Venom fanfiction

De RogueRapunzel

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Venom is intrigued by the assistant who was stuck on the night shifts in the same lab as him. This story wil... Mais

Chapter 2: Wounded
Chaoter 3: Sideways
Chapter 4: Change
Chapter 5: Curiosity

Chapter 1: Im ok

497 8 0
De RogueRapunzel

This ENTIRE book is a trigger warning..... suggestive content as well as scenarios of rape and sexual abuse occur in parts of this book...... This is your only warning I'm not going to label chapters for nsfw/ trigger warnings so you have been warned.
This book pulls from not only some of my personal experiences and mental health but a few others who have shared their stories..... the pain is very real so please if it makes you uncomfortable do not continue past this point.

Aurora woke up to her alarm blaring..... "ok, ok im up." She swung her hand to hit the snooze on her phone... "uuuggghhh I don't want to go to work.... I really hope they change my schedule to nights soon, this insomnia is killing me." Aurora sat up in bed, her hair all over the place, shirt wrinkled upward exposing her tummy pouch and her shorts contorted. " My boyfriend is right, I am fat......" she grabbed her phone to see if she had any messages, sure enough one from her boyfriend Lenny.

Lenny: oh wow cool thanks ANOTHER sandwich for work this week..... that's the third time.... jesus I thought you knew how to cook.

She stared at the message for a moment, hurt and a little upset at herself  "he's right, im being lazy i guess i'll just cook something tonight....... I wish I could afford this apartment on my own then I could leave his ass... but I can't leave him, I have no friends here to protect me ....God only knows what he'd do if I dumped him.".... She set the phone down and stumbled to the shower. Aurora ran her fingers through her long hair that shifted from blonde to blue towards the ends. She ran her wash cloth along her body skimming across some bruises on her legs, flashbacks of last night hit her.

"LENNY NO LET ME GO!!! I don't want to have sex tonight!!"  The liquor lingered on his lips as he pinned her, closing the distance to her face....... Lenny let out a laugh and growled "I wasn't asking you, you bitch... now behave like a good girlfriend and give me that pussy." Tears ran down Aurora's face as she tried to fight him, keeping her legs closed as much as she could.... screaming at him and hitting  as best she could "LENNY..... PLEASE....STOP"...... Lenny gripped her thighs aggressively, yanking them apart...... Aurora let out a cry as he pulled the zip ties from his pocket and zip tied her hands before looping them to the bed (these weren't any zip ties they were the metal ones, The ones you can't break) He grabbed the duct tape from the night stand and tapped her mouth shut. He leaned in again, " you do what I tell you to do." Her tears flowed like rivers from her eyes as she realized she was losing the battle quickly.
Lenny pulled his pants down and then yanked Auroras off of her as she kicked and squirmed squealing at Lenny as best she could through the tape. Lenny dealt a punch to her hip sending pain then numbness down her leg in an effort to control her.

Lenny had had enough so he pulled a small bottle from his pants and poured the contents on his shirt before smothering her nose with it..... "thats it good girl go to sleep.... I don't want to bruise that pretty little face of have you put on weight....." his words faded as you passed out from the chemicals on his shirt.... she felt as he yanked her legs open and had his way with her. Thoughts raced through her head "thank goodness I can't really feel what's happening."

Auroras vision faded back into present time. " hopefully he doesn't drink tonight maybe he will leave me alone." Aurora hopped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, she grabbed the second towel and flung her long hair over her head to wrap the towel around it. Aurora went to her bedroom where she had a beautiful full body vanity mirror that she handmade from an old bed frame. She let her hair down and started combing through the long knotted mess before she sat down to do her makeup. "Hmmmmm i think i'll do a classic wing with a brown shadow in my crease.... then ill use my new red lipstick i got yesterday" after finishing all her makeup Aurora French braided her hair into pigtails  and pulled a few strands from the front to give some wispy bangs that sat to each side of her face.

Aurora looked at her closet "umfffff what am I going to wear?...ok maybe some nice black skinny jeans..... ooooo this red top is cute." Aurora pulls out a red one-piece swimsuit style long sleeve with a deep v neck.... "perfect!'' Aurora pulled the shirt over her head. She pulled her thong on and buttoned her one-piece top between her legs then wiggled into her jeans. She had to shimmy her hips and kick her legs outward and drop to a squat squeezing her booty into her jeans "woooo there we go." She said out of breath... "ok...... shoes ..... Where are my cute laced high heeled boots?...... where....... are they?...... there they are." Aurora sat on the floor to unlace her combat style boots to slide them on, laced them back up and stood up. She quickly rushed to the mirror to look at herself in her outfit, smoothing the jeans where they sat and tugging at her shirt to make sure it was straight.

Aurora heard her phone ring she quickly rushed over to see it was her co-worker Stacey calling her
Aurora: hey stace whats up?
Stacey: GIIIIIIRRRLL!!!! When do you come in to work????
***** kind of panicked Aurora raced through her thoughts "was there a schedule change.... i dk t remember one."*****
Aurora: I think in an hour if my schedule is the same why???..... Am I late???
Stacey: No dude.... but like they just rolled in with 4 huge boxes of ehhh ehm "experimental specimens." And they are going on the same floor we work on. We are gonna have "specimens" on our floor dude I'm so excited.
Stacey: I KNOW RIGHT!!!! Get your ass in here.
Aurora: ok i'm on my way.... wait do you want coffee ima stop at Starbucks on the way in since ima be way early.
Stacey: omg yes i need a triple shot caramel macchiato asap
Aurora: haha yes mam

Aurora hung up the phone and rushed grabbing her purse and keys while quietly muttering to herself  "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek aliens for real no way do i finally get to be cool and be like....yea i can't talk about what i do it's top secret!!!!ahhhhhhh i'm totally stoked...... who am I... haha my name is Aurora I work in a biochemical research lab but i can't tell you anything other than that..... ahhhh im so excited." Aurora rushed out the door locking it quickly before sprinting to her car. Luckily for Aurora, work was only a 15 minute drive  and Starbucks was in her direct path. She pulled through the drive through and ordered Stacey's drink which also happened to be Aurora's favorite as well.

When Aurora finally got to work she grabbed the drinks and rushed in the buildings, keys, and purse in hand she quickly set everything down on the conveyor belt that ran through the security line. Aurora quickly pulled her id badge to show the security guards as she went through the metal detectors..... Once she was free she grabbed her things and sprinted to the elevators selecting the 15th floor once inside. She impatiently stood there as the elevator beeped passed each floor before finally hitting the 15th floor. She exited the elevator and walked down the hallway directly in front of her where she was met by 3 huge glass sliding  doors. Aurora placed her left hand on the panel next to the first door to scan her handprint so the doors would open. Aurora walked into the main front room area with people buzzing around..... Stacey made eye contact with Aurora, Stacey's eyes lit up with excitement as she started sprinting in her direction "OH MY GOD AURORA!!! you're finally here!"

Aurora handed Stacey her coffee "so stace what's everyone staring at over there?"
Stacey elbowed led Aurora in the side " thats where the "specimens" are being kept..... we can't see them but the first section of glass allows you into a small space where you have to shut and lock yourself in before you open up a small door about 2 feet wide and 2 feet tall. That's how scientists administer tests.... The "experiments" just cooperate....... we can't see them through that darkly tinted glass that keeps them from being visible..... the scientists said it was for the best, whatever that means."
Aurora tilted her head as she observed all the commotion by the glass "yeah stace whatever that means..... Are you sure they "agreed" to being tested? I mean this seems like a lot of extra steps to make sure we don't see what's going on for "consented experiments."..... I mean do we even know what they are like, are they similar to us in being advanced or are they like some space version of a dog?"
Stacey just giggled "I have no idea I just know that our atmosphere is harmful to them until they have totally adapted to the change..... That's what one of the astronauts on the mission said earlier when he was here."
Stacey stared back at Aurora, " yes woman that's why I was like dude you gotta get down her but he left literally 10 minutes before you showed up.... maybe he will be back though."
Aurora rolled her eyes at stacey. "Umm that seems like a pretty big detail to leave out, woman!!! I hope that starbucks is worth it because ima hold that against you for a while.

Stacey and Aurora just stared in the general direction of the glass rooms when Aurora noticed her boss waving her down.

Richard Martinez: STACEY AURORA COME HERE!!!

Stacey and Aurora both walked over to their boss who was standing directly in front of one glass room that could be viewed from the entrance of the sector and reception area.

Aurora: yes Mr. Martinez?
Richard Martinez: The both of you are my favorites, shhh dont tell anyone that... anyway as my favorites i'm leaving you two in charge on the night shift because you two are the best at making sure things stay in order and protocols are written down.... also I am increasing each of your pay by $5..... The job will be fairly simple for each of you, double check all 4 rooms to make sure they remain locked, make sure there are no and I mean no security malfunctions on the doors. It's imperative that door locks and fail safes don't spaz out. If they do, call this number right here on the door. I also taped it to the reception desk as well.... These life forms can not be fully submerged in our atmosphere yet which is why it is important nothing malfunctions.
Stacey: HOLY SHIT that's a generous increase. When do we start?
Richard Martinez: Yes, yes very much so but both of you have proven very reliable and have not only maintained organization but helped make it more efficient thus saving the company time and money. So you both start tomorrow, come in at 6pm when everyone else is getting off essentially... and you will work until 4:30am which is when everyone else starts coming in.
Aurora: oh man that's awesome Mr. Martinez I was hoping I'd get a night shift soon honestly, mornings just definitely are not my thing and I definitely appreciate the pay increase.
Richard Martinez: No problem ladies, now I have things I need to get back to enjoy the rest of your day.

Aurora and Stacey thanked their boss as he started down one of the hallways in the sector.
Stacey: ok girlie Ima go see what's on the schedule for today.
Aurora: You do that, I want to check out this cage.

Aurora walked up to the outside glass and placed her hand on it. She stood there staring at the dark glass on the other side as all the noise faded from behind her. She couldn't help but feel like a presence was staring back as she stood there unwavering. She stared almost expecting to suddenly see any kind of movement to confirm her feeling but nothing budged.

Through most of the day other than the excitement buzzing on the floor about the new arrivals to the lab, Aurora's day was pretty normal. She continued to file all the extra paperwork organizing and labeling where things went. Every once in a while she would look up from the reception desk at the 2nd glass room waiting just to see any sort of movement, she couldn't help feeling like something was watching her..... once 6pm rolled around most the workers had left, only stacey Aurora and Mr. Martinez were left

Richard Martinez: Aurora, Stacey you two can go home everything is pretty much taken care of.
Aurora: I'm clocked out already I just don't want to go home yet..... Lenny has been in a bad mood lately.
Stacey: yea Aurora "bad mood" is that what you're calling it?

Mr. Martinez gave Aurora a look as if he was hoping for her to tell him what was going on.

Aurora: It's nothing really, everything is fine.

RIchard Martinez: Well ladies have a goodnight!! don't stay too long, you have to be back tomorrow evening!

Both girls said goodnight to Mr. MArtinez as he exited the sector into the hallway of the building. Stacey looked at Aurora "girlfriend you have to leave that boyfriend of yours. I can tell you're not happy at all." Aurora Looked down, almost embarrassed to answer stacey. "I know I know but I can't........yet.....he's the only reason i'm not on the streets right now I can't afford rent by myself, maybe after my raise kicks in that will be nice." Stacey rolled her eyes "Bruh, just stay with me for a while I got room." Aurora gave Stacey a smile "I'd love to Stace but his psycho ass will hunt me down, then I have you involved in the whole mess and I don't know what he would do to your things, your car, hell.. What if he attacks you too?"..... Stacey and Aurora had a moment of silence between them before Stacey finally spoke up "Well you let me know if you ever need anything hun.... You know I'd hide a body for you." Then she gave Aurora a wink and headed towards the exit.Aurora just smiled and shook her head. "Goodnight Stace ill see you tomorrow evening."

Aurora was now all by herself in the Lab building as she checked her watch frequently. "Dang where is the night person? They are 20 minutes late now." Aurora sat there and tapped her pen in her head as she spun around in her desk chair when she finally heard the doors beep ope.

Alex: Hey Aurora, I'm sorry I'm late . My kids' babysitter canceled at the last minute and i've just been running around all day i'm running on like 3 hours of sleep.

Alex's tummy growled as she clocked in for her shift, hair a mess and hands full of paperwork

Aurora: It's no problem I was kinda worried... are you ok have you eaten at all today?.... Because your stomach was making some pretty angry noises.

Alex: Oh my god no!! Now that I think of it I haven't eaten at all!!
Aurora: Well if you'd like I don't mind chillin here for another 30 minutes since I'm going to be on the night shift tomorrow anyway... go down to the cafeteria and feed yourself before you pass out woman!
Alex: Oh my god Aurora you're a lifesaver I really appreciate it!!!
Aurora: It's really no problem besides I'll just vouch for you if the boss sees you were late on the log... i'll tell him you called me and you were stuck in traffic.

Aurora gave Alex a wink and Alex bowed with praying hands thanking her as she backed away before sprinting for the cafeteria.... Now alone Aurora sat and spun in her chair for a moment more before stopping and facing the glass room in front of her " ok im too curious.. Maybe if i just read the chart?" Aurora walked up to the glass room and peered in the small space between the glass walls. "Dammit, I can't read it." Aurora sat there and contemplated for a moment before she decided she was going to open the first door "ok, so if this is the same code my boss uses for everything and just freely shares with Stacey and I like a much to trusting person, this should work." Aurora started entering the digits into the keypad.... There was a pause for a moment as her heart raced almost breaking into a nervous sweat before the keypad turned green and beeped. Aurora heard the latch of the door thud."ok, sweet it worked....ok Aurora just go in and grab the chart and scan quickly then walk can do this"...Aurora slid the door open and gently closed it behind her... she stared at the dark tinted glass for a moment before quietly walking over to the small table the chart was on. With her heart racing she quickly grabbed the chart and scanned as quickly as she could...... "humanoid species?".....highly intelligent?.....Large in stature?..adaptive capabilities?"... Aurora was scanning and reading so quickly her head was spinning she couldn't believe what she was reading......... Just as she was about to calm down she heard what sounded like a scrape across the floor behind the dark glass. Aurora felt her soul leave her body for a moment..... She couldn't help herself. She stared at the glass "hello?" she said quietly....Aurora now went from fear to curiosity as she walked up just inches from the glass trying to see something..... "I hope they treat you ok... whoever or whatever you are...I hope this wasn't their way of tricking you... i'd like to think the people I work for are good people..... Because I know I wouldn't want to be kept in a box in a strange place if I wasn't being treated well...... can you even understand me?"...... Aurora thought for a second as there was silence from the other side.. "Knock twice like this"...Aurora gently knocked on the glass "for yes and once for no... oh that was dumb, if it doesnt understand me it just wont knock, fuck im stupid".....She waited for a moment there was nothing but silence... " probably not that's ok I just hope these people know what they are doing.".... Aurora started to walk toward the door to exit the small room when she heard two thuds behind her on the glass. She froze for a moment before turning around still able to see nothing..... " Your chart says your name is venom?"... Aurora waited and she heard two more knocks on the glass...she couldn't help it. She felt a little excited now. "Oh my god am I actually talking to someone from a different planet? This is so cool!" she whispered just under her breath... then she heard two more knocks... her eyes widened " wow your hearing is incredible!"........Aurora thought for a moment "did humans give you the name venom?".... Aurora waited as she heard only one knock this time come from the glass " ok so venom is your actual name.... It's nice to meet you. My name is Aurora.".... Aurora had a small smile now as she looked at the dark glass in front of her. "Am I disturbing you at all? I didn't mean to intrude, I was just a little curious about our new friends. I hope I didn't upset you." two seconds passed and she heard a single knock against the glass. "Oh good, for once I'm not irritating someone...... Would you mind if I talked to you like this when i'm working?..... well when I can, that is I don't think my boss would approve but he doesn't need to know."...... Single knock came from the glass again and Aurora smiled.. "I can be your friend. I can't say the same goes for everyone you meet but I'll be kind to you."... just then aurora heard the beep of the keypad from the lobby entrance "oh shit" she stood up quickly hitting her thigh on the table in the process "ouch! Fucken bruise hurts." She quickly placed the chart where it was and limped out of the small room and shut the door and limped back over to reception.

Alex: Aurora!! There you are hey thanks for staying a bit longer I owe you one for that!
Aurora: It's no problem Alex, I got you!

Aurora gave Alex a hug and grabbed her bag and headed towards the exit. She turned around once more and smiled at the glass room she was just in...Once Aurora was down in the parking lot at her car she looked at the time "7:15pm, ughhhhhh please be asleep already Lenny" Aurora quickly pulled her phone out she saw one unread text at 6:45pm.

Lenny: working late huh? Or cheating whatever ill get myself something to eat.

Aurora rolled her eyes and put her phone in her pocket, got in her car and started driving " I think I'll take the long way home. I hope he's asleep by the time I get there".... By the time Aurora got home she carefully opened the apartment door being as quiet as she could be. Terrified by the silence she held her breath as she shut the door and locked it. She walked over to the couch where Lenny was passed out, whiskey on the table. Aurora tiptoed over to the bedroom where she quickly changed into her pajamas then went to the bathroom where she washed her face and brushed her teeth so she could just crawl into bed and go to sleep. Once in bed her thoughts raced about her exciting new day she had. "Did that really just happen? Did I really talk to an alien?.. Well kinda i guess I did the talking it did the knocking... but still this is pretty cool... or terrifying. I'm not sure which one yet but at least something interesting is really happening in my life now." Aurora slowly drifted to sleep excited for the next day.

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