Chapter 16 - Louis

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"Louis, there is no way you can go as a footballer for like, the fifth year in a row." Lottie protests.

They're both in Louis' room, trying to figure out what he should dress up as for Halloween. Harry's big gig with 5SOS is tomorrow night and as usual, Louis has waited until the absolute last minute to decide his costume.

"Oh, c'monnn. Halloween is never that big a deal, not like it is in the states. I seriously doubt even half the people will even be in costume." Louis retorts.

"What do you mean it's not a big deal?!" Lottie exclaims. "You're going to a freaking Halloween party, of course everyone will be dressed up! Besides, I'm going to a party tomorrow and I'm dressing up."

Louis snorts. "Yeah, at your friend's house. You're not going out to a pub with a bunch of proper grown strangers on a Saturday night."

Lottie rolls her eyes. "You want my help or not Lou?"

"Yeah, yeah whatta you got?"

"Well... seeing as you are definitely not going as a footballer," Louis rolls his eyes at Lottie's obvious poignant look, "that doesn't leave us with much on such short notice..."

"Doesn't Mum have a trunk upstairs full of old costumes and clothes and stuff?" Louis asks, a little stressed now that he's realising Halloween really is tomorrow and he kinda wants to impress Harry with his costume. Especially after Harry has been bragging all week about his own, refusing to tell anyone (even Louis) what he's going to be. All he says is that he wants it to be a surprise.

"Ooh yes she does! C'mon, I haven't been through that in ages." Lottie responds, already racing out of Louis' room and towards the door to the attic before Louis can even get up from where he was laying on his bed.

By the time Louis reaches the door to that attic, Lottie has already opened the chest and has her head stuck halfway in it with clothes littering the floor. Louis tosses aside an old cloak and witch's hat before he sits down beside her.

"Look!" Lottie pulls out an old pirate's hat, "I could totally see you rocking the Jack Sparrow look!"

Louis eyes the hat and grimaces, "Thanks, but that hat looks old enough to have been worn by an actual pirate so I think I'll pass."

Lottie shrugs and goes back to digging through the box. Most of the contents are old vintage clothes their Mum kept from the seventies and eighties along with some random costumes that either belonged to her or one of Louis' sisters. They have fun putting on some of the more extravagant pieces and strutting in front of the dusty mirror that is stored along the far wall of the loft. However, as much fun as it is to joke around and play dress-up with his younger sister, Louis still feels pretty helpless about finding a costume he would be willing to wear in there.

"I don't know Lotts, seems pretty unlikely that any of this could beat going as Harry Kane."

"Yeah... I guess you're right- Look!!" Lottie suddenly exclaims. "My old angel wings! They got kinda ruined though." She says glumly as she brushes off the dust.

"I dunno, I think they look kinda cool like that." Louis replies, inspecting how one of the rips extends down the wing in a striking fashion.

"You should wear them."


"Yeah, why not? You could pair them with some black ripped skinny jeans, which you already have, and maybe a black tank top or t-shirt or something that I'm sure we could find somewhere."

"Plus Mark has those old, black combat boots that he never wears and would probably fit me." Louis adds, warming up to the idea.

"Yes! I also have the perfect necklace to go with it!"

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