They can't find us | |ON...

By jeongkooki_

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[...] "Please don't be scared everything is going to be okay, I promise" he said and cupped my cheeks with bo... More

Author's Note
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter eight

Chapter seven

336 22 3
By jeongkooki_

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard my phone ringing next to me.

I quickly turned it off and stretched my arms as I noticed I wasn't in my bed. I looked around and tried to think why I'm not in my bed how I used to be as it then suddenly hit me —I'm in the new house.

I really needed to get used to wake up in a different bed now.

I let out a sigh and rubbed my eyes before sitting up and looking at the empty space next to me.

"I need to get ready" I mumbled to myself with a sleepy voice before I got up and walked towards the bathroom to take a warm shower.

I quickly washed my hair and got ready but while I was getting ready I couldn't hear a single sound from Taehyung.

I put on some perfume and checked myself in the mirror for the last time before walking downstairs to see what Taehyung was doing.

I walked towards the living room and the moment I stepped into the living room, I saw him being still deeply asleep with his arms wrapped around his pillow.

I couldn't help but started smiling as I saw how cute and peaceful he was sleeping, but a glance at the clock and I realized we really had to go, so I woke him as carefully as I could.

"Tae" I whispered and slightly shook his shoulder to wake him up, but he didn't. "Tae" I whispered again and he finally fluttered his eyes open. "Hm?" he hummed, his eyes still half closed.

"Tae we need to go to work" I softly said and watched him sitting up. "Did I oversleep?" he asked with a raspy voice while trying to get used to the daylight. "A little bit, but you still have enough time to get ready" I answered.

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked while walking towards the kitchen, watching Taehyung getting up and stretching his back. "I'd prefer tea if that's okay, I'm actually not the coffee drinker" Taehyung said as he stretched himself.

"Alright, a tea" I said. And with that said, Taehyung went upstairs while I prepared some tea and breakfast for him.

While waiting for the water boiler to boil the water, I walked towards the couch and folded the blanket he was sleeping with, so the living room wouldn't looking messy.

I made him his breakfast with the things I could find in the kitchen and a while later, I saw Taehyung walking down the stairs in his suit, trying to put on his wristwatch with one hand.

He was wearing a dark blue suit with a matching tie and a blank white shirt. His hair was perfectly styled like always and the moment he stepped into the kitchen, I could smell his sweet and expensive cologne which smelled like heaven.

Taehyung was really good locking and I had to admit, the more time I spent with him, the attractive he became in my eyes.

"I made you breakfast" I said and placed the plate and cup of tea on the dining table. "You didn't have to do that for me, thank you" Taehyung smiled at me, giving my cheek a poke.

"Do you not eat breakfast?" Taehyung asked as he sat down, pulling his sleeves up.

"No I'm not hungry in the morning, maybe later. But Jiya, the business manager at our company, texted me and said that our parents expect us in the new office" I explained and took look at the message she sent me to make sure I didn't say anything wrong.

"I'm curious what we'll going to expect later" Taehyung said as he poked the fork into the fruits I cut him. "Me too, I just hope my parents won't give us too much work. I know them, they'll probably give us the whole work while celebrating their new titles" I sighed and put my phone back into my bag.

"Even if, so what? Let's have fun during work now that we have our own big office" Taehyung said, making me giggle. "I wish I could be as positive as you" I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You'll in a few weeks, I promise" he said, making me chuckle.

Taehyung finished his breakfast and we both made our way towards the garage where our cars were. "Which car?" Taehyung asked and I threw my car key towards him for him to catch it. "Mine" I said and we both got into the car before Taehyung started driving.

"How did you sleep?" Taehyung asked with his eyes on the road. "Pretty good actually. I hope the couch wasn't too uncomfortable" I said, still feeling bad that he let me sleep in the bedroom instead of the couch.

"It wasn't bad actually, the couch was to be honest more comfortable than my own bed at home" Taehyung said making me giggle.

Taehyung's pov

I watched her giggling and I admired her smile. She looked so beautiful when she smiled.

She had a beauty in her that was not only shaped by her appearance but also by her inner being.

There was a beauty in her that you couldn't get enough of, a beauty that adorned her personality and made her the person you wouldn't even think they existed.

I've met a lot of girls in my life, but none of them were as beautiful as she was, none of them were as beautiful from the inside as she was.

She was someone very special, and she didn't know anything about that.

Time passed, and we finally arrived at the company which also has already changed its name to KIM Electronics & Technology. "I guess they already finished the renovation" she said as she got off the car, looking at the new big name which was on the building.

"Mrs Kim, nice to see you" I heard Mr. Hwang say, making me look at him as I saw her walking towards him with a bright smile on her face. "Hello Sir" she smiled and bowed.
"You're probably Mr Kim?" Mr. Hwang said with a smile, and I gave him a smile back. "That's right, nice to meet you Sir" I said, shook his hand and bowed as well.

"Sir, about the renovation —is it already done?" my eyes went back to her as she started asking. "Yes, they finished yesterday evening" the man answered and I kept my eyes on her. "Well, we have to go now Sir, but it was nice seeing you" she said while smiling and the man opened the door for us.

"Have a nice day" he said and we both thanked him before walking into the building.

"Okay, so the new office is on the 18th, our parents are probably waiting already" she said as she pressed the button for the elevator to come. "Are you nervous?" I asked her as I noticed her playing with her ring, her hands slightly trembling. "Not really" she answered me and I knew she was lying.

She was nervous.

Like I always, she tried to hide her feelings and emotions. She was trying to hide the dark broken heart she was carrying with her the whole time. She was trying to look strong from the outside, when she was breaking from the inside.

I knew all of these things.

I knew her.

The elevators' door opened and we both stepped in, she pressed the 18th floor button and the doors closed again.

"You look pretty" I told her as I shoved my hands into my pockets, leaning my back against the wall behind me.

"Not as pretty as you" she said back and gave me wink, trying to hide her smile which made her dimples appear.

What was she doing to me?

If only she knew how her smile affected me, how her laugh affected me, her heart, her whole appearance...

..if only she knew.

The elevators' door opened, and we stepped out of it, walking towards through the big hallway as we found her father waiting for us.

"Morning" I watched her forcing that word out of her mouth. "Good Morning Sir" I said and shook his hand before bowing.

"Glad to see you both here" her father said, and I watched her playing with her ring again.

"Please follow me, so I can show you your new office" he said and we both followed him. I was walking next to her and I kept my eyes on her hands, trying to understand why she was getting nervous so often, but a male voice count me off my thoughts.

"This is your new office" her father said and opened the door of the office.

It was very big and modern. It was more black and gray themed and decorated with big black and gray paintings on the wall. There was a black leather sofa directly under the paintings and some plants as decoration for the office. On top, we had a huge oversight of Seoul and its streets and buildings.

"Your schedules are on your desks. From now on you'll get your schedules here. We have small touch screens get built into the walls that can be used to be connect through the entire building with only one click. So if there are any problems, with these screens you're able to send signals to all offices here or just specific ones" he explained.

"Any questions?" her father asked, and I watched her shaking her head.

"Good, then there are your schedules" he said and pointed at the desks before leaving the door and closing the door behind him. I watched her walking towards her desk, grabbing her schedule and taking a look at it.

"Oh my god" she said, and my eyes went back to her eyes. "I only have to work until four" she said, and I saw the excitement in her face.

"What about you?" she asked me, and I took a look at my schedule. "Four as well" I answered, and I watched her smiling. "Thank god, we can leave early" she said and sat down on the chair in front of her desk.

"What are things you have to do today?" she asked, and I grabbed my schedule to get a closer look. "First, signing some papers and contracts second, greeting the new employees and third checking the marketing department" I listed and watched her going through her schedule as well.

"We have the same things to do today. I'd say let's start, maybe we'll be finished earlier" she said and gave me a smile.

"Here are the papers I guess" I said as I looked at my desk and found a folder with some papers in it. I opened the folder and took a closer look before taking a pen and signing all of these papers.

"You need to sign them right here" I pointed at the space next to my signature and handed her the folder.

She thanked me and gave me a smile before taking the pen and signing these papers as well. "Do you already have a new signature?" I asked curiously, as I remembered that she must have to change her signature after the wedding.

"Yes, right here" she said with a slight excitement in her voice and showed me her new signature. "Kim" —I read in my head as I looked at her new signature.


My name she carried from now on.

"Looks pretty" I told her and watched her smile slightly. "Thank you" she said and continued signing the papers.

"Last one" she mumbled under her breath as she signed the last contract and finally closed the folder.

"We have to greet the new employees in a few minutes on the fifth floor" I heard her speaking while looking through her schedule.

"I'd say we should go now. Are you ready?" she said as she got up and gave me a smile.

"Whenever you are" I said and watched her smile grow wider.

We walked out of our new office and went straight to the elevator to greet the new employees. We were waiting for the elevator to arrive at the right floor and I noticed how calm she became, she wasn't trembling nor playing with her ring.

We walked through the hallway and saw the new employees talking to the department head before we approached them.

"Ah this is Mr and Mrs Kim, the CEOs of our company" the head of the department said, greeting us.

"Welcome to our new company" Y/n said, and I watched her beautiful smile appear.

"Mr and Mrs Kim will explain to you the important tasks and rules to follow in this department" the man said, and I watched him pointing at us. "Then let's not waste time" she said and gave the new employees a shy smile.

She walked the employees through the different rooms and offices the floor had and explained them all the things they needed to be aware of. I was just walking next to her, listening and watching her explaining.

Although, I should've focus on what she's explaining, I couldn't.

Her presence next to me was a reason enough not to be able to concentrate properly anymore. I didn't know why and how that was even possible, because I had seen and talked to many girls in my life, but none of them managed to astonish me like y/n did.

She had something that others didn't have, something very special that was so indescribable and yet it managed to affect my heart.

"So, these were all the rules and tasks you need to be aware of. The tour is over now, but you can of course still ask me questions" she said, and the employees thanked her before they started talking among themselves.

But in the corner of my eye I noticed a male figure approaching her, an unfamiliar male figure.

I was a few meters away from them, watching her talking to her, his eyes absorbing her body and her face which made me narrow my eyes.

I keep watching them both talking to each other, but I was focused on him and his action, the way he was talking and looking at her until she moved her head and gave a small smile while waving at me.

Y/n's pov

I watched the employees taking to each other until I noticed a tall male figure approaching me.

"Good Morning Mrs Kim" he said and gave me a small smile. "Good Morning Mr.. Tuan?" I said as I took a look at his name tag. "That's right" he said, and I gave him a smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr Tuan" I said and shook his hand as he did the same. "Nice to meet you too" he said, smiling. "Do you have any questions?" I asked curiously and he cleared his throat.

"Uh, yeah so, if I have any questions these next few weeks, are we supposed to ask you or do we have to ask the head of the department?" he asked and I noticed that he got a bit nervous. "The head of the department, I was just here to greet the new employees and show you all a bit around. I have my own office and tasks to do" I explained, and he nodded his head.

"Right, I understand. Well, thank you for answering my question" he thanked me, his lips forming into a smile.

"No need to thank me, you're welcome" I said and gave him a smile. "Last question; am I allowed to know your name?" he asked and my eyes slightly widened.

I usually don't get asked these kinds of questions from employees and hearing him asking me that question caught me off guard, but he seemed nice, so maybe it's okay if I just tell him my name.

"Y/n, Kim y/n" I answered and watched his smile go wider. "A beautiful name" Mr Tuan said and left and to talk to the other employees.

I smiled to myself and looked around as I noticed Taehyungs eyes on me, I smiled and waved at him, but it seemed like he

Taehyung's pov

I saw her small figure approaching me and giving me a smile. "Where you in thoughts? You looked very concentrated" she asked curiously, and I smiled. "Yeah, I was just thinking about a few things regarding the company, but are we done here now?" I asked and she gave me a nod.

"Yes we just need to check the marketing department together, and we're finished for today" she answered.

"Alright, then let's not waste more time" I said, and she gave a smile once again.

We walked towards the employees and said goodbye to them, until a male voice caught my attention.

"Goodbye Mrs Kim" that guy said to her and I watched her smiling. "Goodbye Mr Tuan" she said before we both walked towards the elevator to get to the marketing department.

We walked into the elevator and I watched her leaning against the wall behind her.

"Y/n?" I asked and watched her looking at me.

"Who's that one guy among these employees?" I asked. "That guy..? Oh! You mean Mr Tuan. He's a new employee" she replied, and I gave her a nod.

"Why are you asking?" she asked curiously, and I cleared my throat. "I saw him talking to you that's why" I replied, hoping she wouldn't notice anything. "Ah yeah, he approached me, and we had a small conversation, but that's it. But he seems really kind though" she said, and I took a deep breath through my nose to calm down.

Who does he think he is?

I hoped for him that it was the first and last time that he got closer to y/n otherwise he has a huge problem, a really huge problem.

"Mr Tuan" I said in my head to memorize his name.

Hopefully that Tuan guy will stay away from her.

And if not, I'll make sure he won't get closer to her anymore.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Finally" I heard her saying as we stepped out of the building, walking towards the car.

"Do you have any plans for today?" I asked suddenly as we got into the car, her eyes on me. "Plans? Actually not, why?" she asked, putting her seatbelt on.

"Do you want me to take you out today?" I asked and watched her eyes widened. "Uh, taking me out? Sure, why not" she smiled and I gave her a smile back.

"Where are we going?" she asked curiously and I chuckled. "It's a surprise" I replied, trying to hide my smile.

I was actually still debating whether to introduce her to them, but it was too early to do it.

But soon I'll do it.

I turned the car on, and started driving, but before I brought her to the place, we went to get some lunch and drinks. We spent some time together at a park before I brought her to the place.

"Is that the Han river?" she asked curiously, making me chuckle. "Yes" I replied, and got out of the car.

"I thought, going on a walk after a work day would be needed" I explained, and watched her smiling.

"The Han river looks beautiful at night" she almost whispered, her eyes sparkling.

We walked along the walk, while viewing the Banpo bridge keep changing its colors and splashing water from both sides.

"How do you feel currently?" I asked suddenly, breaking the silence as we were walking.

"I think good, actually" she said and gave me a small smile.

She was lying.

A glance into her eyes and I could see her eyes screaming for hope.

A hope that she just couldn't let go of despite these circumstances, a hope that embraced her heart so tightly and didn't want to let go, a hope that made her dream of being able to lead a normal life one day.

She had always hidden her feelings and emotions. But I was able to see them, even through her eyes, even through her smile. I was able to see the real emotions and feelings she was carrying with her, alone.

"How about you?" she asked me, and I blinked a few times as I realized that I was in thoughts.

"Good, I think" I said and we kept walking.

She was her own key, a key that kept coded her real emotions, fears and feelings.

"I've always wanted to come here" she suddenly said, and broke the silence between us. "Really?" I asked curiously and she gave me a nod. "Yeah ..I've heard that many couples come here to take walks with their loved ones and I've always wanted to come here as well" she said, and looked at me.

"Well, now you have me as your husband" I joked, and heard her giggle.

"Right, now I have you" she said almost in a whisper, her lips still formed to a slight smile.

A giggle that actually hid the real pain she was carrying.

"Sometimes I'm asking myself what the meaning of my life actually is" she suddenly said and broke the silence between us.

"I mean of course, the meaning of a life is to grow and mature from different experiences and phases, to get to know yourself and the person you want to become later, to accomplish your dreams and plans ..but I don't have any of these things if you get what I mean" she explained, and I kept my eyes on her.

"All I had, my future, my dreams it's all gone now. Not to say it's because of you oh my god please don't get me wrong Tae" she said, and I chuckled softly.

"No no it's okay, I do get what you mean, it's because of our parents" I said, and she gave me a nod.

"Exactly, they also erased your future plans" she said, and I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Actually, I didn't have any" I admitted and she raised her eyebrows. "Really?" she asked curiously, and I nodded.

"Of course I had small simple plans, but never really huge ones. I always focused to first find a person I want to spend my entire life with, so we could set our plans and dreams together" I explained, her eyes softening at my words.

"That's actually really smart and a nice idea" she said and I chuckled.

I watched her eyes going down to the ground, her lips pressed into a thin line, knowing exactly what went through her head at that moment.

"Y/n hey look at me" I said as I stopped her from walking, her eyes going back up to look into mines.

"I know what you're thinking now, but please  don't feel bad or anything. What happened to us happened, and we can't change anything but make the best of it. I wish I could do anything to make you live the future you've always wanted, believe me. I sadly can't, but still if you have any other plans or dreams you want to accomplish, I will help you okay? Don't let your future fall because of me. We're friends and I'll still help you to accomplish your other plans and dreams" I said, her eyes softening at my words once again.

"I don't want you to ever let go of your dreams, and plans because of me, I'll be there to help you reach them, alright?" I said softly, pushing her hair behind her ear and saw her eyes getting watery.

Y/n's pov

"I don't want you to ever let go of your dreams and plans because of me, I'll be there to help you reach them, alright?" he said softly, his hand pushing my hair behind my ear, his eyes looking deeply into mine and making gulp.

I felt his hand touching my skin, giving me goosebumps all over my body. There was a small silence between us, we were looking into each other's eyes until I finally started speaking and break the silence.

"Thank you so much, Tae" I said faintly, pulling him in for a hug and hugging him tightly. "Thank you, really" I thanked him once again while holding onto him, being scared to let go.

It meant a lot to me to know that I had someone by your side who believed in me and made sure that I could still fulfill my dreams, even though he was not the person I had hoped for to be.

But having him as my friend was a bless.

He took care of me, more than my parents did.

"Please don't thank me, I just want you to reach your dreams and plans. Nothing should ever stop you, also not the dumb marriage" Taehyung said as he pulled away from the hug, cupping my cheeks with his big hands.

"大好き (daisuki)" he suddenly said in Japanese, making me narrow my eyes slightly.

"What does that mean Taehyung?" I asked and chuckled as I saw his wide smile.

"It means I love you very much but you say it between friends" Taehyung replied and I gave him a smile. "I love you too, as my friend though" I said, and we both giggled.

He let go of my cheeks and we continued walking, but I could still feel his touch on my cheeks, as if my brain tried to memorize his touch.

"Can you speak Japanese fluently?" I asked curiously as we began to continue our walk. "Pretty much yes, I learned it through books and some movies I've watched" he answered, and gave me a smile. "Impressive I must say" I admitted and watched him smile.

"I mean you're actually the lazy type of person so I'm really impressed that you managed to learn another whole language" I said, and giggled as I watched him gasping. "Come on I'm not that lazy" he said, but I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Okay maybe a little bit" he admitted, and we both giggled.

"Is there a place you've always wanted to visit, except for this one?" Taehyung asked me, and my attention went back to him. "Actually.. yes there's one. I don't know if you've ever heard from it, but I've always wanted to visit the flower fields here in Seoul" I answered, watching his expression change into a thoughtful one. "Hmm yes I think I've heard from it" Taehyung said.

"You like flowers a lot?" he asked, and I gave him a nod. "Yes, especially red roses" I said and he gave a smile. "Red roses, a classic" he said and I slightly nudged his shoulder. "They might be classic, but red roses are an expression of beauty and perfection, but first and foremost they stand for a strong, long-lasting love, for romance and also for true passion" I said proudly.

"Long lasting love.. I'm going to memorize that" he said, and I gave him a smile. "You should definitely" I said and watched him giggle slightly. "Should we head home? It's getting late and we have work tomorrow" he asked, and I gave him a nod.

"Yes let's go home" I said and we made our way towards the car.

· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·

"Finally home" I said under my breath as we stepped into our house, Taehyung closing the front door behind us. "You must be exhausted after our long day" Taehyung said and I gave him a smile. "Actually yes but I also wanted to thank you for taking me out today. It was fun" I smiled and watched him smiling as well but trying to hide it.

"No need to thank me, it was my pleasure" he said.

"Then.. good night Tae" I smiled and gave him a small wave with my hand. "Good night, sleep well" he gave me a smile and I slowly made my way upstairs, our eyes still locked together until I couldn't see him anymore.

I walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind us, letting a sigh escape my lips.

I let my bag fall on the ground and laid down on my bed, staring the ceiling and closing my eyes.

It felt good to spend time with Taehyung today.

"大好き (daisuki)" he suddenly said in Japanese, making me narrow my eyes slightly.

"What does that mean Taehyung?" I asked, and chuckled as I saw his wide smile.

"It means I love you very much, but you say it between friends" Taehyung replied and I gave him a smile. "I love you too, as my friend though" I said and we both giggled.

I remembered what he told me.

"Daisuki" I mumbled and opened my eyes.

word count —4800

hey y'all, I am so so sorry for not being active here. I was so stressed because of my finals exams plus I also started working but I have good news as well!! My summer vocation just started and I'll finally be more active again🤍

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you think and yeah,, we'll see each other again very soon !!

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