Naruto the Yondaime's Son

By Maester42

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Naruto and his imaginary best friend , Kurama , end up in the Yondaime's secret training house. There he disc... More



550 17 13
By Maester42

It had passed one hour ever since Naruto was left alone by his parents in the Dojo,and it was now mid night.

{Sorry about that kit but you knew that that wasn't going to be for ever.}

"I-I-I know Kurama"cried Naruto.

{You still can take a look at your album of photos that you have. And also remeber to reveal the one's they took today.}

"Ha-hai."said Naruto before getting up to walk home.

Naruto's house...

"Tadai-oh."Naruto entred his home thinking he was warning his parents that they arrived but he then remebered.

{Come on kit lets sleep tomomrrow will be a busy day.}said Kurama and Naruto went to his bed. He couldn't sleep very well that night he took a lot of time to sleep and woke up a lot of times during the night. Feeling alone.


Naruto woke up and saw the time he wasn't worried because he knew that Kakashi would be late.He went to the kitchen and did two shadow clones."Hey mo-oh."

"So boss what do you want?"asked one of the clones.

"Do an ommelte."said Naruto in a sad tone.

Traning ground seven 10:30...

Sakura , Sasuke and even Kakashi were waiting for Naruto. Who could be seeing in the horizon running towards them.

"You late!"shouted Sasuke and Sakura.

"Sorry about that."

"So Naruto are you alright?"Kakashi asked as he knew what he student had experienced last night.

"Yes Kakashi sensei. It will only take sometime until I get used to being alone again"said Naruto in a sad tone(you still have Iruka , Teuchi , Ayame, Shino , Hinata-chan , old man Hiruzen and now Kakashi. )Naruto remebered one of his parents last words."No I'm not alone at all. I have you guys!"shouted Naruto in a happy tone.Sakura and Sasuke were confused.

"Good thing to hear Naruto. You see I know what you passed through last night but that still isn't an excuse to arrive late."said Kakashi getting an ugly look from Sasuke and Sakura because he arrived only half a hour ago.

"Sorry Kakashi sensei. I was revealing the photos from last night. Here I have some of them for you. "said Naruto giving a envelope to Kakashi. He opend the envolepe to see the photos.

"Thanks Naruto."said Kakashi after he saw the photos of he with Naruto's parent's."Alright." Kakashi put the photos away."My beautiful Genin. Lets go to the Hokages officie to recive our first mission."said Kakashi starting to walk away.

At the Hokage's officie...

"Hokage-sama."Kakashi said as he entered the room along side his genin team.There were Hiruzen and Iruka. The Hokage was fighting his worst enemy , the paper work.

"Hello Kakashi."Hiruzen took a break from his paperwork"So Naruto are you alright? Last night must had been hard for you."Making both Sasuke and Sakura curious about last night.

"Yes it was. But I can't let that let me down. T'bayo!"shouted Naruto"Oh also..."Naruto then took an envelope out."Here some photos from last night."said Naruto while giving it to Hiruzen.

"Thanks Naruto I will take a look at them later."said Hiruzen taking the envelope from Naruto.

"Oh and for you too Iruka sensei."Naruto then took out another envelope and gave it to Iruka.

"Thanks Naruto."

"Hey Naruto what happened last night?"asked Sakura out of curiosity

"Well... last night... I ... we..."Naruto didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell them the thruth but he didn't know what to lie.

"Oh last night  Naruto invited Iruka to eat some ramen and me and Kakashi joined in."said Hiruzen after noticing that Naruto was in trouble.

"Y-yeah. That's it."said Naruto alittle nervous.

"Ok now back to the main topic. The why you guys are here now."Hiruzen changed topics to avoid more questions from last night"Your first mission."

"Hell yeah! What's our mission ? Beat the crap out of a Mob? Save a princess?Come on old man I can't wait for it T'bayo!"Naruto shouted all happy and excited

"Well Naruto-kun. Since you are all excited about your first mission I will give you the hardest mission I'm legally aloud to give as a first mission."said Hiruzen with an mallisious smile.

"Please Hokage-sama not that mission"asked Kakashi

"Oh kami i feel so sorry for you guys."said Iruka

"It's our first mission. How hard can it be?"said Sakura not knowing why her senseis were feeling they way they were.

"Your mission will be to hunt down"Hiruzen started to explain their mission

"Yes."Naruto was with his will of fire burning like the sun.

"A very dangerous creature."

"Yes."Naruto eyes were opening wide in emotion. While Kakashi's and Iruka were doing the same but in terror.

"Some would call it a demon."

"Yes."Naruto was getting all hyped up for it.

"A demon that even I the Hokage fear."

"Yes."Naruto was getting  even more excited

"A demon that is responsible to put an  end to the life of  many  as  a shinobi."

"Yes!"Naruto was so excited that he was now shouting.

"The D rank demon. The one who shall not be named"Hiruzen did an dramatic pause"Tora."As Hiruzen said that an lighting struck the ground near the tower."Hm where did that come from there isn't a single cloud in the sky?"Hiruzen said looking at his window.

"Hell yeah!"Narutom shouted excited

"Hokage-sama don't you think that. This is going to far for  a first mission?"asked Iruka with worries in the eyes

"Yes Hokage-sama this is like an SSS-rank disguised as a D-rank."said Kakashi

"Yeah let's do it!"shouted Naruto"So old man where do we find this demon?"

"In the streets."said Hiruzen calmly

"What?"Naruto was confused

"Yes , Tora is a cat , the fire lord wife's cat."said Kakashi still trembeling in fear

"Why so much drama over it?"asked Sasuke"Come on I have dealed with cats my entire life it will be a piece of cake."

"So good luck Kakashi.You will need it."said Iruka and Hiruzen

"Hai Hokage-sama."said Kakashi in a depress way as he and his team left the officie

"So Kakashi-sensei what do we do now?"asked the pink haired girl in the group

"First we pray."said Kakashi in a serious tone which made the genin thought that he was joking "Then separete our selfs and run around the village looking for him."

 "What are we suppose to do after we find him?"asked Naruto

"You will enter in contact with the others using this radio right here"answered Kakashi taking  four radios out of his pocket and giving three of them to his team."Each one of us will check one of the four cardial areas of Konoha. I will take the north, Sakura the west, Sasuke the east and Naruto the south. Since we are inside the village we are forbideen of using jutsus. And one last thing, we can't kill the target. For more  that you want you can't and don't waste your time trying.That thing won't die."said Kakashi cofusing the genin"Alright, my beatiful genin go to your designated area."Kakashi then sushined away.

"So guys let's do this!"shouted Naruto running away from his team and as soon as he was out of sight he Hirashined him self  to the south region of Konoha.

"Hm this will be easy right Sasuke-kun?"said Sakura

(I think I remember something that the  murderer that used to be my brother, told me about the time he did this mission,oh I remeber now he just said he got the Tora mission on the morning and on the afternoon when he came back he just went to his room to cry. )thought Sasuke.

At the south region of Konoha...

Naruto appered in flash at a alley"Oh right now."Naruto put his radio on and asked Kakashi something that he should had asked or he should had told tehm from the begining."Kakashi how is this Tora like?"

"He's a small cat with brown furr with a diamond collar around his neck with the tag Tora on it."as Kakashi said that,through the radio, Tora passed by Naruto.

"I found him."said Naruto"I will catch him."

"Naruto don't! Call reinforcements!Where are you exactly? Naruto?! Naruto?!Narutoooo! "Kakashi screamed from in the radio

"Hehehe this will be easy."said Naruto to him self

{Kit you in trouble.}

(What do you mean Kurama is just a small cat. Jiji, Iruka and Nissan were just trolling us.)

{Kit I know this demon, trust me you will want help on this one even on your level.}said Kurama appering to be having some PTSD.

(Nah Kurama this will be easy peasy lemon squeezy.)the inexperient genin told his best friend with more then a thousnad years of experience.Naruto then jumped towards the cat who simple dodged the catching attempt."Hm that thing is fast. I thing I will use dads speed to end this quick."Naruto then ran towards the cat at his father's speed level but the cat simple avoided him."Hã?"Naruto was confused"How is this cat so fast?Let's try a little bit faster now."Naruto tryed again only to obtain the same result.And again , and again ,and again."Ok now I'm going max speed!"Naruto then broke the sound barrier breaking all the windows and glass near by a 50 meters radious.(Got ya!)Naruto was able to touch the cat who in response scratched his face. And also destroyed his radio"Ahhhh! This hurts!!"Naruto screamed in pain

"Hey isn't that the demon fox?"asked a villager to another

"Yes. And isn't that Tora?"asked another villager in response

"Man I feel bad for the demon fox now."

"Me too. I gave up on being a ninja beacuse of that demon in form of a cat."

"Me too. But he almost made me blind"as the villagers keept talking about how Tora was worst then the Kyuby Naruto was healing his face.

"I'm going to kill that thing!"shouted Naruto making everyone in the village laugh, even the ones that didn't heard began to laugh for some reason.To be honest everyone in the world began to laugh for some reason.Not only the living but the dead too.Not only the humans but the animals  and Aliens too.

{Hahaahahah there has begin sometime since the I'm going to kill Tora entangled laugh Hahahah}

(The hell is that?Kurama)asked Naruto

{It's something that happens everytime someone says that they will kill Tora. For some reason everyone in the world,not only in this world, laugh for some reason at the same time.}

(That doesn't make anysence.)

{I know but it's been like that even before I was born.}


{Yeah kit that Cat is older then I.}

(Is this some sort of joke?)

{I wish it was.}

(Hã?Anyway lets just get this mission over with.)Naruto told Kurama getting back to his run to catch Tora.

With the rest of team 7...

The rest of team 7 arrived at the south region of Konoha...

"Kakashi-sensei why did we all just laugh for some reason?"asked Sakura

"Naruto probably threated to kill Tora."

"What?"both Duck butt and Forehead were confused

"No time to explain. Naruto probably had his radio destroyed by now. And we need to find him quick. Let's go  after  some screams of pain."commanded Kakashi.

Back with Naruto...

Naruto was running at sonic speeds trying to catch Tora"Come here you son of a bitch!"Naruto shouted only to not be heard because they were both above sound speed.After a few miliseconds of running the cat had to slow down to do a curve, to not hit a house, but Naruto did not cared and accelerated to catch the cat,he got it but he smashed into not one,not two, three, not even four,but five houses,when he was finnaly stoped by the village great wall."Got ya son of a/

*Nya!*Tora scratch Naruto's face again breaking free.

"Gyyaaaa!!!!My face you fucker!"screamed Naruto.

*Nyanyanaynay*translation(Hahahaah take that  furball)meowed Tora as he jumped into the roofs of the houses

{Achooo!}Kurama sneezed

"I'm pissed now.If I could use jutsus catching this Tora thing would be so much easier"said Naruto and  the Tora entangled laugh happened again.

{Hahaahaahahahah. That's not true at all kit.}

(Shut up furball. Now where did that thing went?)Naruto was about to begin  to run after Tora again when he bumped into someone and felt in something soft."Ouch.I'm sorry.Man this is soft and comfy."said Naruto before looking up and realising that he felt in Hinata's chest.Who was red as an Tomato."Ahhh! I-I-I'm-m-m so-o-o-o so-sorry Hinata-chan"Naruto quick got up.And helped Hinata to do it as well.All while mimicing Hinata's color

"N-no-no pro-problem Na-naru-ruto-kun."said Hinata still red as a Tomato.

"Hey dead last! What you think you are doing?"asked Kiba as he was right behind Hinata along side ,Shino and their jounin sensei,Kurenai the village genjutsu especialist.

"It-it was an accident."responded Naruto

"Really?"Kiba wasn't beliving it

"Ye-yeah I was going after this cat called Tora and I bumoed into Hinata-chan be accident."

"Really you a recent graduated genin is doing the Tora mission already?"Kurenai wasn't believing as well

"Y-yes. That thing is impossible to catch even for me at max speed."said Naruto shcking both Hinata and Shino, who knew that Naruto was in reality really really strong.

"Yeah that's only hard beacuse you are te dead last.Hahaah"laughed Kiba

"Kiba to be honest with you even the Hokage has difficulty doing this mission"Kurenai defended Naruto.

"Really?"everyone was in shock


"..."Everyone was in silence for a moment 

"So Naruto are you alright?"Shino deciede to break the silence"Last night must had being hard for you."

"Yes it was. Ha."Naruto remebred something"Here I revealed some photos from last night."Naruto said giving them to Shino and Hinata

"Arigato"thanked both Shino and Hinata

"What happend last night?"asked Kiba

"Naruto-kun invited us to eat some ramen as a celebration for becomeing genin."anwsred Shino

"Can I see the photos?"asked Kiba taking them form Shino's hands only to be stoped by Kurenai

"Kiba-kun this is really bad behaviour. You  can only see those photos if Hinata or Shino alow you too."said Kurenai in a 'nice' way towards Kiba

"We rather not show them."said Shino"It was freinds only party."Shino knew that what happened last night was suppose to be keept a secret

"Ok. We will respect or privacy.Right Kiba-kun?"Kurenai said looking st Kiba with a 'friendly' smile.

"Hai Kurenai Sensei"answered Kiba in fear

"Ok now if you excuse me I have to catch some cat. And one more time I'm really sorry  for what happend just now Hinata-chan.Bye Shino, Kiba , Hinata-chan and it was pleasure meeting you Kurenai sensei!"shouted Naruto as he re-began his hunt ofr the D-rank demon. 

After a few hours of chase...

Naruto was tired of runnig at sonic speeds for hours straight and from healing him self, so he was running at a slow pace for him , which was still really fast even for  a jounin, he then encountered his team"Naruto what have I told you?"retorically asked Kakashi in a serious tone

"To call for reinforments"

"We have being looking for you everywhere dobe."

"Don't call me that Teme!"



















"Stop right you two!Also Naruto while you were cahcing after Tora have you saw anything suspicious?"asked Kakashi

"No why?"

"Really?"(So it was him. Damn Minato sensei and Kushina made  a monster)"Something or more expecific someone destroyed almost every glass in the region and also made a hole through about five houses before crashing into the village great wall.You know prety expnsive damage for the village you know."said Kakashi looking at Naruto with a serious face/eye.

"N-no I have n-no ideia. I heard somethings but I was so pissed with that damn cat that I didn't even noticed"lied Naruto

"Hmm we will ahve a conversation later. The day is almost over. And we only have about two hours to catch this thing in form of a cat. In other words we will fail our first mission and this is not a good thing for your curriculum. So lets formulate a plan and/

"Look there he is!"shouted Sasuke as he saw Tora apssing by them.

"Sasuke be careful we need to formulate a plan first!"screamed Kakashi while Sasuke went towards Tora

"Leave it Kakashi sensei I want to see him suffer hahahaha"laughed Naruto

"Pspsps."Sasuke called Tora who looked at him with a'the heck you want'face."I have a presenty for you."Sasuke then took out something  and offered it to Tora.

*Meow!*Tora the jumped at Sasuke

"RIP Sasuke"said Kakashi closing his eye in respect

"Hahaah this tickles hahaahah"Sasuke was laughing and everyone looked at the scene in shock.Tora was licking Sasuke face in a cute way.

"What The????!!!!"Kakashi and Naruto screamed shocked and confused as heck

"Oh the murderer that is my  brother once did this mission and told me the secret to complete it."

"How?!"asked both Naruto and Kakashi 

" It's a secret of the Uchiha clan."said Sasuke for the disapointment of Naruto and Kakashi


"Nii-san are you alright?"sasuke entered his brother room where he could be seen crying

"Y-yes Sasuke-chan I fine."lied Itachi

"Then why are you crying?"asked little Sasuke

"Oh it's beacuse I'm disapointed."

"Disapointed with what?"

"The Tora mission. Everyone said that it was a SSS-mission disguised as a D-rank."


"It was super easy. I had to do was show him the herbs that Nekoba gave to our clan and done."

"That's so sad."

end of flashback...

"Ah."Naruto and Kakashi were in shock not  believing it.

"Sasuke-kun you such a genious!"screamed Sakura as she hugged Sasuke

"Now lets go to the Hokage. This mission as easy peasy lemon squeezy."said Sasuke walking towards the Hokage's tower with Sakura behind him.

"Ah."Kakashi and Naruto were still in shock with how easy Sasuke caught Tora.While Naruto almost destroyed the village trying.

(I bet he did the same thing that Itachi did.)"Now Naruto let's go to the Hokage after that we have a lot of talking to do."

*glup*Naruto knew that he was in trouble

At the Hokage's tower...

Team 7 arrived at the Hokage's officie

"Hokage-sama we caught the cat."said Kakashi as he entered along side his team.And just as Sasuke entered with the cat in his arms a blur appered in front of him and took the cat away from him.

*TORA I MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU HIRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room.

"What was that?"the genin asked 

"That one was the fire lord's wife . The Tora's  owner.Now congrats on catching Tora Sasuke-kun. So how did you caught him?"asked Hiruzen 

"Sorry it's a clan secret."said Sasuke

(So he did the same thing that Itachi did.)Hiruzen signed"Ok Kakashi , Sakura and Sasuke here is your mission payment. Naruto I would like to have a conversation with you."

"Hai Hokage-sama."the rest of team 7 them left the officie

"Alright. Naruto."Hiruzen the put a silence seal in the room

*glup*Naruto now knew that he was fucked

"I have to things to tell you the first one is"Hiruzen then took a deep breath"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEIA HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU DID TO THE VILLAGE TODAY??!!!"shouted Hiruzen




{Hey Kit. Open the Shinobi mission guide on page 114 and read out loud the article number Exeption-D-37.You can thank me later.}

"Ok."Naruto then took the shinobi guide and beagn to read  the article D-37 on page 114."Page 114,Exeption-D-37: In case of the Tora's mission, all the damaged caused  to village that was made in attampet to caught him, Tora,if the shinobi that caused the damage is still a genin  and he was assignet to the  Tora's mission, the genin will be not responsible for the damages that were he casued the village."Naruto finished reading it with a happy surpised face

"What?"Hiruzen then took his own copy of the shinobi guide and began to read it"I don't belive it! Who was the idiot who made this exception?"

"Here says : Exception declared by :Sarutobi Hiruzen"said Naruto making Hiruzen feel like an idiot

"I forgot that I  amde this exeception. For sure I wasn't expecting , that we would have Kage level Genin some day."Hiruzen then took out his pipe to smoke a little.

"So Jiji what was the second thing you wanted to tell me?"asked Naruto

"AMBU dismissed!"Sarutobi shouted "So Naruto/

"Not all AMBU are gone Jiji."said Naruto before appering with a incocious body of an AMBU with a ROOT mask.

"AMBU!"Hiruzen shouted but nothing happened.

"Jiji you put a silence seal did you forgot?"

"Oh right Naruto."Hiruzen then undid the seal"AMBU!"after he shouted three AMBU appered infront of him

"At your orders Hokage-sama."said one AMBU

"Take him to Ibiki."ordered the third Hokage

"Hai."the AMBU then took the ROOT AMBU and went away.

"Now."the Hokage made the silence seal again"Naruto I'm here to talk with you about your heritage."

"Yes! So when I will recive it?"asked the blond really exicited

"After your 18th birthday or you becoming a chunin. what ever comes first. And we will need to reveal your parents identity to do it."

"Hm. So how do I become a chunin?"

"Well there are two ways one is a field promotion and the other is by passing the chunin exams. Since you are a newly fresh genin you have a better chance fo getting them by becoming a chunin in the chunin exams. Field promotions require lots of time and completed missions."

"Ok. So when the chunin exams will happen?"

"In about six mouths."

"Ok I can wait. Anything else?"

"No you are free to go now."

"Ok Bye Jiji!"Naruto then hirashined home.


A/n: So, sorry for taking this long to update this this fic but I was really busy. And this fic I want to be well written so I take my time tom write it. Also the writting style that I'm going is a more completed one.With more words. This was a semi-filler chapter that I thoought it was really fun to write.

Also Tora became one of my favorites characters in Naruto now hahaahahahah

Tora>>>>>>Entire Otsusuki clan

Tora>>>>> Dragon Ball universe

Tora god 

Next chapter: Wave

(I don't know if I will put the entire arc in just one chapter or I will make two or three chapter for this arc.)

Hope you guys enjoying it. See ya.


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