Lovers by Contract

By sweetnot3

6.4K 398 47

In which being a superstar and a role model to the young generation had led them to make a choice. And that i... More

Lovers by Contract
The Problem
The Sisters
The Promise
The Decision
The Contract
The Marraige
The Name
The Date part 1
The Date part 2
The Seduced
The Something
The Favourite Candidate
A Wife
A Husband
The Pillow Talks

The Solution

260 21 1
By sweetnot3

Keyin who was walking infront of the9 was so excited when she heard the president talking to someone with a deep voice

"is that our soon to be brother-in-law?".

Without thinking twice Keyin knock on the door, after receiving a "come in" from the president Keyin excitedly open the door with a smile.


And close it once again.





The president who witness this shared a look with his guess and his manager.

Hurriedly the president stood up and tried to open the door but fail. "ahmmmm girls? your very funny Ha. Ha. Will you open the door whats going on out there." the president said while pushing the door.


Xiaotang and Keran still in shocked after seeing the person inside, jumped unto the door and block it to prevent it from being open, EVER.

"Why is he here, Xiaotang?" the president heard Shuxin asked.

"I dont know dont ask me."

"Keran your already squeezing me, let go" cried Keyin.

"No dont ever let that door open keep holding unto it" Xueer's bossy command.

After hearing what the girls are saying the president behind door cant help but shake his head.

"Girls whatever prank your trying to play its not funny." getting embarassed every second at the presence of the guess the president shouted while pushing.

"I repeat, OPEN. THE. DOOR. NOW.!!!!!!"

"uh oh" the girls thought, their boss never shouted at them that way before, he must be sooo mad.

As they look around they had notice that they had gather some attention, some passerby, office worker to be exact, were watching them from afar with a question mark on their faces.

"open the door" Yuxin calmly said.

"but Yuxin," Xueer whines.

"Its ok." Yuxin reassued them making Keyin, Keran and Xiaotang stop pushing the door.

The president on the other hand who still thought that door is being block lost his balance when the door he was leaning on suddenly opened.

Fixing his coat he said. "only Yuxin can make you move hmp."

The girls entered the room quietly.

"Boss may I ask you a question? What is he doing here?" Anqi in a whispher manner like asked while everyone was still standing near the door not wanting to get too close to the "guess".

" oh, him? his Yuxins future husband-"

"Ahahhahahaha very funny"
"Yuxin dont even like him. We dont like him"

"Alright thats enough, everybody take your seat. Now." the president said.

Watching how the girls avoid his guess like a plague, sitting themselves far away.

Why would this girls react towards someone they have worked with before this way.

Maybe its true that Yuxin doesnt like him, but them reacting that way is very weird.

This kids friendship is really weird.

"What happened to the other candidates?" Asked Xiaotang.

"Yes, where is Fan Chengcheng?" Xueer's question.

"We contact Cheng Cheng once and told him about the whole situation but suddenly he never bothered calling back, so we cant talk to his manager about the situation"

"How about Yohan-ge?"

"Shuxin, I think we really should go home once in a while,we didnt even know Yohan is alread married. Imagine my shocked and embarrasment when his wife answered the phone last time."


"Yes, owwww" the president mocked.

"anyway how about the third candidate, Im sure he would have said yes right? I mean we can clearly see how much he LIKES Yuxin, we can even attest to that" Jiaqi added raising her right hand.

"Right he even send Yuxin flowers EVERY end of any performance" Yuyan chimed in.

"He even text Yuxin everyday and ask her out every week" everyone nodded.

"Well unfortunately girls your favourite "candidate" is quite busy for his new upcoming BIG project. He refused . The project is so big he said that he'll feel bad to the producers who spent too much money, so getting into scandal with someone is a nono".

"Wait he refused Yuxin? ." Yuyan clarified.

"Yes Yuyan, he did. Well to make things clear he only heard the work with Yuxin part, I didnt tell him the whole situation and he sincerely said sorry, but Ill give it to you, that kid really likes our Yuxin. He seemed to regret joining that project because of her."

"Of course he does, who wont like our Yuxin. " Keran said smirking.

"But again why him?" Anqi once again asked.

"Why not him?"


Kun was not expecting a tearful reunion between him and the girls, maybe a little awkward with each other, cause they havent seen each other for about a year now, but he was not expecting it this way.

Kun can clearly feel the tension when the girls entered the room making him confused on why the girls were acting like this.

"Why not him?" His manager angrily asked.

"You girls are clearly being disrespectful right now. Hope you can find someone better than him. Kun lets go, were just wasting our time here."

"Mr Lao (Kuns manager) sorry about that, this girls, I think are really just stress about this whole ordeal." The president trying to stop his manager.

"Oh really? Well that doesnt explain why their being disrespectful to their senior, his even their pd and mentor before. There is a certain line that they cant cross and they are clearly out of boundary. "

"I understand, I understand. Lets all calm down. Girls, apologize to Kun, now." In a serious tone the president commanded.

The girls hearing the tone that their boss used take a look at each other and then look at Yuxin.

Smiling Yuxin said "Mr Lao is right, we are being disrespectful. We havent even greeted them properly yet." After what Yuxin said everyone stood up properly and bowed 90 degree.

"Were sorry and good day Mr Lao and Mr Cai"

"Mr Cai? Dont be too formal girls you can call me Kun if you like."

"No way Mr. Cai, Mr. Lao is right we should keep in mind that you are our senior and theres a LINE that we should never cross." Keyin said smiling.

The president sensing the sudden awkward silence claps his hands.

"Okay that settles it. Now, lets get down to business, but first Yuxin I have to talk to you. Alone." The president said standing up eyeing the other eight girls.

Seeing how their boss glared at them the girls stay seated until he and Yuxin were out of sight.

" *sigh* you are the only one who can control those girls Yuxin." the president said while taking a seat.

"Im sorry about that boss" taking a seat as well.

They were now at the office pantry which has enough space for the both of them.

"What are you sorry about, their attitude towards Kun or the fact that your the only one who can control them?"

Yuxin sheepishly smiled. "both"

With that the President cant help but frown and shake his head.

"Boss, for doing all of this, thank you" bowed Yuxin.

"Its ok Yuxin, but now, tell me are you really fine with this?." With that being said Yuxin looked up at the president and gave her answer.

"Xueer what are you doing?" asked Anqi.

"Im trying to ask my friends if they know where Fan Chengcheng is."

"Good idea. Ill help too." Jiaqi taking out her phone.

"Knowing Chengcheng he has his phone with him all the time, if he didnt answer your call it only means one thing. His not interested." the girls didnt even bother looking at Kun.

Kun was never the type to give his opinion casually but hearing how this girls talk makes him pissed.

"Hmp. If only Yohan ge is not married it would have been a perfect love story, a normal guy, whose tan and muscular like Liu Yuxin's type would fall for each other and they would live happily ever after." Shuxin dreamingly said.

" You watch too many dramas, besides a person in the industry should be married with someone whose in the industry, especially someone like Liu Yuxin. She needs someone who will understand her love for her work and her fans." the girls, once again, didnt bother looking at Kun.

"tsk if only that guy is not busy and did not accept that offer, we would have been in a celebratory mood right now." Keran while crossing her legs.

Kun didnt say anything.

He didnt have a comeback for that.

He clearly didnt it see coming, someone was actually trying to win Liu Yuxin over.

He didnt even know that.

"well we cant do anything about that." Jiaqi still on the phone.

"what if, we find someone else?" suggest Keyin.

In which Xiaotang while clapping her hands once agreed " what a remarkable idea."

"how about Xiao gui senior, he commented on Yuxin being cool at the final announcement night, they even went to the same university before." Keyin with an excited voice said.

"Saying you are cool is not the same with asking you for marraige." Kun mockingly smiled.

The girls finally, took a glance and glare at him, Kun just shrugged it off.

Kun's manager on the other hand was so confused of what was happening.

His talent Cai Xukun who was always calm and a gentleman is now having a banter with a group of girls. what in the world is happening.

"Hmp, Oh I remember now, remember when Chen Linong senior waited for us at the backstage once to congratule us, then he kept praising Yuxin's stability on stage with her solo performance" Xueer said dreamily.

"Oh ALWAYS the sweet Nongnong, encouraging every junior he met ALWAYS so nice to EVERYONE" Kun nodding to himself.

"oh how about Ziyi senior, I meet him once and he seems to match our Yuxin,--"

"hmmmnn poor Ziyi, just trying to be nice by talking to his juniors now he is being choosen to get married tsk tsk" Kun dramatically commented.

"what about Zheng Ting senior? he said he find Yuxin cool and - - - - -"

"like I said finding you cool is not the same with I want you to be my wife." Kun now slightly raising his voice.

Whats with ninepercent members and Yuxin getting paired together, it doesnt feel right.

Im ninepercent too, Im even the center and the leader, why dont I get to pair up with her. Kun thought.

The girls, this time, didnt bother hiding their emotion and openly glare at Kun but Kun once again just shrugged it off.

"ahmmm do you mind Mr. Cai we are having our group discussion here" Xueer with her fake sweet voice said.

" yeah you are clearly and I qoute out of boundary by commenting those nasty things." Keyin said distastefully.

"you girls are the one whose I qoute out of boundary, Ive been here sitting all this time with one thing on my mind and thats marrying Yuxin but you keep looking for someone else."

"it would have been sweet if it didnt came from you" Yuyan cant help but comment making Kun roll his eyes.

" Girls lets face it, in the situation right now, do you really have another choice, Im your only hope." Confidently Kun cant help but bite back, these girls are getting on his nerves.

"You seemed so confident about yourself, mind telling us where it came from If I know you have your own reason why you want to marry our Yuxin" Anqi sarcastically said while crossing her legs.

"Me? Oh no. I really dont have one, but the fact that Im Cai Xukun is enough reason to be the best option. I am the solution."

"How absurd"
"Thick faced"
"Over confident"

"Well to you too." Kun cant help but reply back. No longer caring what would be the effect on him later.

After all his the SOLUTION to their problem and besides his not here for them.

His here for someone else.




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