I Want What You Have - l.s

By onlyhereforlarry0928

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Louis and Harry have been best friends for as long as they can remember. As they've grown up and discovered t... More

Chapter 1 - Harry
Chapter 2 - Louis
Chapter 3 - Harry
Chapter 4 - Louis
Chapter 5 - Harry
Chapter 6 - Louis
Chapter 7 - Harry
Chapter 8 - Louis
Chapter 9 - Harry
Chapter 10 - Louis
Chapter 11 - Harry
Chapter 12 - Louis
Chapter 13 - Harry
Chapter 14 - Louis
Chapter 16 - Louis
Chapter 17 - Harry
Chapter 18 - Louis
Chapter 19 - Harry
Chapter 20 - Louis

Chapter 15 - Harry

47 2 1
By onlyhereforlarry0928

Harry leans his forehead against Louis', nuzzling them closer together. He breathes Louis' scent in deep as Louis whispers, "I want this Hazza. You know that right?"

"Of course, Lou." Harry blinks up into those beautiful blue eyes, he thinks they're too complex to be considered one specific shade. Every time he gazes into them, he thinks they've changed into a different hue than they were before. "I want this just as much. Actually- probably a whole lot more." He chuckles out.

Louis giggles at the childish grin Harry is currently flashing up at him. Harry wraps his arms tighter around Louis' waist, who is standing in between his legs as he sits on Louis' bed. They're still getting to know these new, romantic, sensual sides of one another but Harry has already discovered that Louis will completely melt with just a flicker of his dimples.

Louis confirms it as he takes Harry's face in both of his hands and leans down to kiss him. Harry had gone over to Louis' house for dinner since neither of his parents were home for the night and afterwards they went up to Louis' room for a bit. Harry had immediately gone for the guitar Louis has hanging on his wall (he's pretty sure Louis only keeps it for him and he's equally sure Harry loves that Louis does it) but the second he sat down on Louis' bed, Louis promptly slid himself in between Harry's legs and Harry knew he was a goner.

"I mean," Louis continues once they've finally pulled apart. "I just want to make sure that you know I'm not embarrassed to be with you. I want people to know... about us. I'm just scared that they'll suddenly learn this side of me and then that will be all that they see. I don't want everyone's opinion of me to change just because I want to be with you, but it doesn't mean I don't want them to know."

Harry sighs, gazing into Louis' eyes which have taken on a brilliant shade of azure-blue in this light. "I know Lou. Trust me, I felt the exact same way. It's just kinda hard because it took me such a long time to feel comfortable enough to admit who I am to everyone and now I'm back to hiding it."

"I know Hazza." Louis murmurs against Harry's lips. "I don't want you to have to hide anymore. I don't want to have to hide anymore."

Louis connects their lips together in a more heated kiss this time. He pokes his tongue through and Harry instantly grants him access to his own. He pulls Louis closer to him as their mouths tangle together. He can feel Louis' hard bulge pressing against his own and has to stifle a groan, very aware that Louis' whole family is just downstairs. This is the farthest they've gone together but Harry doesn't want to rush it. At least, not until Louis is more comfortable with his new feelings of attraction to enjoy it rather than be worried he'll regret it later. Instead, Harry runs his hands through Louis' soft hair and kisses him harder.

When they break apart, Louis' face is still close and they're breathing heavily. Harry studys Louis' eyes once more. His pupils are blown so that there's only a ring of deep, royal blue surrounding them.

That's got to be his new favourite shade.


Harry slams his laptop shut with a resounding "mmph!". He really needs to stop leaving the editing for his essays until the last minute. He spins around in his desk chair and flops down onto his bed so that his legs are dangling off the edge and he is staring up at the ceiling. He sighs, the house is eerily quiet right now. He almost misses the fighting, at least then he knew his parents still cared. Now it's just... nothing.

"Bing ba-bing bing bing!!"

Harry turns his head to the side towards the sound of his phone ringing from his desk. He glances at the clock on his bedside table as he pushes himself up to see who's calling: 9:25 PM. It's a bit earlier than usual, but Harry is sure it must be Louis and he suddenly feels tingly all over.


Harry's eyes go wide once he realises how long it has been since they've actually talked. He has missed her last couple facetime calls which he meant to return but... Harry has been a bit preoccupied with a certain someone. He texts with Gemma but they're always super spaced out and it never feels like a true conversation.

"Hey." Harry says once he picks up and her face fills the phone screen.

"Harry!" She immediately lights up once she realises Harry actually picked up for once. "Finally! I've been trying to get a hold of you for ages!"

"I know," Harry chuckles. "I'm sorry, I've uhh- well I've been a bit busy lately."

"Really?" Gemma gives Harry a knowing look. "And why is that?"

Harry smiles shyly and tries to hide the blush that he's sure is tinting his cheeks. He's never been able to hide anything from Gemma. She was a huge support in helping him feel comfortable with coming out to everyone, she had just always known; Harry never even had to utter a word about his sexuality to her. It's like she knew before he did.

"Well... 5SOS has been doing really well lately. Did I tell you that we got a regular gig at De Bees?!"

"Really?! Wow Haz, that's amazing! I can't believe my baby brother's little band is playing at the big boy venues..."

"I know right?!" Harry replies half-sarcastically, half-in total agreement. "It's crazy, I feel like it is one of the most popular music venues in Cheshire and we have the best time slot! We did, like, a test show last Friday and the owner said we brought in one of the biggest crowds he's seen there in a long time..."

"Damn, I'm actually quite impressed."

Harry laughs at the blatant shock on Gemma's face. "Thanks Gem. Our first show is on Halloween so I'm super excited. Everyone is going to dress up and go all-out and everything."

"Oooh! You should be a devil!"

"A devil?! Why do you say that?"

"I dunno, I feel like it fits the whole rocker vibe. Kinda sexy but still bad?"

Harry laughs, "Okay, I'll think about that one."

"So what else? I know that's not the only thing that's got you all smiley, could it be a new boy?" Gemma digs.

"Can't hide anything from you, can I?"

Gemma laughs, "No, you definitely cannot." They both grin at each other. "Now spill."

"Hmm, well he's not officially out yet so I can't tell you who it is but I'll admit that you already know him and you like him."

"Well I don't love that he's forcing you to hide this part of yourself from everyone again," Gemma says pointedly, "but I do like that I already approve. Ugh! Now I wanna know who it is even more..."

Harry laughs at her scrunched up nose. "I'll have to ask him. He told me he wants to come out soon so maybe this is a good first step. One of his best mates already knows too."

"Oh that's good!"

"Yeah..." There's an awkward pause as Harry waits for Gemma to bring up the inevitable.

"So... has anything changed between them since I've been away?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to be optimistic I guess."

"Well try being realistic. It's gotten to the point where they're too tired to even fight anymore. I think they've finally given up."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that alone Haz. It shouldn't have to be all on you."

"It's just hard, I mean they're still the same people in my eyes. I still love them both and they're still so supportive and loving with me. It's difficult to believe that they've stopped being that way with each other."

"I know. They'll always love and be there for us though." Gemma gives Harry a soft smile, seemingly trying to hug him with just her eyes through the phone.

"Yeah, I know." They both sit in silence for a while as those last words sink in. "I just wish I could get away from it for a while."

"You should!" Gemma exclaims.


"Yeah! Why don't you come here for the weekend?"

"You want me to go to Oxford?" Harry asks, a bit dubious.

"Why not? We haven't seen each other in a while so it can be some, I don't know, brother-sister bonding? Plus, you can check out some of the schools so it can be useful and educational and that way you can get away from the parents for a few days."

"Yeah, you think they'll let me go?" Harry can feel himself warming up to the idea.

"You're almost eighteen, I don't see why not! Your show isn't until two weeks from now so this is probably the last weekend that you'll even be free. Bring a friend if Mum is worried about traveling alone. Maybe him?" Gemma inquires, raising her eyebrows.

"Really? You'd want that?"

"Oh, of course I would Harry!"

"Okay... yeah I'll talk with Mum about it tomorrow."

"Ooh yay! I'm so excited! We have to go to my favourite bar on Saturday night after I give you a tour of my University! They do karaoke every Saturday!" Gemma gushes.

"Wow," Harry chuckles, "can't say no to that one."

"No, you cannot." Gemma replies, winking at him.

Harry's phone starts to vibrate as Louis' face fills the screen for their usual late-night call.

"Okay, I gotta go Gem but I'll call you again tomorrow with an update."

"Okay, you better! Love you bro."

"Love you too Gems, bye."


Harry bites his lip as he accepts the call from Louis. If Louis came along with him to Oxford, maybe they could actually be together in public since they won't know anyone else there. Louis has seemed to become more comfortable with the idea of coming out soon. This would be a great chance to show him that it is worth it. Plus, Harry just wants him there on his little retreat from all the family drama and Louis makes him feel safest.


Harry shoves his hands deeper into the front pockets of his jeans as he side-eyes Louis. He has to keep his head down so everyone doesn't notice how he's grinning like an idiot. He just feels so excited for this weekend that he can hardly contain himself right now.

Harry had prompted Louis on their ride to school on Wednesday to see if he would be interested in visiting Gemma with him and staying with her for the weekend. He had felt such a sense of relief when Louis immediately agreed; then it was just the matter of convincing their parents to let them go. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that hard. They're both almost eighteen after all and will be leaving to go to University themselves next year. Anne and Jay seemed to be pleased that they would be traveling together after talking over some details with one another. Once they both decided that the boys could both go, that was that.

Louis and Harry have been super eager to leave for the trip all week, practically itching to be on the train already as they sat through their boring classes. Harry didn't want their other friends to feel left out so he just told them that he was going alone and Louis said that his Dad was taking him and his sisters to Liverpool for the weekend. It just felt easier to go with that.

The train for Oxford should be arriving in just a few minutes, judging by the electric sign near the platform. Harry usually takes the train when he visits Gemma with his Mum and Robin, but this will be his first time going without an adult. Gemma's in her third year so she only has a few months left before she graduates, just like Harry.

There are actually about thirty schools in Oxford that are considered to be part of the University, Gemma attends Magdalen and studies Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics. Harry got the full tour of all the schools with her when he was younger, but he barely remembers. While Gemma was obsessing over where she would potentially live for the next three years, Harry's pretty sure he had his headphones in the whole time, trying to convince himself that just because he thought the tour guide was hot, didn't mean he was actually attracted to him.

"I think the train should've gotten here by now." Louis comments, moving back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Relax Lou. It's barely ten, it'll be here soon." Harry can tell Louis is anxious to leave, escape their tiny little town and all the people that know them.

Louis sighs, "I know."

They stand in silence for a while as they hold their steaming cups of tea close to their faces to keep warm. They had picked them up from Louis' favourite cafe on the way to the station this morning before Anne dropped them off.

"See? Here we go." Harry says a few minutes later, motioning to the train that's barreling towards them.

Louis smiles at him as they pick up their bags from the floor. Harry returns the look, the same giddy, hopeful, excited emotions playing over his features.

Once the train starts moving after they've boarded and have taken their seats, Harry notices Louis visibly relax. The tension leaves his shoulders and his eyes stop darting around every few seconds in apprehension of seeing someone they might know who could mention their whereabouts to their friends. Now that they're officially alone, disregarding the elderly couples, business people, and sprinkling of families that are all scattered about, Harry feels like there's nothing either of them have to worry about until they get back to Holmes Chapel.

Louis turns toward him, he's got the window while Harry's in the aisle seat. "So what should we do?"

"I dunno." Harry replies, reflecting Louis' playful smile. "It's about a three and a half hour trip but we at least don't have to switch trains."

"Three and a half hours is plenty of time."

"Yeah?" Harry smirks. "To do what?"

Louis bites his lip, "I don't know, play games?"

"Oh, you're playing games alright."

Louis giggles as he turns back towards the window to watch the scenery go whizzing by, Harry following suit as they continue to joke and come up with random games on the ride there. There's not many other people in their cart which means getting to be somewhat loud and obnoxious without bothering anyone. They have some snacks Harry brought on the way and for the last hour, Louis falls asleep on Harry's shoulder while he reads.

Well, tries to anyway. Honestly, there are so many butterflies swarming in his stomach and his heart is beating so fast with excitement that Harry basically just reads the same page over and over. He doesn't really care though. Louis' definitely worth it.

"Lou, Lou wake up." Harry says once they've finally reached Oxford and their train has come to a stop. Harry nudges his shoulder so that Louis' head bobs up and down. "Babe, we're here. Time to get off the train."

Harry feels Louis smiling as he buries his face into Harry's neck. The sensation is so amazing, Harry's praying that Louis can't feel how fast his pulse is right now.

"Mmkay, but only because you called me babe."

Harry laughs. "Okay babe. Now get your lazy arse off or we'll be stuck on this train forever."

Harry can see the glint in Louis' eyes as they collect their belongings and head off the train and into the crisp, autumn weather. It's not quite as numbingly-cold in Oxford as it is Holmes Chapel, but it's still England so there's a certain, chilly gloom hovering no matter where they go. The trees are much more colourful here though, displaying the richness of the fall hues in their leaves. The second they get onto the platform, Harry is in awe of the rich auburn, crimson, and golden shades that blow through the air and hang from the branches far above.


Before he can even look back down to see who it is, Gemma has barreled into him and caught him in a suffocating hug. Not that he even needs to look, Harry would recognize her voice from a mile away.

"Hi Gem." Harry manages, the air trying to squeeze into his lungs as she continues holding him tight.

"Oh! I'm so excited you're both here!" Gemma squeals, finally releasing Harry and moving on to hugging Louis close.

Harry beams at him as he watches Louis' eyes go wide and an "oomph" release from his mouth as Gemma wraps her arms tight in a surprising hug.

When Harry had facetimed Gemma on Wednesday night to tell her that he was coming and bringing Louis, she tried to hide her surprise but the way her eyebrows shot up sorta gave her away. Harry can't blame her much, he's been pretty shocked by the whole thing too. He's just grateful that Gemma has seemed to move on from the revelation and is treating Louis just like she always would.

"Oh! We're going to have so much fun! I think first we should go to my apartment so that you guys can put your bags there and then maybe we can get lunch on campus? My roommate is staying with her boyfriend for the weekend so this actually works out perfectly and you can have her bed!" Harry and Louis nod their heads as they follow Gemma down the street. "Don't worry, I already put on clean sheets."

The boys immediately both turn to each other, astonishment that she would mention such a thing written all over their faces. Gemma cackles and tugs Harry's sleeve to get them moving, "C'mon it's just a few blocks this way.".

Harry giggles quietly at the crooked smile Louis flashes at him. This will definitely be a fun weekend to say the least.


"So what did you guys think?" Gemma asks, sliding into the chair across from them at The Half Moon, a popular pub closeby. They had toured around the campus all afternoon, Gemma showing them all her favourite spots and introducing them to some of her friends. It had honestly been the most fun Harry has had in awhile.

A big part of that is probably because of how open Louis has been today, not really worrying about what other people are thinking in regards to their relationship. Harry supposes it's because no one knows them here, he's just trying to enjoy it while it lasts and maybe hoping that it'll inspire Louis to want to make it permanent. Harry knows that Louis has been thinking about it more but he doesn't want to accidentally push and cause Louis to freak out about it all so he just stays quiet on the matter.

"It's amazing Gemma! I completely understand why you chose to come here." Louis gushes.

"Yeah? I could see you at Oxford Louis. You have the right vibe." She replies, nodding her head while she says the last word.

"If you say so!" Louis chuckles, "I don't really know what University I want to go to yet. Might be worth applying here but I had always imagined myself playing footie at Manchester. I dunno though, Hazza and I haven't talked about it yet."

Harry's eyes immediately go wide and his head starts to feel a little dizzy. He can vaguely hear Gemma giggling at his expression, but he's more focused on not passing out at the thought of Louis wanting to talk about what Universities they should apply to together. Just the thought that Louis believes they'll be together til then is enough to make Harry swoon but now the fact that he is willing to be open to going to other Universities --besides Manchester which Louis has pretty much had his eyes set on their whole lives-- is sorta taking the breath out of Harry's lungs. He just never really thought Louis would take him into consideration for something like that.

Gemma smiles, biting her bottom lip to try and hide her all-knowing smirk. "Well I think you both would do great here."

"I dunno Gems, I think you got all the brains in the family." Harry says once the breath has returned to his lungs.

"Oh don't be so posh! You study all the time! Both of you! Plus, you both have all your extracurriculars... I think it would be worth a shot. I mean, of course, check out Manchester and some other schools, London?" She raises her eyebrows at them while both boys turn to see how the other one reacted. Harry could see himself living in London, especially if it's with Louis. "But promise me you'll both apply at the very least?"

"Oh yeah, for sure!" Louis says, smiling at Harry.

Gemma grins as both boys continue to smile at one another, hearts practically filling their eyes. "I can't believe I never noticed this before..." Gemma mumbles.


"Oh nothing! I'm just gonna get some pints before they start doing the karaoke. Just don't tell Mum!" Gemma says with a wink as she gets up and starts walking over to the bar.

"I won't!" Harry calls to her retreating figure.

"I don't think she heard." Louis says into Harry's ear. They're sitting so close together that both of their shoulders are pressed against one another as they rest their elbows on the table.

"You want me to yell it louder?" Harry asks, his lips spreading into a mischievous grin. He turns his head so that they're facing each other now, their faces are only inches apart. "GE-!"

Harry laughs as an embarrassed Louis swiftly presses his hand over Harry's mouth to muffle his words. "I'm never going out with you ever again." Louis says, rolling his eyes and reluctantly pulling his hand away once he's sure Harry won't yell out again.

"Oh? We're going out? Is this a date? Is my sister being a third-wheel?"

"Well, we are out and your sister is by herself getting us all drinks right now while we sit pressed close together." Louis grins again, showing off his perfect white teeth. Harry wants to know what they feel like nipping at his lips, neck, all over really. "Would you call that a date?"

"Yeah." Harry breathes. Harry feels himself leaning in before his mind can catch up to his feelings. All that's running through his head right now is how much Harry needs the feeling of Louis' lips on his own. Harry watches as Louis allows his eyelids to flutter close once they're only centimetres apart. Harry can feel Louis' breath on his skin. He's about to finally close the distance between them when-

"Hi everyone!! Welcome to 'Half Moon Half Karaoke Night'!" A petite woman with lots of frizzy chestnut-brown hair and freckles announces from their small stage in the corner of the room. "My name is Kate and I'll be your MC for tonight! As usual, sign-ups are near the bar with the song selection and please, don't let my eardrums bleed this time." Harry glances at Louis who is sharing the same slightly concerned, slightly confused look. "First up we have Andy and Mark who will be singing 'Wannabe' by the ever-lovely Spice Girls."

Soon enough, two men walk on to the stage looking very confident. Harry immediately notices their painted nails and the fact that one of them is wearing boots specifically made for women. Harry only knows because Gemma has the same ones and on more than one occasion, those shoes have really made him wish that they could be the same shoe size.

Their little group switches off between watching different people take their turn at the mic, mostly singing off-key, and chatting together. The pub is filled with college kids singing, drinking, dancing... Gemma explains how this pub sort of turns into a club on Saturdays.

"Why don't you sing one Haz?" Gemma asks after they witnessed a couple girls absolutely smash Adele's 'Rolling in the Deep'.

"Me?!" Harry almost chokes on his drink. It's one thing to sing up onstage with his band behind him, it's a completely different scenario to be all by himself!

"Yeahhh. I haven't seen you sing in forever!" Gemma exclaims, dramatically throwing her hands in the air for emphasis.

Harry laughs nervously, he really doesn't want to go up there all alone. "You saw me sing over the summer! It wasn't that long ago."

"Yeah but I was so busy with work and the internship, I only got to see you like twice at the very beginning!" She protests.

Harry bites his bottom lip, he can feel his heartbeat speeding up. "Won't it be awkward if I'm up there by myself?"

"Lots of people are singing by themselves!" Gemma pushes.

"Don't worry Hazza! I'll sing with ya!" Louis states, gulping up the rest of his third drink before setting it down on the table with a resonant, "thump".

Harry's eyes practically bulge out of his head. He must be an alternate universe because there is no way his Louis would ever utter such a thing. Louis rarely even sings when it's just them and the boys, now he's volunteering himself to sing in front of a bunch of strangers with his boyfriend?!

"Are you sure?" Harry can't believe that this could really be happening.

"Uh huh." Louis grabs his hand and starts making their way to the bar so they can sign up and pick their song. Harry is so dazed about it all that he doesn't even register what song he is agreeing to sing. They return to their seats to watch a few more people go until it's their turn. Harry keeps glancing sideways at Louis, unable to fully comprehend what's about to go down.

"Give it up for Sara!" Kate cheers as everyone claps and Sara does a little bow before making her way off the stage. "Next up, we have Louis and Harry singing- oh! a crowd favourite: 'Mr. Brightside'!"

Gemma loudly cheers over the sound of everyone's polite clapping as they make their way towards the stage. 'Mr. Brightside' is pretty popular and Harry knows from experience that Brits will practically be embarrassed if they don't do it justice. Louis seems to realise this too because Harry notices him gnawing on his bottom lip as they climb up the two stairs and fill the small stage.

The intro music starts playing and Harry can practically see the fear emanating off of Louis. Harry grabs his hand tight, locking their gazes so that it feels like it's only them two in the room and starts off the first verse.

Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine

Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

For a second, Harry is worried Louis will freeze but right on cue his angelic voice fills the room.

Now I'm falling asleep

While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag

Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick

but she's touching his

They switch off verses for the pre-chorus, their voices complementing one another seamlessly.

Chest now, he takes off her

Dress now, let me go

And I just can't look, it's killing me

They're taking control

By the chorus, both boys are jumping around as they sing together. Even though Harry knows the room is full of people, Louis is all he can see.

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis

destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside

By now everyone in the room has realised how good they are and are now paying full attention, lots cheering and some even getting up to dance in front of the stage. The boys do the same singing pattern for the next verses and the pre-chorus, before coming together again to sing the chorus in unison.

I'm coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine

Gotta, gotta be down, because I want it all

It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

and she's calling a cab

While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag

Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick

but she's touching his

Chest now, he takes off her

Dress now, let me go

'Cause I just can't look, it's killing me

They're taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies, choking on your alibis

destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes, 'cause I'm Mr. Brightside

Louis has completely let loose by now. They're both bouncing on their feet around the stage, all goofy and cute but neither seem to care much about how they look. They're just enjoying being together, out on stage in the open, and a little in awe of each other. Harry seriously never recognized how talented of a singer Louis is.

I never...

I never...

I never...

I never...

"Wow! That was absolutely killer!" Kate says after the applause has died down a bit, she gets a few chuckles from the audience at the pun (including Harry). "Give it up for Louis and Harry everyone!!"

The two boys grin as they make their way from the stage and back to Gemma. She is screaming and clapping her hands above her head, somehow loud enough to be heard over the other cheers and whistling coming from the crowd.

"Yay! You both did so amazing! Are you glad you did it?"

"Yes!" Harry says breathlessly as he plops down into his chair. Louis follows soon after but into Harry's lap rather than his own chair. Harry doesn't give him any time to overthink it and quickly wraps his arms tight around Louis' waist, resting his chin on Louis' shoulder.

"You should sing more often. Your voice is seriously amazing. Like, I don't know anyone that can sing like that." Harry mumbles into Louis' ear.

Louis blushes which gets Gemma's attention, "Oh just kiss already!" She cheers, a bit tipsy.

To be honest, they're all a bit tipsy and maybe that combined with the high of their performance is why Louis leans in towards Harry and presses their lips together. Finally.


The second they enter the room, Harry falls into the bed face first. "Hey, Gemma was right, she did clean these sheets." He says, breathing in the scent of fabric softener. Louis grins collapsing down next to him, both in a state of happy exhaustion.

"C'mon the sooner we get ready for bed, the sooner we can get in it." Louis mumbles.

Harry sighs but reluctantly gets up and follows Louis into the bathroom. After they're done getting ready for bed, Harry wraps his arms around Louis to hug him close and pull them both onto the bed.

They snuggle together underneath the covers, Harry's head lying on Louis' chest. "I'm so proud of you for tonight." Harry whispers into the darkness.


"Well firstly because you freaking sang in front of all those people! Also because... I dunno I mean the kiss and the coupley stuff was pretty nice too."

Harry tilts his head up, trying to get a better view of Louis' reaction. There's a small smile playing over his lips. "Yeah." Louis finally whispers back. "It did feel good. Right."

Harry picks his head up so that they're both at eye-level. He can see in Louis' expression that they're thinking the same thing. "It could be like this all the time".

"I know Hazza. I'm trying. If not for me, for you."

Harry sighs, plopping his head back down onto Louis' chest and nuzzling his face deeper into Louis shoulder. "I love it when you call me that."

"When I call you Hazza?"

"Uh-huh." Harry murmurs into Louis' chest.

"Why?" Louis asks, genuinely confused.

"You're the only one I let call me that. It just feels... special? I guess? Like there was always something more profound between us, that our relationship is fate."

"Fate." Louis whispers so quietly Harry barely hears.

"You know I could wait for you forever Lou." Harry mumbles a few minutes later as he's on the verge of sleep. "Just please don't make me."

Louis bends his head down to kiss him on the head as Harry falls asleep contently in Louis' arms. Harry's pretty sure that this might have been one of the best days of his life, there might actually be enough light to his life now that it can clear the darkness that he feels at home.

Harry is too sleepy to register the words when Louis gently mutters, "I could never make you wait, Hazza. Not when you're it for me. Like you said, fate." 

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