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finally it was time to go home, before oikawa could even ring a taxi iwaizumi had grabbed him by his collar and dragged him to the back seat of his car. demanding he was taking him home. oikawa did not get as drunk as he hoped he would, he didn't need to in the end as he kept himself preoccupied with matsukawa and hanamaki. but it didn't get rid of the awful feeling inside stirring every time he looked at the happy couple.

even now as he was sat in the back of the moving car watching the two in front talk oikawa wanted to throw his head out the window and throw up. or maybe in the car just out of spite. but to be frank, he didn't know whether that was the alcohol talking or not to why he felt so nauseous.

before oikawa even realised it the car came to a stop, and oikawa looked around confused wondering why. he looked out the window seeing they were already at iwaizumi's house. oikawa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, wondering why on earth they were here. iwaizumi wasn't expecting him to stay over was he? oikawa could imagine it now, it was nightmare fuel.

"i'll see you later, i love you," iwaizumi said as he bent over to give sakura a kiss.

gip. oikawa smacked his hand over his eyes and wanted to die.

"thank you, i love you too," she replied softly as oikawa again threw up in his mouth.

the door shut leaving the two in silence, as iwaizumi watched her walk to the door. oikawa on the other hand was trying to remove any trace of that just happening from his mind. he hated life.

oikawa sat and bashed his head on the window harshly, resting his forehead on the glass looking out to the house across the road with the street lamp outside it. looking at the brickwork and white painted fence that stood around it, and oikawa felt someone tap his shoulder, removing him from his daze.

"you getting in the front or are you staying in the back?" iwaizumi's voice broke him, his hand on his shoulder.

oikawa turned to face him, seeing he was leaned towards him, raising his eyebrows at him waiting for a reply.

oikawa sighed, getting out the car to go around to the front seat on passenger side. he plonked himself down next to iwaizumi, looking at his best friend who sat next to him, oikawa couldn't help but smile when he saw him. iwaizumi looked at him too, and oikawa felt his heart skip a beat, he hadn't looked at him like that since high school. god oikawa wanted to kiss him so bad right now.

"how long you in japan for?" iwaizumi asked him, the two parked up outside his house.

"just a couple more weeks, i go back just after new years," oikawa told him. "how come sakura went in?" he questioned.

"she was a little tired, so i thought i'd drop her off before you, hope you don't mind," iwaizumi explained.

oikawa shook his head not caring.

iwaizumi just nodded without a reply, before starting the car again and driving off in the direction of oikawa's houses. the ride was silent now, oikawa was almost glad. he didn't even know what to say to him.

he had his forehead against the window again as he watched the dark road pass by them, the streetlights that damply lit the road flashing before his eyes as the car drove past. the roads were quiet too, but they usually were around this time. it felt like the times in their final year of high school when him and iwaizumi would just drive around at night for the sake of it after her pasted his driving test.

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