Blue bird - (Pico x Keith / B...

By -PicoxBF

17.1K 424 362

Ever since the school shooting, Pico had been depressed, and had PTSD. He was happy he at least saved his boy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4


4.2K 88 99
By -PicoxBF


There lived a happy child, with his boyfriend. They were in middle school, despite they were too young to be in relationships, they loved each other dearly.

His name was Pico. His boyfriend's name was Keith.

They'd hangout at the back of the school after school to have alone time with each other and talk about their day. Then talk about how much they loved each other.

Those were the days.

Until one day..

Pico was in his class, with other people and a gothic redhead named Cassandra. She tapped her foot on the floor from boredom, listening to the teacher blabber about apples and bananas. His boyfriend, Keith, was next door.

"Who here has eaten an apple?" The kind teacher said.

Pico raised his hand and smiled confidently. The ginger haired boy eagerly stood up.

"Thats great Pico!" She praised.

He sat back down and listened for what was next.

"Now who here has eaten a banan-"

"Enough of this crap!" Cassandra yelled out of nowhere, holding a shotgun. Stunning all the students and the teacher.

"I've been listening to goth music all my life, it never said anything about apples!" She roared, scaring some students.

"This American educational system is bullshit!" She swore, making the students gasp and the teacher furious.

"Rip the system, end fascism!" She continued her speech.

"KEIN MEHRHEIT FÜR DIE MITLEID!" Cassandra said, none of the students understood.

"BeRzErKeR" she said.

It was horrifying. Right after she finished her speech, she shot the teacher's head off. Then killing the rest of his classmates. He ducked his head and didn't want to die, he instantly thought about Keith which made him worry.

Is he dead..?

He somehow survived but was surrounded by splatters of blood. He didn't see a sign of Cassandra so he assumed she left. He bursted out the door and went in the janitor's closet to find poop in the corner, a poster that said "chicks with dicks."

He looked in disgust.

Then he saw a shotgun on the table which made him grab it for defense.

He went out the closet and went to the class next door to see if Keith was okay.

He didn't see him.

He saw Cassandra and her sidekick Alucard.

"You sure are a nosy bastard Pico." Cassandra spat as she saw him.

"Have you ever met Alucard?" She glanced at the purple skinned man with glasses.

"You're always too busy been popular." She mocked.

"He has interesting telekinetic powers." She said.

"Observe!" She said, then running off.

'Shit, she got away.' Pico thought.

He now focused on Alucard throwing corpses of dead students who had been shot and killed. He shot them and dodged the corpses, shooting Alucard when he was distracted. He got a little injured but he was alright.

Alucard cried in defeat, covering himself with chairs.

"Please leave me alone!" Alucard cried.

Pico stood there in silence.

"Here, take my school key, now go away!" He spat.

"Stop harassing me!" Alucard pleaded.

Pico picked up the key and placed it in his pocket. He smirked and shot up the chairs and killed Alucard with no mercy.

He walked out the door, traumatized yet feeling a little relaxed. He was stopped again by a guy with a pink Mohawk named Cyclops.

"Hey Pico! Looks like Cassandra has a crush on you!" Cyclops said as he pointed his shotgun at Pico.

Pico rolled his eyes and took out his shotgun and shot his gun away from Cyclops, leaving him distressed.

"Fuck me with a 10 foot pole! I can't believe it!" Cyclops went on his knees.

"Please, Pico! Don't kill me, I was just messing around!" Cyclops begged.

'Messing around?' Pico scoffed and thought in his head.

"I was told just to scare you! I wasn't gonna kill you!" Cyclops cried.

"Say your prayers!" Pico spat.

"You're gonna be so full of lead, you'll have to use your dick as a pencil!" Pico laughed.

"All I got to do is pull the trigger right here.." Pico mumbled, making Cyclops beg for the mercy he wasn't going to get.

He pulled the trigger and shot Cyclops in the head, making blood gush out.

He sighed and stared at Cyclops's corpse and walked past it, and in the bathroom, being greeted by another of Cassandra's goons, Hanzou.

The lights flashed on as he heard the sound of a blade, or a katana.

"This blade can turn your dick into a cocktail weiner." Hanzou said.

"Only a true ninja can master such a weapon." Hanzou added.

"I hope you are ready to die." Hanzou smiled.

Pico's heart started beating and he kept his guard.

"You will not be able to kill what you cannot see." Hanzou said.

"A true ninja can fight without his sense of sight."

"Having night vision goggles helps too."

The lights then turned off and Pico started breathing heavily. He heard Hanzou moving around and shot him a few times, but had been slashed 3 times before killing him.

He took his goggles and walked out the door, to the end of the hall. He walked in the last classroom and saw a massive fire covering a door. He quickly ran out and grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the flames.

He tried opening the door, but it's locked.

'It's locked..' Pico thought.

'I need to get a teacher key to get in, I wonder if my dead teacher has one.'

He walked out the room and ran down the hallway to his classroom and put on Hanzou's goggles. He examined the room and saw a key laying on the ground. He picked it up and ran back down the hall to the classroom and unlocked the door to see Cassandra standing beside a bomb and her minions.

"Not bad Prico." She smirked.

"You're already too late, however. The time of the punk rock/goth gestapo has come!" Cassandra said.

"Wish you were a part of it? You could've became a nonconformist just like the rest of us!" Cassandra cackled.

"But no- you had to express your individuality in forms other than your clothing."

"We are tired of people picking on us for how the was we dress. Vengeance is ours!" Once of her goons said.

"Society sucks, but you don't have to kill your classmates to stand out." Pico said.

"Try making the music instead of just listening to it."

"Better yet, make a website that lets you kill pop-icons."

"It doesn't matter anyway. You have failed the test of life, and I will take you all on if I must!" Pico yelled.

"You think I need these fucks to help me kill you?!" Cassandra snapped.

"To be honest, I don't give a shit about any of this society crap."

"I have other plans for this world."

She then killed her minions and turned into a horrible looking monster with her dick hanging out. Pico dodged what she threw at him and shot her where it hurts.

She eventually roared from defeat, about how Pico neutered her. He ran and went to his boyfriend's locker, taking a deep breath then knocking on it to see if anyone was there.




A few seconds later, the locker door slowly opened. There stood the blue haired boy in distress. He ran to Pico and hugged him, then looked at his face.

"Oh Pico.. what happened?" Keith said, worried.

"It's hard to explain.." he then groaned from the pain since his injuries were still fresh.

Keith ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around his wound. Slowly applying pressure.

"It will be okay." Keith reassured.

The cops came and rescued all the remaining children in the school, including Pico and Keith. They didn't have school for the rest of the year so they hung out one last time at the park.

"Pico.." Keith said.


"How was it like?"

"The shooting?" He said.

"Yes." Keith nodded.

"It was.. traumatizing." Pico said.

"I'm sorry." Keith said.

"There's no need to be sorry." Pico said, stroking Keith's hair.

"I'm sorry again.." Keith quietly sobbed.

"Shh it's okay." Pico comforted him.

"Come back here everyday?" Pico said.

"Yes.." Keith whispered.

The next day, Keith came but had to leave. He said he'll be back. The day after that, he never came.

Same with the day after that day.

Turned to weeks.



Oh could he have been so stupid? Keith disappeared out of nowhere. Leaving him alone. He moved, now becoming a little depressed and still traumatized from the school shooting.

He was still desperate to find Keith.

Where could he have gone..?

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