You're the best, Secretary An...

By crownmaru

74.2K 3.4K 744

From hating his boss to fake dating him. What could go wrong? Secretary Andrew is the perfect secretary. Inte... More

1 - I'm not an alcoholic. I'm just stressed.
2 - Another bad decision
3 - So, you're not giving me money?
4 - Clubbing with the Boss isn't as bad as it sounds
5 - Rich People are so melodramatic
6 - Why do you remember small things about me? Stalker much?
7 - Hide your alcohol 'cause Secretary Andrew is back, baby
8 - Is this the rising action drama?
9 - Sonna, you dumb slut
10 - A Friend from The Past
11 - A Nightmare from The Past
12 - A Conversation with Luiz, the hotter, younger, & nicer Lopez Son.
13 - The Old Lopez Co? Gone. Allen? Acting Weird.
14 - What is Love? Allen needs to Know.
15 - What's this feeling? This Heart Rushing Emotion...Indigestion?
16 - A Secretary & His Boss
17 - Consequences of Romance Under the Rain
19 - Welcome Home, Alfonso
20 - Goodbye, Secretary Andrew
21 - Prison Buddies
22 - Secretary, Fake boyfriend, Bad-Ass
23 - Andrew & Allen

18 - Rich People Are Still Dramatic

2.2K 113 6
By crownmaru

Andrew's heart drummed a hundred beats per minute as he paced in the limited space of his apartment floor. He could not understand why he felt so nervous about a simple thing as a family photoshoot. He glanced at the mirror and inspected his attire: a formal black suit and pieces of silver accessories. He realized that if he wore his earpiece and held some documents in his hand, he would already be Secretary Andrew. And that thought made him more nervous somehow. Ugh.

He changed into the navy-blue suit that Allen gave him, making him look more casual and fun. His thoughts wandered to what pose rich families make for this type of thing. Do they smile? Do they throw a peace sign? Or do they do that thing where they fake a laugh and bend down just a little to look like they're having the time of their lives? Andrew was at a loss. And he remembered that he had forgotten something.

Ah. He forgot that he should be feeling nervous, which caused him to pace again. He would've never stepped out of his apartment if a knock on his door didn't interrupt him.

He opened the door, and a handsome Allen with a warm smile on his stupid face shone on him. He was in a brown and slim suit and tie. It was rare for him to wear a color outside of the black and gray spectrum. Allen was a sight to look at. But he was still a jerk.

"What's with the grin, jerk?" Andrew leaned on the doorframe. Fixated on Allen's earnest expression.

Allen chuckled and replied, "I'm just happy. Come on. Our family's waiting."

Allen cleared his throat. There was a hint of red on his cheeks. He side-eyed Andrew, embarrassed by the stare he was receiving.

He grabbed Andrew by the hand and excitedly pulled him out of his apartment. Today, it was Allen who was in the driver's seat. Andrew couldn't help but recall the night their relationship changed forever when Allen drove him for the first time. He never noticed the handsome profile of his boss. Ah, because the bastard never drove for Andrew. Jerk.

"There's a business trip next Friday," Allen segued into a conversation. "It's with an energy cooperative in Bicol. We could visit some sights on the way, would you like that?"

Andrew nodded at Allen's veiled attempts in getting him to travel. It was amusing yet generous of him to do so.

As they approached the studio, Luiz was already waiting by the front. He spotted them from afar. He perked up and dashed back inside. When they stopped by the entrance, the whole Lopez family was already gathered and waiting with joyous grins.

"You are finally here, deary." Mrs. Lopez had been trying out several terms of endearment ever since he had confessed. It was weird, but Andrew didn't stop her. She was dressed in a white Filipinana finished by a shawl pinned together by a gold brooch on her chest. She pulled him out of his car seat and embraced him tightly. Her smile was radiant.

Luiz, in a bespoke gray suit, flashed him a teasing smirk. His hair was slicked back, and the round spectacles he usually donned were gone. He seemed to be in the mood to tease Andrew today. Even Mr. Lopez joined in. The words 'Ravishing' and 'Handsome' were thrown around. The ease at which they had bantered wasn't left amiss with Andrew. They were more acting like a family these days.

Andrew knew it was difficult for Mr. and Mrs. Lopez to admit that they weren't used to being present in their children's lives. Yet here they were, sharing laughter between them.

Mrs. Lopez caught his gaze. They both paused as she seemed to share his sentiment.

They entered the intimate studio. A white backdrop was affixed in the center with lights and equipment around it.

"We did some photographs earlier." Luiz jerked his head towards a set of computers on the side. The staff was browsing through a couple of shots of the parents, and then the joined by Luiz.

The photographer approached them with a smile and a camera on his hand. "We're taking photos for each son with the parent, er— Mr. Allen if you would join your parents?"

Allen nodded, and he followed Mr. and Mrs. Lopez. He stood with a serious expression between his smiling parents. Andrew slid behind the photographer to observe. After a couple of shots, he scratched his head with his brows knitted in frustration.

"Mr. Allen, could we maybe get a happy expression this time around? Something light and breezy."

Allen nodded, but the photographer mumbled something that only reached Andrew's gossip-trained ear.

"Who said the constipated look was the new smile?"

Andrew guffawed, then laughed at Allen. Their eyes met, and Allen's lips curved into a smile. They did not notice the camera flashes as the photographer captured this rare moment. Allen stepped out when he was satisfied, and Andrew joined him by the monitors.

"Supermodel of the world," Andrew teased him.

"Let us see if you could do better," Allen retorted.

When the photographer called him, Andrew was rolling his eyes and was about to dish out some sick burns. He turned around, and he was met with the waiting faces of the staff. The photographer gestured for him to join Mr. and Mrs. Lopez, who waved their hands for him to come.

"Sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I get this a lot since I look better than Allen, but I'm not a family member," Andrew clarified. "I'm not a Lopez, but I'll be just joining in some of the candid family shots later."

Allen let out a heavy sigh. He puts his around on Andrew's shoulder and leads him to the setup. Andrew plants his feet on the ground, but Mrs. Lopez pulls him closer to them.

"You are practically family by now," mumbled Mr. Lopez. Andrew glanced at Mr. Lopez, and he was offered a smile. He nodded his head towards the camera, and Andrew did his best to stand straight. He was unfamiliar with the spotlight, and awkwardness radiated off him. He couldn't remember how to smile. His nerves were back.

"Another weird one," the photographer whispered.

Andrew blushed. Confusion was written all over his face. His hands fumbled where they should be placed until Mrs. Lopez finally took pity on him. She requested two chairs for her and her husband. They sat on both sides with their heads resting on Andrew's stiff shoulder. They enveloped Andrew in a big embrace.

"This candid style is much more like you," Mr. Lopez said. "Only Luiz likes those formal shoots anyway."

"This way, whenever you see this photo, you'll know that we've welcomed you into this family and that we also rely on you," added Mrs. Lopez.

Even though there was a faint blush on his cheeks, Andrew chuckled at her cheesy comment. After their shot, they all gathered for the family photo. Everyone eased into it, and Andrew honestly had a good time.

Staring into his photos at the monitor, he couldn't help but compliment himself. He looked ravishing. Allen was a little bit too angry to be handsome, but he looked okay.

"You're insulting me right now, aren't you?" Allen whispered into his ear with a knowing smile. "You have the same expression when I make some mistake, or I don't understand a pop culture reference."

He was again about to lay a sick burn on Allen when the photographer cut him off.

"Would you like to take some couple shots together?" He asked with a grin.

Andrew cringed on the inside but flashed a professional smile outside. Couple-shots are the worst. Besides, they've already collected massive amounts of photos together on their business trips.

"We'd love to." Allen agreed on their behalf, which left Andrew surprised.

"What the fu—" Allen held his hand and dragged him to the center.

Andrew tried to pull his hand away, but Allen didn't let go. They stood side-by-side. Andrew shook off any weariness and smiled. The secretary Andrew five years ago would have had his heart pounding relentlessly if Allen held his hand this possessively as they took that anniversary photo. But now, Andrew was unsure of himself his feelings. This was all pretending, wasn't it?

Shit. Andrew hoped the warm feeling in his cheeks wasn't a blush. He looked up at Allen, who was also red-cheeked.

"I can't take this anymore," Allen said. He let go of Andrew's hand and stepped out of the set, rubbing the tip of his nose in embarrassment. Andrew followed him, but Mrs. Lopez stopped Allen.

"We need to take a portrait for you," she said.

"What for? I have plenty of professional photos already."

"You need another photo that we can use when we announce you as CEO." Her words had an obvious effect on Allen's mood. His face became sullen, and it was like the cold, upfront Allen from a year ago washed over him. The abrupt and obvious change was unnoticed by the aggressive Mrs. Lopez.

They caught each other's eyes.

Andrew thought Allen wouldn't do it. He wanted Allen not to do it, but at this moment, fear overtook him because he could not read what Allen was thinking. Allen walked back to the set as instructed.

Mrs. Lopez gushed over their Future CEO, but Mr. Lopez was not reacting. Andrew found this strange as Allen had mentioned they were inclined to ask his opinion. Andrew glanced at Luiz, worried.

"Mrs. Lopez," Andrew called her. "Will Allen really take over as CEO someday?"

Mrs. Lopez chuckled at him. "Of course, he will. We have full confidence that Allen will lead Lopez Co. into a great transformation. Why we've heard from the grapevine that the change has already started inside the company."

Andrew bit his lip. Why hasn't Allen said anything to him? If Andrew knew that their project to help the company would only hurt Allen's want to pursue his dreams. He would have never pushed through it.

Andrew stilled.

The thought that he wouldn't help those in need for Allen's sake... He could not fathom how it even passed through his mind.

"Have you asked him?" Andrew asked in a hushed tone.

"It is quite obvious already, is it not?" Mrs. Lopez replied, amused by Andrew's questioning. "Who else can take their dad's position if not Allen?"

"What about me?" Luiz's venomous voice silenced the whole studio.

He had his hands curled into tight fists by his sides. Anger poured out in waves from his stance alone. His fury was also mixed with a feeling of betrayal and hurt.

"Have you ever considered that you also have another child? Do you think so lowly of me that the only choice you have is Allen? Am I that pathetic in your eyes?"

"Luiz," Mr. Lopez stepped forward, but Luiz's harsh words stopped him.

"Do not come near me," he exclaimed. "You both are pathetic. He does not even want the position, yet you two are shoving it into his mouth. But you are right, mom. There is no other choice besides him, isn't it?"

"He has worked diligently for the past years," said Mrs. Lopez, weakly. It was a feeble attempt at peace.

"I have worked diligently," said Luiz, furious of not being seen. "I have studied day and night endlessly, so do not insinuate that I have worked less than any member of this family. And I am not downplaying the work brother has put into the company."

"Son," Mr. Lopez tried to appease him, which only made him livid.

"You keep saying to him—" Luiz juts a finger at Andrew "—that you love us. That you are trying to change. That you want us to be a family. How can you honestly say that when you are not giving us a chance to live our lives the way we want to? We are not business investments that you can hone and control. We are not puppets—we are your sons!"

Luiz stormed out, and everyone was too stunned to react. Outside they could hear the roar of Luiz's car driving off until it was barely a whisper. Allen appeared by their Mr. and Mrs. Lopez's side.

"We should wrap up for today," said Allen. "I'll try to give him some time, then talk to him. I know the spots he frequents. You two should wait back home just in case he comes back."

Mrs. Lopez shakes his head. "No, we also want to talk to him. He's right. We were too focused on the distance between us and assumed that Luiz was alright and ignored his needs. This is my fault, and I should talk to him."

"I also share the blame in this," Mr. Lopez added. "I am his father, and I have neglected him just as much. But as much as we want to go. We have to take care of our studio appointment here."

Allen glanced at Andrew, and their eyes met. Andrew nodded.

"Mr. and Mrs. Lopez, you can go now," said Andrew with an empathetic smile. "I'll take care of the things here. Just promise me that you will listen to Luiz with an open mind. Don't think about anything else aside from Luiz and Allen's happiness."

Her gaze on Andrew was muddled with doubt. Though it was justified. To them, Alfonso was a good-for-nothing person with no workplace skills. But Mr. Lopez clasped her hands in his and gave her an assuring nod. She let out a held breath and turned to Andrew.

"Then Alfonso, we will leave it up to you."

Andrew had expected a lot more argument, but he didn't want to delay them any longer. He watched their retreating backs as they left, the unsure family of four shaken. He hoped they would finally sit down and talk.

He spun and grinned at the lost-looking staff. It was probably their first Lopez workplace drama, poor things. Good thing he had brought his work bag. Even on rest days, he was still doing secretarial work.


Andrew waved goodbye at the closing staff before leaving the studio. Behind him, the lights inside turned off one by one as he started walking towards the main road. He looked down on his phone. Allen texted him that they hadn't found Luiz, and he wasn't picking up their calls. He also sent a list of the places they've already visited, and there was one place that wasn't listed.

Andrew scratched his head, annoyed. He shouldn't even intervene any further, but it was worth a try. He caught a taxi and headed to Lopez Co.

He gazed outside the window during the drive and felt calmness wave over his previous worries. It must be the confidence of knowing that Luiz would be there.

About half an hour, Andrew got down on the opposite side of the street of the Lopez Co. building. His eyes did little to no effort of searching, yet he already spotted the sulky twenty-four-year-old sitting on one of the many rows of wooden benches under the trees. Luiz was staring at the sky.

He sent a quick text to Allen before crossing the street.

As he got closer, Andrew followed Luiz's line of sight and realized that the younger man was staring at the top floor of the building. The executive floor.

He drew out a long sigh as he flopped beside Luiz in silence. He stretched out his legs out into the road and leaned back comfortably.

"It might be weird to ask, and you don't have to answer if you're not up to it," Andrew spoke. "But what's your dream?"

Luiz turned and glanced at Andrew, astonished. His eyes fell to his joined hands at his lap. He glanced again at Andrew, gauging his intentions.

"To run a successful business where employees are happy to be there," Luiz replied. "Where their chests swell with pride to be under the employment of Lopez Co. Where they can go to work smiling and have the company positively affect their overall being. Unlike the current Lopez Co. where people drag their feet by the entrance."

He glanced at the building and tried to see what Luiz was seeing. To Andrew, this glass building was just a place he works at. But to Luiz, this building represents his only dream. The one thing he's been striving for. Today, he just got a reminder that no hard work will get him there.

Andrew nodded. "That's a good dream, Luiz."

"Thank you." Luiz bit his lip as if he wanted to say more but couldn't.

So, Andrew spoke, "And you're angry at Allen because your parents handed the position that could make your dreams possible on a silver plate. Then he tries to scrape it off like gum on his shoe."

"Your words, not mine," Luiz chuckled.

Andrew laughed loudly. "You brothers have every right to be. Allen's been breaking his back for something he doesn't want while you're working so hard for something seemingly out of reach. Don't worry. I'm not going to tell you that your anger is misplaced or anything. Besides, we've already had our dramatic talk. But it is nice, isn't it? To let everything you've bottled out of your chest."

Luiz hesitated before he nodded with a smile on his lips.

"What about you, Secretary Andrew?"

"What about me? If this is about your weird obsession with your brother and me being together. You can drop it."

"No, no." Luiz waved him off. "I meant to ask your dreams as well."

"Oh." Andrew remained quiet for a while, contemplating what he should say. When nothing came to mind, he chose to be honest.

"When I was young," Andrew started. "My uncle—he used to take me to these street markets filled with all sorts of food. We would stuff ourselves with cheap but delicious food. We would chat with the vendors, ask about their day, about their business, and we would all joke around. Eating with my uncle made me happy. Food just makes everyone happy. Even Allen. That's my dream."

"Your dream is to eat?" Luiz questioned.

"No, rat-face," Andrew replied with an eye roll. "I want to own a restaurant. A place that serves good, inexpensive food and where friends can have happy conversations."

"Then why have you been working as a secretary—wait, is it because of the orphan thing? I did not realize that was true." Luiz offered a sympathetic yet panicked look.

Andrew countered with a smack on Luiz's head.

"You can shove your pity up my ass," he grunted. "I was young. I was a twenty-something poor kid who didn't know better. I needed a job with a higher starting salary to save up the capital I needed. A place where I can learn how to manage a business."

Luiz quirked his brow. "And you thought of Lopez Co?"

Andrew looked down, and his eyes raked over his suit. His new bag. All gifts from Allen. His lips curled into a smile as a distant memory resurfaced in front of his eyes.

He was wandering around the business district looking for a corporate job. Under the blazing heat of the sun, a young Andrew patted the beads of sweat on his brows. He found himself lost in a sea of professional young men and women, and unknowingly, he felt the prickling embarrassment of his shabby attire.

He slipped out away from the main street and into a quiet area. Rows of wooden benches and lines of trees surrounded the glass building. He dropped on an empty bench under the dark shade of a tree, hidden, and watched the employees flow into the building. There was one glaring man who caught his eye. He was probably a little older than Andrew, but he was so well put together. He oozed confidence, looked sharp, and he seemed to have it all figured out. He gave the impression of being perfect.

He stepped out from the backseat of a stylish car with a young woman. Though the second they got out, she grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him to the side of the building. She looked around to check if they were alone. When she was satisfied, she chucked all the documents in her hand into the man's face. The pieces of paper swung side-to-side before they flopped to the ground. No one had noticed, except Andrew who was well-hidden.

Her voice bellowed in rage at the man. She darted her finger into his chest with every point she made while the young man did not react, except for the glare he had on. By the time she stormed out, he stood still in a pool of documents staring into nothing for some while. He sunk his teeth into his lower lip hard enough for it to pale. His hands tightened into fists by his side. He kept his eyes peeled open, and Andrew realized how hard the man was keeping himself together.

Andrew got up and hurried to the man. He crouched down and collected all the papers, neatly arranging them in the discarded folder.

"Um, here." Andrew handed it to him.

The man swiped the folder and didn't spare Andrew a glance as he took off in big strides. Andrew heaved a sigh as he watched the back of the man. He was hot. Too bad he was rude and probably on the verge of a breakdown. This was perhaps the last time he was ever going to see him.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and came face-to-face with a woman with fluffy hair and thick lipstick.

"Are you looking for a job?" She asked, and when Andrew nodded. "Good, hand me your resume. My name's Sonna. I saw what you did back there. Our team needs someone like you."

Andrew quirked his eyebrow. "Someone who can pick up folders?"

"Someone who doesn't cave in from Sir Allen's glare. "Sonna winked. "You'll hear from me soon."

Andrew cackled loudly. "And that's how I came to work under your jerk of a brother. Who would have thought that six years later, I would be pretending to be his boyfriend and comforting his younger brother?"

There was disbelief in Luiz's astonished face. "I cannot believe that is how you two met."

"We didn't actually talk until I went for an interview," Andrew replied. "He judged me right from the very beginning. If he hadn't been so good-looking, I would have thrown a vase at his face. Well, there were many occasions in the past few years where I wanted to punch him."

Luiz nodded, amused. "Then may I ask why you haven't pursued your dream yet?"

Andrew stilled, startled by Luiz's question. He didn't know why he hesitated nor why he couldn't just say whatever came up in his mind.

"I still don't have enough capital," Andrew lied to Luiz and himself.

"I hope you realize that my brother is, as you would say, loaded," said Luiz, convinced. "Based on the way he looks at you, I am certain he will give you all the money you need in a heartbeat."

That comment earned him another slap in the back from Andrew.

"You mean the way he glares at me," Andrew retorted. "Besides, with the dramatic way you blew earlier. I'm pretty sure the five million is in the bag. That was a great outburst, by the way."

Luiz's cheeks had become scarlet red. He cleared his throat, and his eyes darted around. "I thought you were going to scold me for doing that."

"I was," Andrew replied. "I've told you many times to wait. You need time to grow up. But when I saw you here, gazing at your dreams. You kind of reminded me of myself. I saw that you didn't want to talk, so I just told a little story of my own."

After a pause, Andrew continued, "You should talk it out with them. They're still a product of their time, but they're trying their best. When your emotionless brother came out to your parents. We expected to be slapped, splashed by water, and be disowned. You never know what reaction you'll get from those two."

Andrew glanced at Luiz. He didn't reply. Andrew huffed and suddenly enveloped Luiz in a huge embrace. Luiz froze on the spot.

"It's okay," Andrew whispered, patting Luiz's back softly. "You're a brilliant kid. You're only twenty-four. You don't have to rush yourself to be successful. You don't have to be anything but yourself, alright?"

Luiz buried his face in Andrew's hug. He wrapped his arms around Andrew, hesitantly at first, but after a few failed attempts. Luiz finally gave in to the warm embrace.

"Secretary Andrew, you really are the best," Luiz mumbled.

"I know," Andrew replied with a confident smirk. Though his mind was cluttered with indecisiveness. He could end all these misunderstandings tonight if he just confesses about their plan and what lengths Allen is willing to go through just to denounce the CEO position. But if he does this, would he lose the five million he needs to build his restaurant? What else would he lose?

By the narrow path towards the back of the building, he saw Allen skid to a stop, panting. He looked worried, but the minute he laid eyes on Andrew and Luiz, all the worry in his eyes drained. It was immediately replaced with relief. The corner of Allen's rose to a curl. They shared a knowing look. One full of trust. The same look they always share when they're in a tough situation, and they always knew they would get by it together.

A slow but measured fear crept inside Andrew's head. Fear of loss from what's to come.

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