pluto projector โœˆ๏ธŽ iwaoi

By msbysamu

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111 11 7
By msbysamu

oikawa had felt almost sick since his encounter with iwaizumi. iwaizumi had a girlfriend. iwaizumi who always said he didn't really have much interest in girls, iwaizumi who was always so awkward whenever a girl would even ask him for the time of day. he suddenly had a girlfriend? oikawa couldn't stand it.

worst of all iwaizumi said oikawa would like her. as if, he already knew he was going to hate her. even though she had done nothing wrong he had already decided he hated her. making iwaizumi fall in love like that.

what made it worse was iwaizumi had been bugging him all week to come over and meet her, and oikawa was running out of excuses. there was only so many times he could use the excuse of 'his mum missed him' or 'he was giving takeru 1-1 volleyball lessons'. he knew he would eventually have to meet the said girlfriend iwaizumi had.

oikawa laid on his side on the bed staring at the photo of them both in their volleyball uniforms, thinking back to how it was so much simpler back then. why couldn't he of said something sooner, then maybe he wouldn't be stuck in this situation that made his heart feel so broke.

he felt his phone vibrate on the bed next to him, as he reached around behind him grabbing the phone, seeing a text from iwaizumi, as oikawa groaned already knowing what he wanted.


oi shittykawa are u coming round today?

are you that desperate for my approval
god iwa what am i your mother

shutup idiot

are u coming or not? sakura really
wants to meet u

ugh i guess🙄

only because you're practically
begging me tho

great i'll let her know

i'll see u later?

yeh see you later🤩

oikawa groaned throwing his phone down on the bed frustrated, why was iwaizumi so persistent in him meeting her. what kind of name was sakura anyway? a stupid one oikawa thought.

before he went over to iwaizumi's house, he showered and got himself dressed into just into some casual wear, nothing too extravagant but good enough to know he looked put together. he put on his glasses and messed up his hair a little before heading out, giving his mum a goodbye before locking the door behind him.

all the way there on the walk to his house oikawa was running scenarios through his head, coming up with his best shocked face for it he needed to pretend there was an emergency back at home due to unbearable awkwardness. oikawa was glad to be home, and glad to see iwaizumi again, but all the happiness he felt had been swiped away completely at the news of this sakura girl.

she single handedly ruined his trip home, and now all oikawa could do was think about going back to brazil to get away from this nightmare. he had no chance with iwaizumi, zero at all now, and he was aware of that. the best thing oikawa could do now was put on a fake smile, pretend sakura was the most amazing girl ever for iwaizumi and then go back to never talk to either of them again.

he just had to get through tonight, then oikawa wouldn't bother him anymore, his iwaizumi's sake and his own. because oikawa didn't know if he could handle seeing iwaizumi happy and coupled up someone besides himself.

before he knew it he was at iwaizumi's door, and oikawa took a deep breath in before ringing the door bell, hoping no one would answer so he could go back home. but within seconds, iwaizumi's mum had opened the door with the largest smile oikawa had possibly seen her wear.

"tooru! oh my when hajime said you were coming i was thrilled! how have you been? how is brazil? you have to tell us everything," she began, pulling oikawa into the house as he smiled taking off his jacket and shoes, as his mum quickly grabbed his jacket from him.

"it's great to see you! i swear you get more beautiful everytime i see you akito chan, brazil is good thanks," oikawa said picking up his shoes and placing them on the shoe rack, seeing the slippers his that had been laid out for him with his name inked on the label inside he did himself back in middle school as he smiled to himself. iwaizumi probably pulled them out of his room.

"you flatter me too much, how's your mum and sister? hajime said you've been with takeru the past couple of days," akito asked as the two walked to the coat cupboard as she began to hang up his jacket.

"all great, and takeru is huge now, i almost didn't recognise him when i saw him tuesday, he's been doing some practice with me, who knows he might be as good as me," oikawa said laughing.

"well if he plays anything like you do he'll be wonderful, come let me get you some tea," she said leading him to the kitchen as he followed behind her.

oikawa followed akito into the kitchen to see it was empty, and little redecorating had been done, different photos and paint now on the walls from the previous time he came. akito setting down the tea pot in front of him with two cups, as oikawa poured himself a cup along with iwaizumi's mother. taking a small sip from the hot liquid as he sighed, akito always did make good tea.

"i completely forgot to tell hajime you're here, he's been talking non-stop about you coming aswell," she said before quickly leaving the room to call down iwaizumi.

so iwaizumi had been talking about him to his mum? well no different than usual then, but oikawa couldn't help but feel a little smug that he had been the talk of the house. knowing sakura had been here too probably listening to him talk about oikawa to his mum, he laughed a little as he drank his tea.

"so have you met anyone nice yet? i remember in high school it was you with the girlfriends, not hajime," akito said giving him a small thankyou as she noticed oikawa poured her a cup of tea.

"i haven't found the right person yet, plus i'm not really looking, i'm too focused on my career right now," oikawa said taking another sip.

"good to hear! i'm glad you took volleyball seriously, i always said you would go pro,"

"couldn't of done it without yours or my mums help though," oikawa said giving her a smile.

"you've been here less than five minutes and you've already got my mum making you tea," iwaizumi's voice could be heard by the door frame, as oikawa looked up to him.

he had a plain hoodie on with shorts, his hair messy as he stood against the wooden frame looking at the situation in front of oikawa and his mum chatting and drinking tea. oikawa could see the muscles on his calves were outlined, a small red mark on his neck peaking over the lining of his hoodie.

he pulled his eyed away and put a quick grin on his face as he stared at the boy.

"i can't help being as charming as i am, akito chan was just telling me how much better i am than you," oikawa said haughtily raising his eyesbrows to him.

"i can't believe you'd tell him, it was suppose to be a secret," akito said standing from the table to usher iwaizumi in. "i completely forgot to grab you both cups," she said gesturing to the two new people.

"it's fine, i'm not in the mood for tea anyway thanks," an unfamiliar voice said from beside iwaizumi.

oikawa shifted his eyes and leaned over slightly to see a small girl next to iwaizumi, her hand on his bicep smiling softly. long hair a deep brown shade, a petit frame with a angular face sitting on top. oikawa tried his best not to scowl at her, but iwaizumi had done well to get such a pretty girl. but then again iwaizumi wasn't a bad looking guy, given oikawa was head over heels for him.

"your loss, akito chan makes the best tea in the prefecture," oikawa said looking to iwaizumi's mum grabbing extra cups as she shook her head.

"my, how i've missed having you around, tooru," his mum laughed lightly.

"okay, oikawa stop flirting with my mum," iwaizumi groaned walking into the kitchen, allowing the small girl oikawa was guessing was sakura follow behind with a smile.

"you really should appreciate your mum
more iwa," oikawa teased.

"i do, and i could say the same thing to you," iwaizumi told him sitting down across from him.

beside him sakura slid in next to him sitting up closer to him so their shoulders were touching. it made oikawa want to throw up in his mouth, he tried not to roll his eyes at the sight and not to stare at her too harshly, holding his usual smile and cocky self.

"i heard you bought your mum a car, tooru?" akito asked him, setting down the cups on the table, sitting back next to oikawa on the bench.

"wait you bought your mum a car?" iwaizumi asked shocked.

"of course i did, what did you get your mum iwa? homemade macaroni photo frames?" oikawa jeered at him.

"that was five years ago give it up already," iwaizumi said sighing.

"and i gave takeru 10,000 yen, but it's bribing money to stop him going to shiratorizawa," oikawa added.

"you're actually the worst, let the kid do what he wants," iwaizumi shook his head laughing.

"no nephew or niece of mine will be going to the god awful school, it will be a offensive to my whole life's work," oikawa said dramatically.

"what work? you don't know the meaning of the word," iwaizumi said.

"iwa chan! i'm offended you would even say that, we all know i'm a waaay harder work than you," oikawa looked beside him to see sakura was just listening to the two of them bicker with a smile. "and who might this beautiful girl be, you're telling me she actually said yes to you?"

sakura blushed and gave a small laugh as iwaizumi rolled his eyes, putting an arm around her as oikawa just smiled. time to lay on the charm, make her believe he was the most hands down amazing guy she had ever
met, before leaving to never have to see her again. he just needed to make sure she was good for iwaizumi, because he deserved someone amazing, even if it couldn't be oikawa.

"hi, it's great to finally meet the famous oikawa tooru, hajime talks about you a lot," she told him sweetly.

oikawa took a sip from his drink and looked to iwaizumi with a raised eyebrow in question. first his mum tells him he's all he talks about, now his girlfriend. it seemed oikawa was definitely the topic of conversation in the household of the iwaizumi's, not that he minded. he loved the attention.

"oh does he now? then i'm sure he's already told you how amazing i am," oikawa boasted about hisself.

"more like how much of an annoying and conceited person you are," iwaizumi jeered back.

"and look who's talking, the guy who willingly hangs out with the annoying and conceited person," oikawa smiled.

"do you ever stop?" iwaizumi asked him.

"you've known me for how long now iwa?" oikawa asked him.

"too long," iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

the rest of the night went seemingly okay. as okay as it could have gone anyway. oikawa having to hold back the urge to gag everytime sakura used a pet name on iwaizumi, or not to stare too hard at the hands touching his arms. or the arms iwaizumi had placed securely around her.

after some deductions of sakura and conversations, oikawa deemed her of not being completely terrible. but he still hated her, that part was sticking.

even if oikawa didn't have a rational reason to hate her, he just did, because she had what he couldn't.

iwaizumi had met her during his time at california, the two both in the same international student programme so the two instantly hit it off apparently. there was a bunch of them who would hang out according to iwaizumi, and he started dating sakura in his second year of university. the two had been dating almost three years, and oikawa had no idea.

but iwaizumi seemed happy which is all that mattered to oikawa, and sakura seemed to make him happy, so he felt he couldn't really complain. even if there was a small chance iwaizumi could of been happier with him, oikawa just couldn't risk it. and it would of been selfish. after seeing him so cheerful and loved up with sakura. it just wasn't right.

so as oikawa walked home he stopped by the park just along the way, whilst silent tears poured down his face for the boy he couldn't have. the only boy oikawa would ever want. before he pulled himself together and walked back home, hoping to never have to see either of them again, wishing them the best.

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