The story of my life { A Jon...

By shepherdssupremacy

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Andrea Parker is the campaign manager for the newest senate Candidate Jon Ossoff and a single mom of twins a... More

Characters List/Introduction
Chapter 1: You must be Andy.
Chapter 2: A new friendship.
Chapter 3: Drowning in Grief.
Chapter 4: The famous josie & lizzie.
Chapter 5: They love you.
Chapter 6: The storm of confessions.
Chapter 7: Can you keep a secret.
Chapter 8: More than just a plus one.
Chapter 9: A well needed pep talk.
Chapter 11: The events that followed.
Chapter 12: Just a dash of complications.
Chapter 13: Debate night.
Chapter 14: Election day drama.
Chapter 15: Im always here, always.
Chapter 16: The less they know the better.
Chapter 17: Keep calm at all times.
Chapter 18: Apologetic Date
Chapter 19: Anything for you girls.
Chapter 20: December miracle.
Chapter 21: Lunch with the in laws.
Chapter 22: Election day, gone wrong.
Chapter 23: Im scared to love you .
Chapter 24: Inauguration Day.
Epilouge: Always and forever

Chapter 10: Just the two of us.

68 3 61
By shepherdssupremacy

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Put y'all seat belts on. And enjoy the shit show of events that are about to occur😌✋ (don't forget to vote and comment!!)
It was like any other day in the office. Except Jon and I still hadn't spoken a peep to each other. But maybe I was just overthinking everything. What if  he didn't even remember what the hell he said or tried to do.

"Andrea, are you even listening, or are you daydreaming?" Samuel one of the campaign advisers snapped in my face trying to get my attention.

Obviously, I hadn't been paying any attention to what he had been saying and I was gonna have to admit to it. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. Can you please repeat sorry?" 

The man rolled his eyes visibly annoyed "yes I can. All I said was you and Jon are gonna have to start doing door-to-door campaigning If want our voter turn out to be huge and well today would be a great day to start."

"Oh yeah I can do're ok with it right Jon?"

I glanced over at Jon to make sure he heard "yeah that's fine with me!"

"Alright then go get to it!"

Jon and I started walking out of the office. Right off the bat, he was avoiding me and I could tell as he immediately pulled out his phone scrolling through messages and other things

"So are you gonna tell me why you're avoiding me?" I questioned

Jon looked up from his phone "I honestly would like to know the same. You haven't been answering my calls"

As we entered my car. I was a bit taken aback "me not answering your calls?? I called you a bunch of times and every time it went to voicemail you were the one that didn't answer. Crap I was pretty certain you were dead" I joked as we pulled out of the office parking lot.

"Well, I'm not. I'm right here."

"And so am I"

I could half tell for some reason Jon was just pretty off and didn't wanna talk to me. Every house we'd pull into the owner would assume we were a couple but Jon would quickly and sternly deny it, like he were offended or something.

"Ah what a lovely couple I will definitely place my vote for you!"

"Not a couple! But thank you so much, ma'am"

"Aw how sad you 2 would make a wonderful couple"

I laughed "so we've been told"

As we left that exact house I was so annoyed at Jon. We'd been going around neighborhoods for a good 2 hours and we'd barely even spoken to each other once or twice

I was so eager to try and know what his deal was. Because as far as I'm concerned I had done absolutely nothing to him to make him mad. That was unless he did remember, what happened that night and he had did what he did on purpose and not just some "silly drunken accident"

"So what's your deal??"

Jon looked at me confused "are you just gonna ignore me" I was originally gonna bring up his drunken speech but I didn't want to in the case that he didn't even remember

"Andy. I'm not ignoring you. And I'm not mad at you. It's Just I've been busy and I haven't been sleeping lately and I guess I can get pretty grouchy?"


"But I'm here now. We're still friends. Everything's completely fine" Jon smiled lightly brushing his hand against my arm


So he didn't even remember what happened that night. Or was he just choosing not to remember what happened that night? But I guess that's a good thing. Because I of all shouldn't even have a crush on Jon so maybe he's the one being smarter by forgetting.

After pulling out of that neighborhood and going to different neighborhoods for a good 3 hours by the time we had finished the sun was slowly going down and I was exhausted And starving

"I just wanna eat something then shut my eyes and sleep forever."

Jon laughed "so do I. But If you want I can drive?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, and maybe we can eat something before I take you home."

I had pretty much fallen asleep in no more than 5 minutes. And a short time after I felt Jon put his jacket over me as a blanket as I shivered through the cold air that breezed the insides of my car.

Maybe It was good that Jon had forgotten about what happened. After all, I didn't want our friendship to be ruined when it was so amazing.

The car pulled a long stop waking me up from my deep sleep "rise and shine sleeping beauty" I pulled the jacket I had on me over my head "screw you."

"You know you snore when you sleep"


"yes, you do. But it's cute so I'll make an exception"

I rolled my eyes at him "you're so annoying"

"Oh, I know. But I mean hey. I stopped for food we don't need to eat I can drive you straight home"

I shot up from my seat "god please no!! I already know Anthony probably cooked like ramen and called that dinner and I don't feel like eating as if I were still in college" Jon bursted out into laughter resting his head on the steering wheel.

"Fine then let's go."

Jon handed me back my keys as we entered the small diner that we had come to. The moment that we sat at our given table my head dropped to the table my eyes shutting completely

Jon shook me lightly laughing "come on Andy. Don't die on me yet"

"Don't worry I won't"

Maybe I had just been overthinking this whole time. Jon wasn't mad at me, I mean he didn't have a reason to be mad at me so it was good that nothing was awkward between us.

A short time later a waitress came to take our orders. Jon was the same basic man he'd always been. Getting a grilled cheese and well me. I hadn't eaten all day so I was in the mood for some nice pancakes.

"You're seriously gonna eat pancakes at, what time is it...6 pm" Jon criticized looking down at his Apple Watch showing me the time that read 6:23pm.  "Yes I am now leave me alone I haven't eaten all day"

"I'm not judging!!"

"Yeah right."

Once our dinners finally came and I was peacefully trying to enjoy it. Jon would not leave me alone. Kicking my foot any chance he got following from me returning a kick back. It went on for a good 10 minutes without stopping. It was like as if we were little kids arguing

"Can you stop?" I smacked Jon with my napkin as I laughed

Jon rolled his eyes finally giving into my request "Ok, I'll leave you alone."

A few minutes later our waiter came with the check asking if we wanted to split the check or if it was just one bill "it'll just be one bill thanks" I glared at Jon as he had the biggest grin on his face "Jon no let me pay!!"

"No, I'm paying deal with it"


"No, if and's or but's I'm paying and it's final! AND no you can not pay me back" Jon smirked as he handed his credit card over to the waiter as she walked away with it.

"I hate you."

"You know you don't Andy. Don't lie."

"Yeah ok, Whatever." Jon had a big grin on his face as I finally admitted to it.

"Oh don't have that cocky little grin on your face because I'll leave you stranded here"

Jon continued that same grin on his face "you won't"

Just as he spoke our waiter returned with Jon's card meaning we were now free to go "watch me" I smirked as I raced out of the small diner. Jon directly behind me as he gripped my waist tightly causing me to turn around completely

"Told you, you couldn't"

I rolled my eyes "and you were right. There you happy now I admitted it"

"Very happy actually"

"When will I ever get rid of you Jon," I laughed as I entered my car. Now being on the driver-side

"Never most likely"

"Oh wow how great is that" I exaggerated

Before I headed home myself I needed to drop Jon off first at his apartment and it was pretty sad. We had been enjoying ourselves all day. Only for the day to finally be over.

"I guess this is your stop" I frowned

Jon frowned back in response but moments later his eyes lit up in happiness "actually Andy. Do you mind coming up with me to my apartment I have to show you something!"

I looked at him in confusion

"Jon what did you do??"

"Nothing! Just park the car and come inside I have to show you something. I think you'll like it."


I put the car in park following Jon up to his apartment. It was really strange for him to just invite me into his apartment out of the blue. But I guess if what he wanted to show me was "important" then so be it.

As we exited the elevator now directly outside of Jon's apartment he dug out for his keys as he opened the door letting me enter in first.

It hadn't changed a bit. The apartment was still relatively the same although now I could see much more of what was in the apartment. Now that most of the lights were on, And not just one specific light that barely gave the room any light

You'd think that with Jon living alone he would barely have anything to store in his apartment but it was well decorated. Pictures of when he was younger were scattered around and I took them into full view. All of them.

"Wow, how old were you in this picture" I pointed out to one of the framed photos on the wall

"Uh I was 12 or 13"

I laughed "you looked like a baby. Holy crap."

"Wow ok thanks for the compliment" Jon rolled his eyes playfully

"Oh come on Jon. Stop being a huge baby. Look at you. You were adorable"

"I know"

I reached out to smack him "quit being cocky. Now what the hell was so important that you had to show me"

"Oh, so I'm being cocky now?"

I rolled my eyes at him "yes you are actually"

"Then I guess I won't show you" Jon smirked as he began to run around his living room

"Oh you little asshole"

I chased after him like a little kid. Reaching out to smack him any chance I got. The only thing stopping me was Jon pulling a long stop to his running causing me to run directly into him,  face first.

Jon then thought it was a good idea to out of the blue to lift me off the ground and onto his shoulders, continuing to run around like an idiot as I shouted at him to put me down kicking for dear life. But it seemed no matter how much I screamed he wouldn't budge.

"I swear Jon you better put me down"

"Make me"

Jon continued to run around occasionally jumping to tick me off before I smacked him so hard. He set me down on the couch Both of us were laughing our butts off like a bunch of teenagers.

From the moment Jon had set me down to the couch it was like we were having a staring contest with each other. I was laying on the couch and Jon was just hovering over me. There was some kind of awkward silence both of us not wanting to break it

And before I could even speak or say anything it was like my emotions had taken over and Jon and I were both leaning in to kiss.

It took a long moment but after our lips finally connected it was magical. The way my arm hooked around his neck trying to pull him down closer to me. As he placed his on my waist. Putting a tight grip on them.

Sadly, as magical that the moment was. It only lasted for a good minute, before Jon pulled away out of breath.

"What the hell just happened?"

I laughed as I panted for air desperately "I have no idea but it felt amazing"

"Yes, it did."

After a short moment, I pulled Jon's lips back to mine. Feeling him pull me up off the couch and making me wrap my legs around his torso as we sat upright on the couch. Before pulling away once again.

"Do you actually wanna do this right now Andy? You don't have to. And I mean well What if people find out"

"No one has to know"

Jon laughed "and by that you mean no one but Hailey Arlette, Valerie, and Penelope"

I giggled into his mouth in response "maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't, now where were we" I ran my hands through Jon's hair as I started to lean in to reconnect our lips but Jon of course was being a tease and pulled his head back slightly.

"I'll take that as a yes you wanna do this right now then? Jon grinned questionably

"Yes it is. Now can you seriously be shut up and kiss me"

"Oh I will, and I will enjoy every moment of it"

And well it just happened and I was not in very much control of anything after that. But I definitely wasn't gonna complain about it. Not even a little bit.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: yes that just happened besties😈

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