it's fine. how's everything?" I asked. "from what i've been hearing, I think I should be asking you that." We both laughed.

Ezra came over the other day and we hung out. He listened to the small plans I currently had for the next year. I also got to hear about his own plans. Unlike my parents, Ezra's were quite supportive and let him know that they would be happy with anything he wanted to do.

Since we were younger, Ezra always wanted to start a clothing brand and was into fashion. He always said it would just stay as a small business but recently, I think he wants to take it seriously. And after hearing his plans, he did.

Ezra's Pov

I watched Kalix get up and walk to his desk. Placing his phone where I assumed to be by his lamp. While he was doing that, I continued talking "yeah, so i've started finalizing a bunch of different designs and my website drop is going to be soon." We were both getting excited about this.

For my first release, I decided to keep it simple and minimal with a loungewear collection including hoodies, sweaters and sweatpants. The items came in a couple neutral and pastel colours and had the name "Meraki" on the right side of it as a little font.

Meraki is the name of my brand. I found the word one day while casually scrolling through some apps. I fell in love with it. It meant 'to do something with creativity or love; putting a piece of yourself into your work.'

Which is something I wanted my brand to reflect. It might not become some large, international scale brand. But with everything I created, I wanted a piece of myself to be shown. Even in the most subtle ways.

"oh, can you send some free clothes?" Kalix joked. "yeah, of course. you're gonna be one of the first to receive a pr package."

"I was joking but i will post about it." All I had right now was an instagram account with around 600 followers. I used it to post about random ideas, creating clothing and everything along that line. It was my space to express my creativity.

Now, my followers have been awaiting the website drop that I had been non stop posting about. I was grateful that my family, friends and most especially Kalix, were so supportive and continued to show love to the business.

Kalix and I finished up our talk and I heard about what happened before I called. I wasn't surprised since he always ranted about his family.

To be frank, I'd feel the same if I were in his shoes.

It was getting pretty late as the hour hand of my clock was reaching 12. I'd been working on more fashion designs for  Meraki and that's contributing to my irregular sleep schedule.

Originally, I wanted to keep fashion design as a hobby. Becoming a teen and growing up made me think otherwise. My plan now was to enroll into a fashion school and continue my studies.

I've been thinking of applying to schools in different states. Like California or New York. I wasn't willing to leave my family behind to a whole new country though. Although my passion was in fashion design, my happiness also came from my family.

I'm excited to see where this road takes me.

Author's note:
guys i just wanna skip to the more interesting parts AH.

word count: 744

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