Haikyuu Reacts to AU's (Mostl...

By therollyjoger13

1.7K 19 6

This is going to focus mostly around Oikawa, because I think he gets more hate then he deserves. Anywho, this... More

You Were My Mother Too!
Mental Hospital Skits
Oikawa Angst

Renegades Part 2

143 0 1
By therollyjoger13

This is going to be like the first Renegades one I did but it's going to be the Renegades reacting to Oikawa in the present. Enjoy.


"Where are we?!" Adrian shouted.

"Please calm down, I mean no harm." Nova said to the riled up prodigies.

"Then why are we here?" Hugh asked. (The Captain)

"Yes, please tell us" Simon agreed with his husband (Dread Warden)

"You're going to react to how Oikawa's been doing" Nova chirped.

The Renegades froze.

"Oikawa?" Ruby asked, wide eyed.

"But no one knows where he is?" Oscar said.

"That's because he left Gatlon. He went to an area without the existence of prodigies." Nova informed them.

"He's not using his power is he? He could get us all caught." Hugh said.

"No, he only uses it when he absolutely needs to. And when he does that he always has a good cover story." Nova explained, earning a sigh of relief from around the theater.

"But, where is he exactly? And what has he been doing?" Danna inquired.

"He lives in Tokyo. And he models full time and plays volleyball at his high school."

"That's so cool!" Oscar said, eyes sparkling.

"Yeah" Adrian said quietly.

Everyone glanced at him sadly. They all knew how much their break up hurt him, and then when Oikawa disappeared it was even worse.

"Also, I'm sure you all know about Oikawa's past." They flinched and then nodded. "Well, Oikawa never got the chance to be childish and young and immature because he had to be the opposite. But in Tokyo he realized that he could act that way.He's really smart so he doesn't really need to worry about school. He's serious about volleyball and modeling but otherwise he can just be as immature as he wants. So what I'm trying to say is, he's very different from the Oikawa you knew before."

"Well, we might as well start now. No use in dilly dallying." Simon said.

"One more thing before that. I'm going to introduce his teammates and friends to you."

(After that)

"Now, we'll begin." Nova said, snapping her fingers.

The screen opened to Iwaizumi, Maki, Mattsun, and Oikawa all walking into school together. "So are you finally going to get together or what?" Oikawa asked, looking between Maki and Mattsun. They both blushed and turned away from each other. "Nah, we're just friends." Maki said, Mattsun nodding in agreement. Oikawa groaned out loud. "Are you seeing this Iwa-chan?" He asked. "Yeah I'm seeing it shittykawa. Now quit trying to play matchmaker, they'll figure it out eventually." "So vulgar Iwa-chan" He said, booping Iwaizumi on the nose. Oikawa shrieked and started running away as an angry Iwaizumi chased after him.

The Renegades laughed at seeing Oikawa's foolish behavior.

"Okay, that's just a normal day for Oikawa. But now I'm going to show you something not exactly normal. It happened last Saturday." Nova told them with a sly smile.

"What's with that look?" Danna asked suspiciously.

"I'm not sure what you mean~" Nova teased before snapping her fingers again.

Oikawa was waking up, and then he grabbed his head harshly. He looked at his surroundings and noticed that he was in the pool. "How the hell did I get here?" He wondered out loud.

"Umm, why was he sleeping in a pool?" Ruby asked in slight concern.

"You'll see~"

He walked into the house only to find his friends just waking up. He walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water when he saw Atsumu sleeping on top of the fridge in his underwear. "What the fuck..?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Did they have a party or something?" Simon asked.

"They did have a party." Nova replied shortly.

"Okay, here goes nothing." Oikawa said, clearing his throat.

"What's he going to do?" Oscar asked.

"WAKE TF UP BITCHES!" Oikawa shouted, waking up everyone who wasn't already awake.

"Well, that definitely was unexpected." Adrian commented, others nodding along.

"Okay, what the hell happened last night?" Tendo asked, coming into the kitchen. "I'm not sure, I only remember like half of it." Oikawa answered. "Lucky, I don't even remember that much" Tendo whined. "Then maybe you shouldn't have drank all that vodka dumbass." Oikawa said. "You drank it too." Tendo said accusingly. Oikawa just stuck his tongue out at his red haired friend.

"They shouldn't be drinking! They're still underage!" Hugh said, looking astounded.

"It doesn't really look like they care." Ruby said.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT" Suga screamed. They all ran into the living room where Suga was. "Suga, what's wrong?" Akaashi asked. "Some pictures from last night were posted!" He yelled. Everyone started freaking out and running around trying to find their phones. Once they had gone through all of the photos from last night not even a minute later the main gc started spamming everyone who was at the party. They all looked up at each other. "We're so screwed." They all said in unison.

Oscar snorted at the boys predicament.

"Shh" Ruby said, lightly smacking his arm.

"Okay, this is fine. We'll be fine. Everything's gonna be fine" Atsumu said. "Don't lie to yourself Atsumu." Suna deadpanned. "We both know that Osamu is not going to be happy with either one of us. And good luck with your 'oMi oMi' by the way." "We might as well get on the chat and explain what happened." Kenma said with a deep sigh.

(In the gc)

Iwaizumi: Oikawa wtf

Daichi: I'd like to know what those photos were all about Suga

Sakusa: Same goes for you Atsu

Osamu: Suna and Tsumu.

Osamu: Explain. Now.

Kuroo: Kitten, I'd like an explanation.

Bokuto: Aggashiiiii

Bokuto: Please tell me what happened last night :(

Ushijima: I'd also like an explanation Satori

"HOLY SHIT!" Oikawa shrieked, everyone took their eyes off of their phones and to the sound of Oikawa's voice coming from the bathroom. "What's wrong Kawababe?" Atsumu yelled out to him. "WHEN TF DID I GET A TONGUE PIERCING?!?" "YOU WHAT?!" The rest of the group shouted back at him. Oikawa ran out of the bathroom and showed them his newly pierced tongue.

Adrian blushed at the piercing while everyone else just stared at it with wide eyes.

"Got to admit, that does look pretty bad ass though" Simon said.

"Simon-" Hugh said, only to be cut off.

"Sorry Cap, but I'm going to have to agree with him on this one." Oscar said. "Plus, I think your son may find it attractive~" He said the last part in a teasing manner and Adrian's face went up into flames.

(Back in the gc)


"Ooooh, they are so dead." Danna said.

"I gotta agree with you there." Ruby said.

Daichi: You know that we can see you're online right?

Oikawa: ...

Iwaizumi: Tell us what happened.

Oikawa: Alright, alright

Atsumu: Alright, alright

Kenma: Alright, alright

Tendo: It's a hell of a feeling though!

Suna: It's a hell of a feeling though!

Osamu: What feeling?

Ushijima: I agree, please elaborate

Akaashi: Alright, alright


Sugawara: It's a hell of a feeling though!

Oikawa: It's a hell of a feeling though!

"Damn, I'd never once in my life thought Oikawa would do something like this." Hugh said.

"I agree..." Adrian said quietly.

Everyone smiled a bit. Even though he wasn't his old self he was doing so a lot more than usual.

Kenma: Who are these people?

It showed them all going into the dining room and finding three complete strangers sleeping there and clearly drunk.

"That can not be good." Danna said.

Atsumu: I just woke up in my underwear...

Osamu & Sakusa: WHAT?!

Sugawara: No liquor left on the shelf

It showed a flashback to an entire shelf filled with alcohol and the group now looking at the same shelf that is completely bare.

"How much did they drink??" Danna asked.

"A lot" Nova responded, holding back a snicker.

Kenma: You should've seen what I wore

Kuroo: What'd you wear kitten?

Kenma: I had a cane and a party hat

Tendo: I was the king of this hologram, where there's no such thing as getting out of hand

Ushijima: Satori, please tell me where you are so that I can come pick you up

"Now that is a good boyfriend right there" Ruby said with a thumbs up of approval.

"And what am I? A roach?" Oscar memed.

Hugh sighed deeply. "What is wrong with today's generation?"

His husband patted him lightly on the back a few times.

"Don't worry about it too much" Simon paused for a second before smiling devilishly. "Broski."

Hugh groaned and looked like he wanted to bash his head into the nearest wall.

Sugawara: Memories tend to just pop up

Daichi: What memories exactly?

Sugawara: Drunk pre meds and some rubber gloves

Suna: Five thousand people with designer drugs, don't think I'll ever get enough

Osamu: Uh tf you will. There's no way I'm letting you do drugs again

"This is pure chaos" Adrian said with the tiniest hint of a smile.

Everyone smiled brightly at seeing the old Adrian return, slowly but surely.


Atsumu: COCAINE!


Suga: And most things in between!

Boyfriends: WHAT?!

"Oh shiiii-" Oscar started, only to censor himself when he felt the captain's eyes on him.

Kenma: I roamed the city in a shopping cart!

Suna: A pack of camels and a smoke alarm!

Osamu: Rin...you can't be smoking and doing drugs...it's awful for your health, plus your an athlete!

"This is actually pretty serious..." Hugh said in worry.

"Calm dowwwn" Nova said, waving her hand in dismission. "This is the first time they've done something like this and they're not planning on doing so again."

"Well, then I guess that means we can just sit back and enjoy the tea?" Ruby asked to which Nova responded with a simple nod.

Akaashi: That night was heating up! We raised hell and turned it up!

Oikawa: You were saying "If you go on you might pass out in a drain pipe!"

"Well, at least he's somewhat responsible..?" Simon asked, unsure.

Party people: OH YEAH! Don't threaten me with a good time.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Oscar asked, scratching the top of his head.

"It means that even though they were making mistakes and doing things that most people would consider 'bad' it makes them feel alive and they believe that it's worth it." Adrian explained to his friend.

Kenma: What are these footprints? They don't look very human like...

It showed them walking to the backyard where they saw interesting footprints in the dirt.

"Well that's probably not good." Ruby said.

"Oh really? It never occurred to me" Danna deadpanned as Ruby pouted.

Atsumu: Now I wish that I could find my clothes...

Que Atsumu searching all around the house trying to find his clothes.

Sakusa: Why the hell are you still not wearing any clothes??

Osamu: This is one of the only times I will agree with this bastard^^

"Damn, they seem really protective over their brother." Simon stated.

Oikawa: I wanna wake up. Can't even tell if this is a dream.

"Poor Kawa." Oscar said. "Rest in peace man, you were a good one"

"Tf..?" Hugh muttered under his breath.

Akaashi: How did you end up in my neighbor's pool?

Oikawa: Upside down with a perfect view!

Kuroo: Bro!

Bokuto: What bro?

Kuroo: What's Akaashi's adress? We need to get to them!

The other boyfriends: ^^

Suga: Bar to bar at the speed of sound. Fancy feet dancing through this town.

Suna: I lost my mind in a wedding gown, don't think I'll ever get it now

Osamu: Who tf were you wearing that for?

Osamu: I just wanna have a little talk (:

"I don't trust that emoji" Simon said.

"That manz is planning a murder I tell you that" Oscar said.

Akaashi: I usually don't fall when I try to stand...

Bokuto: Aggashiii, are you alright?? >:0

Flashback to Akaashi trying to stand up but falling down after Oikawa woke him up.

"Poor guy, his hangover seems real nasty" Simon sympathized.

Oikawa: I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt...

Iwaizumi: Of course you did, what did he make you do?

Oikawa: But I made those high heels work ;)

Flashback to Oikawa wearing high ass heels and rocking it like the bad bitch he is.

"Yass queen, pop off." Ruby cheered.

Hugh chuckled. "Gotta admit, they don't look half bad on him"

Tendo: I told you time and time again.

Ushijima: What is it you are referring to Satori?

Tendo: I'm not as think as you drunk I am.

Everyone else: ...

"Tendo, you good?" Kenma asked the red head.

"HmMmMmmMM??" He asked, giggling and spinning around.

"Is it just me or did his hangover habits just get worse?" Atsumu whispered to Oikawa.

"Nope, I see it too" Oikawa whispered back.

"That was the guy who drank multiple bottles of vodka right?" Danna asked.

"Yep, I guess that explains the way he's acting." Adrian responded.

The party people: We all fell down when the sun came up. I think we've had enough...

Suna turned on his location

"So, what happened next?" Ruby asked.

"They got picked up and scolded a bit then they went home and slept and ate food and stuff." Nova informed her.

"Nice" Oscar said. "Oooh, can we see the photos that ended up online?"

Nova smiled slyly. "But of course!"

(This photo except with the people who were at the party and they're holding alcohol)

The theater let out a few giggles at seeing the teens like that.

(Again, pretend it's the right people)

"Wha-" Oscar got cut off by a wheeze. "What are they doing?" He got out, then proceeded to crack up.

Ruby was clinging onto Danna's shoulder as she struggled to breathe and had tears brimming in her eyes from laughing.

(Pretend it's a random guy smashing Oikawa's face into a wall and not Iwaizumi)

"Oh crap, is he okay?" Danna asked.

"He's fiiine" Nova responded.

"He got his face smashed into a wall" Hugh said, waving his hands around.

"You say that like he hasn't been through worse." Simon told his husband with a laugh.

(Instead of Osamu it's Tendo)

"They're really into that huh?" Adrian said with a small chuckle.

"Are we just gonna ignore Suna recording in the background?" Danna asked.

"Yes." Nova answered. "Mmkay, now we're going to move into ones that aren't exactly chaotic..."

"Awww" Ruby and Oscar pouted.

"But they're definately ummm" She clears her throat. "Interesting."

"I don't like the sound of that..." Hugh says.

"C'mon! Live a little!" Simon tells his husband.

(We just gonna act like Ushijima ain't there mmkay? :D)

Adrian's face burst into flame upon seeing Oikawa's photo. Honestly, you could see his blush from all the way across the room.

"Okay, but let's be honest here. They all look fabulous." Ruby gushed.

"Adrian, buddy? You good?" Oscar asked.

Adrian was hiding his face in his hands and trying to stop blushing, but his ears were bright red.

Hugh and Simon laughed at their son's reaction but also shared a glance with each other. A one saying 'I wonder how long his happiness will last?'.

"Okay, one more photo I forgot to show you guys, then you'll react to one more thing and you can go." Nova informed the theater.

The prodigies burst into laughter as soon as the picture appeared on screen.

After a bit of time so that they could stop laughing.

"Also, Adrian..." He looked towards the girl. "I'm sorry in advance."

"Huh?" The boy questioned.

Instead of answering Nova started the scenario they were going to be reacting to. Everyone was wary of what was going to be shown due to her comment moments ago.

(This is based off on IwaOi tiktok if ykyk)

It showed Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Maki, and Mattsun all sitting somewhere. Iwaizumi and Maki were whispering about something while Oikawa and Mattsun were debating the existence of aliens. Suddenly the whispering stopped and Maki called Mattsun over next to him. "Y'know Kawa, you remind me of the twenty letters of the alphabet." Oikawa looked beyond confused and Maki looked like he wanted to die.

"Is he stupid?" Danna asked.

"Nope, this is all a part of his plan. Trust me, he knows what he's doing." Nova responded.

"There's twenty six letters in the alphabet dumbass." Maki told him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. How could I forget the U R A Q T" He said, looking at Oikawa. Oikawa began to blush a bright pink at Iwaizumi's words. Mattsun chuckled and Maki had to hold himself back from banging his head against a wall.

Adrian's heart sank and everyone realized why Nova had apologized to him ahead of time.

"No!" Maki said. "Hell no! That's still only twenty five!" Iwaizumi chuckled and leaned in next to Oikawa's ear, still talking loud enough for the other two to hear. "You can get that D later" Oikawa smirked to himself, before doing something that threw Iwaizumi off guard. He got extremely close to Iwaizumi's lips and said "Well darling~ you have to ask me on a date before that". "Well then, would you care to go on a date with me~?" Iwaizumi asked, lifting Oikawa's chin with his fingers. "Why I thought you'd never ask~" Oikawa gave Iwaizumi a quick peck on the lips, winked and swished away. As soon as Oikawa was out of sight Iwaizumi's face lit up like a thousand fireworks. "Holy shit, I'm in love." "We been knew, but that shit felt like I was about to watch a sex scene. Please don't do that kind of stuff in front of me again." Maki said, faking gaggin noises. Mattsun let out a full bodied laugh. "Come on Maki, let's leave Iwaizumi to process what just happened." They both walked off and Iwaizumi started grinning like an idiot.

Adrian felt a single tear slip down his cheek. Then another, and another after that. He could feel the eyes of his friends and his parents on him as he cried but he couldn't bring himself to do anything to stop the tears. He knew that there wasn't a big possibility that him and Oikawa could get back together, but after reacting he thought maybe, just maybe, there was a chance.

The others approached Adrian slowly and wrapped him into a comforting hug. No one said anything, they knew that Oikawa was out of reach now, and they knew that there was nothing anyone could do about it.


(3370 words)

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