The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

78.1K 2K 1.1K

What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 43

834 25 3
By LightTheNight23

"Kitten, your island looks so much better than mine." Shinso whined as he held his switch above his head and laid on the part of the couch opposite of her. Katsuki was in the kitchen making the snack food for supper as he waited for Ochako and Izuku to make it home. Denki was snoring a few feet away from the two, and Kiri was on that date currently with Mina.

"That's because katsuki hated it, and he made me my dream island." she smiled as she sat up and rolled around on the couch placing her feet above the back of the couch and kicking them back and forth. "He made it to resemble my lo-fi, neon sign, fairy lights, type of vibe."

"Your brothers love you too much." he snickered as katsuki chucked the spatula at shinso's head. "Hey!" he snorted as he caught the spatula.

"Your lucky she finds you cute, It forces me to have to sadly adopt you into our family." Katsuki growled marching back into the living room and snatching the spatula out of shinso's hand and trying to beat the indigo haired male.

"Why's that?" shinso asked as he ducked and tried to defend himself. Which (y/n) quickly jumped up and clung to katsuki's back like a kola.

"Because you too are most likely going to get married and then you'll be my brother in law." he said sourly as he took (y/n) with him to the kitchen. "I might as well face the stupid music."

"That reminds me, can I talk to you and Izuku privately later on." shinso said, smirking as he saw the two heads perk up. He knew he was making the two rather intrigued, but this was a surprise for (y/n). It had to do with one special promise he made the girl before the whole fight happened. Something he felt the need to do as of the moment. Maybe make things up to her and truly show her he was in for the long haul. It was probably some of the best money he had ever spent in his whole entire life time,  but whenever he spent money on (y/n) it always was the best money spent.

"Sure," Katsuki nodded his head, making the man silently happy down to his very core. He wanted them to be their for every step of the way in this process. He wanted them to see her when she flourished and when she grew into a bigger and better person fulfilling her dreams. Something they got along with and worked with their friends and family to make it possible. He may have spent the money, but without them, none of this would have been possible.

"Thanks," shinso muttered with a smile spread across his lips and his eyes immediately were drawn to his switch which had his newly started island on his screen. He was excited for some fresh news, good news. Something that he wanted to keep a surprise from her until after her court hearing, just so she either had double the good news or she had at least one good thing happen to her on that day. He was going to keep his girl happy, whether he had to prove it to her or not. It was his job now and he wasn't going to fail. He wanted to impress izuku and Katsuki. He wanted to show them that if they allowed her to be with him he would hold her on the highest pedestal. He wanted to gain their trust and allow him to one day marry her, because he knew full well she is the one and only for him. He wanted to treat his girl to the best life just so she can live a stress free life and prosper. He then would prosper with her as well, even if it wasn't him fully gaining the free road he was giving her.

What he didn't know is (y/n) would never let him walk those roads alone. She had discovered that she should have been for him more than what she maybe was. She had to walk with him to gain his trust and if they were to spend the rest of their life together she would spend her days walking the path less traveled gaining thorns and scrapes just like him. That's what partners did. They traveled with each other and held each other's hands guiding one and another as they traveled down a dark alley.

They truly did grow from the past events that happened maybe a week ago today. They moved on and fixed some things and continued to fix some things. They learned their boundaries and learned how to not push either away, but rather take care of each other.

They grew into adults it seemed.

"What are you doing?" katsuki chided her as she reached down over his shoulder and picked up some already heated food he had just pulled out of the oven.

"Don't get me wrong," she started off as she munched in his ear making him grumble and walk over to the couch to drop her off so she could continue her animal crossing game. "I really like it when you make things from scratch, but sometimes when you heat up box food it tastes really good." she giggled as she ate the chicken tender.

"I'm glad," Katsuki shook his head and went back to the kitchen to finish the little things he had to do. "I serve just to please you and Izuku, though sometimes I wish the roles were reversed."

"That's never going to happen!" She giggled crawling onto Hitoshi who moved his arms and allowed her to snuggle in.

"That's just wishful thinking, I'm all honesty." Shinso laughed as he brushed (y/n)'s hair out of her face and continued to run his fingers through her hair making her smile lazily and accept the attention.

Oh how they were perfect for each other in every single way.


"Sero's here!" (Y/n) jumped off of hitoshi as they sat in front of the screen with Izuku and Katsuki watching some sci-fi movie. "I'm going to go bother him, he said he was bringing chocolate milk."

"Okay, hang out for a few hours. I have to talk to your brothers." Hitoshi smiled lovingly at her, making her giggle and rush off jumping on sero's back as he moved to the next apartment over.

"Hey, girl," Sero chuckled as he caught her and himself before they tumbled or wrecked. "I heard Denki lost another bet."

"She's too adorable for her own good." Izuku chuckled as he watched the clock to see what time ochako would arrive. "So what's up Hitoshi?" The man sat up and ruffled his hair that he didn't bother to style at all today. It fell in front of his eyes and made life a little bit harder to see.

"The girls said Kayama was selling the café, at least fifty percent of the café." he smiled as he thought about the memories that would now be made in that place. There was already a lot being made but now, it seemed even more special. "I just wanted to let you know that I bought the fifty percent share of the café for (y/n)."

Izuku and Katsui dropped their jaws and stared at Shinso in disbelief. It was like someone came into their apartment and just gave them the best most neutral news ever that still surprised them to the max. They were just taken back and couldn't form a single sentence.

"Café, money, café..." Katsuki trailed on as he shook himself out of his moment. "You bought the café for (y/n)?"

"Well fifty percent," Shinso corrected him. "It will now be a split between Kayama and (y/n). I figured this is what she wanted and I want to make her dreams come true. I just don't want to tell her until the court hearing is over so she has something good to look at too."

"Like a surprise!" Izuku laughed, really joyful about the next chapter that was opening up for his sister. "That's amazing!"

"The thing is, does she fully know how to run a business." Katsuki started to worry like the mother hen he was.

"She would have to learn," Shinso reassured the man. "It's all a part of making her dreams come true."

"Will you be with her through the whole thing?" Katsuki asked, taking the indigo haired male back by surprise.

"What?" he asked again, blinking in confusion.

"Idiot," katsuki growled. He always hated having to repeat himself. "Will you be joining her on this adventure?"

Shinso smiled as he thought about it. He truly wanted to be their and if they would let him then he would make her the happiest woman on the earth.

"If you would allow me to be, I want nothing but to be next to her and watch her flourish over the years." shinso said, smiling from ear to ear. He couldn't contain himself. Something about the thought of her made him seriously get butterflies all throughout his body. "I never meant to hurt her, I thought I was doing something right by protecting her. That clearly wasn't the right thing to do and I learned from that. I just want to take it back, but it's on my record forever. Something she will remember forever and something the rest of you will never trust me over."

"Everybody makes mistakes Hitoshi, we can't all be perfect." Izuku said as he smiled gently at his friend. "It's just that we have to learn from them in the end and make up for it in any way we can. All the while making sure we don't relive those moments."

"It's the way the world revolves. We all know that." Katsuki came off a little grumpier than Izuku but it was all in good actions. "Life has never been fair to her, to Izuku, to you or me. But we keep going in any direction we can to make the world a better place and to prove the people who did us wrong that they were wrong."

"I'm sure you know the story of our father." Izuku smiled sadly as he reflected on the past. It was something the two siblings carried with them. They built up from it. It was often the quote, "one man's trash is another man's gold." they turned themselves into a mighty fine diamond though, beyond the gold.

"She didn't really talk much about it, She told me about some of her feelings towards the events like meeting Toshinori but that's it." Hitoshi felt that same thing he felt that night she spoke a little about her father. He felt her pain and ache. The things she went through to get to the very moment she is at.

"He was a bad man," Katsuki said, shaking his head. "He wasn't good at treating Inko well at all, and when us kids were born things just seemed to get worse. At least that's what the parents told us."

"My biological father wasn't as bad until (y/n) was born. Don't get me wrong he wasn't the greatest ever, but he really took a turn for the worst when (y/n) was around." Izuku choked back some of his words as he remembered the unsteady times. "To be known, back in the day (y/n) was more stubborn, loud, wanted it her way or the highway. She was brave and did risky things and it often got her screamed at by Hisashi."

"I can remember when that jerk slapped her, and she was crying hard into my arms." Katsuki growled. "At that time she was hardly old enough to go to school. It was the first time in my life I remembered wanting to murder that man."

"She was tough though, until she started to believe him that leaving was a result of her." Izuku sniffled as he held his tears in. clearly it being not talked about was hard on them. "But to see the relief on her face and everyone else's when he left was like the universe giving us a sign that things were good for now."

"Just so you know, she still struggles with it and it's something you and all of us will have to work on in unison." Katsuki got up from the couch and tossed his newspaper on the table.

Hitoshi sat forward clearing his throat and smiling at the two men. He was prepared to lay everything on the line and protect her from her inner demons her biological father gave her he would be with her one hundred percent of the time. She wasn't going to deal with any of that alone.

"I will never let her witness an event like that in her lifetime ever again," hitoshi said, grabbing a pillow and hugging it as if it was her. He wished it was her at the moment. "I want to be there to help her flourish."

"Then I think it's settled," Izuku smiled at Katsuki and then to hitoshi. "You can marry our sister!" he laughed at his own joke and then felt his life leave his form as Katsuki looked as if he was going to kill the man with every inch of his life.

"Not yet, you idiot! She's too young and nothing like you!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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