The Prince's Trust

By wolflv2

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The kingdom is at war. In the midst of the chaos an unlikely pair develop an unlikely bond, becoming torn bet... More

A lesson you won't forget
Special Skills
Play fighting
The Drink. The Women.
Nothings black and white
Trust is a dangerous thing
I See Fire
Lil, Fluffy and Cute
Declan's Horse Guide
You're not a prisoner
Falling again
The Black Market
A visit from the King
The Great Escape
Lost boys
Feelings are hard to find
Self destruction
Nothing's ever that easy
Power trippin'
A darker side of you
My Soldier
Unmistakable identity
The Sleepy Prince
Two Crowns
After Dark [M]
Daydream Believer
Tricks and Traps
Finding a Home
Battlefield: Part 1
Battlefield: Part 2
Wheeling and Dealing
Sex, Shrooms and Secrets [M]
Tangled in a Spider's Web
The Great King
Lover boys
The Stubborn Stallion
Personal Whore? [M]

Day Off

337 10 165
By wolflv2

I tell you what the sun is shining but my hay fever is going crazy and I'm not happy about it at all 😂

Can you believe it? An update? Im so sorry it took This long but I always say better a late update than no update ❤️😁


How is everyone doing?

Make sure you have my book of smut in your libraries ready for the small smut section I've put there 😍 obviously only read the smut if you like x-rated stuff. It's pretty mild tho don't worry

I didn't want to make it sound like Princely duties were a part time thing, they weren't by any stretch of the imagination. Being a Prince was a 24/7 job, I could understand why Ant got so grumpy about it; being in charge all the time was exhausting.

Which is why I'd run away for the day, I was taking a day off. I wasn't sure how princes applied for days off and I was too scared to ask my Mam so I decided I'd just hide out in the stables until someone dragged me back.

I'd given our stable boy a day off too, so for a day I could go back to my old job. I started nice and early in the morning like I used to, I washed and fed each horse before leading them out to wonder around the fields while I mucked out the stables.

When I came back from the battle, I received the blessing of all the supportive lords from across what will one day be my kingdom. They decorated my success and Mam told me that it would only take Dermot's return to have proven myself as the true heir. It was at that moment she'd notice the small horse I had been riding. Bambi was a big animal of course, but he wasn't a war horse by any stretch of the imagination. The lands regent whom I'd only met once before had snickered under his breath, it was then Anne offered to get me the best war horse money could buy. But I'd declined. Bambi may have been small but he was also fast. Not quite Artus fast but still fast.

Bambi didn't seem to want to go outside with the rest of the horses, despite Chips wanting to play with him. Everytime I took the stubborn horse out he'd wonder back in to annoy me while I tried to clean. He was probably looking for treats and I was too nice to deny him them.

I grinned to myself as Bambi tried to stretched his neck over the stall I was sweeping in to pinch an apple from the pile waiting there.

When he discovered he couldn't reach he moved over to huff against my cheek, I giggled and batted away his brown furry head. Stepping back so I could sweep up the last of the hay.

Bambi let out a nicker and stomped his feet, going back to try for the apples. When I'd finally finished all my chores in that stall, I placed my broom against the side, turning with my hands on my hips to give the giant animal a disapproving look. He was leaning so heavily against the wooden door it looked like he'd break the steel latch.

"Back up Bambi ya big baby, I need to get out sometime like."

A cheeky glint lit in the horses big brown eyes, he didn't move, just leaned into me to taste my cheek and i pouted, "You can't keep us hostage like this." I scrubbed the saliva from my face. It was a little gross, but didn't phase me. Being a stable boy a little spit was the least of your worries.

Bambi had the actually nerve to snort at me, I gasped in offence and tried the door but he was still leaning towards the apples.

"Urgh Fine you still sausage I'll give you an apple but you've gotta let us out."

I reached for an apple, Bambi stretched over to me and I rolled my eyes, feeding it to him carefully.

When he was finished I frowned, pointing away, "You've Gotta let us out now."

Bambi moved to sniff around me for more treats and I stomped my feet to whine, "Bambi!!! We had a deal... Stooppp I just gave ya food lemme out!" I giggled and jumped onto the footstool, trying to push Bambi out of the way but to no avail. I was too little.

With a pointed huff and a growl, I grabbed another apple, all of the horsie's attention was on the treat on my hand and it worked almost too well to get rid of him, when I chucked the fruit as far from the door as possible.

Bambi went running after it while I was finally free, stepping out of the stall and almost having a heart attack at the tall dark man waiting behind the wooden door.

Ant laughed at my tiny yelp and stumble.

My heart had given out a little in fear of falling, but before I could comprehend anything I was held against a strong chest and melting into it so deeply, almost moaning at the fresh earthy scent that enveloped me. I'd missed the warmth of his body against mine since he has slept in his own tent that night, leaving me cold and alone.

My previous terror long forgotten and forgiven, I curled my arms tightly around his middle, purring as he dipped his hand into my Sandy-brown hair the way he used to, "Missed youse." I mumbled and the dark haired prince chuckled.

"You saw me at dinner."

"Uhm but you were sat sooooo far away."

I loved how the northerner's chest vibrated with his chuckle and i squeaked in surprise as he heaved me up like i weighed less than a feather. "I was opposite you."

"And that was too far." A giggle escaped me, echoing through the empty barn as I wrapped my legs around his waist and used my thighs to sit up against his abs as he walked us towards the towering building blocks of hay.

Feeling free as a bird from that height and most of all brave, I gently pressed my lips to his, grinning when he gripped my butt and kissed back.

I trusted him endlessly, even when it felt like we were falling I just clung to him tighter and kissed him harder, knowing we'd be alright in the end.

And we were, we made it safely down into the bed of scratchy hay-bales and I buried my face in the taller man's strong neck, latching my teeth over the thick vein carrying his pulse.

Ant hummed deep in his throat, shifting to look down at my clingy form curiously, "Whats got you in such a good mood kidda?"

I paused my nibbling to meet his eye, unable to keep the smile from my cheeks, I shrugged, "Dunno."

His smile was dazzlingly white, he was so perfect. Genetic perfection.

"What're you doing down here anyway little Prince?" Ant's deep voice grumbled, looking about the stables, his hand smoothing over my back, "Don't you have your studies? You missed the council meeting this morning."

I felt my heart drop in discontent at the notion, a sour taste staining my mouth.

"I'm not being a Prince today." I grumbled, pushing my nose into his defined collarbone, trying to burrow a place to live. Ant laughed but there was concern tainting the jolly tune.

"You can't just decide to not be a Prince for the day Declan... that's not how it works."

"That's how it should work. I miss being a stable boy" I sulked, sitting up in his lap, my legs spread either side of his muscular thighs, "Being a Prince is exhausting."

"Don't I know it." The younger royal mumbled, his thumb gently caressing my chin as he studied my eyes. "But what you've got to understand Declan is that you were never a stable boy."

I went to protest, because that was stupid, of course I'd been a stable boy. I'd been his stable boy. But before I could get a word out his finger was on my lips, silencing me gently, "Hush kidda hold on let me explain. What I'm trying to say is that you can be a Prince dressed as a stable boy but you can't be a stable boy dressed as a Prince."

I frowned and tilted my head, staring into his deep blue orbs whilst trying to catch onto his wave length. "I-I don't get it."

Ant sighed and looked around as if looking for a prop to explain with but eventually he just turned to me, "Take myself and Carter for example."

I nodded quickly, knowing Ant was serious when he used his bastard-brothers real name.

"Say I left Newcastle one day and decided to be a carpenter. What would I be? What would people see when they saw me at work."

I frowned, looking down at the floor and trying to figure out the correct answer. To me, and to everyone I met Ant had always been Prince Ant. If he left today he'd still be a Prince, just a Prince who wasn't doing his job.

"Y-you'd be a Prince doing carpentry." I mumbled and he smiled, nodding.

"Aye exactly. Now take Carter. He was raised by a blacksmith. He's always been a blacksmiths son. Now imagine he killed me and took my crown."

I grimaced at that uncomfortable example and wished he'd used something a little more child friendly. Just the thought of Carter hurting Ant had my hackles rising ready to attack. I liked Carter, but I loved Ant. Even if they had their similarities, I'd choose my dark Prince every time.

I didn't understand this question entirely. If he killed Ant he'd be a criminal, a treacherous usurper. What he would never be is Prince. Even if he had a more legitimate claim to the title. Being a Prince wasn't part of Carter's identity, it wasn't who he was on the inside.

"H-he would still be Carter. He'd be Carter playing a Prince."

"And if he became a carpenter?"

"He'd be Carter the carpenter." I stifled a giggled at the rhyme and Ant's hard features softened, he pecked my nose gently and pulled me back into a comforting hug.

"Aye. Being a Royal is no ordinary job, It's an identity. Now don't get me wrong, I believe anyone can be a Prince. I don't believe in this royal blood shit. But I do believe that in order to rule right, you've gotta accept your responsibility and let it become part of you, a part that the world is invited to see. A part you never hide."

I studied the hay behind his head and with the arm wrapped around Ant's neck, reached to catch a piece in my fingers and twisting it there.

"I can still look after the horsies though right?"

"Course you can baby, but you can't wonder off when there is work to do."

I cuddled in closer to sighing, understanding what he meant and reluctantly agreeing with a mumbled, "What did I miss at the meeting then?"

"A lot actually, a message arrived from my spy's in the southern lowtown. The outlaws we hadn't managed to catch have settled there temporarily. Too close to piers for my liking."


"One of the darker corners of the south. A place for thieves, murders and everything in between."

"Have you ever been there?"

"Uhm... of course, It's also where the best brothels are." I felt possessiveness claw at my throat.

"Guess you liked if there then."

Either Ant couldn't read my discomfort or he didn't care for it, his expression turned firm and reprimanding, "We've talked about this Declan. I've always tried to be honest with you about my past. I can't change who I was and I don't expect judgement for it now."

I pouted, too stubborn to admit he had a point and I was just being over-sensitive but I wanted him to comfort me. I wanted him to tell me I was the best he ever had.

Finally, it seemed as though he was actually paying attention to how his words affected me. His hand slid down to the curve of my ass, his lips ghosting over the cold skin of my ear, "There was always something I preferred about the southerners," he growled seductively, "So much more delicate and pure... sophisticated. Even the whores."

I rolled my eyes at his words snuggling my head against his shoulder and fiddling with the ring strug around his neck, "I was raised in the north Anth."

"Uhm... but you're still pure-bred southern." The sentiment had my body warming as though it wasn't mid autumn.

Anthony bowed his head to press his lips to mine and I caved completely into him.

He parted from his ministrations briefly to speak again, his hands travelling over my body like I was a gorgeous statue of gold he wanted to admire, "The last son of the greatest king who ever lived. Beautiful in every way... perfect."

I pulled him by the nape of his neck right back against my lips inviting his tongue into my mouth so the kissing could get as hot as I was feeling.

Ant sat up whilst my hips gyrated into him, he groaned and gripped my hips to still them before gasping, "W-we can't... not here... someone could walk in."

I almost screamed in sexual frustration, the teasing was getting too much. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him the way we were before Vul turned up and ruined everything.

I regained possession of his mouth to stop it talking, he stood up, hoisting my legs to wrap around his waist securely. I bunched my hands into the dark haired prince's black heavy cotton shirt and let his tongue guide mine in a wonderful kiss before pulling away to pant, "There's a lock on that cupboard.... no one will find us there."

Ant swallowed thickly and nodded, with big wide puppy dog eyes, so eagerly it made me giggle. I bowed my head into his neck and mouthed at his collarbone, resisting the urge to mark his tanned skin black and blue.

He plopped me down in the small broom cupboard so I could get comfortable whilst he locked the door. Thankfully this small part of the stables was the only bit that didn't smell of horse poop. In fact it smelt like a green house as it was full of all fruit and carrots for the horses.

There were a couple of throws folded neatly in a pile on the floor and I unraveled them, laying them over the bags of grain there. I stuck my tongue out and moved a few things around, not wanting Ant to hurt his injuries on any scratchy surfaces. "W-will This work?" I asked, as Ant turned around taking a look at my work with his arms open for me to slot inside. He was grinning at my makeshift attempt at making a bed.

"It's perfect Decky." He pressed his lips to my head before smiling down at me, tucking a strand of hair from my ear, "You're so sweet."

A proud blush rose to my cheeks at the praise. I grasped his hand and tugged him down, feeling my heart stutter with love.

The sacks of grain were never going to be mattress material and they were never going to be comfortable but it was better than nothing and I was certain Ant would rather sacrifice himself than let me be uncomfortable or go unsatisfied.

The taller man laid down before me, pulling me down across his lap and kissing me hard, eyes closed and bodies pressed impossibly close as his hands were quick to fiddle with my belt.


I rested my head against his strong chest as we got our breath back, Anth pulled my trousers over my butt and worked on buckling his own belt with just one hand while I rode out my high with him stroking my back attentively.

I gave the taller man a dopey grin, before dipping my nose beneath his half open shirt to nuzzle in his chest hair. "I needed that." I mumbled as he finished fussing over me.

"I think we both did."

"M' sorwy I've been so distant lately."

My almost inaudible whisper didn't go unnoticed by Ant, he looked down, his large hand resting over my forehead, the weight a welcome comfort. "You've been grieving Declan. It's fine."

"I-I've been really mean."

"You've not been that bad kidda. It's okay to be angry at the world when things go wrong, you're only human after all."

"I-I was angry at you?" I'm not sure why I formed it as a question, probably because I was looking for validation of my feelings.

The Prince arched a perfectly formed eyebrow down at me, "Really? What did I do?"

My pout seemed to soothe his defensiveness and he smiled as I murmured into his shoulders, "Youse got yourself captured."

"I think I'm only half to blame at most for that one my love."

I squished my nose against his jet black hair and sighed, "Guess it doesn't matter... you're here now."

"So am i forgiven scrappy?"

"Can't stay mad at youse." I whispered, letting Ant hold my chin and pull me in for a loving kiss on my already swollen lips.

I gripped hold of his battle worn, broad shoulders and scooted my body closer, pleased when the taller man pulled me the rest of the way by my hips.

I giggled as I rocked against him, so ready for round two.

"So excitable today puppy. You're going to tire us out." I didn't know where the nickname came from but it made me so hot for him and I had a feeling that had been it's soul purpose, to get me excited.

"Prince Anthony."

We both stilled at Robbie's voice behind the door and I glared grumpily at the dark haired man who's lap I was perched on.

"Hey, what did I do?!" Ant whisper-yelled to me while I folded my arms.

"Can't you have better control over your men?" I whined boldly, "Shouldn't he be polishing your armour or something?!"

"Prince Declan with all due respect sir, I can hear you and I'd also like to remind you I'm a Knight and a well respected lord in my kingdom, my job entails a little more than cleaning the Prince's boots."

While Ant laughed, I blushed feeling a little guilty but mostly embarrassed about getting caught sounding like a spoilt rich kid. Of course I knew Robbie worked hard, of course I didn't want to disrespect a real knight. I was just annoyed he'd been the one to interrupt the best feeling I'd had all week.

"What is it you want Robbie."

"Declan's presence in the throne room. The council has voted to reconvene in 10minutes."

I sighed and mumbled, "So much for a relaxing day."

"There's no such thing in a war Declan, but when everything is over you'll have a day to yourself I promise."

"But I don't wanna be by myself..." I whispered, leaning down and almost capturing his lips but Ant managed to dodge my kiss, lifting me up by my arm pits and removing me from his lap. I pouted deeply at that and crossed my arms.

"Don't give me that look kidda. We've gotta go before he kicks the door down again."

I rolled my eyes in a strop before letting Ant lift me to my feet and clean me up a little, he smirked at the mess around my lips and helped tuck in my shirt so I looked less like I'd been attacked by a pack of viscous wolves.

With a devilish smirk, Anthony fixed up my scarf which I was wearing just to feel like myself again. "There, much better."

His dreamy blue eyes were dazzling as they lifted in a small smile. I visibly beamed, bouncing on my toes as we just stared at each other.

"You're handsome." I bit my lip, trying to seem shy but it did nothing to hide my grin.

"And You're adorable." He booped my nose but pushed me towards the door, making me sigh and unlock it slowly. Glaring at Robbie as soon as we emerged.

His black headed hair bowed at us both, staying low until Ant grunted, "Enough of that." The smile i'd seen movements ago wiped from the prince's face and I was sad to see it go.

I was about to rip into Robbie about the smug smirk that needed wiping from his face until there were footsteps coming down the hall towards us.

We all turned to watch as Hugo stepped inside, he sighed in relief when he saw me, "Thank god you're safe your highness. The Queen and I were beginning to think the worst."

"I'm perfectly fine Thank you Hugo. Shouldn't you be resting?"

"Her majesty was in great distress. She called me out of my recovery."

"Are you Not tired?"

Hugo smiled through his pain and was completely honest as he replied, "Exhausted, you majesty."

I nodded, accepting that he wanted to do his duty. "What's the news?"

"We have lots of new intel just arrived."

"I heard. About the outlaws?"

The knight shook his head, and Robbie interrupted, "My spy's returned with their count of Piers army's. It's grown sir and we aren't sure how. It's almost rivalling our own troops in numbers."

I looked up at Ant and then back to Robbie, "But not in training though right? You've been out numbered before. In the Battle of the Sound." I remembered from my tutoring.

Ant ground his jaw and gestured for me to walk beside him as we started out the stables, Robbie and Hugo both trailing along behind their respective Prince's.

"When we do finally fight Piers, half the battle will be getting past the southern walls and Into the castle." Ant rested his hand over his sword as we ascended a spiralling staircase in haste. "The battle of the sound was different, we had highground above the beaches and on the cliff edge. Our archers killed the extra men we couldn't take on foot. Battles change on the conditions. Our numbers levelled up the playing field. But now we have a disadvantage."

"Y-you'll still fight right?"

"Piers killed one of my brothers and and tortured the other. The day I surrender is the day I die. I'll kill the usurper myself."

I nodded firmly in agreement. He was right, if we give up all the lives lost for this cause will be a waste, if we worked together we could still win this war. An entourage of southern and norther knights joined us at the top of the stairs. "Do we have a plan then?"

"You need to buy me some time, ask my father for more resources and maybe call in favours from overseas. It'll take time and it'll mean you'll have to spend longer in hiding but the reality is, going into battle now would be suicide."

"What if piers attacks?"

"Then we fight. I'm not going to leave you defenceless Declan, don't worry. I'd die before letting anything happen to you."

Without a shadow of doubt that was the last thing I wanted to here from him, and I whimpered, "b-but I don't want you to die."

Our next set of guards to join us took the front. My soldiers split from Ants into neat rows behind us, the dark haired Prince didn't bat an eyelid but I couldn't help but marvel at the organisation the guard's had.

"One thing I'll warn you about council now Declan is they have their uses but when making decisions it's best not to be swayed. Each councillor own's lands and portions of the southern fortune. They are out for their own gain, a war would be good for them no matter the outcome. A war effort means Increased taxes and inflation of their crop prices. If we won they'd have the ear of the king and would be able to expand their business back into the south. If we lost Piers would pay handsomely for their Loyalty. Nothing they say should be trusted or relied upon."

"If I shouldn't listen to them, why are they always there talking?"

"Old men love to talk Declan. Good luck trying to get a word in."

The doors to the great hall were opened for us to enter.

The council were already seated around a long table but stood as soon as we entered.

Suddenly I became very aware of the fact that not moments ago I'd been hiding in a locked broom cupboard making out with the northern Prince beside me. I hope I didn't look as flushed as I felt, Ant looked flawless as always and i was sure he wouldn't let me go into a room full of important people looking like I'd just been ravaged. Then again I could imagine him feeling smug as everyone speculated around the idea, could imagine his cheeky smirk.

Urgh I bet they'd all worked it out already.

My Mam, Queen Anne, was seated at the head of the table; being the highest ranking person in the room. There was a chair which I assumed was mine as Carter was stood behind it and the seat opposite Ant went too, nodding to Robbie who stood back to the side but always behind his Prince as the best form of protection.

I smiled at Carter who bowed deeply and tucked my chair in once I was sat. As soon as Ant had finished taking his seat, the council men and women followed suit.

My eyes flickered to Ant's as we waited for the meeting to begin but his mind was clearly else where and I frowned as the dark haired man rubbed his neck in that familiar nervous gesture and slouched in his wooden chair as if trying to hide under it like a child.

I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what could possibly make Prince Anthony David McPartlin tremble in fear. So I turned around, following his line of sight and then realised who it was stood off to the side that had Ant wanting to run for the hills.

Lord Simon Cowell and his frankly terrifying daughter Lisa were present.

Absently i wondered what they could possibly be doing there, they were supposedly loyal to Piers. This would not uphold that lie. I decided to push the questions from my mind until after the council seized.

It wasn't an immediate problem, luckily for me his youngest daughter was no where to be seen so I was off the hook. Ant on the other hand....

My Mam cleared her throat to begin the meeting so I turned to focus all my attention of her domineering presence. She really was an amazing lady, despite being in a room filled with men who'd prefer her silent she never gave them the satisfaction. Never gave them an inch, knowing they'd just take a mile. She held her ground, like a true queen.

The meeting droned on, I asked questions- was filled in with the details I'd missed from the morning. Ant stayed decidedly quiet, I knew he didn't enjoy the politics. He was more of an act now, talk later kind of man. When forced into these meetings he preferred to listen and only argue when he felt it completely necessary. It didn't bother me anyway, I didn't need him to speak to understand how he was feeling.

The black haired Prince appeared closed off, emotionless and stoic to most people, but most people weren't looking hard enough or they didn't know him as I did. His body language was defensive, he tilted his torso away from the men around us and glared at each man who spoke. He wasn't happy about the discussion and he was scheming for his own gain in secret.

"We should just hang the outlaws separately and not waste resources on a wild goose chase after them." One lord huffed, Lord Amble, if my studies served me correct he supplied most, if not all, of the Karts and catapults used in our battles. Ants eyes caught mine and he gave me a meaningful stare across the table. I nodded and remembered his words from before.

This man was a supplier. The more we needed his product the more money he'd get. He wanted a full out war, a disadvantage in numbers on our side so that we relied on his machinery. His opinion was biased, he didn't care how many good men the north or the south lost in a rebellion. There was only one way to prove my theory.

"So Lord Amble, with these saved resources what do you suggest we do?" I asked and tried to ignore Ant's smirk, how it took the breath from my lungs, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

"I say we have the black army on our side, my Prince. With the right equipment your highness can make short work of this war."

"You mean your equipment?" I rolled my eyes and Ant decided to speak up next.

"Had you not been listening to the news Lord Cowel brought sir?" He grunted, "Piers has entered a union with the Farlands. Their armies together, along with high ground, would be a death sentence to my men."

"But with all due respect Prince Anthony your armies are notoriously unequipp—"

"My Armies are the strongest to ever walk the Earth. If we marched now I have no doubt we could win, with or without your war machines. But at what cost? Northern blood wasted. Sonless fathers, widowed wives and orphaned children. There will not be a fight unless we gather more men. Those men are waiting aimlessly in the middle of a lowtown brothel."

My head throbbed at those words and I turned to Ant, no longer feeling at ease as he spoke. 

"You can't be serious." I hissed, leaning forward in my seat, "We will not unite with those murderers!"

"It doesn't matter who you think you're fighting along side, they are all murderers in one way or another Prince Declan."

I gritted my teeth in anger, "No! I won't hear anymore of this."

"Son please hear what he has to say—" my Mam whispered beside me so I sat back, glaring at the dark haired Prince opposite me in contempt for what he was suggesting.

Ant atleast had the respect to look a little shameful at his words as he addressed me formally, "Prince Declan I implore you to see sense on this matter, we could argue all day on the morality of our actions but right now all I see is a problem. One that could be solved quickly with a temporary partnership."

"They are our enemies. They attacked our people."

"To steal food and weapons. To survive. They are as much against Piers as we are. They may lack honour and human decency but neither of those are required to win a war."

Tears sprung to my eyes and the hate I felt directed solely on the man in front of me, it choked me as my whole body re-lit with anger and tension.

"And what about Ernie?"

Ant's chest fell and he shook his head with sympathetic blue eyes, "Dec... Ernie is gone. He wouldn't want you to lose this war—"

"How would you know what he wanted?!" I screamed through the tears pouring down my face and the room shook. Ant sat back and took every bit of hate I had to throw at him. "He wanted to live! He wanted to draw! He wanted to be an artist!"

The dark haired man just heaved a sigh and the emotionless way he reacted just made me angrier. I looked around at the men around me and felt overcome with disgust.

"I can't do this. Find me when you've come to a reasonable solution."

Ant's PoV

I could only watch as the little Prince stormed from the room in a way only a royal could. He was bull-headed and over-sensitive. Much like his mother. I couldn't deny his reaction was completely reasonable.

The lords turned to me, as if expecting a violent reaction to being disrespected. They wouldn't be entertained today. Slowly, with a deep frown I couldn't shake, I turned to her majesty the Queen and bowed my head in respect, "Please excuse me ma'am. Believe I have some apologising to do."

"Best get to it, if he's anything like his mother he'll only grow madder the longer you leave him." A smile etched its way onto my grave expression as I stood and took a low bow, lower than was necessary for a Prince of the North to a Queen without a kingdom but if there ever was a lady to deserved my respect it was her.

Before I could take my leave she gripped my hand and her next words rung in my ears.

"Had King Alphonsus stilled been with us you know he would have told Declan what he told you all those years ago. What it is to be a king. I've been relying on you to teach him wrong from right, the way his father should have been here to do but now I need him to know one thing."

I bowed my head, remembering those times I'd stood with Declan's father alone in the fields of the southern kingdom, those times he'd been more of a father to me than mine ever hand and I whispered, "The right decision is not always the one we want to make. But the one we must. A good king knows that to be kept awake at night, is to keep their people safe as they sleep."

Anne stood with a smile on her face I couldn't pin to one emotion, but it made me rise with her as she placed her hand on my cheek and studied my eyes, "Alph was always so proud of you as a boy and he would have been even prouder of the man you have become."

Somewhere I found the strength to swallow down the darkness that strangled me every waking minute and couldn't help the moisture forming in my eyes. I wouldn't let that weakness show, but her words meant more to me than I could ever express. I never got to visit Alphonsus as a grown man, he died long before I had the chance to thank him for the roll he played in my adolescence.

Thinking about it as I exited the great-hall and started towards Declan's bedchamber made me a little uncomfortable. Wondering if King Alph was up there, if he could see what I'd done to his son... or atleast what I'd wanted to do.

I knew from his letters he disapproved of my business behind closed doors, he believed love was sacred. That sex was only to be had with those you loved or else it loses its value.

I loved Declan. I was sure. As sure as the skies were blue i loved him. I prayed Alph would not hate me for that.

As i reached Dec's room, which I knew would be empty I turned to the young guard stood by the door, "Bring the outlaw Prisoner to me. Make sure he's chained but not collared."

"Yes sir." The man bowed and hasted to do as he was asked while I stepped into Dec's room which was messy and unkept.

I'd planned on sitting, drinking some wine and waiting until he'd finished, what I guessed, to be visiting Ernie's grave. But the dirty clothes left sprawled out across the floor and the books covering the bed wouldn't let me rest easy so I got tidying up.

I'd just finished stacking the little lads mountain of dirty plates when the door knocked, I sighed and scraped the last of the cheesecake into the bin. Since discovering the sweeter side of the cooks skills he couldn't get enough of the stuff. I didn't mind if he gained weight, he was far too skinny anyway but I'd heard of lords becoming too gluttonous they became ill and were welcomed with an early death. I didn't want that for Dec so I'd remind him to have an apple between meals instead.

"Enter." I grumbled, turning when the door opened to watch as a still masked Vul was brought to his knees in the centre of the room. His eyes darted from me, to around the room having not left the prison cells since he'd arrived almost a week ago.

The soldier stood behind Vul not moving but I dismissed him quickly, "Leave us, although could you take this rubbish away when you go. I'd like to request Prince Declan is given a handmaid, someone more qualified than the gardener."

"I will see to it the message reaches the servant master Sire." He promised whilst juggling all the plates, "is there anything else I can do for you?"

"That's it. You may go."

I waited until the lock clicked shut before turning to my short charge.

He didn't speak and it was then I realised he'd been gagged behind his mask. A sadistic Part of me wanted to chuckle, wondering how long it took the dungeon master to snap.

I unchained his wrists, but kept the gag temporarily. I'd had enough of people arguing against me for one day and unlike Declan I could always punish this man for it.

The thought was thrilling but also uncomfortable, unless the punishment was platonic and warranted, I couldn't even entertain the idea. He wasn't Dec, sexual punishments were reserved for him and only him. Whether he'd appreciate that I had no idea.

I picked the villains short-ass up and placed him down onto a blanket I'd laid out onto the floor by Dec's bed. I then proceeded to chained him to the bed post. Something I had no doubt Declan would hate me for.

Vul blinked from me, to the chains and then back again. Testing whether he could break through the reinforced steel loop I'd made.

I stared at him and folded my arms, before shaking my head, "He'll never learn to like you with this bloody mask on..."

I reached for his face but he hissed suddenly, lurching back from my touch. Favouring the pain of slamming his back against the wall rather than me remove his mask.

A growl rose from my throat, "You can't keep that thing on forever. It's unsanitary and honestly a bit creepy."

Vul just curled into himself like a rabid dog afraid of being beaten. I backed up, registering my presence was making him more nervous but didn't let up on the mask, "Why do you where it anyway? Are you guys part of a cult?"

Vul shook his head.

"You all have hideous scars?"

Once again he shook his head.

"Okay so not a cult... but religion?"

Vul looked down and shrugged. So a little bit to do with their religion, I didn't press any further, not wanting him any more hostile for when Dec arrived. I also deciding I respected his reasons. I didn't need his identity anyway.

"I guess you're used to wearing it now too huh?"

Vul looked up at me and nodded quite vigorously. As if that was the main reason and I smiled at the progress, moving to increase the amount of slack he had on the chains and ignoring his flinch as I approached.

"You may pull down the gag."

He only hesitated momentarily to the new found freedom in his hands to tug the cloth from his mouth, stretching his jaw and pulling his mask back down.

"If I remember right, last time one of us was chained to a bed with the other you didn't want to have sex with me. What's changed?"

I glared so harshly I hoped he was thinking that I'd kill him. Because If he spoke of that again I surely would.

"This is the southern Prince's bedchamber."

Vul laughed, "And does he know I'm here?"

Footsteps approached the room and i felt nervousness creep into my chest whilst Vul just sat back against the wall and smirked, "Well this should be fun."

Declan stopped when he saw me, his eyes fixed on my standing form brokenly before they flickered to Vul's chained body and turned harshly back to me.

"What the hell is he doing here."

I let out a weak sigh and moved to sit at the table, holding out my hand to him.

"Ignore him for now. He'll stay with you until the week is done either way."

Dec seemed to instinctively move towards me when I motioned for him to, even if he didn't want to and I approved greatly of that. He was still that submissive stable boy deep down, no matter how bold he seemed now, he'd always be mine.

"I don't want a killer sleeping beside my bed at night."

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Vul opened his mouth.

"Yet you don't mind one warming it?"

I growled lowly, while Dec glared silently at the other man.

"You should only speak when spoken too." I grunted, pulling back Dec's attention to me with a warm hand on his arm.

"Damn calm down it was just a joke." Vul shifted grumpily, curling back into himself.

Dec sat in the seat opposite, as far away from me as he could get whilst able to keep his eyes on Vul who couldn't seem to keep his eyes shifting to every shiny object in the room.

Reluctantly i turned back to face my angry lover, "I would never force you to say yes to anything you didn't want to, I trust your judgement as much as I do my own. Which is why I want you to spend some time with him." I nodded to the captive chained to Dec's bed gravely, "See him the way I did and if you don't, then that's fine. I won't persuade you otherwise. There are other ways to gain more men."

Dec's attention finally found me and he seemed intent to learn, "What other ways? Why weren't they discussed in the meeting?"

"Because they are obvious and almost inevitable. I knew you wouldn't like them."

"B-but I don't like this one either... how can It be worse?"

My heart ached at his innocence, this is why I'd never wanted to give him up. Why I took so long holding him close instead of sending him off with a convoy straight to the Queen. He didn't deserve this, he wasn't ready despite all of taught him. If anything I'd been selfish too, by getting attached I'd made it so much harder for him.

"Arranged marriage. A political union between yourself and a young princess. In return for you taking her hand her father would gift you men. You would have no say in who it was, the highest bidder would win."

Tears were already in his eyes and regretted telling him any of that. I hated myself for making him so upset and hated myself even more that I couldn't comfort him infront of Vul.

"N-no i can't we—" he stopped himself in time and I bowed my head.

"Don't worry about this now Declan. We can avoid it for years to come if we have to. So please, entertain this idea for me? Just be patient with him." Beneath the table, my feet brushed his, the only thing I could do to comfort him.

Dec rubbed angrily at his tears, staring into my blue eyes in search of my strength and I gave it to him as best i could; tried to tell him it would all be okay. That, although it all seemed scary right now, we could overcome it. Just like every thing we had so far. We'd get through it together, I'd make sure of it.

After a what must have been minutes spent just staring into each other's eyes, the rattling of chains snapped us both into the land of the living. I frowned at the sight of Vul tugging against his chains, midway through the process of trying to steal a golden cup off the side like the scavenger he was.

Dec tilted his head in confusion, "What do you think you're doing?"

Vul just blinked at him and I could tell almost immediately it was Pet as he stuttered, "umm... s-shiny?"

Dec's demeanour changed instantly, he had an incredible knack for reading people and he clearly noticed the change in Vul before even I had. Like the wise Prince he was, he backed off a little and turned to me, "It's a trick?"

I shook my head slowly, muttering under my breath as I brought a bottle of wine to my lips, "He's sick."

Whilst we were preoccupied, Pet had grabbed the cup and placed it in a pile next to Declan's broach he'd found on the side.

"Pet." I whispered gently, "You're going to stay with Declan for a while, maybe he'll be your friend if you ask nicely?"

"Ant." Dec scowled and I held up my hand to silence him, slowly getting off my seat to kneel before the fragile man.

"Dec likes horses and reading. You'd like to be Dec's friend right?"

"A-another friend?" Pet asked pulling his new stash of expensive metals closer to him the closer I got as though the possessions comforted him. He liked material things, they put him at ease. I'd remember that.

I went to reply but Dec surprised me as he spoke stiffly, "Aye. Another one... how many friends do you have?"

"J-just Master and him." Pet pointed at me and I sat back on my heels, watching as Dec studied
Vuls form before looking back at me with an unreadable expression. I felt my breath escape me for a moment, even when he was confused he was irrefutably intelligent.

"Ant... a word please?"

I nodded and followed Declan into the bathing chambers.

Once we were in the clear, he spun on me and glared, "He's a fully grown man. Why's he acting like a child?"

"Aye well... he sometimes slips into a different... uh personality. It's a little scary at first. But he's truly harmless in this state."

Dec shook his head, "I don't understand, so sometimes he thinks he's a boy?"

"It's more like sometimes he is a boy. Has the thoughts of one. It's like I said before. I believe he's been subject to some kind of trauma as a child... probably by the man he calls master. This is why I didn't want him in the cells. Pet doesn't appear when he feels threatened."

"A-ant hes possessed..."

I shook my head quickly and placed my hands on his hips, knowing he was scared, that he didn't understand and people of religion turned to the bible to explain things they didn't like. I couldn't have that. "He's not. He's just troubled and afraid. Pet is gentle, he deserves to be nurtured and protected. Vul is only trying to protect Pet, he's not as intolerable as he seems."

"He knows about us..."

"If he does than he doesn't care, the culture he came from didn't seem to discriminate."

He pouted sweetly and hit my arm, "Stop using big words."

I chuckled at how just like Vul he could turn into a child at any moment. I kissed his nose, my hand reaching up to trail through his hair and I felt him melt into my arms. "I'm sorry baby." I whispered, apologising for everything we'd been through today, "I meant; that they didn't seem to care who laid with who."

This was just a theory but I thought the evidence was pretty substantial, there were hardly any women around and yet the sounds of sex were still the main music played at night. Vul had been shameless when he'd climbed above me and occasionally would limp like a man who'd been bent over the night before.

I shivered thinking of the collar he wore.

The emotion took hold of my ability to speak, it had been a long day. A tortuous one even, I pulled the smaller man into my arms. My fingers threading through his soft hair and nose burying deep in the silky stands. "You have a loving heart Declan and I miss seeing it. Don't let this hate consume you... you are a sweet boy, don't let anything change that."

Dec sobbed into my chest as he nodded quickly, "I-I'm scared."

"I know. I know it's scary to trust. To give someone a second chance but please Declan... I need you to give Vul that chance. I need you to look after him the way I know you can.... the way you've looked after me when I've made mistakes."

"I don't want to." Dec whispered hoarsely, "I don't want to, I hate him."

My head bowed further into his neck as the dampness of his tears seeped beneath my shirt.

"He didn't kill Ernie Declan... he wasn't the one who gave the order and he wasn't the one who put that powder down. He's just the product of radicalisation. You've already punished those responsible... it's time to let go. It's time to forgive."

"But never forget." He whispered and I nodded, gripping him tightly to my chest as his arms circled around my waist to hug me tightly.

"Never forget." I murmured back, not fighting it when he pushed away from my body to capture my lips.

I let him take the lead, let him push me back against the stonewall with all the rage I knew he'd been holding in. He clawed at my back and i gripped his arms, helped him focus that energy back into the kiss.

I couldn't help but moan, as his tongue invaded my lips and sought to feel every curve and crevice. Dec was in his own world, whilst I was in heaven, my hands moving over his body like I'd been able to that morning.

We kissed until breath became difficult and our mouths were raw from the constant assault, we didn't want it to end but eventually we were too tired to carry on.

Dec panted and rested his forehead against my chest whilst I kept his middle wrapped up tightly against my own, through his shaky breaths he whispered, "A woman could never feel that good."

My chortle echoed through the walls of the bathroom and I had no doubt could be heard by Vul waiting outside.

"At the risk of sounding big headed I'm afraid ill have to agree with you there."

Dec grinned and kissed my chest but before I knew it he was pouting again. "I'll look after him... but this means we can't share my room."

"I know... I know but perhaps it's for the best right now. Lords from all over are beginning to unite here, the risk of being caught is too great anyway. I will be by your side always but for now we must keep our distance."

"W-what about the hut?"

His mind wasn't only on cuddling at night, and I loved how naughty he'd become. How naughty i'd made him, he was such a fast learner. "I'll discuss it with Robbie. He won't be happy about it though."

"Urgh when is he ever happy?"

"You've gotten so cheeky." I grinned, nuzzling my face against his neck, making him squeak and try to escape with the sweetest giggle I'd ever heard.

He wriggled in my arms but I wasn't letting go.

"A-Anth!! Stopp it 'm ticklish!" He grinned, batting his small fists meekly against my chest.

A purely euphoric feeling swept over me, an innocent one, one I hadn't felt since I was a child.

I stopped torturing him with tickles and held him close, trying my best to commit the feeling running through me to memory. So that I'd never forget it.

Dec reached up to grip my shirt over my pecs and grinned, "Let me have one night of cuddles in the spare room. I promise I'll be good after that."

There was no way I could ever say no to that face and so I nodded, kissing his lips. "Get Pet some food and water. Meet me there."

Dec nodded as I tried to go but before I could he pulled me back by my shirt and kissed me again just to whisper, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Finalllyyyy got it done 😨 Thankyou so much for your patience i appreciate it greatly ❤️ hope everyone's doing well now that things have opened up a little.

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