The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

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What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 41

864 26 21
By LightTheNight23

"Mina, please," (y/n) giggled as the girl fawned over her. "I'm not that cute."

"You're even cuter than you think!" She exclaimed as she helped Kirishima and Katsuki set up the table.

A knock on the door interrupted everybody. (Y/n) in her nice clothes and heels waltzed to the door opening it up and allowing the guests to enter. She of course knew who it was.

"Mr. And Mrs. Iida!" She exclaimed. "Come in, so great to see you could make it!" She giggled quickly, shaking Iida's hand and then hugging mei. "So nice to meet you." She whispered with a big smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you as well," she giggled. "Iida told me all about what you two had planned, and by the looks of it," she glanced over at the big group, (y/n) doing the same. "We did just that."

"You're married, and you didn't even tell me!" Deku laughed and clasped his partners shoulders. "I feel slightly betrayed."

"Don't get to hurt," Iida laughed. "I left it out in the open this whole time. You just never caught on."

"Just a bit clueless, aren't you," (y/n) joked, as she continued to side hug Mei as if they were close friends. It felt good to be surrounded by good people who (y/n) knew cared about her well being. It was like breathing in fresh air for her, which it had felt like a long time since she had clean crisp air. "I should introduce you to my rather large family, we've grown a lot this year."

"That's not even exaggerating," Bakugou added, (y/n) smiled at his good behavior.

"This is, bakugou, he is the eldest brother." (Y/n) smiled as the man bowed down quickly and went back to his work. "He's the one that somehow keeps us going. You might somewhat know of Izuku, he's my other brother." she then went down the line and continued to introduce them all. "His fiancé Ochako, she's super sweet! beside her is Mina and Sero, who mind I tell you make my heart swell everyday" Mei, and Tenya followed closely behind the girl as she went through the group of people. "Then the wonderful Denki, who often keeps us on our toes. But he's a real treat."

"You bet I am!" he laughed and bowed down just like everyone else did.

"This is Kirishima, I have no words for him," she paused and laughed making Kiri stick his tongue out at her. "Because he always amazes me everyday with his accomplishments." she then placed her fingers on her lips as she tapped teasing Hitoshi who knew what she was doing. Behind her he smirked and waited for her to do her usual thing. "I think that's all other then, shoto and Momo who couldn't make it tonight, you would love them!"

"I think you forgot one person," shinso bent down close to her ear and wrapped his arm around her waist like a proper man would do to his significant other.

"Oh, it seems I did, this here is Hitoshi Shinso," (y/n) smiled up at the indigo haired male who seemed to be lost in her own eyes daydreaming of a life with her. "He's a bit of a troublemaker, but that makes him all the better. He's also super kind and I like to believe he's my knight in shining armor, since he has saved me quite a few times."

"You're just a little clumsy," he reassured her as he bowed down to Mei and Tenya. "It's a pleasure to meet you two, you wont believe it but she's been super excited to finally meet you Mrs. Iida."

Mei flushed red as tenya laughed at the young midoriya's excitement.

"Well I hope I live up to everything you ever imagined," Mei smiled at the young woman and looked over at her husband who was still slightly chuckling.

"I see the excitement must run through your family." Iida said he shook Shinso's hand and began the conversation. "Though I will say, what I have collected from you, you're more excitable than your brother."

"That is very true," izuku said as he helped Bakugou in the kitchen. "She is rather excitable, but it makes her unique."

"I may actually be the one to keep everyone on their toes, especially as of lately." (y/n) joked as she pressed her hands together and fell into Shinsos arms which still rested on the small of her back.

"Never hurts to keep others on their toes, I did that to Tenya when we first met." Mei reassured her.

Shinso looked down at the (h/c) haired girl and could see the interest and curiosity twinkle in her eyes fully knowing she was intrigued and it made his heart melt. He always knew she was cute, but when did she get this cute.

"I had him flustered by the end of the date, who couldn't even make a full sentence." Mei added as she patted her husband's chest as he got flustered once again.

"To be fair, you were rather beautiful when I laid my eyes on you in that first moment." Tenya added smiling at his wife. In return she got flustered.

"Sounds cliché but almost as if time stops and she takes your breath away?" htoshi asked fully knowing that feeling by heart. It was the same feeling he felt and witnessed when he laid eyes on (y/n). When he accidentally bumped into her at the café, and not to mention when he walked passed her in the hallways of this apartment complex. He couldn't forget the first time he called her kitten too, man did time stop on that one as well. If he remembered correctly time always stopped when he was with her.

"Exactly." tenya cheered as someone else experienced it "And it never stops happening, I still look at you and the time always seems to stop."

"Glad I am not alone," Hitoshi said as seemed to sigh a breath of relief. "I was starting to honestly think something was wrong with me."

(y/n) froze as she looked up at him surprised. What was he getting at, was he trying to hint to her that she made him swoon like a teenage boy. So she was going to become flustered as well and become a stuttering mess here soon. He glanced down at her and smiled winking at her making it very well known she did that to him. She could already feel the heat on her cheeks rise to the surface and a smile form on her lips.

"Can you remember when we were just like them." Mei whispered to Tenya as the man chuckled and nodded his head. "Makes me feel old when I say this, but that's young love at its finest. How I cherish those memories."

"Those are most definitely memories to hold close to the heart." Tenya smiled as he looked down at his wife. "Let them be, it seems they are lost in their own eyes." Tenya and Mei looked over and chuckled at both the flushed faces and walked off to converse with other people at the dinner.

(y/n) and shinso didn't even know the two had walked off, they had been staring at each other profusely and couldn't pull their eyes away. It was as if they were in a moment. One they couldn't avoid and didn't want to avoid.

"Did I do that to you, everything you explained?" (y/n) asked the man, who flushed red and turned his head away in embarrassment.

"Of course you do," he said with a nerdy smile on his face. She had recognized that look on his face as the same smile he had on his face when he often watched her beat the shit out of kirishima for bet money, or when she needed to take care of Denki for being a pervert. It was the smile he used when he expressed to her he wanted to buy a café for the both of them and live the rest of his days with her. It was his smile, the one that meant he was truly happy. "The first time I laid my eyes on you I fell hard, but I thought you were just another random stranger. That was until I saw you in the hallway smiling and waving at the three of us. You make me feel alive, loved and cherished. In the end I screwed up and left you broken."

"I still," she paused and felt a sudden twinge of nervousness in her stomach. "Truth is..." she couldn't get her words out. "I will always..."

He stared down at her and tried to decipher what she was saying. And when it clicked it was like a lightbulb going off and she instantly felt the butterflies in his stomach and his knees go weak. He had to unbutton his dress shirt on button because he began to overheat.

"I love you," he told her, instantly cupping her cheek and flushing red as she did as well. "I can't ever stop loving you and I was a fool for thinking what I did was protecting you."

"Then, I l-," she paused and frowned a bit making Hitoshi nervous as to her denying her. He stated to believe he read into the wrong thing and just majorly messed up. "What I'm trying to get out is I lov—" she growled and cupped her hands on his own hand which still gently rubbed her cheek. He realized she was embarrassed and didn't know if she was using the right words to express her emotions.

She was silent for a second as she thought for a minute.

"I'm not asking for your phone number, we're past that point." she whispered "I had to ask denki what the right words were to express to a potential boyfriend. Katsuki told me 'I love you' is only for family members. But it feels better to say since you said it, but I think you used the wrong words to confess that emotion to me."

shinso instantly knew what Denki and his heart dropped but at the same time swelled.

"It's embarrassing, so embarrassing to believe this is the language of love. I'm not clueless I swear but Denki said I have to say this first before I can be allowed to say I love you."

"Kitten, what did he teach you?" Now it was all seriousness knowing fully well Denki lied to her and made up a fake rule to make her say something improper or a little questionable.

"He told me when expressing love for the first time, you must say..." she frowned and tugged in his hand trying to drag him down to her height where she could whisper it in his ears. "Can I whisper it in your ears?"

"Of course sweetheart." he bent down more for her and listened to the words coming from her mouth, her hot air tickled his ear making it even more personal. Personal enough he choked on air and caught everyone else's attention as he became flustered and so did she. "As much as that's tempting sweetheart, Denki was trying to get you in trouble. That's bedroom talk. 'I love you' can be said in this situation, don't trust him again."

"You probably think I am an idiot," she exclaimed in embarrassment as the man tried to hold his feelings together. The way she said it was so pure it made his stomach churn in a good way. "I don't live under a rock I swear. I just don't know much about love and all but I do know I love you."

"Oh god," he groaned as she confessed to him, giving him even more of a swirl in his stomach. "I love you too kitten." he nuzzled into his neck and held her right in front of him. "But I need you to stand right here for about five minutes and don't move."

"Why?" she asked, not really understanding what was going on.

"What did she just do!" Katsuki howled, no longer being on his best behavior. "denki, what did you teach her!"

"I told her to say—" Denki began to say only to get interrupted by Shinso just to protect his girl from the embarrassment. He already knew she was embarrassed enough.

"Don't say it, but I will beat your ass for telling her something like that." Shinso snarled at his friends, acting somewhat like (y/n). He was starting to act like her in situations like this except he wasn't bullying and twenty one year old for money. "You know she doesn't know how to express herself in a relationship!"

"I'll kick your ass before he does, and I'll leave you in a coma." katsuki yelled as he grabbed the spatula and got ready to beat the blonde idiot. "Then the aliens can probe your ass all they want!"

"They already do that!"


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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