Dreamcatcher Imagines - Onesh...

By OT5Stan4Life

138K 4.5K 2.5K

A collection of imagines with the members of Dreamcatcher and a female reader. Jiu Sua Siyeon Handong Yoohye... More

๐Ÿ”ฎ It's Not Wrong - OT7
๐Ÿ”ฎ It's Not Wrong - Part 2
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - OT7
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 2
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 3
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 4
๐Ÿ”ฎ Happy Birthday - Part 5
๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿถ First Kiss - Jiu & Yoohyeon
๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿผ My Comfort - Jiu & Dami
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿถ๐ŸฆŠ Small Things - Siyeon, Yoohyeon, & Gahyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿบ๐Ÿผ Phoenix - Siyeon & Dami
๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿผ Tragedy - Handong/Dami
๐Ÿฐ Worth The Risk? - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Worth The Risk? - Part 2
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 2
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 3
๐Ÿฐ Locked Inside a Door - Part 4
๐Ÿฐ For Eternity - Jiu
๐Ÿฐ Secrecy - Jiu
๐Ÿค Daydream - Sua
๐Ÿค Crazier Things - Sua
๐Ÿค Spark - Sua
๐Ÿค Renegade Runaway - Sua
๐Ÿค I Want You - Sua
๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Part 2
๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Part 3
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Siyeon
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Part 2
๐Ÿบ This Can't Be Real - Part 3
๐Ÿบ Paradise - Siyeon
๐Ÿบ Maison - Siyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿฑ Anything For You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ I Like You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ I Missed You - Handong
๐Ÿฑ Would You Mind? - Handong
๐Ÿฑ Haunted - Handong
๐Ÿถ This World Doesn't Deserve You - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ A Lifetime In Repeat - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Wonder - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Wonder - Part 2
๐Ÿถ Promise - Yoohyeon (OT7)
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 2
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 3
๐Ÿถ Drunk-Dazed - Part 4
๐Ÿถ Always - Yoohyeon
๐Ÿผ Nothing To Worry About - Dami
๐Ÿผ Take a Moment to Breathe - Dami
๐Ÿผ I Want You - Dami
๐ŸฆŠ Whipped - Gahyeon
๐ŸฆŠ Summer Holiday - Gahyeon
FIRST WIN!!! ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅณ

๐Ÿค I Don't Hate You - Sua

4K 117 90
By OT5Stan4Life

Sua x Reader
High school au
Status - Ongoing (3 parts) ⚠️
Warnings ~ angst, bullying, cheating, mentions of homophobia, slurs, death threats, & abusive parents, eventual fluff

This chapter is dedicated to the homie aka burrito_bitch

"Hey!" My head snapped towards the end of the school hallway, searching for the source of the loud outburst. Class had just finished and I was going to talk to my girlfriend before I headed to basketball practice. Although, as I registered who was shouting, I had a feeling something was about to go down.

"Watch where you're going." A relatively short but intimidating girl with long brown hair and a leather jacket seethed. Sua. She was talking to who I now realized was my girlfriend. I knew this wasn't gonna end well, so I quickly rushed over to where they were standing.

"Says the one who ran into me." The tall brunette girl with a cheer outfit on retorted.

Before the other girl could continue the argument, I butted in. "You know, I don't think it matters that much who bumped into w-"

"Oh this is just so typical." The short girl rolled her eyes. "Here you come to defend Olivia when you don't even know what happened." I felt my jaw clench as I tried not to immediately fire back at her.

"And there you go, playing the victim when it was clearly your fault." Olivia replied harshly. Her tone caught me off guard. I had never heard her speak like that to anyone.

"Oh yeah, like you're so innocent." Sua took a step towards the taller girl with an accusatory look in her eyes. "If only your girlfriend knew what you were up to, then maybe she wouldn't see the point in sticking around a deceiving little b-"

"Enough!" I yelled, shocking them both. "Why can't you just leave us alone? You've made it pretty clear that you don't want me in your life, so why do you insist on ruining mine?" I took a deep breath while staring right into her eyes after finally releasing all my anger.

For a moment I could've sworn a look of hurt crossed her face. But just as I started to think that she might actually have a heart, any shred of emotion disappeared from her face. She turned on her heel and began walking away, but before she left completely, she yelled back one last thing: "Remember, this is what you asked for. Don't come crawling back to me when she breaks your heart." Then, just like that, the door closed behind her and we were both left in complete silence.

If what just happened had occurred a year ago, I might've actually heeded her words. Believe it or not, Sua was my best friend from elementary school all the way up until the summer before senior year. That's when we had our falling out. Or at least that's the last time I remember her talking to me. The whole thing is still so confusing.

Up until that summer, we were so close. Sua was the type of friend that I could tell everything. We spent more time with each other than we did with our families. Our bond was so tight, I thought it would never break. That is, until she became hateful towards me.

I still wonder every single day what I did wrong. What did I do to make her distance herself from me? Why did she decide all the sudden that she hated me? Nothing drastic happened that summer. I was away most of the time at a training camp, but I still tried to keep in contact with her.

Gradually, she stopped answering my texts and calls. At first I didn't think anything of it. I figured she was busy at work. Her parents have very strict rules and were big on morals. More conservative morals. On the other hand, Sua practically came out of the womb breaking rules. It was in her nature to challenge authority and live on the wild side. That's one of the things I loved about her. But, it's pretty obvious that her behavior never went over well with her family.

Her and her parents would fight all the time over anything and everything. We had that in common and I think that's what brought us closer. We spent time with each other to escape our home lives. That's also why she insisted on working all summer. She couldn't stand being home for longer than she had to.

But, once I realized that she was avoiding me, it was already too late. Something made her decide that I couldn't be in her life anymore. At first, I was devastated. Sua was one of the only true friends I had my whole life. She was the one I went to for everything. So not having her there was like missing a part of my world.

But then I met Olivia.

Honestly it felt like there was an instant attraction. It was like she knew me better than anyone else, even though we had just met. It took me a long time to click with Sua because we were basically polar opposites. Sure we went through the same issues, but with Olivia, we didn't need to have similar life experiences to understand each other. We just did. It was almost too good to be true.

Of course, I ended up asking her on a date and it went well from there. That is, until Sua decided to nudge her way back into my life. Except this time she managed to make it a living Hell. There wasn't a single day that passed when she wasn't attacking Olivia. At first, I was hurt. She had decided to completely rip me out of her life, yet, once I finally found my happiness again, she came back just to ruin it?

I had to think that I did something to hurt her. But when she refused to answer my questions and insisted on how bad of a person Olivia was without even knowing her, I gave up on believing that I was the cause of it. I thought she was a good, loving person, but it turns out she's just cold hearted and destructive. There was no use in trying to fix things with her if she continued to break them. So that's what I decided.

A month later...

Everything in my life seemed to finally be getting back in order. Senior year was beginning to wrap up. I got accepted into my dream college with a basketball scholarship. My parents were actually excited for me, which was a first. And Olivia and I were still together. I was finally happy again. Or at least I was trying to be.

I couldn't help but feel like something was off.

Maybe it was in my nature to not accept this strange fantasy of a happy life, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to fall right from underneath my feet. In my gut, I knew that the ground I stood on was fragile: built on lies and my own false perceptions of reality. But tonight, the veil will be lifted and the truth will finally be revealed.

The only problem is, I never saw it coming...

"Alright girls, go out there and win this thing!" My coach yelled from the sideline and herded us back onto the court. I had been so preoccupied with my own thoughts, I didn't even hear the last minute pep talk we just received. The basketball game was almost over, all we had to do was keep the other team from scoring. It was possibly one of the most important games of my high school career. Yet I was too busy wondering where Olivia was when my eyes searched the cheer team and I couldn't spot that familiar head of brown hair.

Why was she not here? Where could she be?

The coach blew his whistle and the game continued. I shook my head, trying to focus back in. The other team had the ball and we were on defense. I wasn't doing much to help, still dazed from my previous thoughts. Luckily the other team wasn't able to score and my team took the ball back to sink one last basket.

The buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game. Everyone began celebrating our win, jumping on top of each other and screaming. I should've been excited, but the girl I wanted to celebrate with wasn't even in the room to see my accomplishment. The cheers faded to the back as I ran towards the exit of the stadium, pushing my way through the crowd.

"Have you seen Olivia?" I asked the cheerleaders, trying not to sound as frantic as I felt. Something was definitely off.

"I think I saw her around back earlier." One of the girls mentioned and I thanked her before running out the back doors.

The celebration was now completely muffled as I walked through the chill night air. It was eerily quiet besides the chirping of crickets in the distance. I glanced up at the sky, immediately noticing a full moon.

A chill ran down my spine when a gust of wind came around the building. And then I heard it. A sound that made my heart drop in my chest. I swallowed hard after my mouth instantly dried. I felt like I was gonna be sick, but I couldn't stop myself from walking. I had to know for sure.

When I rounded the corner, the scene in front of me felt like a dagger in my chest. Under the moonlight, I could clearly see a guy pressing a girl against the wall. He backed away from kissing her and I couldn't mistake that smile on the girl's face. The same smile that she gave me every time I told her I loved her. I could recognize it anywhere.


I felt a tear stream down my face as the scene playing out in front of me cemented itself into my mind. Not a sound escaped my mouth. I turned and never looked back. There was nothing else to do. I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to hear her excuses. It hurt too much to even look at her right now. And lord knows what I would've done to that guy. It was better if I just left. So I ran. I ran away as fast as my feet could carry me.

Eventually, I reached my truck at the far end of the parking lot. I didn't even have the will to be mad at myself for not bringing my keys. This heavy feeling in my chest was too unbearable. I couldn't think about anything else. My back leaned against the door of my truck and I allowed my legs to give out under me, sliding down until I was sitting on the asphalt.

The tears began falling uncontrollably, but I still didn't make a sound. I felt numb. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. The images of his lips on hers kept replaying over and over in my mind. I just wanted it all to stop.

Why did this have to happen?

Why would she do this to me?

What did I do wrong?

The questions became overwhelming in my mind. I reached my hands up and grabbed my hair in frustration. The overflow of tears clouded my vision. Why won't everything just stop? My heart was pounding in my chest making the pain feel even more excruciating. I had to make it stop.

My body took over and lifted myself from the ground. I didn't know what I was going to do but I just needed to do something. Without thinking, I started trudging back to the place where this all began. There's no way I could just sit here and let him get away with it. I had to do something. There's no way I could let her get away with it. I had to know why. If I didn't get closure, I was gonna go insane.

Although, I didn't make it very far across the parking lot before someone stepped in front of me and placed their hands on my shoulders. "Hey, hey. Look at me." I immediately recognized that voice and looked down in confusion.

"Sua?" For a moment my brain froze. I was so caught off guard that I nearly forgot everything that just happened. But after studying over her features, the past events came rushing back to me and my heart sped up in anger. "Did you come here just to tell me 'I told you so?' Because, if you did, I suggest you leave now before I end up doing something I'll regret." I shoved her to the side and started walking again.

"No, Y/N. Just wait." She ran after me and tugged on my arm. "Please, stop. I can tell you're about to do something stupid anyways." I stopped walking abruptly and glared at her. "Please, just let me help you. I don't want you to get hurt." For the first time in the past year, Sua looked genuinely concerned. It almost got to me, until I remembered all the horrible things she did to me.

"I've already been hurt." I responded coldly. Her eyes scanned over my face and, although she had been good at hiding it all year, I knew she felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Y/N." In all honesty, it only made me more angry at her. She knew what she was doing was wrong. She could've stopped her whole act at any moment, but she never did. She kept going until I got hurt, two different times.

"Oh so now you want to apologize?" I took a step towards her. "After all those horrible things you said to me, after an entire year, after I lost everything that ever made me happy, now you feel the need to apologize!" Her eyes began to well up with tears, but it just kept me going. "Where were you all summer, huh? Why did you just leave me alone? Where were you this year, when I needed you the most? What did I do to make you hate me?" I yelled out all the questions I had been keeping inside for the past year.

With every one she winced, more and more tears falling down her face. "I don't hate you." Her voice was weak and broken.

"Really! That's all you have to say?" I laughed sarcastically. "You don't hate me? Then why did you spend all year ins-"

My sentence was cut off when Sua abruptly placed her lips against mine. I didn't even know how to react at first. My heart momentarily stopped beating and my body felt like it was on fire as her soft lips moved against mine. Never in a million years could I have predicted this is how my night would've gone.

She finally leaned back and immediately grabbed my arms before I could do anything drastic, like shove her off of me or slap her across the face. In all honesty, I wasn't sure what I would've done, but it was probably a good thing that my hands were restrained.

Once my mind finally registered what just happened I yelled, "What is wrong with you!" I shook out of her grasp and took a step back. "You can't just kiss me-"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I just didn't know what else to do to convince you." She wiped her face and looked at the ground with a guilty expression.

It was quiet for a moment. I couldn't form any words at the moment because my mind was still trying to process all the conflicting emotions I've experienced in the past hour. It was overwhelming, even more so than before. I didn't know what to feel, other than confusion.

"There is a reason for everything I did. And I want to explain everything to you." She looked up again and I instinctively made eye contact. "But right now neither of us are in our right minds." I wiped my eyes as I watched her examine our surroundings before looking back at me. "Let me drive you home." She was clearly hesitant, not wanting to push, but she also seemed like she truly wanted to help.

"Ok." Was all I could manage to say. There was no point in refusing. I know I couldn't drive myself home right now and no one else was going to.

I was beginning to realize that, no matter what she did to me in the past, she meant too much to me and I didn't have the heart to let her go.

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