Sincerely, Yours (Dreamnap)

By RiotWritesStories

48.8K 1.7K 1.8K

Dream and Sapnap are having fun being roommates and doing roommate things until they start to notice their dy... More

"What was that?"
"Your voice sounds like honey"
"Sapnap, can I talk to you?"
Dear, Nick.
The letter.
Is this betrayal?
Sapnaps letter...
A Trip, A Lock Box, And A Word.
The Day Before The Meetup
update :)

Karl's house

2.6K 102 82
By RiotWritesStories

     Sapnap woke up before Dream the next morning. He was so excited to see everyone and to think that he was going to meet some of his closest friends for the first time. He got up and walked to his packed bags and set them by the door since their flight was in a little while.

     After he was done, he made his way back to his room to a peacefully sleeping Dream. He admired his friend for a second before saying "Hey, wake up." in a soft tone while gently shaking Dream awake. With a stretch and rubbing his eyes Dream was staring at Sapnap directly in the eyes with a dazed 'I just woke up' kind of look. "Good morning sleepy head." Sapnap said in a joking tone and a soft smile on his face. Dream smiled back with one of those smiles that also looked like a bit of a frown from trying to hide the fact it was a smile. After a second Dream asks in a raspy morning kind of voice, "What time is it?" "5:30am" Sapnap responds with a glance at his phone.

   With a yawn Dream stood up to get dressed into different clothes and went to his room to get his suit case. On his way, he hoped Sapnap would stop him to talk about last night, but that time never came. Well, at least not yet.

     After 30 or so minutes both Dream and Sapnap were ready to walk out the door. All that was left to do was to order an uber to the airport since they didn't have anyone to drive them and couldn't keep their car at the airport. So Dream did exactly that. Around 10 minutes later, a white SUV showed up to their house and both of the boys got in.

     Another 15 minutes went by, the time being filled with meaningless small talk and awkward pauses here and there, but they were finally at the air port. Thats when it hit Dream. The nerves were insane and they hit him like a bus. He had known Karl and Quackity for a while now but hadn't ever thought this day would come so quickly. Of course he had wanted to meet them eventually but it was all happening so fast.

     Once they got through customs and all the other boring airport things they had about 30 minutes to spare. Dream and Sapnap spent their time on their phones and being dumb. Every once in a while Sapnap would kick Dream in the leg just enough for him to feel it but not hard enough to hurt him and Dream would laugh and do the same back. This little game was amusing to them and it went on for most of the time they spent waiting. In hopes to not be recognized by a fan, both boys had on dark colored non-merch hoodies and sunglasses.

     "Dude, you look so stupid wearing sunglasses inside." Sapnap said to Dream filling the silence between the two. "I- Huh?? You're wearing sunglasses inside too dumbass!" Dream said back defensively. "Yeah but I'm sexy while doing it so it cancels out." Sapnap quickly says back, topping off the sentence with an 'fboy' face. Dream just giggles and looks down at his phone.

     They were to be boarding their plane in 5 minutes.

-Slight time skip -

     The plane hits a bit of turbulence that shakes Sapnap awake. He'd fallen asleep on Dream's shoulder no more than 15 minutes prior. He wasn't too sure how much longer until they would be arriving at the airport to meet Karl but he didn't bother to check. He rested his eyes once more and drifted back to sleep...


"Dude get up!" Dream said, shaking Sapnap awake urgently. "Look." He said once more pointing out of the plane window. They'd started to land. Realization hits and Sapnap smiles wide. "We're really gonna meet Karl and Big Q!" He exclaims as he gets up to leave the plane.

     Once the both of them are off the plane they run to the exit doors. As quick as possible Sapnap takes his phone out of his pocket. As he's doing so Dream is looking around to see if Karl was already at the airport. Sapnap, who'd been going through his contacts to find Karl for a good 45 seconds, finally found it. 'Karl :] <3'. He clicks the contact and begins to call Karl.

     "HEY! We just landed!!" Sapnap says excitedly when Karl picks up the phone.

     "Sick, I'm in the white SUV. Do you guys see me?" Karl asks.

     Dream and Sapnap both look around for a white SUV. Sapnap even gets on his tippy toes to check for it. Finally he sees it. Theres Karl!! They both run towards the car and hop in. Quackity is sitting in the front passenger seat with a look of pure joy,  but as if he was trying to pout and not act happy. Sapnap notices him and asks. "Yo dude, what's wrong?" Karl dramatically rolls his eyes and says "Alex is mad that I didn't let him drive and then started pouting." Everyone giggled at that including Quackity.

     After about 15 minutes or so Karl pulled into his driveway. "Ahhhh home sweet home" Karl said with a smile. All 4 boys hopped out of the car and smiled at each other as if they all knew what each other were thinking. Quackity, being slightly in front of everyone else raised his left hand slowly. He put up 3 fingers. Then two. Then one. When the final finger dropped all four of them raced to Karls front door. "Ha! I win!" Dream said, as he had been the first one to touch the dark colored door. In second place was Karl then Quackity in third and Sapnap in fourth.

     Eventually they made it into the house and Karl gave Sapnap and Dream a tour. "Heres the kitchen" He said pointing to the kitchen. "Oh then if you follow me thia wayyyyy...." The word 'way' slowly faded as he walked around and finally ended in a room. "This is where youll be sleeping" Karl said in reference to Dream and Sapnap. They were to be sleeping in the same bed for this trip. Neither of them complained but they didnt show their excitement, just in case.

     Dream throws down his bag and plops down on the giant bed. His back had hurt from being up on his feet and travelling since so early in the morning so the bed felt so good holding him up. Sapnap did the same, his feet dangling at the side of the bed as his knees were the last part of his body touching the bed. Dream was laying the same way.

     Both boys were laying on their backs facing the ceiling with their hands on their stomachs and their heads next to each other. Dream smiled and looked over at Sapnap. Sapnap did the same. They looked deep into each others eyes for a bit. Finally, after 45 seconds to a minute Sapnap took a deep breath and leaned close to Dream. His heart raced. Finally he leaned in all the way. Their lips locked and it felt like the world around them dissolved into nothingness until they heard a knock at their bedroom door.

     With a shake back into reality, Sapnap and Dream sat up. "Uh- c-come in." Dream said clearing his throat. "Uh hey guys, Come down stairs! Me and Alex wanna take some pics for Twitter to announce the meet up!" Karl said peaking his head into the room. "Alright give us one sec ok?" Sapnap said in response. Karl nodded and walked off.

     Sapnap took a deep breath and giggled looking at Dream. Dream with his cheeks red from blushing, turned to Sapnap and half smiled, trying to conceal his excitement. Sapnap fixed his shirt a bit and walked out the door leaving Dream alone in the room.

With the biggest smile, Dream collected  himself and walked out the door aswell....

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