Chapter 15: Im always here, always.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Enjoy this long chapter besties, and as usual don't forget to vote and comment!!
Following everything that occurred last night, I was awoken in a dark room it's only source of light was the open curtains next to the bed. Definitely wasn't Jon's apartment from what I recalled, I frantically shot up from the bed scared of what the hell might have happened as I looked around. 

The setting seemed familiar I just had 0 clue from where I'd seen it, I had been attempting to figure out where the hell I might be til a tall figure emerged from a corner. It took me a moment to even realize who it was. The figure switched on the light giving me a clearer view of who it was.  And where exactly I was.

"Drea, Drea Drea. You've always been stubborn as hell" The figure laughed as he approached where I was standing

"Gabe is that you and why the hell are we in the old apartment? Wait am I dead? Do I have like some kind of disease or cancer? Because the last time I saw someone who was seeing there dead ex they had that"

"Well first off, Drea this isn't Greys anatomy so no you aren't dead and no you don't have any kind of diseases, it's just that maybe you're seeing me  because you're being a huge pain in the ass to everyone"

I glared at Gabriel still confused as to what the hell was happening and why I was seeing my dead fiancée in my old apartment.

"That's still not answering my question Gabriel"

"Oh come on Andy, you're scared to move on from me. And you said it yourself you needed some kind of sign to know whether it was ok or not and I'm here"

"So what your just gonna give some cheesy pep talk like everyone else?"  I questioned biting my nail

"Well yes, look Drea. You need to understand. I'm dead. I died. You need to stop torturing yourself and using me as an excuse to not get Jon"

I smiled at the figure "You know about Jon?"

"Of course I do, whenever I check in on you and the girls I always here them babble about how great he is and how happy he makes you. And well it made me realize you deserve to be happy Andy. And you know you have feelings for him. So go be with him"

"You check in on us?"

"Andrea I never left, it may seem like I did but I never did. I was always there Me and your dad. We were there when they were born.We were there when you named them after my sister which I can never thank you enough for and your grandma. And we were there for every single birthday. We were was always there.

"So my dad's ok?"

After my fathers passing. I was completely shattered the inside out. My dad was my best friend, he was always there for me and was one of the best fathers I could ever wished for. And when he died all I ever wished for is that he was ok. And free of the pain that he had suffered the last 3 years of his life.

"He's doing great, and he's always been proud of you and your accomplishments. And he's also as he claims "your and Jon's biggest hype man"

"And that doesn't make you mad? Seeing me fall for someone else. Seeing my dad like another guy that I found an interest in?"

Gabriel laughed as he placed his hand on my knuckle lightly rubbing them. "If your happy and he makes the girls happy I'll be happy. I just won't be happy to see you torture yourself everyday about being with him or not being with him and side note if he hurts you or my girls. Don't be surprised if he gets possessed or something."

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