The Girl Next Door (Hitoshi S...

By LightTheNight23

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What happens when the new neighbor, famous gamer, Hitoshi Shinso, moves in next door to the girl who has two... More

Just simply some info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 38

759 28 13
By LightTheNight23

"Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're back!" Kayama screamed as she jumped over the counter in her really long heals and hugged the (h/c) haired girl tightly. "It felt like eternity without your bright cheery face."

She cried on (y/n)'s shoulder not letting the girl go at all. (Y/n) awkwardly patted midnights back as she laughs slightly at the woman's actions.

"Well I had to come back sometime and stop running away." She sheepishly smiled along with getting crushed on the inside. "I think work will heal my broken soul better than chicken noodle soup."

Kayama froze and lifted her head staring at the girl with even more of a broken stare. She started to sob as she pointed to the back kitchen.

"I just made a big pot," she wailed, making customers stare at the two.

"I'll still eat it," (y/n) tried to calm her down. "It's a saying, not a literal accusation I'm made." She paid Kayama on the back and frowned when the woman still sobbed. "I'm actually hungry, may I have a bowl of the soup you made me."

"Oh my god yes, because I can't eat it all myself." Kayama blabbered as she grabbed two bowls just for (y/n). The girl stared at her boss, shocked that the woman was trying to give her all of this. "Please eat up, I know your hungry."

She sat the bowl on a table and made (y/n) sit down. Ochako watched, worried about what was going on and why Kayama made soup that early in the morning.

"Isn't it too early to eat two bowls of soup, Ms. Midoriya?" Iida said, startling the young woman.

(Y/n) started to wonder when she even heard the doorbell ring.

"Mr. Iida, maybe just a little bit," she took a spoonful of the soup and put it near her lips. She dropped it down a bit before she stared at it concerned about what time Kayama started to cook it. "Okay maybe a lot, but Kayama made it with love just for me and I would assume now herself since she's still crying and eating off the ladle."

(Y/n) watched as the woman sobbed and took a sip of the soup. Ochako was just trying to miss the confrontation of having to eat the soup as well.

"Well then, at least you know it's not good for a morning diet." Iida said as he grabbed his drink from the counter and paid for it. "May I join you?" He asked, holding his cup of coffee in one hand.

She stopped and stared for a second before she quickly got her brain moving again.

"Of course, I don't mind. I live by the more the merrier." She giggled, patting the table. "So, how busy are your days at the station?" She asked, slurping on her soup afterwards.

"Busy at times, but it keeps life more interesting." Iida smiles as he noticed (y/n) practically already sucked one bowl down.

"Do you always catch people, like as soon as a report is in?" (Y/n) asked interested in his line of work.

"Not always it can take some time before we get through a list of suspects." Iida said, lifting his cup up to his lips and taking a sip. "Don't you ask your brother these questions."

(Y/n) snorted, shaking her head.

"We do have conversations sometimes, but by the end of it we're chatting about something entirely different." (Y/n) cracked a smile. "Meaning when it's the two of us, we never take anything serious."

"I see," Iida smiled ever so slightly. "The man who appeared the day of dinner, who was he?"

(Y/n) paused a sad smile covering her face.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer if it's a bad memory." Iida said, trying to change the topic.

"No, Mr. Iida, it's quite alright." (Y/n) smiled and sighed. "He's Kirishima's roommate, new roommate. I thought we had something going but on the mix of things I read the messages he was giving off wrong and just made a mistake. One could say a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Are you sure that's the full story?" Iida asked. "My partner, sometimes, is oblivious to emotions that a person is giving off. Izuku has a hard time reading someone, but to me that roommate seemed to be in a way relieved but worried and it wasn't about himself nor was it Jiro." Iida said, taking a sip of his coffee. "When you're married it gets easier to read emotions, especially your spouse's emotions. Just don't tell Izuku that."

"A secret, I like," (y/n) giggled, noticing the sparkling ring on his finger. "I would have never guessed Mr. Iida. I would assume Izuku's oblivious like usual?"

"Always," Iida chuckled. "Romance is a confusing thing, don't mistake his actions for one thing when it's really another."

(Y/n) Brushed her hair behind her ear, with a blush on her face.

"You know, surprisingly that's not the first time that was said to me." She snorted laughing ever so slightly. "Starting to think it's a sign."

"Then Listen to what it's telling you." Iida said, "it's not everyday you meet your soulmate. Making amends is much healthier then leaving a broken bridge."

"What's the best way to go about it?" She asked. "I snapped at him the other day, but there's no way I could ever confront him about it, nerve thing." She shook her hand and pushed both the soup bowls away from her.

"Simple say sorry, if a friendship or more was there it would heal, that's the best way to put it." Iida smiled at the young woman. "Healing will happen when two people take the time to amend it. And I think what you had is amendable."

"Okay," (y/n) nodded, digesting the information. "Okay, simple, sweet and to the point. Best way to do it."

"Exactly." Iida said. "Don't overthink it. You'll be fine."

"I hope so," (y/n) seemed to feel relieved. "Thank you, I really appreciate it. You know what, this Sunday, dinner at the Midoriya's, my offer." (Y/n) smiled. "And bring Mrs. Iida, blow my oblivious brother out of the water. I heard him and Ochako trying to set the two of us up, and I don't want to let that go on."

Iida chuckled, at her antics.

"Of course they would, you know what, I'll let Mrs. Iida know, I'm sure she would love that." Iida said standing up and ruffling (y/n)'s hair.

"Thank you again, Mr. Iida." (Y/n) stood up grabbing her two bowls. "It felt good hearing a healthier perspective than my two brothers and they 'get over him' speech."

"That's what friends are for." Iida said waving and walking out of the café.

"I have to make things right, it's the only thing I know and what separates me from my family." (Y/n) said, determined and gaining a new mission.

"This soup is so good," Kayama cried, making (y/n) rush back to the pot to try and make her stop crying. "It's like the time my Highschool boyfriend cheated on me, and I thought we would get married!"


(Y/n) sat on the balcony strumming here ukulele. Her heart so badly wanted to go over to his room right now, but her mind wasn't prepared enough.

"I'll say I'm sorry," she strummed with her words. "With a thousand words, but none of them will mean a thing."

She paused and noticed she was starting to sing her own little song.

"Lame" she muttered. She lifted her body sitting up and watching as people walked down on the street below her. They looked like little ants to her. Like a little tiny city of ants trying to make it in this great big world, Just like she was.

Maybe that was the key?

They were just living their life day by day, she was planning. She didn't used to plan her day out, but ever since Hitoshi split it off, she had been planning. Planning how to avoid him, planning how to act around him, and planning so many more things just to make herself feel okay without the man.

She never planned her life before, she was spontaneous, chaotic at times, and even just doing things randomly as they appeared. When did that even have to change, why did she allow it to change.

"I should just burst over there and see who's all home!" (y/n) said standing up and setting her Ukulele off to the side of the balcony in a safe place and rushing through the empty apartment. She rushed through the other apartment and stopped at the doorway.

"Anybody home?" She shouted with a smile on her face.

"(y/n)!" Denki said as he appeared out of his room. "What's up?"

"Just wondering if any of you fools were home," (y/n) snickered. "I see one, where's the other two?"

Denki paused and looked at (y/n) questioningly. Did he just hear correctly?

"The other two?" He asked, scratching his head.

"Yeah, Denki, the other two? Where are they?" Denki smiled slightly and shook his head.

The boys were right, she was slowly becoming herself once again.

"Hitoshi went to his dads, I guess he needed a day away." Kaminari said, placing his empty plate on the coffee table. "Kirishima is out with Sero and Mina, they were getting comfort food before the court hearing."

"That's in four days, don't remind me." She nervously laughed sitting down on the couch near the blond. "I'm actually not as nervous as I would have been before."

"Well you have a bigger support group to help with that." Denki smiled plopping down beside her. "Plus you have Izuku and Iida helping you prepare for court day."

"I'm grateful they weren't allowed to handle this case, If not I wouldn't have had the guide they have been giving me."

Denki snickered slightly and slammed his elbows in her chest instantly earning a glare from her and an evil twinkle in her eyes.

"I know, you and the Iida are getting pretty close, something forming between you two?" Denki earned a smack making the girl scoff. When the door opened the two stopped mid defend and mid kill. (y/n)'s eyes peeked up after she smacked Denki on the head hearing him moan in pain.

"Shinso's home," he groaned as he sat back up and rubbed his side of his head that now had a large print of her hand on his cheek. "Now you can't beat up on me and your relationship with Iida."

"Denki, it's not a relationship!" (y/n) growled lurching forward, scaring the man and making him whimper. "He is just a friend."

"Sure," she plopped back down on the couch and kept pushing Denki away with her feet making the man give up and lay on the floor.

"I see nothing has changed," Shinso made a comment dropping his bag off in his room.

"Why should it," (y/n) smiled as Denki came up with another plan to attack. She paused and waited for a response. Her words did sound a little mean, she would admit. They were harsher then she would have liked. "Sorry that came off the tongue wrong." she quickly apologized.

"No, it's fine, it could have been worse." Shinso said, walking into the kitchen and making himself a cup of coffee.

These were gradual steps into the right direction. It wasn't where she was wanting to be but it was better then where she once was.

She took a deep breath and peeled her eyes away from the window and looked over at Hitoshi who seemed to be glancing at her, eyes showing a certain softness. But when he noticed her eyes making contact with his he looked away quickly and took a sip of his coffee, burning his throat in an instant. He started to cough and sat the coffee on the counter while Denki jumped startled at the roommate. When the three of them heard the door open hitoshi was once again startled coughing even more almost as if he was going to die.

"Wow, no need to kill over, You left this at my house." Aizawa said, setting Hitoshi's phone on the counter. "Seems you're in trouble with that brat."

"Thanks dad," Hotoshi grumbled out, gulping down a cold cup of water. "Could really care less about her." hitoshi's directly met with his father's who directly looked at (y/n)'s.

"Hi Mr. Aizawa, how are you?" she nervously smiled and said hello.

"I'm good midoriya. Are you keeping out of trouble?" he smiled knowing the news since the whole thing went down on princess jiro.

"No Mr. Aizawa," she nervously smiled.

"Just like High School." he commented, making the girl instantly frown.

"I wasn't that bad!" she quickly defended herself. "A few times I got myself into dumb trouble with other classmates but it wasn't that often."

"Sure, says the girl who was always finding trouble because the other classmates set you up." Aizawa snickered.

"No fair, you were always sleeping!" she frowned and hid behind the couch.

"Hold on you were her teacher that slept all the time?" Hitoshi made the connection finally.

"Hold on, sleep all the time?" Aizawa looked back at (y/n).

"I mean majority of the time you slept," she smiled slightly and peeked her eyes above the couch.

"You're just like those no good siblings of yours." Aizawa made the girl fearfully jump back and glance at him in bewilderment.

"No good siblings?" She was surprised by his words. "I think we were all well behaved, other than the occasional blowups from katsuki."

"I'm still stuck on the whole teacher thing," shinso said exhausted by the twos energy especially his lazy father's energy. He was never this energized, but then again (y/n) had the power to just make anyone and everyone energized and feel much better. That's one of the things he loved her for, she had a way of keeping you going up until the time she got to relax.

"I don't know Hito," Aizawa cracked a smile looking at (y/n) who giggled. "She's a troublemaker. You sure she's the one?"

Hitoshi didn't care what his father said, he didn't care if he would give away his secret of loving her. He just needed that push to really realize what he was missing out on, something he had so dearly loved. The nights texting nonstop, he midnight vines, the naps during daytime, the song she always broke into, the chaotic sibling fights that she had egged on, and so much more. His life was adventure and pure happiness with her and he wanted it to stay that way.

He learned from his mistake, he wasn't making it again. Not when he had her right there in front of him smiling like the angel she was. She was his girl, the girl next door. The one he so helplessly fell in love with and couldn't be without.

"Of course she's the one, I should have never doubted that."


I do not own the characters, Kōhei Horikoshi does!

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