By twilightdiaries86

22.7K 1.3K 309

the journey of Abhiram and Ritika More

new cover
Chapter 1(Teaser )
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9


2.7K 61 22
By twilightdiaries86

Hello all!

How are you?Hope you are all doing fine!

I'm starting the sequel to the previous story I had written called 'Spark of Love'.This can be read as a sequel or as a stand-alone story.

I would like to tell you a few things,

1.Please bear with me if the updates are a little slow.

2.I like stories with a 'Happily ever after'.So I promise this would be one too.

3.I might try to make my writing a little bolder.You are all free to give in your suggestions and inputs.

4.Abhiram and Ritika's relationship would have evolved over time and it is only natural that you find slight changes in them.

Hope you like the story!



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