Losing you book 3

By eviemg

1.8K 14 0

It's been five years since they first said "I do." JC is gone. Yve is back home with her parents, raising he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

54 0 0
By eviemg


I woke up in the middle of the night and I watched JC sleep, he looked peaceful now. When dad called me and asked me to go to the coffee shop across the street because JC needs me, I ran as fast as I could, I almost got hit by a car.

I've never seen JC have a panic or anxiety attack before. Dad said his last words before he passed out were, I need Yve, that's why he called me. It took a few minutes before he regained consciousness but dad said we needed to wait it out, he knows JC can feel my presence. True enough, he came to.

Laura needs to get convicted because of what she's done to him. He seems to be ok now. I was worried about him driving but I do know he wouldn't put me at risk, that's my assurance that he's fine.

He started to stir and pulled me to him, "It's way too early baby, go back to sleep." He whispered in my ear then buried his face in my neck. "You're intoxicating love. I love you."

I just had to smile. "I love you too." I felt his breathing even out and I knew he was asleep again. I really never imagined his mom would come around. When JC was out, I asked dad if he knew what changed. He said mom told him it started a few weeks after JC woke up from his coma. Whenever he was asleep he would call my name, but he doesn't remember me when he's awake.

She went to the Philippines for the first time in twenty years to see who I was. Dad said she saw me being brought to the hospital. That's how she found out we were having twins and how far along I was, she knew it was JC's. She saw how we lived here and she saw me with their family, she also saw how I was when I was alone.

She told dad she thought I'd move on eventually, but I never did. She was flying in and out of the Philippines just as I was flying in and out of New York. When she saw how I could affect JC, she said she knew she had to cut ties permanently.

But she really couldn't shake off the feeling. She wondered why I didn't just move on, she said it would've been easier that way. And she knew they family was trying to get me and Ken together so they'd see me happy again. It didn't work out that way.

But she also got to know the twins, thanks to Ken who was kind enough to accommodate an old woman as she put it. She said she couldn't help but feel for me, in the end, she was just afraid she'll lose JC.

The last time I flew to New York, she said it was the turning point, she was about to admit to JC what she did to me and everything she kept from him.

She said she wanted to make sure Laura wasn't really pregnant and let JC know about it. Then she left for LA to settle some unfinished business but she said it was too late, JC already left before she could talk to him.

She told dad she thought I was going to fight for JC, when I found out that he was alive, but I never did. She said I just gave in. She wanted to know why and dad told me he told her it was because of the twins. Dad knew I'd do anything for my little angels. He told her I would've given up JC because the twins needed their mother.

That's what made her look deep down, that's what she told dad. How I could sacrifice my own happiness for the twins was what made her admire me. She said she saw me with the twins, and she's also seen me alone. That made her realize that I wasn't happy, but that I would do anything for my children.

But why didn't I fight for JC. In truth, it wasn't just about the twins. He hated me, and call me stupid but in my heart, I wanted to believe that he still loved me, that I love you were the last words he ever told me. I wouldn't have been able to move on if he told me goodbye.

And that's the truth I've kept inside. When he came back, I really thought it was because he found out about the twins. He would've done right by them. Even if he told me he didn't know about them, it took a while before I believed him. That's why it took so long before I could say I'm really ok.

But that was all selfish. When I saw JC have his anxiety attack it hit me. He too had a lot to go through. He felt abandoned and alone. And if I were in his shoes, I would've gone crazy.

I had the twins and his family, our family. He didn't have anyone. He was alone in his battle to get better.

Now I know, I'll do everything I can to never see JC in that state again. I hope mom buries Laura in jail.

"I love you baby. I'm sorry. I never realized how you must've felt when you woke up from your coma, but you're much stronger than I am, you survived and you came back to me, to us. I would've gone crazy if the shoes were turned."

"If I can do something about it, you will never have an anxiety attack again because I will always be close to you."

I felt his arms tighten around me and I fell right back to sleep.

It was still dark when I woke up again. JC was still asleep beside me. I turned around to face him, we will be renewing our vows tomorrow. This time though, our ring bearer would be our nephew Lean, JC's mini me will be our little groom and our flower girl will be Caroline, while Yna, my mini me, will be our little bride.

We also have Rachel with us. Our family has gone a long way and it has grown, with Rachel here and all four kids, it has grown indeed.

He lifted his arm so I could place my head on his chest. He kissed my hair and whispered, "You're up early love. They won't be here until after lunch. You should get some more sleep."

"I'm not sleepy anymore. But you can go right back to sleep. I'll just lay here for a while." I told him. He held me closer to him as we lay silently.

His breathing was even, I thought he was asleep when he whispered, "What's on you mind baby?" He asked.

I just had to smile. How could he read my mind like that? I was just about to start thinking.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"How do I do what love?" He asked back in his sleepy voice.

"How can you read my mind like that? I was just about to start thinking." I told him.

"Observation. I know you take a deep breath before you start thinking, and your brain works overtime, it's way too fast for me sometimes. What were you about to think of?"

Do I tell him? Ever since he came back to me, I've been trying to be as open and honest with him without him needing to ask and ask and ask, that was part of my promise to him. Of course he doesn't know that.

"I was thinking how lucky I was that we found each other the first time, how much luckier I am to have you back. And to have two beautiful children, and a family who loves us and whom we love. I feel so blessed."

"I do too honey. We found each other once before. You found me again, and fate brought us back together. Three's a charm because we have twins. but there's more to that baby." He said.

I smiled up to him, "I was also thinking that this time, Rachel and Caroline are here to witness our wedding. They'll be here to celebrate with us. This is something I never thought would happen. And even if mom isn't here." I'm still not used to calling JC's mom mom, but the fact that she said I could and she thinks I'm the best suited for JC, it made this exchange of vows more meaningful. "The fact that she wants me to call her mom and she's happy for us just fills me up with so much joy."

I felt him smile. "Yes love. What we had to go through is all worth it if it would bring the entire family closer together. And even if it would take a while, I know we'll get there in the end." He said.

"Yes. It makes it all worth it if in the end, you'll have mom in your life again. I know grandma and grandpa will be very happy too. But all will come in due time."

I just wish she could be here to witness our marriage, but it's too soon for this. They need time to talk to each other, each and everyone of them and eventually, once everything is cleared, they can begin the process of forgiveness which will enable us all to move forward. I know dad will be happy.

"What's on your mind?" He asked in a whisper. Then an idea hit me.

"Honey, would you mind if we have the video crew broadcast our wedding over the Internet directly to mom?" I asked.

He looked down on me with sleepy eyes as I looked up to him.

"You'd like that?" He asked. I just gave him a small nod.

"I think that can be arranged." He added. "We just have to inform our photographer and the coordinator."

"And we still have that interview baby, remember you said it was ok." He reminded me. I almost forgot about that.

"Yeah, I actually forgot about it." I told him honestly. "We don't really have to do anything for the interview, right? The reason she wants to do it is for everyone to see us, our reality, which, I may add, is better than any fairy tale, movie or television series."

I felt him smile. "Is it now?" He asked teasingly.

"Yes honey, it is." I told him honestly.

"Then we'd better show them what it feels like when you're with the love of your life. That life isn't perfect but it is close. And we'll have to share our secret." He said.

"What secret would that be?" I asked.

"That for a relationship to work, you have to work on it everyday. We find reasons to fall in love with our partner as time goes on, and we try to bring out the best in each other." He said.

"Yes baby. But a lot would argue that we're great because we don't have financial problems and we get to provide for our children and live a very comfortable life." I told him.

He looked thoughtful for a while.

"Yes baby, we are blessed, but that doesn't mean we're not working hard, because we are. And we're balancing our time between work, our children, family, friends and each other." He said. "And after what we had to go through, I don't think anyone would think we've really had it easy." He added.

"Wow. And here I thought you're not as sentimental as I am." I teased him.

"Well, Leah's right, you really are contagious." And we both laughed.

When our laughter died down, we were silent for a while, "I think I'd like that. I mean making mom part of the wedding somehow." He said.

I had to smile, JC may not have forgiven his mom completely, at least he's moving towards that direction. "We'll just have to ask the coordinator to do it." I told him.

"Thanks baby." He said.

"No honey, thank you." He looked at me perplexed.

"Because when I saw you have your anxiety attack, it hit me. How many times did you have an attack that I wasn't there for you, that I wasn't there with you." I said.

"I wouldn't have had any if we were together love, that I'm sure of." He cut me off. "That was the first time I've had one since we've gotten back together, that's a major fete for someone who had to rely on medication for a while to calm down. But then, if mom will come back to us after all this, then it's all worth it. Even the time we spent apart."

What he said is true, we can't dwell in the past, I also can't keep blaming myself for what happened. I'm just glad he's back and he's mine.

"I sure hope Laura rots in jail for this." I said.

"Mom did find a lot of damning evidence against her, and with the testimonies, she's pretty sure we're getting a conviction. The thing is, she wasn't just overdosing me, she was selling some too. Mom found out about it and it leads back to her. It's not just me anymore."

"But the maximum sentence is only up to 7 years baby. Not the life sentence you want." He said jokingly.

"That's fine baby, as long as she pays for it. And she stays the hell away from you." I told him.

"I don't know about her, I do know I'm staying close to you." He said. "And I'm never letting you out of my sight. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course it is. I have no plans of letting you go farther than arms reach." I told him, and he smiled.

"Really Mrs. Yu? Then I'd have to move my office into yours, or you're going to have to move your office into mine." He said teasingly, I couldn't help but smile. "Just say the word baby, and you know I'll do it."

"I think we're fine with work spaces, just when we're out of the office. Except when it's girl time." He laughed. I meant my sisters-in-law when I say girls.

"Well, they won't let me anywhere near you when you have those times."

We were quiet, I closed my eyes as I listened to his heart beating steadily.

"Baby, time to wake up now." I heard JC say. "Breakfast is ready." I looked at the table, true enough, he ordered our breakfast already.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked.

"You needed more sleep, you kept waking up in the middle of the night." He said, and he's right. I did keep waking up. "What's bothering you love?" He asked.

"I kept seeing you during your anxiety attack yesterday. I just realized how easy I had it with our family and our kids. I was never alone, even if I was going through a tough time, I had people with me. You were alone, and you had operations you had to go through and therapy." I said. It's been weighing me down.

"No baby, like I said, I had your love, our memories and you, when I needed you the most. I'm doing really great, I haven't taken medication in almost 6 months. And the only thing I'm really worried about is your safety and the twins'. If I'm sure you're all safe, nothing can ever make me worry again."

He's saying... "So you're saying as long as you know we're all together and safe, you won't have an anxiety attack?" I asked him so we're clear.

"Exactly." He said and began eating. I smiled before I dug in.

We just stayed in the room, I didn't want to share my time with JC with anyone. I think he wanted the same. We just ordered in and extended our stay in the room before we were to transfer to the next room.

As soon as our family arrived the kids were asking if we could go to sky ranch so they could ride. How can I say no? Most of us went with the kids and JC was the one who rode with them in most rides. I took them horseback riding with me though.

Then all three boys had all four kids with them and we were left to grab some snacks.

"So, how was the advance honeymoon?" Raven asked teasingly.

"It was more like alone time." I told them.

"You guys didn't make love at least once?" Leah asked knowingly.

"Of course we did. You really think I can resist JC?" I asked them.

"You did, for a few months after he got back." Raven said.

"He wasn't exactly ready for that kind of intimacy either. Let's just say our lust and desire go hand in hand with our emotions." I told them.

"Did you really do it in all the places you said you did in your house?" Rachel asked. I blushed scarlet, I almost forgot having told them where we've done it.

"Rach, I think with her blush, you know the answer. They did." Raven said.

"I just can't imagine JC being that... Adventurous and daring. I can't even imagine JC getting a hard on."

"That's ok Rach, I wouldn't want you to." JC cut her off, he had a huge smile on this face and his eyes were twinkling with mischief.

"I'll let you girls in on a secret though, it only goes up for Yve." JC said then leaned down to kiss me before he said, "Their ATM machines are all offline baby, do you have cash on you?"

I got out my wallet. All three girls were looking at JC dumbfounded.

"How much do you need?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said sheepishly.

I took out ten thousand, I doubt the other boys have cash. "Here, I don't think all you boys brought cash." I said, because they hardly do.

He kissed me again then turned to Rachel, "Yes Rachel, kissing her turns me on, irregardless of where we are." Then he stood up straight and said, "See you in a bit. Order food for us and we'll be here in an hour or two." With that he turned and left.

I looked at all three of them and began to laugh. They were still looking at JC with the same look of disbelief on their faces.

Rachel turned to me and said, "Are you sure that's my brother? He's..." She was at loss for words.

"He's what?" I asked her.

"I don't know about Rach, but I don't remember JC ever being that candid about his sex life. Or what turns him on." Raven said.

"Yes, he's even more candid than Yve." Leah said.

What she said is true, I've never volunteered information like that, except that one time when I told them where we've done it in the house.

"I'm just not used to talking about it, I mean he's your brother," I said as I looked at Raven and Rachel. "And your brother-in-law." I looked at Leah.

"Yeah right, and JM and Raven are in no way related to you, right? Because we do talk about our sex lives with you, and we even give tips. Let me ask you this, have you ever tried anything we talk about?" Leah asked.

Have I? I actually do a lot of research in books. "Actually, I do my research. Books like how to drive your man in bed and stuff like that." I told them.

"Now you're talking. Does it work?" Raven asked.

"What do you think?" I asked her back.

"You should tell us what's on those books so we can try them out." Leah said.

"Sure, I'll send you all the books." I told them.

"I pretty much do everything, I'm just not very fond of giving head." Raven said.

"Me too." Rachel added. which made Leah look at me, "What?" I asked her.

"Does JC like head?" She asked.

"He likes to wake up to it then we make love after he's blown once. That way, we take our time making love."

"What?!?" All three of them asked in unison. "Do you mean to tell me that our brother comes when you give him head then you guys do it right after?" I nod my head yes.

"We don't do that everyday, we need to wake up extra early for that, you see. Why?" I asked.

"No wonder you're not gaining weight. He keeps you well exercised." Raven said.

"Does he drive you crazy?" Rachel asked.

"Yes. If it were up to JC, he'd want me to always lose control in the bedroom, or wherever." I said and they all laughed.

"You know what, I'll never look at you both the same way ever again." Rachel said. "I'd always wonder if you're sitting on his lap and you guys are seducing each other." And I joined in their laughter.

"We don't always seduce each other. When we talk serious stuff and when the kids are around, we don't fool around." I told them.

"Ok. That's something. You guys really put parenting first." Leah said.

"What I want to know is if you guys have done it in the car." Raven said.

"Nope, we haven't. It's too small. I want more space. Have you?" I asked all three of them.

"We did, on a limo, once." Raven said. They did? Well, there is the glass.

"We did, in L.A., a few years back." Leah said. They did? Which car?

"I did it a few times in high school, during my rebellious years." Rachel said, we all turned to look at her. "Hey, no one was paying attention to me at home. I wasn't in any relationship, we just fucked. I mean, I just fucked the ones who did it for me."

"So Yve, you're the only one who's never done it before. Does that mean you don't fool around while he's driving or something?" Raven asked. He hardly let's me drive for him, part of the trait of our men.

"I said we haven't done it in the car, I didn't say we don't do anything in the car." I told them, and I thought since they want honest, I'll give them honest. "I do love giving him head while he's driving, when we're in an open highway, that is. There's something about watching him drive while I'm doing it that's such a turn on."

"Explain that." Leah said.

"It's such a heady feeling to see him hold on to his control because he's driving and yet he just wants to give in to what I'm doing." I told them.

"Wow. Talk about brutally honest. Will you just promise to be this open to us always?" Leah said which made me giggle.

"I'm just not very fond of talking about intimate stuff. We drive each other crazy in all the ways we possibly can." I said. "Just not so much details."

"Last question though." Raven said.

She's not going to stop, is she? "Fire away." I said.

"The most you've done it in 24 hours, how many times did you do it?" She asked.

"Just love making? Or how many times he came?" I asked. We all know girls have multiple orgasms.

"How many times he came." Leah said.

I was counting in my head, "In 24 hours? The most would've been 14, if I remember right. We did have to sleep and eat too." I said to a look of utter disbelief on their part.

"Way to go JC!" Raven said.

"Why?" JC asked from behind me. "What did I do?" He asked.

We all turned to look at him then the rest of the boys and the kids came into view. The kids started talking all at the same time telling us what they did and I thought the topic was forgotten.

JC whispered near my ear, "What was that about?" It wasn't.

"They were pestering me about the most times you came in a 24 hour period." I told him and he smiled mischievously.

"And how many was that?" He asked me a bit louder. Now I knew the girls were half listening to our conversation.

"14?" I said, I wasn't sure I got it right. He smiled.

"15 honey. You said 24 hours." And I had to laugh at the girls who had their mouths hanging open this time.

He turned to them and said, "3 years is a long time, ok?" Now the boys understood what we were talking about.

"Jace, I never thought you wanted to make up for the three years you spent apart in a span of three months. No wonder Yve's not gaining weight even if she eats trays of sweets."

Our food arrived by then and everyone dug in. We didn't want to stay out so late because we needed to get ready for the wedding early. Good thing the kids were tired already and it was easy to tell them it was time to go back to the hotel. The twins were out before we even got to the car.

Once we were in the car JC turned to me and said, "I didn't know they could draw answers from you now." He was teasing.

"It's your fault. You started it and they said you were more honest than I was." I teased back.

"They're family love. JM and Ryan give each other tips you know." He said.

"Leah and Raven do the same." I told him.

"It seems we're the only ones who're tight-lipped about what we do behind closed doors. They keep pestering me about what we do you see." He said. "They keep teasing me that we only talk and play board games."

"They do the same to me." I told him. "There are things I want to keep for myself, just between us."

He smiled and said, "We have the same sentiment. It just feels good to shock them once in a while. Like earlier. They've never seen me like this. I did a lot of kissing, but it didn't do it for me, no bulge." I giggled. I wouldn't really know because it seems to always bulge for me.

We parked the car and we each got a child, they're still asleep, JC carried them to our hotel room.

We've put them to bed when there was a knock on the door. JC was the one who opened it, it was dad.

"Would you two mind a few minutes with me?" He asked.

"Of course not, you're welcome anytime you feel like it, dad." JC said. He knows family is welcome anytime. He was probably teasing us.

JC and I sat down beside each other while dad sat on the chair.

"Your mother called me and said you've given her access to watch your wedding." He said.

"It was Yve's idea. I'm grateful she thought of it though." JC told him.

"It's just that, she's never seen us together, she'd see how we are, this is what she's fighting for, to be part of this crazy bunch we call our family." I said. "So at times when it seems hopeless, she can see what the end will be and she'll just keep going."

JC pulled me closer to him and wrapped me in his arms. "Kinda like what happened to us?" He said.

"Yes and no." The both looked confused that I knew I had to explain. "Yes in the sense that I waited for you, hoping you'd come back and we'd be happy again. I checked in on you from time to time hoping you wouldn't hate me so much and you'd give me a chance to show you why I never came." Understanding dawned on his face.

"Thats why yes, and no because, you didn't have that. You knew we were happy here, that we did everything together but not one of us was there when you were recovering from your accident. You had to do it alone, all the while thinking we abandoned you." I said, it was still hard to talk about what I actually realized after his panic attack.

I took a deep breath and pushed on, "Despite what they told you, you never gave up, not knowing what the end of it would bring." I told JC as I looked at him. "You're far stronger and braver than anyone I know. And honestly, there's no one in this world that I know who has the capacity to love me more than you."

He wrapped me in his arms then and kissed me, but he pulled away after a few seconds before turning to dad and saying, "Sorry dad. I got carried away."

"It's alright Jace. You make loving someone look easy. I know what you both had to go through, so I know most couples would've given up a long time ago, that's what makes you both inspiring. When I look at you, you make me believe that anything is possible." Dad said.

"Dad, anything is possible, especially between people who love despite the pain. I wanted mom to share in our happiness. I want her to see that we can all live together happily even after what happened."

"I just wanted to thank you both for doing it." He said. "After what happened in the coffee shop, I thought it was too late." He said. "Time and again, Yve proves us wrong. She finds a way to bring us all closer together. Thank you." And he smiled at me.

"She's very happy that somehow, you opened the door for her. She's excited to see your wedding. She said she's seen you with the kids, she's never seen you as a couple." He said smiling this time.

"Well, she said she saw you guys as a family a few times, but never just as a couple." He added, probably remembering she's seen us have breakfast and some other things.

"We want to do it dad. You don't have to thank us." JC said.

"So," Dad said as he stood up, "I'll leave you both now. I'm sorry for interrupting."

"You didn't interrupt anything, we just put the kids to bed." JC explained.

"All the same, I'll see you both tomorrow, for your wedding." He said, then added teasingly, "Your siblings said you're both still trying to make up for lost time."

I turned red, "Yeah well, they were being nosy." JC said which made dad laugh.

"Serves them right." He said. "I'd better get going then." He started walking towards the door and we followed him.

"Goodnight dad." JC and I said at the same time.

"Goodnight lovebirds." He said before he opened the door.

As soon as he closed the door, JC picked me up, "Time for bed Mrs. Yu."

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