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March 2014, New York City

"Finally school's over!" 14 year old Aria shouted. "Yeah, i'm so hungry." replied Vera.

The two were best friends since birth as their parents were good friends. Usually they would get picked up after school but today, they felt like walking.

"Ver?" Aria stopped walking for a minute and stared at the girl with black hair and honey brown eyes.

"Hmm?" Vera stopped but wasn't alarmed with Aria's actions as this was how she usually was. "I know lately you've been into modelling and starting to really get into it..."

It was true. Vera picked up modelling from her surroundings and became interested in it. Her parents decided to let her try it out.

She was also extremely beautiful. With simple features like long flowing dark brown hair and striking golden eyes that felt like rays of the afternoon sunlight. Even with those simple features, there was something about her. Although she was only 14, she was beautiful inside and out.

Of course this was no different with Aria. She was also beautiful. The two had similar personalities but still had their differences. Instead, Aria had jet black hair with deep dark chocolate eyes.

"..So I wanted to finally let you know what I've been wanting to do." Vera had a little smile growing on her face.

Lately, Aria had been wanting to try new things. She'd gotten a start to it but was hiding it from Vera. Vera didn't mind but she'd been a little curious as to what it was since her best friend had many interests.

"Okay, what is it?" The pair continued walking. "Photography!" Aria replied cheerfully. Vera blinked at her.

"Uhm girl, are you okay?" Vera replied "Yeah of course, but what made you pick that?"

The girls were near Aria's house now. Sometimes they would go to each other's houses after school since their parents didn't mind.

Both of the girls' families weren't extremely wealthy with mansions or private jets. But they were pretty well off.

"Actually I don't know, I guess I just realized that photography makes me see the world differently. I don't know what it is or if it's just all in my head but yeah I feel like it's something i'm genuinely interested in though." Aria shrugged.

As they entered Aria's house, the pair began talking more about their dreams of becoming a sought after model and famous photographer in the future.

Little did they know that their little high school fantasies would soon turn into a big, real life fantasy.

word count: 390

Last updated: Dec. 2020

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