Rock 'n' Roll Suicide | Roger...

By capybarasbestfriend

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"No! Don't you understand? He is not the guy for you. He is bad for you. He is like a drug. Like a suicide!"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.1)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.2)
All Tomorrow's Parties (Pt.3)
Johnny B. Goode Tonight
A Hard Day's Night
Walking All Day
Walk This Way
All The Young Dudes
Paint it, Black.
The Cuts that Always Bleed
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
West Coast
If I Ain't got you


219 10 2
By capybarasbestfriend

The music was echoing through the pub. Almost everyone was drunk. Well, mostly because of Henry and his awful skills in following instructions. The gig was over some time ago, and though many people had left, some more were still enjoying themselves. Blend with the crowd you could see Deaky and Erin dancing a disco dance which seemed so childish and cute at the same moment and at the center of the crowd you could see Henry, who had long abandoned his place behind the counter, thank god because he was drunk as fuck, and Brandon dancing and messing around. Henry's white button-up shirt was untacked, his hair wet with sweat, and probably bourbon or whatever Brandon was holding. Brandon had stolen Erin's eyeliner during the night and had done a smudgy look on his eyes. I so desperately needed a photo of this. The ways I could blackmail Henry with a photo like that were numerous and would surely benefit me to a great extent.

"OH MY GOD!!!!" A familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Soon enough I saw a middle-height man with long black hair and iconic clothing running towards me. Finally! Freddie is here! Well obviously he was here from the beginning but now he was here, here. "AMES!!!" He called as he wrapped his hands tightly around me in a bone-crushing hug.

"FREDDIE!!!!" I exclaimed as I got out from behind the bar, squeezing him back as tightly as he was squeezing me. Freddie and I had been friends for two years or so since Brian introduced us to each other. We have many things in common, with one of the most important being our love for cats. After a while, we both pulled back and he stared at me with a big smile on his lips. He looked me up and down and then back to my face and nodded his head approvingly.

"Well that, my dear, is something else. You are a model." He said gesturing at myself. I chuckled and shook my head at his words. This man could say the rightest thing the rightest time. It was, nonetheless, one of his many talents. He looked over my shoulder to where Brian and Roger were sitting on the bar discussing and drinking, Roger must've been a bit drunk by now, as always, but Brian was a bit drunk himself I noticed and decided that this would be another great thing to blackmail him with. "Oh, I see you met Roger," Freddie said with a playful grin on his face.

"I've met him before," I rolled my eyes with a smirk knowing very well what he was referring to.

"I remember that... Quite the time has passed by then, don't you think darling?" He asked shrugging a hand over my shoulder.

"Time is relevant, Freddie. Ask Brian about it and he will give you a full lecture. Him and his stupid astrophysics knowledge." I replied making Freddie laugh. We hadn't had seen each other since summer when we went to a bar together and ended up drunk and laughing at a rooftop that we didn't even know whom it belonged to. Freddie's breath had the distinct smell of alcohol, which means that I and Jacob were the only semi-sober from both the band and my friendgroup.

"So, since you met him again, what do you think of him?" Freddie asked the grin never leaving his lips.

"Realy Fred? Are you trying to set me up with Blondie?" I asked and Freddie cracked up laughing like a maniac at the way I called Roger Blondie. Freddie was still hysterically laughing making Brian and Roger turn around. Brian's face broke out on a wide grin as he jumped up and came towards us. The moment he was there Freddie said something I didn't quite catch making Brian crack up laughing too.

As the two of them were laughing, adding to the thing Freddie had said making them laugh more, I went behind the counter because even if Henry was now pretending to slow dancing with Brandon, someone had to serve the customers, though there wasn't someone at the moment which I was grateful for. Since no one was waiting, it was time to take a break. I searched for a cigarette but I had nothing on me, and nor did Henry on his things. I swore under my breath at the lack of cigars because I could really do with one right about now.

"What are you looking for?" I heard someone asking. I turned around, and as I expected, I was met with a drunkenly smiling Roger. Though he wasn't half as bad as the others you could still define the drinking he had done.

"Some nitro acid, do you have some?" I replied. He looked at me confused and after some seconds he smiled widely and closed his one eye, staring at me a bit lopsided.

"Is there any chance the nitro acid you are looking for to be a cigar?" He asked grinning, knowing that he had found it. I scrunched up my eyebrows. Where does he know that? I rolled my eyes, and the desperation for a good smoke took over.

"Yea, fine. You guessed it. Medium you. Can I have a cigar now?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He smiled and stood up from the stool his eyes never leaving mine. I must admit that now he was the one confusing me. He extended one hand at me motioning for me to take it with a cheeky smile. I stared at him and his hand for some seconds. "I don't have candies on me, I am sorry." I finally said.

"Oh, c'mon. I don't want candies. I mean I do but not the point. Will you take it?" He said rolling his eyes as his cheeky smile only widened. I nodded and pretended to take an invisible cigar from his hand, put it in my mouth, and blowing some smoke at his face. He smacked his head with his hand and finally took my hand on his own and dragged me from behind the counter with him. In other circumstances, I would have kicked him or anything but something, or probably the vodka, stopped me from doing it, and instead, I let him take me with him.

He pulled us out of the pub through something that must be the backstage. And soon enough I realized it was. There, on a beaten-up couch, was laying Brian's precious guitar's case and other things that must belong to the other boys. Roger still didn't let go of my hand and I found myself enjoying the sense of his big warm hands to min-NO! No, no, no, no. I do very much not like Roger Taylor.

"You know I won't be doing drugs with you in here right? I mean no offense but when you're high you never know what you are doing and I very well do not wish to do something I'll regret with you in here." I said as he started roaming through a bag, his blonde locks falling over his face like a curtain. He was handsome, there was no denying that. I quickly pushed those thoughts aside, I will not allow myself to go there, especially with Roger freaking Taylor.

"Oh, love you know you would very much wish to do something you would regret with me in here, I put emphasis on 'with me'." He replied, his voice a bit muffled because he was practically inside the bag, but I could still hear this smugly god-awful smirk on his childish voice. Honestly, his voice is just so cute. But as I said, I have absolutely no business with Roger. "But, given I am a gentleman I will leave that here." He said getting up from where he was searching.

"You a gen-" I started saying but I was cut off from Roger standing up with a drunken-childish smile on his face. I would have said a really sarcastic and on to the point comeback but when I saw how his eyes were glimmering under the shimmering light something, and I blame it once again to the vodka, stopped me from doing it. He looked just so precious with this stupid smile of his that I would very much love to kiss it. Little adorable git he is. Oh, gods, my brain needs to shut the fuck down. "Will you bring those cigars? And why are we even here anyways?" I quickly said trying to distract myself from my thoughts.

He got hold of my hand once again and he pulled us out. I instantly felt the cold air hitting on my face and I felt lighter, I didn't even know I needed that. It was so refreshing. A small smile crept on my face as I sniffed a bit, getting used to the clear atmosphere outside the pub. Roger was leaning at the wall beside me and I could swear I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eyes. Of course, I didn't even have to look to know that he was smirking, I could practically feel it, just like I could feel him lighting a cigar. I turned around and saw him with a cigarette on his mouth, the one hand around it and the other on the lighter trying to light it up but not quite getting it because of the air. I shook my head as I turned to face him. I took the cigar from his lips, put it on mine, and grabbed the lighter, lighting it up. Roger was looking with wide eyes, his grin only widening. I puffed out a cloud of smoke and leaned against the wall beside him. He turned his head staring at me with the same face.

"What? Already told you inside, I don't have any candies." I said rolling my eyes to look at him. The pale moonlight was falling directly on his eyes which only making my urge to look at them more intense. I hold out the cigarette for him. He took it at once and took a fag. "I am not doing all the talking, just to be clear."

"Good, I like talking. It'll be fun." He said, the smile never leaving his lips. Of course, he likes talking. Bet he has many rebellious stories to share. Honestly, I would like to hear some of them, but Roger can NEVER under any circumstances to know. "But I hoped you would do some too. Get to know each other a bit."

"Oh, little blondie, one night wouldn't be enough for you to learn all about my exquisite self." I said sarcastically but realized I had probably used the wrong words as a smugly smirk took the place of that adorable smile. "No, Taylor. Under any inhumane torture, I am spending one or more nights with you. Excuse my misused words."

"No, no, no I am not. I am keeping them. I think there is a thing they say. About when you misuse words you say the thing you want to say." He said as he leaned forward to look at my face, to judge my expressions.

"Latent lingual loquitur verutatem." I said with a smirk. It is Latin, and it means 'The slips of the tongue give the game away.' Roger laughed and tried to copy what I've said which made me laugh too. Soon we were laughing our asses off, not sure for what but, truth is, I enjoyed it. We would occasionally add something, that if we weren't drunk we wouldn't probably find funny, and we would laugh more.

After an hour or so, we were both lying down on the concrete looking up to the sky playing 'Would you rather'. The sky was beautiful tonight and the night peaceful. From inside the pub, I didn't hear anything, which meant either they were all gone or passed out, or at the unlike circumstance, Henry had kicked them out, locked and left with the others.

"Okay, my turn. Would you like to believe everything you are told or to... I don't know... A! To not play music ever again?" I asked with a triumph smile on my lips, knowing very well that Roger would have a really hard time on that one. And he indeed had. The moment I asked he groaned with a smile and covered his face with his hands. I laughed beside him at his childish behavior but I found it adorable. "You got to answer!"

"I don't knowwww!!!! This is hard! We were supposed to play casually!" He complained, not really meaning it, but it was rather an enjoyable view. He extending his arm above his head and turned and looked at me. "It is unfair."

"C'mon! You literally asked me seconds before if I would rather kill off Brian or Henry!" I complained back as I took the same position as him facing him.

"And you didn't answer!"

"Of course I didn't! Who would?"


Roger shuted up for a bit and then a smile crept on his lips and he bursted into laughter. I unintentionally started laughing too and we were soon again laughing like maniacs under the stars.

"Why are we laughing?" He asked after a bit through his fit of laughter. I truly didn't know but I enjoyed it. It was just so careless and free and wild and everything. Just him and I. Though I very much do not want Roger Taylor. He closed his eyes and we stopped laughing, a comfortable silence between us. Seriously, when did he stop being the arrogant toerag he was? "You had called me an arrogant toerag." He said suddenly catching me off guard.

"Wh-What?" I asked kind of confused. If Henry had told him I would kill him! Plus, then Roger would get his answer to the question 'would you rather kill off Brian or Henry.'

"Ha! Gottcha ya! You should have seen your face!" He said as he chuckled. I smacked his head as he moved his head around trying to find a place where he was comfortable. We sat in silence again. I could totally feel myself drifting onto sleep, and I would have if Roger didn't speak. "How do you say 'The stars are beautiful today' in Latin?"

"Sidera pulchra es hac nocte." I replied with eyes closed. Roger tried to copy the way I had said it making me chuckle sleepily. I could feel his eyes watching me but I didn't do anything about it. I was far too tired for that and I could practically feel myself drifting onto sleep. Soon enough I had fallen asleep under the stars, with Roger next to me, careless and free.

Roger's POV

I watched her as she slowly fell asleep. I could hear her breath steading as she fell asleep. The pale moonlight making her look like a fair, like an angel. God! She was so beautiful. I just wanted to sit there, watching her, fall asleep beside her, with the stars warming our hearts and her breath being the, most melodic sound, making its way inside of me taking every negativity away. How could I fall for that girl? I couldn't possibly. She is Brian's kid sister and apart from that I am a whole good seven years older than her. But how can I help it? She is just so perfect. So unique.

The night was beginning to getting cold. I quickly shrugged off my jacket and dropped it carefully over her bare shoulders. I looked at her wrist watch. It was almost four o'clock. Soon enough the sun would begin to rise. I stood up and bent down, carefully picking her up, my one hand behind her knees, the other behind her neck, clutching her closely to me so she wouldn't get cold or drifted off her sleep. I am such a simp!!! But who wouldn't be with a girl like her? I steadily moved inside. I past the backstage and got to the main space. The place was empty, and clean. Somebody had sobered up and took care of that. Good bless them. I moved towards the exit where a not was hanging from the door.

"Took care of everyone, keys on the hanger. Everyone is safe. Lock the place."

I grabbed the keys from where they were hanging and moved towards my parked car. Thank god it was still there. Freddie would very much not hesitate to take it and drive back home drunk. I chuckled at myself to that and carefully opened the passenger's seat door, positioning Amelie in, as gently as I could not wanting to disturb her, because as Freddie says 'If you ruin my beauty sleep I'll ruin your life.' I got into the car and started driving towards Brian's house, happier than usual all because of the presence beside me.

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