What's Wrong With Me? - ZADR...

By Stupid_auto_correct

10.4K 260 220

Dib, growing stronger feelings towards the alien he hates the most. His enemy. What's wrong with him? He's al... More

- How it all Started -
- Rain.. -
- Friends or Still Foes -
- The "Hang Out" -
- Please Stand By -
- Games are Interesting -
- Embarrassment -
- Wrong Decision...-
- The Real Talk -
- The Mistletoe BONK! -
- Happy new year! -
- The Truth, at Last -
- Back at it Again -

- How it Actually All Started -

445 13 9
By Stupid_auto_correct

~The past year~

Dib was storming over to Zim's house in anger. Zim had dropped some chocolate milk all over Dibs computer while he was writing an essay for a piece of homework. Of course.. It was on purpose. Before Dib could react, Zim had dashed to his house while laughing maniacally. He was writing it on school property- for some reason... And Zim decided that this would be the absolute PERFECT moment for a sabotage!
When Dib finally made it to Zim's house, he immediately started banging on the door.

"ZIIM! GET OUT OF YOUR DISGUSTING, ALIEN GERM COVERED HOUSE RIGHT NOW!!" Dib yelled in a growl. He nearly was done with that stupid essay too! The door's knob started moving a bit. Oh, how much Dib wished to punch Zim in the face at any moment.

"Hi!" GIR greeted. He was giggling a little bit, Dib could only figure out why. Or, the most likely reason why.

"Where's Zim?! I know he's in here! Go get him, will you?" Dib damanded, but only received more, and louder giggles from the robot.

"I don't know what you're TAlkin' about!" GIR laughed, he just couldn't help Zim at all with this situation. Dib knew Zim's little robot wasn't exactly the smartest, so he came up with an easy idea that was sure to work on this little robot.

"Hey, uh.. I'll get you some TACOS! Tacos if you tell me where ZIM IS!" Dib smiled, but yelled that last part so Zim could hear him. GIR's laughing came to a stop, and he looked to the human. His eyes narrowed. He looked suspicious.. Perhaps this won't work after all.

"OKAY! Come oon in!" GIR stepped aside and opened the door for Dib to walk in. Nah, of course that would work. Dib did an evil grin and stepped inside, seeing Zim sitting on his couch literally just chilling! Dib scowled at Zim, but the alien just smiled in return.

"Hey, what's up Dib?" Zim waved. Clearly amused and satisfied as he had annoyed the Dib. That's all he wanted, and he was getting the reaction he desired. Dib should've guessed. Dib rolled his eyes and groaned as he realized what Zim was trying to do. He hated giving Zim what he wanted.

"Ha ha, very funny... You got what you wanted, you happy?" Dib asked sarcasticly.

"Hm? Oh, yes." Zim nodded, and smiled even bigger as he sunk his back into the couch. Dib clenched his fists, he wasn't going to let Zim win today.

"Alright, Zim! Other than wanting to annoy me, was there a reason why you spilled chocolate milk all over my laptop? Might I add, freaking SPOILED CHOCOLATE MILK?!" Dib yelled to Zim. It had spilled all over his hands too, while he was typing. Just a bunch of chunks, and an awful smell. Zim sat still, thinking for a second.

"Hmm.. Nope!" Zim shook his head and stood up to walk over to the kitchen to get some chips. Dib scoffed, grabbing Zim's attention.

"Pft, of course there isn't. Just wait till I spill spoiled chocolate milk all over YOUR computers and little alien technology!" Dib exclaimed and crossed his arms.

"It's adorable how you humans think you're able to accomplish anything. Like spilling spoiled chocolate milk all over Zim's amazing technology." Zim chuckled, and crossed his arms as well. Dib rolled his eyes, and also chuckled, he was about to say something but stopped. Something felt.. Off.. Dib stood still trying to figure out what and just stared at Zim, and his face had looked like he ate something sour. Zim looked back to Dib, and saw the way he was looking at him. Which made him freak out a bit, and confused.

'What the heck???'

Dib thought, he was confused over one thing, he hadn't really paid attention to what Zim had said, but ONE thing that Zim said started making Dibs heart rush out of nowhere, and he had no idea why. Dib put a hand on his chest to feel his heart beat.. It was beating faster than it should be.

"Humannn? Helloo? Aren't you going to give a stupid comeback?" Zim walked up to Dib, waving his hand in front of his face. Dib snapped back to reality, and immediately pushed Zim's hand away from his face.

"Did you put something in that chocolate milk, Zim?" Dib asked in a serious tone.

"Uh, no.. I just took it from the school cafeteria." Zim rolled his eyes, and sat back down on to the couch. He didn't want to do anything, but maybe watch some T.V. Today is perhaps a lazy day for him. Dib watched Zim as he sat down on the couch and start to watch T.V. He was still confused, and he was confused as to why he was still confused!

"What're you still doing in my house? Get out!" Zim called out, looking back to the Dib who was staring at him still.

"WHY DO YOU KEEP STARING AT ME!!?" Zim finally asked. This was seriously getting on his nerves. All Dib did about his yelling was just a face telling Zim to basically shut up, because he's trying to figure out what's wrong.

"I will find out what you did to me, Zim. And it'll be easy! Just watch me!" Dib told Zim before exiting his house, and stomping away. Zim sat still on the couch, not having a clue what Dib was talking about. He scoffed after he watched Dib stomp away, slouching into the couch after. That boy is crazy.


It was the next day. And it was another day at the lovely building so called "Skool". Dib had made a list on what to do to try and test to see what Zim had done to him. He swore that Zim had put something into that chocolate milk, but he just doesn't know how it's affecting him when it just spilled all over his hands.

"Oh! I bet you he made himself immune to me, that's why my heart started racing.."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, nor' what you're saying." Gaz said as she played her game. She was sitting next to Dib during morning courtyard. Dib was writing some extra things in a notepad about Zim's evil chocolate milk.

"I will figure this out, and it won't take long. Just you wait, Zim.." Dib said before he stood up to finally initiate his plan.

Cue the cool montage music ~ Now in Dibs P.O.V.

1: Speak to Zim

Should be easy enough. I've done this multiple times, along with argue, and yell at him. Pfft.. What part of my brain came up with this? Whatever. I'm still gonna do it, it could help with whatever I'm trying to figure out.

I walked up to Zim, feeling confident as I know I was gonna ruin his plan once again by most likely tomorrow. But then all of a sudden my heart started to race again. For absolutely NO REASON! Zim turned around and looked at me. He was just looking at some football a kid threw over to him by accident. He threw it behind him, hitting the kid in the face who had a smile on it, with his arms wide open waiting for Zim to throw it back to him. Yeah. That kid fell down and passed out somehow.

"H-hey Zim! What are YOU doing here?" Oh my god...

"...What the..? Did you turn even more stupid, or something?" Zim looked at me like what I just said was stupid. Which it was. I have no clue why I asked that, or why I even stuttered. WAIT A SECOND!

"AHA! So THAT'S what you did to me!" I laughed and pointed to Zim. He was still looking at me like I was an idiot. I bet he's just nervous and upset I finally found his dirty little secret in just a minute!

"WhAAt are you tAAlking about?? Leave me be!" Zim crossed his arms and turned away. He looked over to the kid who was still passed out on the ground.

I don't understand.. Maybe he's just trying to fool me so I think that he thinks that what I think is completely wrong, and not at all his plan. If that's what it is, then he's not gonna fool me.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!" I turned him back around, staring at him.

It's happening AGAIN!

My heart just started beating faster.

"Well, the thing is Dib, I can't act like I don't know what you are talking about because I REALLY DONT!" He yelled at me, pushing my hand away that was on his shoulder. Eehh, this is so weird.

"Hmm.. You really don't know what I'm talking about?" I asked him. His eyes dimmed in annoyance. Oh my frick. He really doesn't know what I'm talking about! Then why is this happening to me!? I stood still, staring at him again trying to figure out what to say next.

"Whatever.. I don't believe you." I scoffed, and walked away back to Gaz. She was sitting on a bench outside, and that bench had my notepad where I wrote out how to figure out Zim's evil chocolate milk. Even if he genuinely looked confused, I still think it's an act.. If it is, then dang.. He's good.

1: Speak to Zim X

Right, well this plan didn't help at all.. I'm sure my other plans will though.. WAIT, NO! Zim's acting is NOT good! Geez, why would I ever think something like that? What the heck is wrong with me.. I'm just gonna ignore all that. I swear to God, if Zim made that chocolate milk make me nice to him, I'm going to be so mad. How would he even do that though? It just touched my hands... Class is about to start soon too now. I don't really care about paying attention today, I have other important things to worry about; I have to worry about Zim, and his stupid chocolate milk!
I sat down next to Gaz to wait for the bell to ring, and as I was waiting I was looking through my notepad seeing if I need to re-think anything, or add some things. Nope. Don't think I do, all these plans seem fine to me. And they're things I usually do too, so there's that.
The bell rang, and all you could hear was students groaning throughout the whole courtyard. Makes sense, this school sucks.

I made it to my first class which so happened to have Zim in it. Which is also perfect for my next plan.

2: Watch Zim's EVERY MOVE! Take notes.

Perfect. I have him right where I need him to be. Though, now that I think about it, I don't stare at him through the entire time of class.. Hmmoh well! Not like anyone will care that I'm staring at this alien boy.


Okay it's been about 15 minutes now, and he hasn't been doing anything but play with his pencil. DO SOMETHING, DAMNIT!


Wait, he's looking at me now.


What the... why is he looking at me like that?


"Huh? Oh-- yes?" The teacher yelled my name for some reason.

"Are you listening to the lesson right now, Membrane? Why do you keep looking at Zim?" She asked looking at me sternly. Which, uh, is very confusing. She never cared before.

"Why do I keep looking at him?? Look at him! He's green, and I have a suspicion that he's done something to me!" I stood up, and pointed to him.

"Oh my goodness... Not this again.. Dib, you need to-"

"You're crazy, Dib!" A student from the back shouted out.

"Yeah, DIB! You're insane!" Zim joined the kid, and laughed.

"ZIM! My goodness! Don't say such-"

"SHUT UP YOU GREEN SKINNED ALIEN FREAK! I Know you did something!"

"DIB! OFFICE NOW!" The teacher was finally able to speak. Er, yell. All students started laughing of course. Well, this is just great.

"HAHA, stupid stink-brain!" Zim shouted as I grabbed my bag to leave.


"HAHA- WHAT?! But the Dib insulated me!"

"That doesn't mean you get to call him insane AND stupid! Now will the both of you get out of my classroom before you start anymore trouble!" The teacher pointed to the door.
Zim's eyes squinted, glaring at Dib.


They sat in silence in the school office. Dib smirked.

"This is all your fault, Dib stink." Zim insulted, sitting two seats away from Dib with his arms crossed.

"Psh, yeah right... if you hadn't "poisoned" me or whatever, this wouldn't be happening." Dib slightly yelled pointing to Zim, trying to stay a little quiet just in case a teacher hears them.

"DIB! For the love of-- I actually have no idea what you're even saying! You keep saying something about that chocolate milk, and me poisoning you! What could I possibly have done to that chocolate milk to make you MORE INSANE? TELL ME, DIB. TELL ME!"

"What? Q-quit pretending!" Dib said a little sheepishly. He was starting to lose confidence in this argument since Zim really does seem clueless.

"There's no getting to you, is there Dib?" Zim rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair with his arms still crossed. Dib stared at Zim for a little before turning away to look at the ground.

'Is he really that clueless? Does he really not know what's happening to me..?'

They sat there in silence for about 5 minutes, still looking away from each other. Though, it felt like a century had passed during the time before a staff member had opened a door to their left to greet them.

"Hello, Zim and Dib... It's always such a pleasure to have you two up here. Especially, uh, together..." He said, sarcastically while looking away. Zim rolled his eyes, while Dib just stared in confusion.

"Ehrm, anyway... please come with me." He opened the door wider to reveal a room right behind him with a desk in the middle. It's mostly what you'd expect in a school counselors office. He sat down in his seat behind the desk, and then pointed to the two chairs in front of his desk. Zim and Dib slowly walk up to them and sit.

"So, please explain to me why your teacher called me and why you two are now here." The counselor said with a small smile, where you could ever so slightly see a bit of anger and annoyance on it.

"Ahem, first of all. Zim's an alien, second of all, he's here because he insulted me."

"Excuse me, human! Dib is here because he insulated ME first, calling me a green skinned alien freak, it hurt my feelings." Zim shed a fake tear. He had shared his side of the story, but the counselor isn't too sure what to believe right now

"So, what I'm getting is tha--"

"And I am not an alien.. just saying..." Zim rudely interrupted the counselor, gaining a stare from both him and Dib.

"Uh, anyway... Is this what you two started arguing about?" The counselor questioned, looking up at the two boys in front of his desk.

It fell silent.

"Christ, boys. This is getting ridiculous! You can't keep fighting like this, it's completely immature. Dib, you need to stop calling Zim an alien, that's getting way out of hand and it is completely insulting for one. And you Zim, you just need to stop actually INSULTING Dib, and starting fist fights all the time. You boys are in highschool now, and this behavior from what I know hasn't changed since middle school, which is completely unacceptable. If you boys keep this up, I'm just gonna have to set something up to have you two actually get along, which is something I really don't want to do. Trust me. So just start behaving for once, okay?" The counselor was basically pleading by now, and was staring at the two closely to catch a reaction from one of them.

"Tch, whatever. I wasn't the one who even started this argument in the first place." Dib scoffed, crossing his arms unamused by the counselors words.

"LIES! Do not let the Dib deceive you! He is actually the one who started i--"

"'He started it! No, he started it' is all I'm hearing right now! You guys would get destroyed if we were in a court room right now, because of you two being so immature!" The counselor slammed his hand on his desk, he was getting real angry now.

'Was it even mine or Zim's fault? We wouldn't even be in here if the teacher didn't say anything in the first place. AND the kids started to tease me causing Zim to say something stupid about me making me snap at him... well I officially blame the teacher, students, and Zim.' Dib thought, while staring at the floor. The counselor looked to him, opening his mouth to say something but got interrupted by Zim.

"Dib WAS the one who wouldn't stop staring at me during class, too! So much that the teacher had to say something about it." Zim stood up pointing in Dib's direction, making Dib gain a confused look from the counselor.

"Oh, really? Seems like you got a staring problem, kid." The counselor bounced his eyebrows while looking at Dib. Dib looked at him confused, but after a millisecond, he got the hint.

"W-WHAT?! No! Ew! Don't even joke about something like that, please!" Dib jumped in his seat, showing a slight blush on his face. The counselor laughed, as Dib covered his face and groaned in disgust. 'Is it even okay for him to joke like that?! God, why me?!'

"What? Why is he acting so stupid all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, Shut up! I-it doesn't concern your alien brain!" Dibs yelling was muffled from his hands being on his face. He wished he could die right there, right now, right in front of them.

"Geez, rude much?" The counselor spoke up. "I'm gonna let you boys go now, hoping I can trust that you two won't start another argument. Maybe even fight... And calm down Dib, I was just joking." He sighed, writing two passes for them to go back to class. Dib looked up slowly, watching him write the passes. His eyes then slowly drifted to look at Zim, who was also watching the counselor. He shook his head violently, his eyes moving back to the counselor and dimming as the thought of what the counselor had implemented was stupid.

"Here you go. You only have like... nine minutes until class is over, so get there quickly."

"Sure, thanks..." Dib grabbed the slip and walked out of the room. Zim following behind.

"Have a good rest of your day boys!" The counselor yelled before the door shut completely. Dib stopped and looked at the slip he had in hand, his mind then started to race with thoughts.

"Stupid Dib, he said to get there quickly."

"Listen Zim, I don't want you to get any dumb ideas about anything plainly based off of what he said, got it?" Dib turned around, and glared at Zim's contacts. Zim looked back with an angry look.

"Geez! If you're talking about when you started freaking out when he said something about a "staring problem" I have no clue what he was even implying, as I thought you noticed, idiot." Zim shoved Dib aside and started walking out of the office to get back to class.

"Psh, yeah right. Oblivious idiot." Dib rolled his eyes, and soon left after him.


It was now lunch time. Dib and Gaz were sitting together eating some pizza, as that's what was being served, in silence while the only thing being heard were the sounds of children talking and Gaz's tapping. Dib was once again intensely scanning Zim like a robot. His eyes were so fixed onto him, his eyeballs could pop out right there.

"Freaking gosh, you need to chill Dib. I can FEEL your staring." Gaz paused her game and slapped Dib in the back of his head, taking a bite of pizza after. Dib grabbed his head, and looked at his sister with a confused glare.

"The heck was that for?"

"Because you're being over paranoid. Geez, how would Zim even do anything to you when it just spilled all over your hands? Think about it for once instead of obsessing over him." Gaz slightly yelled, getting annoyed at Dibs behavior.

"ObsESSING? Who's obsessing?? Not me! I'm just observing, why everyone always has to take it the wrong way..." Dib looked around nervously, completely ignoring what Gaz said before that.

"IDIOT! That's not the point! Did you even listen to me?!"

"I-- Uhm... no, n-not really."

"I SAID, how would Zim even do anything to you when he spilled it all over your hands only, and only your hands. Think about it for ONCE during your time, please for crying out loud! You acting like this is really getting on my nerves Dib, it really is!" Gaz threw a carrot to Dib's face, as she was getting more and more crossed at him. Dib sat in shock, since Gaz never really talks like that, that much. He wasn't too surprised, as it wasn't the first time it's happened. But she had a point, he thought. He's thought about that before, but honestly got rid of it shortly after since he was so starved with finding some alien secrets about Zim's nonexistent plan. Dibs jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh..."

"Finally." Gaz sighed, even though she knows she gave Dib something new to worry about, it was better than having her brother intently stare at his rival. She thought it was weirder than usual, too.

Now this would never leave Dibs mind for the rest of the day, great. He kept arguing with himself as to how he could've just ignored something as important as that. The thoughts stayed with him all the way till he got home, ready to get to sleep.

He was in his room now, on his bed, unable to sleep as he was putting his final thoughts about it all together just now.

'But how does that make any sense, though? Why would I just randomly start feeling like this now? This is stupid. I hate this. This makes no sense. My heart randomly pounding near him makes no sense. That fact that I can't stop staring at him makes... no... sen... WAIT.'

Dib shot up from his bed, cutting of his own thoughts and finally bringing everything together.

'My heart randomly pounding near him.

Me staring at him more constantly now.

The fact that I stuttered to speak to him.

Gaz saying I obsess over him too much.

The counselor saying that weird thing.

Me actually... B-blushing!

Oh god no! No no no! I can't start to like Zim!! I can't! This isn't real, it can't be. How did this happen?! Am I the oblivious idiot for not noticing sooner?? Why and how would this even happen, I HATE him! We argue all the time, and fight. Nothing other than that!
I'm just scaring myself, right? It must be something else, I can't like him. Never, never, he's an alien and I'm human.


What is wrong with me?!'


(Sorry if I have bad grammar or miss spellings, I try to fix them)

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