Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

נכתב על ידי MysticTalia

92.1K 5.1K 1.2K

"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... עוד

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

After the party is over.

2.3K 133 23
נכתב על ידי MysticTalia

Sorry, but I just have to include one of my favorite drinking memes here, (So, not mine) 


He woke with the worst headache of his life. 

He twisted in his bed, groaning to himself. 
He needed several minutes only to figure out why he felt like there was an anvil hammering inside his head. 
Then he sat up as if a bolt of lighting hit him. 
He'd been at Jin's last night and he- oh holy son of a gun, he got drunk with the four F-squat!
He hastily rocked to the side, scrambling in search for his phone. When he found it, he let out a relived sigh. Only six. 
He wasn't too late for school. At least one small mercy!

He sat up and then felt like puking, his stomach lurching. He'd never felt so sick before but it wouldn't stop him from turning up at school. Nothing ever would! 

He calmed his breathing and then followed his morning routine of showering, getting dressed, trying to think back to what happened at Jin's. 
He'd been nervous and uncomfortable at the beginning. They'd played video games. They had drinks, and then went to play table tennis and then- nothing. He couldn't remember what happened after.
How did he get home? 
Shit.... what about his bike? No, no, no... no bike would mean being late and he was never late!

He grabbed his jacket and backpack and hurried downstairs. 
"Morning, sunshine!" 
He nearly lost his footing but caught himself at the last second, staring up at Misses Yang in the doorframe of her little apartment, dresses in a dark, purple night-robe and wearing an amused and mysterious expression. 
"Had fun last night?"
"Uh... I think?" he replied, scratching the back of his head. He could definitely remember the feeling of being... happy? Relieved? 

"You think? Ha, I bet you've been pondering about what happened last night all morning, am I right? Such a lovely gift, that hangover..."
"I remember just fine," he lied, feeling like he had to defend himself. Or maybe trying to get back some of his dignity. 

He glanced past Misses Yang and down to the front door, the let out a frustrated groan. 
"Missing something, cupcake?"

He ground his teeth, not ready to admit it yet, but yes, he was missing something and that was his way to get to school. He would be late for the first time in his life. 

The doorbell rang shrill and loud through the hallway. 

Misses Yang didn't look the least bit surprised, only nodded her head towards the door. 
"You should get it. I'm an old Lady who's bones are brittle and ah-" she held her back, suddenly hunching over with a pained expression. "My back!" 
Jimin rolled his eyes. 
"You're absolutely ridiculous."
He took the four steps down and then skipped the last three with a jump, landing on graceful feet. 
He opened the door, his mind already occupied with figuring out the fastest way to make it to school. Maybe if he ran...

"Well, well, you look better than I thought you would. But then again, you always do. Morning Jimin."

Jimin tumbled a step back as Jungkook smiled down at him, hands in his pockets and his hair still damp from a shower. 
He wore all black, thick boots, a hoody and black jeggings and stepped inside like this was his house, completely at ease, his expensive camera slung around his neck again. Weird... he'd never actually seen him take a picture with it.
He didn't know what to be more shocked about. The fact that he was at his house at six in the morning or that he didn't even notice the crumbling façade and molting staircase. 

He lowered his head, his hands fidgety and heard a little sigh of disappointment, shortly followed by:
"Morning to you too, Misses Yang." 
His head screamed in protest as he jerked his gaze back up too quickly, staring at Jungkook in stupor. Did he just....
He turned to Misses Yang standing just outside her door, waving down at Jungkook with a warm, bright smile. 

"Morning Jungkook. Oh my, such manners. Look at that Jimin, your prince already comes riding on his horse to pick you up just when you seemed to be in need of saving."

Jimin had no idea whether to be horrified about the fact they knew each other, that they seemed to get along great or she just called him prince. He only knew he was horrified. Jungkook only smiled smugly, not showing much shock to literally being referred to as a prince. So either he was haughty as hell... or there were some vital things missing from his memories. 
"So, ready to go Jimin?" 
Jimin only gaped at him. 
"Okay, then," he nodded with a smile turning back to Misses Yang.
"I'll make sure gets home earlier today. See ya later." 
"Please, don't rush. He can stay as long as he likes."
"I'll keep that in mind." 

Jimin felt like playing ping pong again, skipping his head between Misses Yang and Jungkook. This was utterly insane. 
But before Jimin could even say anything, Jungkook already reached for his hand and dragged him out the front door. 
A black, polished Mercedes was parked in front, looking absolutely out of place in this neighborhood. Jungkook, sneaking up behind him, released him of his backpack and opened the passenger seat for him, nodding his head inside. 

And still not able to comprehend what was happening, he just kept standing there. 
"Get in, Jimin, or I'll have to carry you." 
He smiled- wide and mischievous. "Again."

Oh, fucking mother of Jesus, he hadn't! Worried he might actually do it...again... he quickly rushed forward and got in the car without another word, as red as a fresh and ripe tomato. 

"Good boy," Jungkook chuckled and then smacked the door close. 
He sat there in the expensive car, wondering when everything had started to go wrong. Was it the day he walked in front of a car? Or when he agreed to spend and evening with him and his friends? 
Jungkook entered the drivers seat, and Jimin quickly glanced away from him, pressing himself into the seat, hoping he could disappear. 

Please just drive and don't say a word. Please... please...
"So, you slept okay?"

"Remember everything?" 
" I take that as a no."

He was quiet for a long time, just like Jimin hoped, but a question burned in the back of his throat. It blurred out of him before he could stop it. 
"Y-you brought m-me home?"
"Did- Did I do something?"
"Like what?"

Jungkook turned his head, a smile still on his face and his eyes sparkling with amusement as he shrugged his shoulders and fainted memory loss too: "Uh.."

Jimin narrowed his eyes, let out a puff and crossed his arms in front of his body. 
He heard, rather then saw the way Jungkook grabbed the steering wheel tight. His voice sounded choked as he spoke.
"You might not remember, but I actually gave you a fair warning about pouting in front of me."
"You did?"
"Because it's too cute."
His jaw hit the floor. He gaped at him again. He seemed to do that a lot. 
"You're looking at me, aren't you?" Jungkook said bemused, his eyes on the road and his lips tugged up into a lopsided grin. 
Jimin turned back around.
"Arrogant bastard," he muffled under his breath.

Jungkook literally choked, his head snapping around and eyes wide with surprise. 
Whose looking now?

"I think we have to add cursing on the list of things you shouldn't do around me," he only let out after a few moment, turning his attention back to the street. 
Jimin, despite being in such an unexpected, overwhelming situation, felt a small smile tug at his lip. But his rising confusion made it easy to suppress. Why would he want to laugh? Jungkook was literally telling him what he could and could not do. 

The pulled into he parking lot of the school much sooner than he expected and though he hated to admit it, a car was a luxury he desperately wished he had. But he also lacked a drivers license and he neither had time not the money for one. 

And then a sudden, horrible though arose. "Wait. Jungkook-you... I mean w-we... People are going to see me leaving your car!"
"So?" he half screamed. Like it wasn't obvious?
"Everybody's gonna talk!" 
"Let 'em."
He stared at the way Jungkook looked completely unbothered as he expertly parked the car in a free spot. 
"Y--your not worried about w-what people will think?"
"About what?" 
"Me? You? Us?"
"Us?" Jungkook tried out the word and then smiled, like he liked it a lot. "Not really."
"Well, I am." Jimin stated and was about to pout before remembering his warning and opted for... just sitting there. 

Jungkook turned to him after killing the engine, his face more serious. He studied Jimin for a while and he shifted in his seat, not used for anyone to look at him for this long. 

"Are you going to tell me what exactly bothers you about people seeing us together?"

Such a direct question... how was he supposed to answer that?
"I--I just don't want to... draw so much attention."
Jungkook's reaction was immediate, letting out a rough laugh. 
"Yeah, right." 

He turned to face him. 
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Jungkook's laugh died, as did his smile with each second he looked at him. His face turned into one of confusion and then realization. 
"You- you don't know, do you?"

"Know what?" 
He was getting nervous again just by the way Jungkook was looking at him. 
"Jimin," he started, shaking his head in disbelieve. "Everybody is already talking about you all the time." 

"No they're not."
Jungkook only kept looking at him like that. 
"They're not!" he shot out louder. 

A grin spread, slowly at first, then wider, his voice low and luring: 
"'You know about this Jimin guy?' 'He's such a cutie.' 'And he's a literal God at dancing, I literally cried when I watched his solo.' 'He always keeps to himself, but doesn't that just make him even sexier? So mysterious.' 'I can't believe he's never dated. He could literally have anyone.' 'He's like-" 

"Stop it! Stop making fun of me!"

Jungkook flinched- actually flinched back, his eyes wide and...hurt?
"I'm not, Jimin. I'm just telling you what others are saying about you."
"You're lying." 
He no longer screamed. It was more like a whisper. Because Jungkook looked serious. But he had to be lying. No way... no way people were saying stuff like that about him.
Jungkook actually seemed concerned now.
"You weren't kidding? You really have no idea this entire University has been talking about you?"

"W--why would they?"
"Why not?" he let out, like it should be obvious. 
It wasn't. He was no one. He was the shy kid who stuttered and couldn't make friends. He was the one who ate alone in the practice room and took late shifts in a shit diner at the edge of town to make a living. And on top of it all, that was what he had chosen! 

"Okay. Look," Jungkook eventually said as if somehow sensing this was getting to much for Jimin. "I'll park at the very end of the parking lot and you go out first."

Jimin loosened a relieved breath. 
"But," Jungkook added, already re-starting the car. 
"It's not going to change the fact you already have everyone's attention. You just never looked."


He tried and failed to get Jungkook's words off his mind all morning. 
He kept glancing around, wondering if anybody was looking at him, and to his great shock, some actually were. 
Was it coincidence? Maybe it was because he looked like he got shitfaced last night and made stupid missteps and mistakes because of his still pounding head. 

But then as they switched classes, he saw the way the girls and boys clustered in front of their practice room. It wasn't unusually to see them there. A lot of the other faculties liked to sneak around their practice room to gobble at handsome dancer's like Hoseok, Taemin or Kai. But as he made his way outside, he overheard his name being whispered and when he looked back, met the eyes of several girls who turned red and too quickly averted their eyes. And he had not taken one step away from them when he heard them screeching. 
Why him? Why would they come here to see him? 

Even with the evidence lining up, he refused to accept it. It was simply ridiculous. 
With a sigh he glanced at his schedule- and then came to a complete still-stand in the middle of a crowded hall. 
Culture Café Performance Meeting 1. 
Jungkook. Jungkook would be there. He felt like smacking himself. Now he realized why Jungkook had said "see you later" as he'd hurried out the car....

But knowing there was no way to avoid meeting him, he moved along to the auditorium. 
Weirdly enough, he arrived there faster than ever. 
And standing in the middle of an already impressive amount of dancers stood Jungkook. 

He was in deep conversation with them and everyone seemed to have stars glittering in their eyes as they looked up at him. 
Jimin's hands formed fists at his side. 
But then Jungkook glanced up and found him standing in the doorway like the bouncer of an empty club- utterly useless. 

Jungkook simply stopped mid-sentence, ignoring the people around him like they never meant anything and Jimin's heart made a stupid, stupid leap in his chest as the other boy smiled and waved at him over the distance. 
He was in such deep, deep shit...


Imagine seeing that smile directed at you.... same Jimin... same....

המשך קריאה

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