Dark Magic (The Secret Circle)

By fandoms_forever32

25.5K 870 104

Odessa Blake was many things, Cassie Blake's cousin, a witch in The Secret Circle and the first love of Jake... More

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1.3K 52 12
By fandoms_forever32

(Wake Part One)

Odessa was emotionless. It was like she was numb. It's only been a couple days since Nick's death and she hasn't left her room for anything.

She didn't sleep or eat. She was like a shell of who she was.

The guilt was eating at her. She kept getting nightmares and it was haunting her.

Odessa was knocked out of the thoughts as a soft knock sounded on her doors. "Essie, you in there?"

It was Morgan. She came over everyday trying to get Odessa to leave her room.

The fake blonde didn't answer as she looked out her window towards Nick's house. She almost thought he would just show up and climb through her window. But then she would remember.

He was never coming back.

That reminder put Odessa in a more depressed state.

Morgan sighed after not getting a response from the Blake witch. She was worried and also hurt from losing Nick.

"Anything?" Cassie stopped Morgan as she was passing the blondes room.

Morgan wiped her watering eyes. "N-no. I'm worried about her. Nick was everything to her, and I feel so guilty that I'm still jealous of him."

"Why would you be jealous of Nick?" Cassie asked.

"Nick and Odessa had a connection that we didn't. I was always jealous of it. I felt like I was losing her. But she seems to forget I lost Jake too. He was my best friend also." Morgan cried.

"Jake?" Cassie curiously questioned.

Morgan gave her a surprised look. "Odessa never mentioned Jake?"

"Tell me about all of it. So I'll know what Odessa has been through." Cassie opened her bedroom door wider so Morgan could enter her room. "Maybe it would help me know how to help her."

Morgan nodded, slowly going into her room. "She would kill me just for saying his name."

"What happened?" Cassie plopped on her bed.

"She and Jake were in love. But everything fell apart. It all started..."


Odessa couldn't sleep yet again, the darkness in her room getting to her. If Nick was here, he would lay beside her until she fell asleep.

Her head shot up at hearing something outside. Her heart jumped in her chest. She hurried to her feet, stumbling to her window. She grinned at seeing lights in Nick's house.

Maybe everything was a nightmare. A really horrible nightmare.

Maybe Nick was home, waiting for her to come see him.

If only...

Odessa's breath hitched at the sight of a familiar blonde boy. Nick's brother.

The boy who abandoned Odessa.

He was in front of a fire that was burning his lawn. Odessa narrowed her eyes at him, anger flaring up in her.

How dare he come back?

She quickly moved back in the shadows as he glanced over.

She clinched her hands, the lights flicking on and then back off. Her eyes curiously scanned around the room.

Ever since Nick's death, she's been able to do magic by herself and she was losing control of it.

Maybe the demon did something to her.

She laid in bed, forcing herself to fall asleep.

She had a big day tomorrow with Nick's wake.


Odessa forced herself to get out of bed and make herself presentable. She took a shower, put on clean clothes and didn't bother to brush her hair. She threw her hair in a messy ponytail.

She didn't even recognize herself as she stared in the mirror. She looked like a mess.

But she knew Nick wouldn't want her wallowing in self pity. She took a deep breath.

"I got this." Odessa muttered, hesitating before opening her bedroom door.

Her hands shook as she finally took a step out of her room. She slowly walked and descended the stairs. She paused as she began to hear her grandmother, Cassie and Morgan talking.

Why was Morgan still here?

"I didn't even know Nick had a brother." Cassie said.

Odessa's heart clinched.

"Jake left town a couple years ago. He was a troubled young man back then." Jane told Cassie.

Cassie sighed. "And now he's lost his brother."

"Jake doesn't give a shit about Nick or anyone else." Odessa voiced, giving her location away. Her eyes narrowed. "He's a selfish dick."

Jane rolled her eyes at her granddaughter. "Language, Odessa."

"He's gonna regret coming back here. Nick wouldn't want him here not after Jake abandoned him." Odessa's eyes teared up even though she really tried to stop it. "Abandoned me."

"Odessa.." Morgan frowned happy she was out of her room but sad with how Odessa was hurting.

"He needs to leave." Odessa snapped, whirling around. "I'm going to the boathouse for breakfast."

But she froze, this would be the first breakfast without Nick.

Still she forced herself to storm out of the house. Morgan racing after her.


"Hey neighbor." Those words were the first thing Odessa heard as she made her way out of the bathroom. His voice so familiar. And so were his words.

"Hey neighbor." Nick said at Cassie. He climbed down the ladder, helping Odessa afterwards. "I'm Nick. Also known as the guy in the window."

Odessa paused at the blonde also known as the man she once loved. He resembled Nick very much and hearing those two words, she hoped it would be Nick.

Morgan hurried to her side, already knowing what Odessa was feeling. She felt so it to as she laid eyes on Jake Armstrong.

Melissa and Faye a little ways away watched closely. They could see hurricane Odessa was about to explode. Good thing the circle was bound.

The lights in the boathouse flickered, making all the witches stiffen.

"Why the hell are you here?" Odessa snarled, her hands clinching.

Jake smiled at seeing her, eyes scanning over her new look. At her blonde hair that used to be brown. "Hey Blake."

Odessa glared. She was finally giving into her anger. "Nick wouldn't want you here."

"Odessa, come on. Let's not fight." Jake frowned. He looked around wearily.

"You can't just come back and pretend everything is the way it was before. But newsflash, it's not. Nick's dead and I'm over you. You mean nothing to me and you meant nothing to him." Odessa could feel the power in her.

The lights flickered even more. People were starting to look over at them.

"Calm down." Morgan whispered. "I don't know how your doing this but you need to breath."

Odessa unclenched her hands. "Nick needed you, and you weren't there."

Odessa ran out of the boathouse. Jake sighed, following after her.

"Odessa, please. Let's talk." Jake stopped her.

She shoved him away. "I needed you when I was..." she trailed off. "I needed you."

"Why do you care?" He suddenly snapped. "You didn't care about Nick before. What? You couldn't have me so you started screwing him."

"Are you serious?" Odessa yelled. "He was there for me when you abandoned me. He was my best friend, my family, my brother. I need him and now he's gone. You should've been here."

"I know. And I'm sorry." Jake whispered.

"Why are you back?" Odessa asked. "If you really cared about Nick, you would've came back sooner."

Jake didn't have an answer for her. So she took off and away from him. He watched her go, guilt and pain forming around him.

She was going to hate him more when she realized why he really came back.


Morgan forced Odessa to come with her to the abandoned house. Odessa heart pounded as she came in the room that everything went down.

Morgan gave her a small smile, grasping her hand. She pulled Odessa down beside her. Cassie explained everything her grandmother told her.

"There is no way I am gonna let Jake be a part of this circle." Adam stated.

"According to my grandmother, it's not up to us." Cassie said. "He is by virtue of his bloodline."

"That doesn't mean we have to tell him." Adam said.

"Don't we want to?" Cassie asked.

"You don't know him like we do. He's hurt a lot people." Diana briefly glanced at Odessa.

"You can't just replace Nick with Jake." Melissa voiced the very thing Odessa was thinking. "It isn't right."

"I'm sorry. I know how hard this must be." Cassie frowned.

"Does he even know about us or that he's part of the circle?" Adam asked.

"I doubt it. He left before I found the book, before Nick knew." Diana said.

"He takes his power with him. It's either bring Jake into the circle or leave ourselves vulnerable." Cassie explained.

"Who died and made you queen witch?" Faye raised her brows. Morgan and Melissa gave her a look, while Odessa sat there with a blank look. Faye winced realizing what she said. "Sorry."

"Odessa?" Cassie asked. "Please back me up."

Odessa focused her eyes on her cousin. "I'll rather that demon have killed me then let Jake into the circle, Cassie. He doesn't deserve that power or this circle. Nick... he can't be replaced with Jake. I won't allow it."

Right then, everyone heard something outside. They all rushed to get up.

"What's going on?"Cassie asked.

"I smell something burning." Morgan said.

"Damn it." Adam muttered.

There was a fire outside.

"What the hell?" Odessa muttered.

"Oh my god. It's coming straight for the house." Melissa gasped.

"We can put it out. Come on." Adam said. "No air for fire..."

They all began to speak. "No air for fire. No air for fire."

They continued until the fire died down.

"Oh my god." Cassie said. "Look."

Morgan and Odessa shared a look. The fire was gone but in its place was a symbol.

"What the hell?" Adam muttered.


"What is that?" Faye asked.

"It looks like a crescent moon." Cassie said.

"Wait. Who could have done this?" Melissa wondered.

"Could be Jake trying to scare us." Adam suggested.

"Sounds like something he would do." Morgan agreed.

Odessa frowned. That was a time when she would join Jake on his pranks.

"He doesn't know about us." Diana reminded.

"Maybe." Odessa said.

"Someone obviously does." Faye retorted.

"And burnt a symbol to prove it. That doesn't make any sense." Melissa stated.

Odessa sighed. "Can I go back to my room now and away from this hell house?"

Morgan's POV

Morgan hated seeing her best friend so closed off and heartbroken. She couldn't stand it.

Morgan rolled her eyes stopping on the docks. Jake turned to her and grinned.

"Hey Morgan." He said

"You need to stay away from Odessa." Morgan crossed her arms. "She doesn't need you. She never did. You crushed her. You left your own brother and you hurt me. You're a selfish bastard for coming back."

"Nick's dead. I came back for him. So get over yourself." Jake climbed off the boat.

Morgan's gaze hardened. "I'm sorry about Nick. But after the wake I expect you to leave town and drive far away from this place." She whirled around then paused turning to him. "Did you start that fire today?"

Jake's brows furrowed. "What fire?"

Morgan rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't surprise me if you did."

Jake stopped her from leaving. "Then tell me what the hell you're talking about. Is Odessa okay?"

Morgan kneed him in his privates. "Don't touch me."

She smirked walking away from the groaning boy.

Odessa's POV

Cassie and Odessa got home after Cassie went to speak to their grandmother at work. Cassie immediately called Diana to tell her what her grandmother told her.

Odessa turned around about to head for the stairs but she froze, hearing footsteps. "Grandma?"

Cassie's face showed confusion, she shrugged heading for the kitchen. She paused, feeling a presence behind her. She whirled around and gasped. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The girl who was definitely weird looked. She had a knife in her hands. She smirked at the blondes. "Your blood."

She lunged for Cassie but Cassie fought back. Odessa jumped forward, shoving the girl into the wall. Cassie gripped Odessa and pulled her into a run.

Odessa screamed, getting yanked to the ground.

"Odessa!" Cassie yelled.

Odessa groaned as the girl sliced her stomach.

"Get off of her." Jake was suddenly there. "Burning star, blood red eye. Burning, star blood red eye."

The girl groaned in pain trying to scoot back from them.

Cassie helped Odessa up, staring at the Armstrong boy in shock. "Burning star, blood red eye."

Odessa joined in. "Burning star, blood red eye."

Together. "Burning star, blood red eye. Burning star, blood red eye."

The girl finally had enough and ran out the back door. Cassie held her arm in pain as she realized the girl had cut her a little.

Odessa grasped her stomach tightly, blood spilling out. She turned her gaze to Jake.


"Who the hell was that?" Cassie asked.

"I have no clue." Jake shrugged. "But she seemed pretty intent on killing you both."

"W-why?" Cassie stuttered, freaked out.

"Sorry. I was too busy trying to save your asses to ask her." Jake smirked.

"We didn't need your help." Odessa finally spoke up, glare at the boy. "I had it handled."

"Oh really? You had it handled?" Jake mocked her.

Odessa opened her mouth but Cassie cut her off. "So I guess you know you're a witch."

"Yeah." Jake said. "Here. Sit."

Odessa closely watched them as he helped Cassie to a chair. Jealousy rose in her.

"Oh, but you left town before Diana found her book of shadows." Cassie stated.

"I found my own book years ago." Jake explained. "I read enough to know a spell or two."

"We have a circle. Your brother was a part of it." Cassie told him.

"Cassie." Odessa snapped. "You better not be inviting him to our circle. He can't replace Nick."

Jake frowned at her, turning back to Cassie. "A lot of good that did him."

For once, Odessa slightly agreed.

"You're a part of it, too." Cassie ignored Odessa.

"I don't want anything to do with your circle." Jake stated. "You're just a bunch of kids. In way over your heads."

"Good. We didn't want you." Odessa rolled her eyes.

"What were you doing in your yard last night?" Cassie turned to ask Jake.

Jake wringed out a wet cloth in the sink. "Putting out a fire. Someone, probably that crazy bitch that was just in here, burning a crescent into the ground."

Odessa raised a brow. "That's not how it looked. It looked like you set it."

"What's going on?" Jane spooked them all.

"Oh, um, a woman broke in." Cassie said. "She took a swipe at me and Odessa. Jake stopped her."

"Oh, thank god. You both are all right." Jane said worried. She examined her granddaughter's. "I owe you a thanks but I can take it from here."

Jake chuckled. "I believe it." He smiled at the Blake cousins. "Good night."

"Good night." Cassie said.

"Go to hell." Odessa smirked.

"You tell me exactly what happened." Their grandmother demanded.


Odessa glared out the window as Cassie and Jake talked. She wasn't going to let Jake get close to Cassie. He ruins everything.

He ruined her.

Her eyes moved to the chair in her room. A leather jacket laid on it. Nick's jacket.

A sob broke out. She picked up the jacket carefully and hugged it to her.

Finally she made a decision. She climbed out of her window like she always did with Nick. She grasped the jacket tightly in her hands. She hurried to Nick's house.

She unlocked the door with a key. Her heart pounced as she gazed around the familiar house. She climbed the stairs, frowning as she heard music. Music Nick loved.

"Nick?" Odessa muttered, slowly pushing the door open.

Melissa wiped her tears. "I'm sorry. I just needed to be around his stuff."

Odessa have been in so much pain that she forgot about the girl who was in love with Nick. "Hey, it's okay."

Melissa cried harder. "He's gone. He's really gone."

Odessa laid on the Nick's bed beside her. She pulled the younger girl closer to her letting Melissa cry. "Everything will be okay."

But when she let a few tears escape. Because she knew it wouldn't be okay again without Nick.


I'm so sorry it took a while for me to update. I wasn't really sure what to do for the return of Jake but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

What episode should I explain what really happened to Jake and Odessa?

Thanks for reading.


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