The Unloved | BeamForth

By CrackerWrites

63.1K 2.3K 428

Being unloved for the whole life, Beam finds peace in his husband Forth... But what happen when he feel the... More

Unheard Cry
It's Me..
Live On..

Life must go on...

4.1K 155 68
By CrackerWrites

In Beam's room


"Yes P'.. "

"If I ask, will you reject me" Phana never looked into Beam's eyes

"P'.. What are you going to ask??" Beam knew what Phana was asking.. Still he wished he was wrong

"Would you like to come with me? To my house as my boyfriend" Phana kept his eyes closed.. He dare not to look at Beam's eyes

He was feeling guilty for no reason.. His heart hurts while thinking otherwise..

"P'pha... Please look at me" Beam held Phana's hand

Phana looked at Beam and as expected he could see his nong was not happy

"P'.. Do you feel butterflies in your stomach when you touch me..

Does your heart race in my presence..

Do you feel special in my presence"

Phana nodded his head to say yes.. But once he looked at Beam for some time deeply he shook his head as No..

Beam smiled

"P.. You want to take care of me as a brother.. Our feelings are mutual.. It's brotherly love.. You hate to see me hurt.. And I don't want to see you hurt yourself for me.." Beam

Phana sat beside Beam's bed and stroke his head with love

"P'pha.. Close your eyes and see who it is that you love.." Beam

"Beam.. I don't have to close my eyes.. I know who my next choice is" Phana smiled

Beam's eye darkened and smacked Phana's head...

"My friend is not a choice or an option.. He is the only one.. And you keep hurting him" Beam huffed and folded his hands pouting..

Phana scratched his non-itchy head and gave a loving smile

" I know.. But don't let him know that.. He will be too proud " Phana joked "but he always pushed me to you.. Even though he was hurt.. He loves you a lot.. That is what makes him more beautiful"

Beam smiled happily and hugged Phana

"Don't hurt him P'..."  Beam pushed Phana from his hug "And now go get your man"

"I love you beam" Phana lovingly kissed Beams forehead

"I love you too P' pha" Beam smiled happily


That's when Forth stormed in crashing the door..

"Should I stay" Phana worried and whispered

"No.. I can handle it" Beam

Phana nodded and walked passed Forth starring at him furiously

Forth too was already killing Phana with looks

Once Phana was out of the room.. Forth furiously looked at Beam but suddenly lowered his head when he saw Beam's angry stares..

Forth slowly walked near to Beam's bed, lowering his head, like a lost puppy..

"Beam.. "


"Bea.. " Forth was cut of by Beam

"Don't.. " Beam

"Am sorr.. " Forth

"Shut up.. " Beam held back his tears.. He didn't want to be the weak one

Forth moved his hands to hold Beam's hand.. But Beam was fast enough to move away.. Forth didn't mind showing his weakness he knelt down near Beam's bed.. He couldn't stand Beam's cold behavior towards him..

Beam coldly looked at Forth who was looking down.. Beam knew Forth was guilty.. But he could not find a reason to forgive him..

"You know.. My life was always miserable... Mom went to coma when I was young and my father and sister started hating me for God knows what... Daily beating, starvation and torture.. I tried killing myself many times..

But I was a covered who was not able to take my own life.. I always thought I will have good days..

Mom needs me when I wake up..

I struggled to get an apartment at a young age and moved as soon as possible...

It was difficult for me.. Daily weakness.. Lack of treatment and..

You know I was so pathetic that I couldn't afford my own medicine..

Then you came.. As a knight in my life.. You were everything that I wanted for.. That I longed for.. It was the happiest days..

Everyone said not to hurry my relationship with you.. But I was scared..

What if my life is short??

What if I die tomorrow??

Will I loose my chance to be with you??

What if you loose interest on me.. If I don't agree to you??

Will you stop loving me the next day when I wake up??

I didn't want to take a chance.. I wanted that some time of my life to be with you..

That's why I agreed to marry you immediately when you asked..

I wanted to grab my only happiness.. Which was you..

And I also got it..

You never kissed me or held me in you arm..

Not even once..

And I knew.. Noo.. I thought you wanted to keep my purity.. And make our life special after marriage..

Only to be known that was all my imagination..

You destroyed everything.. Me, my life, and my love for you..

Why didn't you ask me once. . At least you could have given me a hint..

Why?? Why you destroyed my life?? I would have peacefully died in a few years..

Why did you do it to me??

Why Forth??... Why?? All I did was to love you Forth"

Beam held Forth's collar tightly with tears flowing through his eyes...

Forth never dared to look at Beam... He was in his knees, crying on Beam's grip..

Even he don't know why he was so heartless to Beam..

What made him be so selfish.. To not value others life..

"Please.. Forgive me.. I will do anything for you.. Please give me a chance" Forth cried still not facing Beam

"Anything?? " Beam stopped weeping

Forth nodded his head

"Then stop seeing me.. Get... out of.. my life" Beam shuttered

Forth shockingly looked at Beam and held his both hand which was on Forth's collar..

"Noo.. Noo.. Please don't do that.. Please.. I cannot live without you.. I need you please.. Don't push me away.. Don't do this please" Forth pleaded

Beam removed his hand from Forth's grip.. And starred at Forth.. This is not the Forth he knew.. The Forth he knew was strong and proud..

"I better die that to be with you" Beam said coldly

Forth was not amused to hear that and he knew it won't be easy for Beam.. He know Beam won't give into him easily..

"If we live,we live together.. If we die, we die together" Forth held Beam's hand tightly

"Don't forget you have a wife and son to take care of" Beam stared at Forth

"Am divorced.. I have only one person and that's you" Forth griped tighter remembering about Jean.. Jean was his biggest mistake

"You live for your son.. And you do everything for your son.. And am an example of it" Beam's hand was hurting but he never stepped back

"He is ready to now sacrifice for you" Forth griped tighter "if we die, he die with us"

Beam hissed in pain.. And Forth realized he was hurting Beam again.. He suddenly left his hand only to see his hand print on beam's wrist..

"Am sorry.. Am sorry.. I didn't mean to" Forth hesitated

"This is nothing compared to what you did" Beam

Forth stiffened

There was silence in the room

But it didn't last long, when Danny opened the door and came running to Beam's bed, climbing on


Peaked Beam's lips

Beam was froze..

Forth was stunned..

Forth knew Danny has grown enough to know that was a direct kiss..

But Danny smiled and peaked again

"Heayaa" Forth angrily lifted Danny up

Beam still didn't react

"Why did you kiss him? " Forth was furious

"I saw Wayo and doctor uncle kissing.. And I remembered I always wanted my first kiss to be with person I love the most... And that's Beam" Danny smiled happily for completing his mission

Forth was beyond angry now..

"This is the last time you kiss Beam like that.." Forth angrily dropped him on the nearby sofa..

Which didn't stop Danny.. He ran back to Beam's bed.. And climbed up

"Why is dad so possessive?? Did you agree to be my papa??" Danny excitedly asked

Beam furiously starred at Forth.. Forth was looking elsewhere other than Beam..

"No.. I didn't.." Beam was cut by Danny, Danny's eyes teared

"Why??.. Is it because I hurt you when I was small??..

Am sorry.. Next time I fall sick I won't hurt you.. I promise.. Please don't leave me..

Please don't leave me alone again..i need you..please Beam..

I promise to protect you..

I love you Beam..please..."

Danny cried pleading at Beam

Beam was stuck.. He didn't know what to do he looked at Forth.. And Forth's tears where flowing too..

Beam held Danny close to him to a hug.. And Danny wept on Beam's chest, like a child looking for comfort

After sometime Danny slept on Beam.. Forth slowly went hear them and tried lifting Danny up, but Danny started whimpering...

"No.. Papa will leave me again.. Come with Danny please.. I promise to protect you.. Please" Danny cried waking up

Beam was hesitating..

"I will think about it" Beam said to Danny

Hearing this Danny smiled and kissed Beams cheeks and went to Forth..

Forth was extremely happy and exited.. He held Danny near to him..

"Take rest.. Your Mom will come now.. I will take Danny out" Forth

Beam just nodded

Forth took Danny on his shoulders out of the room and Beam lied down to rest

After some time Anne came in with a beautiful smile.. 

"Beam baby" Anne

"Hmm" Beam hummed loving the sound of his mother

"Are you sure about Phana"

"I am mom.. He's a brother to me.. Also Wayo loves him since a long time and so does P'pha" Beam

"Am proud of you... My baby" Anne messed Beam's hair

"Beam where should we go.. I stay in a small room in Wayo's bakery" Anne

"I know.. It's too small for two people.. I stayed there years back " Beam smiled

"Your dad and Jean is out of country and jaruji asked us to move in to their house" Anne said doubtfully

"Mom.. I don't want to go there.. I have no much good memories there.. All I got there is... " Beam wept silently
"No don't say.. I know it's hard.. Then were will we go.. We have no place to go.. " Anne held Beam's hand sadly

"You are staying with us.. And that's final.." Bella came in with Darvid

"It's up to Beam.. Belle you know he is not comfortable" Anne starred at Bella angrily

"Please Anne.. I know you are not ready to share Beam with me.. But he need a safe place... Also he is not fully recovered" Belle countered

"Bella.. Let Beam decide" Darvid said lovingly smiling at Beam "Beam.. Am sorry my child.. We were wrong.. Please forgive your this foolish father.." Darvid had tears in his eyes

Darvid was a headstrong man.. He never have ever apologised at any one..

Saying so this old man was going to kneel down for Beam's forgiveness..

Seeing this Bella snd Anne gasped.. Beam suddenly held Darvid's hand..

"I will try to stay with you" Beam whispered.. He was confused in his own decision..

Is this for good??

When all others were happily settled.. Beam asked Forth's parents

"How is Jean to Danny??"

All hesitated to talk bad about a dead person.. So Bella took the initiative..

She explained how Danny was abandoned and at times hit by his mother..
Beam was devastated hearing about Jean's behavior towards her own son..

"And how is Forth towards Danny??"

Darvid explained how Forth got to know about contract details and detached himself from Jean and Danny... After divorced to Jean he completely ignored Danny.. Because he remembered his wrongdoings to Beam while seeing Danny

Beam was more angry at Forth.. How could he treat his son like that

"Beam.. You were Danny's world from the time he learned about you.. He was the most eager one to see you.. He is been waiting for years to see you... His Beam.." Darvid chuckled.. "He even claimed you as his"

Beam had a smile on his face hearing about Danny.. He now understood why the boy was desperate for his attention and love..

After a few thoughts.. Beam decided.. Danny needs to be loved

"I will stay with Danny"

On the other side

Once they were out of the hospital..on their way home.. Forth was driving along with Danny.. Ot was completely one talked to the other.. Forth stole glances of Danny at times..

At last Forth broke the silence

"It is not because of you.. It's because of me that Beam doesn't want to come to our house" Forth calmly said

"I know" Danny looked up at Forth

"What?? Than why you.." Forth was cut of by Danny

"I will hold onto him till he start liking you back.." Danny looked down guilty

"What?? You were emotionally blackmailing him??" Forth

"Do you have a better idea to make him my papa" Danny stared at Forth


"Then go with Grandpa's plan" Danny

They both looked at each other and signed

Ok I thought this will be the last one.. But it went too long..

Am confused in how to end this..

Let's try to end it in next one..

Sorry for keeping you all wait..


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