The Exiles

By Abbskaya

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chaper 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

68 2 0
By Abbskaya

I feel like we have been driving for months. After the whole tree indecent, I went to back to the car with them without a fight.

"My giraffe went to my house one day! House one day! House one day! He ate all my bananas! My bananas! My bananas! And I had a cow"
he sings over and over until my ears feel like their about to fall off.

He hasn't shut up the whole ride. I can Tara's past her breaking point by the look on her face.
Her dark hair is pushed in a messy bun. Her hazel eyes are bloodshot, and she has dark bags under her eyes. Her face is pale as if she hasn't slept for days.
I bet she hasn't; we have been on the road almost non stop for days now. I think I'm the only one who slept any. The others look like they're about to pass out.
The only person who doesn't look like their about to pass out is Brody. His blue eyes are awake as they have ever been. I don't understand because I know he hasn't sleep for days like the rest of them.

"Guys I think I'm going to go to sleep" Andy says groggily.

"Sweat dreams cupcake" Brody reply. He gives people the strangest nicknames.

"I'm sorry if the message wasn't clear at first, but Brody shut your fat mouth" She yells the last one. I can tell she didn't really mean it, but she's to tired to care.

"Looks like someone's a little grumpy" Brody taunts.

Andy ignores him and leans her head on my shoulder. I feel my muscles become tense. I don't really now to react.

"Relax its just my head" Andy says.

I feel my face redden. I try to relax, but it doesn't work very well.
She takes grabs my arm. Her small fingers guiding me around wait. She drops my hand and cuddle up into my shoulder even more.
I look down at her. Her eyes are close, and she has a faint smile on her face. Her legs are pushed up against Tara who doesn't seem to care. Her warmth makes me feel like I can forget everything. I wonder if I can forget the past with her help. I think I could stay with these people for a while.
I figure out why they took me to begin with, and I'll be okay with whatever there reason. I can forget about my hateful mother, my pitiful father who always wanted to do something, but never could, and mainly I could forget Cora.
I guess I'll start now.
I look over to Brody who seems almost jealous by the fact Andy's snuggled against me.
I don't want to make him mad, but I don't want to let go of Andy ether. I don't want to wake her.
I also like her warm body pushed against me. I wish I didn't because I know Mara would be angry with me.
I have to go back to her sometime, and I know it's impossible to love her. I lay my head against the window.
I feel the familiar vibration of the car rush through me.
I close my eyes. I feel Andy's breathing start to slow, and I match her breaths until sleep overtakes me.

"Hey princess we're here" Brody shouts into my ear.

I jump and smack my head on the window. I wonder how many more times I'll wake up in a painful way. I stare and see Andy rubbing sleep from her eyes. He must of woke her up too.
My arm is still wrapped around Andy wast. I quickly pull it back. What was I thinking she's an Exile.
I still need to get out of here. I look outside and see a wooden log house. I grab the handle opening the car door.
I step out and stand in amazement for a while. There is a huge body of water the starches for a while. I can see a bay on the other side, but it's almost to far to see.
The is a wooden path way leading into the body of water, but it somehow floats in the water.
It seems like such a unless item. The water sparkles in the sun light making it look the shinning stars.

"I forgot princess has never seen a lake before" Brody says walking up behind me.

"A lake" I ask.

"Yeah it's the pit of water you see in front of you" Andy says while climbing out of the car.

"You guys have fun explaining him everything, but I'm going inside to take a nap" Chance says with stumbling to the Log house.

"Let's go inside okay? Maybe we can teach you how to swim later" Andy says putting an arm on my shoulder.

I tense up again. She chuckles a little and guides me toward the house. She opens the door, and we step inside.
The house is huge. The ceilings are about twenty feet up. The walls are made out of the same logs as outside, but there are flattened and glossed.
There is an archway that leads into a living room area.
In the living room there are two full sized dark brown leather coaches and three bigger black leather unfamiliar chairs that have a handle on the side of them. As I step in the room, the soft white carpet tickles my bare feet.

"Get out" I hear Tara screech.

I jump back in surprise, but it makes it worse, and Tara screams again.
I look to Andy, but she's laughing to hard to notice what's wrong.
Is she laughing at me. I take another step back into the carpet, and Tara lets out another screech.
I see Chase run in from another room.

"What th-" he starts but stops mid sentience and stares directly at my.

I freeze and wonder what I'm doing wrong. He is standing on the carpet, so why can't I?
He too starts to laugh historically. Brody comes in and looks down to the carpet and joins their laughter. Everyone except Tara is laughing at me.
I look down to the carpet and see about twelve bloody foot prints cover the white carpet. I rush out of the room, but it's makes Tara scream more as seven new foot prints are made.
Brody comes up to me and pulls me into a bear hug. I just stand there with my arms pushed to my side.
I have no clue why anyone is acting this way.
I can understand why Tara is scream, but not why everyone else is practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

"I'm sorry Tara" I mumble out.

"Sorry? You see ever since we found this place. Tara has been extremely carful keeping the carpet bright white. The three of us always tried to find a ways to mess it up, but Tara always found out about our plains and made them backfire" Andy says between laughs.

I see Tara's face redden with anger.

"And now you just walked in and messed up the carpet just like that" Brody says finishing Andy's story.

I had no clue it was a honor here to ruin beautiful white carpet here, but I guess it is.
My footprints will be stained on the carpet for the rest of the house's life. Andy and Brody walks over to me.

"I'll grab his shoulders" Brody's states.

Brody's arms slip under my armpits, and his strong fingers pinch my skin.
Andy reaches down and grabs my ankles sweeping me off my feet.

"Dang boy don't you eat" she asks half joking.

"I haven't been eating a lot lately thanks to you" I snap back.

She giggles, and they carrie me into a room. The walls are a dark brown, and there is a white tub in the corner of the room. They set me at the edge of the tub, and Brody quickly smiles at Andy. She smiles back as he walk out of the room.

"Now let's get your feet cleaned up, and your face why we're at it" she says with her nose scrunched up.

I forgot about the gash by my eye. I didn't even know my feet were bleeding.
She turns on the water and pulls my feet under the foist.

"Stay there for a minute" she says walking out of the room.

I wait patiently for her to return. I can't feel the water on my feet, so I'm not sure if it's hot or cold.
She comes back with a bottle of something and a rag. She sits on the ledge next to me. She reaches over me and gets the rag wet.

"Give me your feet" she says motioning for my feet.

I shift potions lifting up my foot for her to grab. I feel her dab my foot gently with the rag, but it doesn't hurt.

"Dose this ever hurt" she asks

I shake my head. She roles her eyes.

"Brave men. Your feet are covered in sores form you running away. Why did you even run" she asks.

"Because you kidnapped me" I simply reply.

She smiles and shakes her head.

"You got yourself into danger by helping me that one time you were leaving school. I would of been killed if it weren't for you. Thanks by the way" she says looking up at me.

Her eyes sparkle will life and hope. she looks back down to my feet and continues to dab them.

"How was I in danger? I would think I would be in more now saying people will see me as a... Um... you know a" she cuts me off.

"Exile? We aren't that bad you know. We were the people who saved you when you tripped and feel on a rock" she says once more looking up.

"Oh thanks, but how am I in danger" I ask.

The smile that was on her face fades.

"You know how I got a food slip that day, and like always they have to find your personal number or whatever you call it" she says.

I nod my head.

"Well they found out the numbers I gave them were phony, and the figures you knew I was an Exile which you did, but anyway. They would of captured you in your sleep. Like we did, but instead of being you to safety. You would of been giving an Exile punishment" she says trying to return a fake smile to her lips.

I feel my blood run cold. I knew I should of never saved her. I put myself into danger, and now I can never go back.
I have to live like scavenged beasts. People will see me as one of them. I am now a Exile.
Then I feel nothing.

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