Love is a Time Limit (Niall H...

By KannibalGhost

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Since an early age, Niall has been living under a rare heart condition constraining the majority of his life... More

Chapter 1: Wishes
Chapter 2: Summer's Gone
Chapter 3: Cracks in the Pavement
Chapter 4: She's a Wolf
Chapter 6: Beginning of the End
Chapter 7: Goodbye
Chapter 8: Coming True
Chapter 9: Clinging
Chapter 10: Returning Home
Chapter 11: Always Yours
Chapter 12: Let Me See You
Chapter 13: My Wish, Your Departure
Epilogue: Without You

Chapter 5: Don't Drive Me Blind

1.3K 46 6
By KannibalGhost

Chapter 5: Don't Drive Me Blind

(Niall Horan, age 19)

Verena said she'd take care of it for you while you're in the hospital for now. He's a cute cat, Hazza certainly chose the best for you. How are things in Mullingar now, eh?

Maybe I shouldn't have woken up that day, it would have saved me the trouble of feeling the guilt and pain later on when I had to return home. Drifting off to heaven in my sleep that afternoon might have been a more peaceful death than the one I was waiting for. Either way, I had thrown the most important part in my life away that day.

You know...things aren't the same anymore without you around, lad. All of us miss having you around. 

Whether I liked it or not, I had to face the truth; that day I had slept with Jazz, lost my virginity, and cheated on Verena at the same time all in just a few short hours.  Was it painful to think of? You better believe it. The thought of telling her the heartbreaking news was even worse. It was something that made me wish I had never even met her. Something that made me want to yank out my dying heart and crush it in my fist as punishment for what I had done. 

We'll be there to visit as soon as our tour is over, lad. We all wish you the best, especially Zayn.


(Niall Horan, age 15)

"Fifty pounds for the winner. A fair trade if I do say so myself," Jazz winked as she handed Peter the money she promised if the wager was lost on her part. The purple-haired flirt didn't mind, she got what she wanted from Niall. A mere fifty pounds was a minor price to pay in exchange for the fun she had earlier with the loveable blonde. In truth, she didn't think that Peter would bring Niall back so soon. Regardless, she was happy either way.

Peter smirked as he pocketed his winnings and let out a gruff cough. The two were in the main living room, Jazz had left Niall to sleep after they had finished with the sex they shared. It had been a few hours since she had left, and Peter was growing more impatient as the hours ticked by. He liked Niall as a friend you would know just to mess with because they were so innocent, but yet at the same time he couldn't help but feel a tiny spark of jealousy inside of him when Jazz spoke about the innocent him.The two sat on separate couches across from each other, not breaking eye contact for a second. Jazz was merely testing Peter; waiting for any sign of jealousy to appear on his face. It was all a game to her, sleep with Niall, and make Peter jealous at the same time. She knew he wanted her, she knew that anyone would want her, and toying with him made her little game that much more enjoyable. All in all, it was a win-win situation; pleasure knew no boundaries.

Peter shifted his position uncomfortable and shot a glance to his watch; six in the afternoon. He softly groaned and rubbed his eyes. The idea of having Niall sleep with Jazz was slowly beginning to bother him the more he let his thoughts linger on the blood boiling subject.

"That damned bastard better be leaving soon, I'm tired as hell already just waiting for him. Worst of all I have to walk the bloke out of the area too for Christ sake." Peter mumbled with a now frustrated look eminent on his face. 

Jazz snickered and smirked deviously at how Peter was acting, he was too easy to manipulate. "Tired...or simply jealous?" she announced as Peter rolled his eyes in an attempt to hide a tinge of red arising in his cheeks.

"Oh shut up already," he answered with a sincere yawn. 'Sure, maybe I am jealous. Wait, what the hell am I thinking?' Peter thought and shook his head slightly to convince himself that he was only tired; if only that was the case. 

"Let him sleep, Peter. Can't blame him for being so tuckered out, I'm known to wear a guy out." Jazz mused with a usual flirty wink added. 

Peter ignored the comment and tempting dirty thoughts of his purple-haired friend going through his mind and focused on the door to the room where Niall was asleep. The smoker's gaze was completely transfixed on the door in the hallway waiting for it to open and reveal the bastard he called a "friend". To his dismay, the door didn't budge at all. Being stuck in the living room with Jazz was getting to be uncomfortable, even if the girl was practically eye candy with the way she showed off her body. 

It was only a few seconds until a distant cheery laugh was audible coming from outside of the apartment; Jazz and Peter already knew who it was all too well. A thump was heard against the door once the laughs became louder as well as a whine. Peter didn't know why he hung out with these people, something was wrong with all of them. Needless to say, Peter had his own set of problems; which is why he was drawn to these distraught individuals he shared love-hate feelings for. 

"Are you going to open the door for her at least? You've been sitting there with that blank look for too long, make yourself useful and let the lass in." Jazz barked, her sudden change in ton startling Peter. He didn't bother making any remarks to her and decided to just follow her orders. Jazz knew how to be mean, and everyone else knew not to mess with her when in this mood. 

Peter quickly got up from the couch and carefully opened the door knowing that the girl both him and Jazz had in mind was slumped against it. Jazz giggled when Nell wearily crawled through the doorway and into the apartment, letting Peter shut it tightly after her. Just one look at Nell and you'd question the last time she was sober. The white's of her eyes were a light shade of red, the look on her face full on telling you that she was wasted.

"Where's....wh-where's blondie..?" Nell slurred followed by a loud hiccup and delirious giggle. Not only was she high, but she was also drunk out of her mind; the strong smell of whiskey making it completely obvious. Jazz and Peter ignored her questions seeing no point into answering Nell's question when she didn't know half the things she was talking about, let alone asking. 

Nell crawled her way to the empty side of the couch where Peter was seated at and immediately made herself comfortable before concentrating on whatever shapes and images she could see on the ceiling while intoxicated. Jazz giggled as Nell pointed at the ceiling and began to rant aimlessly about the giraffe she had seen running across it. 

"Honestly, Nell, what are we going to do with you?" Jazz exclaimed in between her giggles she tried to muffle out of embarrassment.

Amidst all of the commotion Peter had once again locked his gaze on the door in the hallway, he couldn't take these odd feelings going through him anymore. The worst part was the he couldn't know if he was angry, jealous, or just wanting to punch both Niall and Jazz in the face for upsetting him so much. 'You don't even have feelings for her, save your feelings for someone else. She's just another whore,' Peter thought to himself as he waited in the loud clamor of Jazz giggling and Nell slurring random words. For a split moment he let his eyes wander to Jazz, but quickly looked away once he realized that he shouldn't be feeling this way about her. But yet, Peter couldn't help himself from stealing another glance, this time being caught red handed by so called "whore" he had begun to have feelings for. 

"Like what you see?" she joked and stuck out her tongue before turning her attention on Nell who as always was having the time of her life. 

'If only you knew,'  Peter sarcastically thought as he let his eyes sneakily roam over Jazz's body with hunger and a heavy heartbeat. These sudden feeling he had developed for her had caught him off guard, Peter never thought he would find himself crushing on a girl like Jazz. Something drew him to her however, be it her confidence, her flirty attitude, or her perfectly toned and proportioned body that was always on display for eyes to see. 

"B...B-Blondie!" Nell slurred too happily as Niall made his way into the living room, one of his hands clutching his head in pain. He somewhat stumbled as he walked in making it obvious that he was suffering from a bad hangover. Jazz grabbed his arm and pulled him down to sit with her, all the while looking at Peter as if waiting for a reaction. For once he didn't fall for it, however an annoyed look was drawn all over his face. 

"Had a nice nap?" Jazz teased and shot Peter a look before deeply kissing Niall on the lips. To her dismay, niall had pushed her off the minute their lips locked. 

"Someone's moody, that's for sure. You certainly were having tons of fun earlier..." Jazz trailed off and cast her gaze on the ground in mock sadness.

Now fully awake and almost completely sober, Niall was well aware of his surroundings and definitely had a good idea of what had happened judging by the lack of clothing upon waking up. His once slightly tousled bleach blonde hair was now a true mess, no doubt a few tangles might have formed from the events that happened earlier in bed with Jazz. The pain thumping inside of his head was the only thing chaining him to reality, if it wasn't for that then he would have slept longer. 'I need to get home. Should I even do that?' Niall thought to himself with a weak groan which quickly caught Jazz's attention. 

"What time is it even...?" Niall questioned with worry, Peter checked his watched and smirked. 

"About six-thirty, Horan. Need an escort home?" he answered with a teasing chuckle. The faster Peter could get Niall out of the apartment the better. All hewanted was for Jazz to stop making him feel so confused and jealous.

Niall didn't know what else to do but bury his face in his hands and grow silent for a moment. He didn't plan on staying this late, let alone ditch Verena and have sex with Jazz. A wave of endless worry and guilt traveled through Niall's body once he began to remember what happened while he was drunk. All he wanted was to have fun and get away from everything, to get away from life. Why he chose to ditch Verena was beyond him, why he even thought it was okay to leave her that way was unforgivable in his opinion now. His hands began to tremble slightly as fear began to overpower the guilt. It was as if talking to Peter and visiting his friends made him another person altogether. Sure it was a brief escape, but what of it? In the end he had ruined the ties he had with Verena, only she didn't know it yet. Coming home to his father and Greg would be a hassle, and explaining the reason why he was out so late would be even more frustrating. Then there was Verena...the mere thought of telling her he had been with another girl made him tremble even more.  'I can't go back...not tonight at least.' Niall thought as he pulled his phone out from his pocket. Coming home that night was not an option, however seeing Verena was something that could be arranged.

"Three missed calls from...Verena. Seems like she cares for you," Jazz uttered after noticing the notifications shining bright on Niall's phone. She couldn't help but feel annoyed slightly at the sight of Verena's name. Earlier she had tried to make Niall forget her, but it only seemed that he thought about Verena all the time, even when he was drunk.

"What's it to you?" he replied after turning away and pondering the thought of calling Verena. Jazz shrugged and slowly let her fingers snake their way into Niall's messy hair, enjoying how soft the blonde and choppy locks felt on her skin. Niall shrugged her off; and act  that irritated her. Jazz in short, did not care for Niall at all, however being the pleasure seeker she was, Jazz thought that the once innocent boy she had slept with would want another go. 'His loss,' she thought with a sneer.

"Peter...why don't you go and give Nell some fresh air for a few minutes, I want to talk to blondie alone." Jazz ordered in a sweet tone. Peter tensed up for a moment, but knew that Jazz never took "no" for an answer. With haste, he dragged Nell who was still rambling about random things, out of the apartment in a matter of seconds. 

Feeling more comfortable with less people in the room, Niall now sat normally with his phone tightly gripped in his hand; clues as to what to do next. Jazz wanted more from him, and even though she was pushed away once, she was bold enough to try again.

"I can't go back home...I just can't bring myself to do it." Niall finally blurted out without control. Jazz let her arm wrap around his shoulder and scooted closer so that she was closely pressed up against him on the couch. 

"You could always stay with me for the night," she whispered into Niall's ear followed by a soft kiss on his smooth neck, making him shudder at the touch he never wanted to feel again. 

"Get off of me." Niall whispered with a newly found angry tone. He hated Jazz at that point, no doubt about it. After remembering what happened between Jazz and him earlier, he felt not only guilty, but disgusted to be touched by the girl that ruined him. 

Jazz was surprised with Niall's stern tone, but calmly moved further to the other side of the love-seat with a grimace. It was clear now that she wouldn't be getting any more action with him, and it was obvious at that moment that Niall never wanted her; he only thought he did. Whoever this "Verena" girl was, Jazz wanted to send her flying with a slap across the face. She wasn't used to being undesirable; no guy could resist her charms before, but now, now it was a different story. She could feel herself snapping the more Niall was around her and rejected her advances. 

"Call her then, this girl you care so much about. Better yet, let me talk to her and tell her about all of the dirty things we did together." Jazz snapped and snatched the phone from Niall's hands suddenly and began to search for Verena's number to call. If Niall didn't want her, then she would make sure that Verena wouldn't want him anymore either. 

Niall panicked and reached for his phone but was pushed away easily. Jazz smirked once the desired number was found and called. She held the expensive looking phone to her ear and waited patiently to hear this mysterious girl's voice. Niall had given up, seeing no point in trying to get a hold of the phone if it was already calling Verena and didn't want to get so close to her, but gave Jazz a pleading look as if he was begging her not to say what she had threatened to reveal. Jazz only stuck her tongue out at Niall and continued to wait for Verena to pick up on the other line. 

"Niall?" a rather innocent and sweet sounding voice greeted Jazz's ears. 'She sounds like the nice type,' she thought to herself.

"No, actually. This is Jazz." she retorted as Niall reached for the phone desperately now, only to be pushed away and have the line be put on speaker.

"...where's Niall?" Verena asked with concern laced in her tone. Jazz chuckled, "I'll let Niall explain it all to you," she coldly stated and tossed the phone to Niall who luckily caught it in time with trembling hands. He took the phone off of speaker and held it up to his ear, giving a death glare to Jazz who was loving the drama going on.

There was a pause in the room as Verena surely was throwing a number of questions at the blonde. "Verena...come and find me, okay? I'll explain everything then." Niall sullenly answered to Verena's array of questions. A few moments passed until he replied again with a sigh, "Just grab a bus that's going downtown, I'll meet you there soon....okay I love y-" the line had disconnected before Niall could finish his sentence. 

"I should probably walk you to the bus stop then, right? Only fair. Maybe Peter can join us too, hm?" Jazz said in a sing song voice after getting up and smoothing out her pencil skirt. She turned to Niall, "You coming? Wouldn't want to make her wait for nothing." with that Jazz started for the front door, followed reluctantly by Niall. 

Outside the apartment they were met with a passed out Nell hidden in a bush; most likely Peter's work. As much as he did find Nell annoying, he took it upon himself to hide her in case the police strolled by, if they found her passed out in front of the apartment no doubt she would have been arrested for public intoxication again. Peter stood against the fencing in front of the apartment with a usual fag in between his fingers followed by a stream of smoke exiting his nostrils. He coughed and turned around to face Jazz and Niall who had just shut the door.

"You..and you...and you! All of you are p-purple." Nell giggled, as she pulled a twig out of her long platinum blonde hair that was now caught in between the many branches of the bush. 

"Come on, we're off to meet blondie's little girlfriend." Jazz said with a wide grin as she caught a grip of Peter's free arm and pulled him into walking with herself and Niall to the bus stop. 

"Ugh, I've got better things to do. At least let me finish this smoke." Peter groaned but couldn't hide the warm feeling coming onto his cheeks from Jazz's grip. It was hard to hide the emotions he felt towards the girl, but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing he liked her. 

"Whatever, smoke while we walk to the bus stop." Jazz remarked and let go of Peter who now felt the anger rise in him yet again. 

Peter glanced over at Niall and felt his brow furrow at the mere sight of his so called, "friend". Not only that, but he began to feel even more angered by the fact that he had to walk Niall to meet Verena. 'He's just so damn perfect isn't he? Sleeping with a catch like Jazz and then coming back to meet with his real love, that bastard. He gets everything; sex, and a girl to call his own.' Peter thought to himself and out of frustration threw his unfinished fag onto the cement, stepping on it to snuff out the heat. 'I'll definitely make that son of a bitch pay for being so damn perfect. I need to make sure it happens soon,' and Peter knew exactly what he was going to do. But for now, it was time to play the nice card on Niall. That is, until they reached the bus stop where Verena could watch the show. 

"Hey Jazz, I've got to make a quick stop at the drugstore. Care to join me?" Peter asked after seeing the nearest corner shop with a devious smile on his face only Jazz seemed to read. She caught on that he wanted to have a quick chat and agreed soon after.

"Nialler, I'd wait out here if I were you. The clerks here don't take too well to nice looking lads like you. Safety precautions, yeah?" Peter lied and chuckled once Niall had agreed to wait outside. 

"Won't be long," Jazz winked and placed a surprise kiss on Niall's cheek which was wiped with his sleeve immediately after.

"Idiots....never should have trusted the lot." Niall murmured under his breath after kicking the sidewalk as Jazz and Peter entered the drugstore. 

Once inside, Peter made his way to the drink section after greeting the thuggish looking clerk. The never ending wall filled with cool drinks of all sorts behind a thin layer of icy glass watched the two, all the while making them seem like they were going to make a purchase. 

"Out with it, what do you need to talk about?" Jazz whispered while fake examining a can of monster in front of her.

"Niall." Peter replied bluntly with controlled rage.

"Hm...jealous still I see. I know, you want to get back at him for sleeping with me, right?" Jazz knew all to well what Peter wanted to do to Niall. Hell, it was completely obvious that he hated the boy. 'Poor boy, he'll never see it coming, oh well,' Jazz thought with a slight smirk. She had a good idea of what Peter had in mind. 

"I'm not jeal-"

"Don't deny it, Peter. I've been reading you like a book this entire time," Jazz purred into Peter's ear in a teasing manner. Peter blushed and shook off the goosebumps coming across his skin, her hot breath only making him want to feel her touch more and more. 

"I gave you what you wanted. You got Horan, and you had your fun. How about you return the favor and help me out then?" Peter stated as if he wasn't phased by Jazz's charm. The two strolled to another part of the store since the clerk was beginning to grow impatient with the pair's presence. 

"What do you have in mind?" Jazz questioned with her signature smirk, letting Peter know that she was agreeing to whatever plan he had in mind instantly. He devilishly grinned in return.

"Here's what I'll need you to do..." Peter started as he leaned in close to Jazz's ear and began to give her the details of the cruel plan he had.

Jazz listened intently as the smoker explained every detail of the plan to her in a hushed tone so that only she could hear. She had to admit, Peter being this close to her made her feel slightly shy; something she wasn't used to feeling. She nodded as he continued explaining everything to her, loving the plan more and more as time went on. It was cruel, but Jazz felt that after Niall had treated her at the apartment that it was needed. 'I could care less for the lad, though I bet Verena will enjoy the show Peter puts on,' Jazz giggled at the final detail of the plan and cracked her knuckles.

"So you understand everything?" Peter sternly questioned, not wanting the plan to go the wrong way.

"Trust me, I understand. Been a while since I've witnessed something like this." Jazz let out a rather loud giggle and decided that it was time to return to Niall who was patiently waiting outside. The two made a swift exit out of the store. 

'Why the hell are they smirking like that?' Niall thought to himself after receiving a pat on the back from Peter. Something didn't feel right, and it surely wasn't the throbbing headache still going through Niall's head or the guilt he was feeling because of Verena. No, he knew that something was going to happen. Everything began with an innocent need to have fun, and in an instant events had turned into the worst imagined. 

Peter and Jazz didn't bother making any small talk with Niall on the way to the bus stop which they were nearing at this point seeing as he was upset enough with them. Niall wasn't bothered by this, however he was on edge the entire time they walked together causing his heartbeat to raise in speed slightly, which in turn made his breathing a small bit heavier. He began taking in deep breaths in an attempt to calm down the difficulty to breathe that was slowly become more of an issue. 'You're pathetic, Niall. One minute you're out getting wasted and having the time of your life, and now you're helpless again,' he thought with a soft wheeze that was left unnoticed by Jazz and Peter. 

The bus stop was now in view, and Niall could make out the slender form of a person standing there impatiently, a form he knew all too well and didn't want to approach. 

"That's your girl?" Jazz questioned with a scoff upon noticing Verena in the distance. "What a catch," she sarcastically added. 

It became more and more painful for Niall to walk to the bus stop; with each step he grew closer to the girl he loved, but also grew closer to breaking her heart and having to tell her what happened as promised. His hands couldn't stop trembling as those final dozen steps grew closer to zero. All the while his mind was filled with what Verena would say when he would break the news to her, how hurt she would be, how much she would end up hating him and in the end leaving him for dead. Then there was Jazz and the never ending headache that was making his breathing heavier and harder to take in. As for Peter...some friend he turned out to be in the end. 

The three had reached the bus stop and were met with Verena who was facing the other direction, looking very impatient in her lacy grey mini skirt and loose fitting black sweater. One of her worn out Toms were tapping furiously against the pavement. Peter was going to say something to draw the girl's attention, but they were given away once Niall let out a loud wheeze and cough as he clutched his chest in what looked to be pain. He hunched over slightly and began to cough and gasp for breath, a heart attack of some sorts to arrive shortly.

Verena turned around and her stern, worried expression grew weak. "Niall...are you alright, love? Say something, can you breathe alright?" she questioned and moved closer to him with an outstretched hand to touch his shoulder soothingly. She stopped halfway when noticing Jazz in her revealing attire, and Peter whom she knew all too well from rumors. The soft expression on her face grew suspicious in a matter of seconds. "What did you do to him?" she hastily questioned more so to Jazz than Peter.

"Trust me, you'll find out soon enough." Jazz giggled and approached Verena who backed away slowly. 

"You're Jazz...." Verena whispered as she continued to back away from the purple-haired girl that eventually roughly grabbed a hold of her wrist.

Niall didn't want to say anything, not with Jazz and Peter around. It pained him to see Verena look at him with such pity and sadness. 'Maybe I deserve it,' he thought for a moment and felt his heart quicken, another wheeze escaping his lips followed by heavier and difficult breaths. 

"What are you doing? He can't breathe, get him some help!" Verena struggled against Jazz's surprisingly strong grip but to no avail. Her protests were ignored, and Verena found herself being pinned against the wall behind the bus stop harshly. 

"You don't understand, Niall has-" before she could finish, she was cut off. Being the more timid girl, Verena grew quiet once Jazz's overpowering voice cancelled hers out. 

"Just watch, darling. He'll get what he deserves, and maybe you'll thank us. Who knows." Jazz interrupted and gave Peter a nod from the short distance. 

It was then that everything took a turn for the worst. Jazz placed her hand over Verena's mouth to muffle the possible screams and protests she would utter, and Peter roughly grabbed Niall by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up from his hunched over position to face him. Niall was desperately trying to get some air into his lungs, and would have said something if he had breathing hadn't become such an issue at that point. He let out one final cough before feeling the wind getting knocked out of him by none other than Peter's fist.

Verena let out a muffled scream as she watched Niall collapse to the floor with a pained expression. Jazz smirked and held her against the wall as Peter lifted Niall up from the ground swiftly.

"Look at me Horan, don't go blacking out on me now you fucking bastard." Peter barked as he turned Niall's face so that he was in clear view of him. Peter sent Niall to the pavement again with a rough punch to the chest. Verena screamed at the sound of a loud and harsh exhaled breath from Niall who was now lying on the ground, barely conscious.

"That enough for you? I'd murder you if I could Horan. You just get everything in life don't you?" Peter shouted as he kicked Niall in the stomach causing the injured boy to groan in pain. 

Verena couldn't take the sight of it all. Seeing Niall in so much pain and all for no reason was too much for her to bear. The way he looked so helpless and beaten on the ground brought her to tears, he didn't deserve it, not with how life had treated him so far. Peter continued to beat Niall senselessly, each time receiving a groan or scream from his victim.

" end..." Peter shouted between blows to Nialls chest, face, and stomach.

Tears flowed from Verena's now puffy and red eyes like never before. Each time Peter sent a blow to her love, a scream escaped her muffled lips in protest to somehow stop this, to stop the pain she was feeling, and to stop the pain Niall was feeling. 'He'll die this way if it continues like this,''  Verena thought as more tears flowed out of her eyes and down Jazz's pale and slender hand. She had stopped struggling against her grip after noticing that the grip was too strong on her to break free of. 

"Leave him, do any more damage and he'll be as good as dead." Jazz shouted from by the wall behind the bus stop, although the distance between Peter and the girls wasn't that far.

Now out of breath, Peter stopped his beating session on Niall and ran his fingers through his longish black hair. A few beads of sweat glazed his skin and dripped off his face as he caught his breath finally with a satisfied look on his face. Niall lay there unconscious, broken and beaten like never before. Some blood oozed out of the side of his mouth and his now gruesomely split lip, and a heavy color of deep purple had now bruised over his right eye.Jazz proceeded to let Verena go once Peter had finished. 

Fully in tears and trembling, Verena rushed to a now beaten upand unconcious Niall that was lying on the pavement. The more she looked at her love, the more it hurt. Yet still, it was a sight that she couldn't look away from no matter how much she wanted to. Her love, her Niall, her everything, was caught off guard at his weakest and beaten like he meant nothing to the world. 

Verena cupped his cheek in her hand and let herself cry over his unconscious body, trembling like there was no tomorrow. She rested her head against his chest and then soon after lifted him up slightly so that his head was resting on her lap. 

"How do this?" she whispered between sobs and waves of tears that never seemed to stop coming down her cheeks. Peter began to walk away after lighting another fag, satisfied with the damage he had done. Jazz feeling slightly guilty of it all, edged closer to Verena in an attempt to console her.

"Get away from me...just go I don't care anymore." Verena shouted loudly at Jazz as she wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her sweater. Jazz felt as if she had been mistreated enough and decided to reveal the truth to Verena before Niall could. 

"He slept with me, think it over before you go and cry over a cheater like him," Jazz uttered with a cold expression before catching up to Peter, sending one last look to Verena.

Verena no longer was crying or felt the need to let her tears flow anymore. Once hearing Jazz speak those words, she wasn't sure what to do but sit there on the pavement with Niall's head on her lap. 

"That's what he wanted to tell me..." she whispered with a shaky breath filled with pain. "It was a lie...all of this...for all this time..." Verena continued, with each word exiting her mouth she felt the need to scream, to cry, to punch something, to do anything. But for now, Niall needed medical attention. The final thing Verena decided to do for the boy she loved was to call an ambulance and stay with him until they arrived in silence. 

The world had stopped moving, time didn't pass by, everything was frozen for Verena. 'I've been living a lie. All those memories we shared were fake, just a sham,' she thought with a trembling hand as the sound of the ambulance alarm became louder and louder as it neared. She sat there frozen on the cold pavement down in the lower part of Mullingar; clueless, confused, and hurt. It didn't take long for the ambulance to take Niall into their care. Verena was offered a ride, but politely declined and decided to pay a visit to the Horan household to explain what had happened. Of course a lie would be used no doubt, she couldn't say that Niall was out with some people the likes of Peter that did who knows what to pass time. No, Verena would pretend that everything was normal and face the Horan's with a smile on her face. And when Niall would wake up, she would be forced to leave and move on from the one she thought she had loved. 

' could you?' she thought to herself with clenched trembling fists as she sat in the cab driving her to the Horan household. 'We promised that we would be together forever...remember?'


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