Truly, Madly, Deeply

By valastsacrifice

83.3K 4.2K 996

Mpreg Au: Eight months from the events of the Guanyin Temple, things have gone back to normal. Almost. Wei Wu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

6.1K 295 47
By valastsacrifice

It was in the wee hours of the morning when Wei Ying woke up to the sound of somebody humming. He woke up groggily, disoriented for a few minutes before he focused on the soft voice humming a familiar tune. He tried to sit up, only to wince at the throbbing pain on his abdomen.

Wang Ji was by his side in seconds. "Don't move," he warned. "Your stitches can open if you move carelessly."

Wei Ying stared wide eyed at the tiny hands and feet flailing through the blanket in Wang Ji's arms. He couldn't see the baby.

"Is that-?" his mouth went dry.

Wang Ji smiled. A real, genuine smile. Not the usual tiny quirk of his lips. "Stay here", he instructed. He placed his son in the bassinet, right next to his daughter and carried the bassinet to the bed. He then helped Wei Ying sit up on the bed, back against the head rest and settled next to him.

Wang Ji carefully picked their wide awake son and placed him in his husband's awaiting arms. "This one here is our son, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying stared at his little one, staring back at him wide eyes and a cute little frown on his lips. He couldn't stop the tears that came pouring out and Wang Ji wrapped an arm around his shoulder, drawing him close.

"He's just so perfect, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying whispered. "I must have saved a country in my previous life to deserve them. And you." He continued to stare at the little one, softly rubbing the back of his finger against his son's soft skin. "What about the other one?" he asked.

Wang Ji picked up little Lan Qing from the bassinet and held her against his chest. "Wei Ying, say hi to little Lan Qing," he said with a soft smile.

Lan Qing chose that perfect time to open her eyes and stare at her father with a deep breath. Wei Ying gasped. With just one look, she literally knocked his breath away.

"Oh my," said Wei Ying, more tears rolling down his cheeks. He touched his daughter's hand only for the latter to tightly wrap her tiny little fist around her father's finger. And just like that Wei Ying was a gone man. "Oh Lan Zhan. This is too much for my poor little heart!"

"They are just so perfect, aren't they?" he asked, softly rubbing his daughter's nose.

"Perfect and tiny. So tiny, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying added. "What is our son's name?" he asked, suddenly remembering that they did not have a name for him. He turned to coo at his son only to find him fast asleep.

"I don't know, Wei Ying. I told them to tell us after you woke up. They should be here any minute now," Wang Ji replied.

Wei Ying stared at his husband who looked like he hadn't slept a wink. But he did not look tired at all. If anything, he looked the opposite. "You didn't get any sleep, did you?"

"No. I just couldn't stop staring at them. I tried to sleep. But sleep wouldn't come to me," he said with a soft smile.

Wang Ji met Wei Ying's intense gaze and leaned forward to capture his husband's lips in a soft kiss. "You've made my life worth living, Wei Ying," he said, pulling away.

"You've given my life purpose, too, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying replied and leaned in to steal another kiss. Just when his lips were about to touch Wang Ji's, little Lan Qing let out a soft cry and an even softer kick to Wang Ji's arm (Say hello to Wei Ying and Wang Ji's new cock blocker!).

Wei Ying pulled away with a little laugh and stared at his daughter with a slight smirk. "Okay, okay, young lady. We are not ignoring you."

There was a soft knock on the door and Yan Li came fluttering in, followed by Xi Chen and Jiang Cheng. None of them looked like they had slept even for a minute but they were all vibrating on their feet, brimming with excitement to play with the babies.

"Oh A-Xian! You're up!" Yan Li exclaimed and came to take a peep at her niece and nephew. She stood there staring at the baby causing Wei Ying to smile and hand over his sleeping son to her.

Yan Li happily took hold of her nephew and cuddled him into her chest with a sigh of contentment. There is absolutely nothing in the world that makes you feel as good as when you are holding a baby (Not a screaming one!).

Jiang Cheng rushed to Wang Ji and stared expectantly at him. Wang Ji merely frowned in response.

"Come on, Lan Wang Ji, this Shu Shu wants to hold his niece!" he forced out, in response to the latter's oblivious look.

Wang Ji looked like he would rather hold his own daughter than hand her over to Jiang Cheng but one sharp nudge from Wei Ying made him pass their Lan Qing to her Shu Shu.

No sane woman or man out there would let go of Sandu Shengshou, if they ever saw him with a baby. He held her like she was the most precious little thing in the world, not a hint of anger or frown on his face.

"Have you guys come up with a name for our son?" asked Wei Ying, suddenly remembering that his son was still nameless.

"Yes, we have," spoke Lan Xi Chen, appearing by Yan Li's side. He carefully took his little nephew from his fiancée's arms and stared at the sleeping munchkin. "Lan Yan," he whispered. "Lan Shi Yun will be his courtesy name. Shi as in honest and Yun as in just and fair. I'll write down his name and give it to you later."

"Lan Yan. A-Yan," repeated Wei Ying, testing the sound of it in his mouth. "Thank you Xi Chen Ge. It's a wonderful name!" He turned to Yan Li. "Has Jin Ling been informed about the arrival of the babies?"

"A-Cheng has sent a message butterfly. We haven't received any reply yet," Yan Li replied.

Healer Wang peeped into the room through the wide open door and walked in.

"How are you feeling now?" she asked Wei Ying, satisfied to see that he was still in bed.

"Better. Sore but much better," he replied.

She checked the site of surgery and after making sure that there was no infection, she redressed the wound.

"Now, Wei Wuxian, I know that you are excited to play with your little ones but you will have to take really good care of yourself until this wound heals. It should be gone in a month. I'll give you a salve to promote healing. Until then, no strenuous activities," she said sternly. "Nothing at all," she added, trying to convey her hidden meaning.

He stared at her blankly until he understood the point that she was trying to make. "Oh for God's sake, woman! Of course we won't do that," Wei Ying exclaimed, horrified by her implication. "I can barely move right now. And do you really think we are sex crazed or something?"

The looks that he received from everyone in the room gave him the answer. "Okay, fine. We might be sex crazed but I still can't move," he replied, resigned.

Wang Ji was turning various shades of red at this point. He was barely coming out of his shell, getting better at expressing his love and now he was being put on the spot for his sex life. And in the presence of his children! Great. Just great!

Healer Wang turned to the babies. "Okay now, give me those little ones." She cooed at the babies as she held both of them in an arm each, shocking Wang Ji.

Wang Ji was immediately next to her. "You can hold them both at the same time?! How are you doing that? Show me!" He had spent the entire night alternating between the two children only to find out that he could hold them both. 'There's just so much to learn,' he thought.

Xi Chen and Yan Li shared a smile as they stared at Wang Ji, who looked like a curious little child, eager to learn something really exciting.

After Healer Wang showed him how to hold them both, she left the room to deal with her other patients.

Wang Ji turned to the others, with a baby in each arm and smirked at them, proud of his achievement.

Wei Ying felt his jaw drop. If he thought Lan Zhan was handsome, then with two babies in his arms he looked out of this world!

"Stop drooling at your husband!" snapped Jiang Cheng, disgusted with the thoughts running through his brother's mind as he forcefully pushed his brother's jaw shut.

Wei Ying wiped the hint of drool at the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and smiled sheepishly at his brother. It was not his fault that his husband was just so beautiful. The Lans really had good genes.

<<< >>>

It had been two months since the birth of the twins. Two blissful months. Wei Ying and Wang Ji had acclimated themselves to the roles of being a father. Except for the frequent 'Oh they are growing up so fast', they were enjoying every single minute of it. The twins had been indeed growing up pretty fast and were a perfect combination of Wei Ying and Wang Ji, although A-Qing had a hint of another familiar person in her. A person that Wei Ying could not pin point but was definitely sure that he knew. Wei Ying's surgical incision had healed nicely, except for a permanent scar which had been added to his list of battle scars.

Lan Xi Chen and Yan Li had decided to focus on their private wedding which was supposed to be held in the Cloud Recesses in just under a month. They were all on their way to Gusu, as ordered by Lan Qi Ren and Wei Ying was wary of the first meeting between the Old Master Lan and his babies.

Wei Ying had decided to share the carriage with Yan Li and the babies while Wang Ji, Jiang Cheng and Xi Chen chose to ride horses. There was another carriage for their essentials, especially baby stuff and the bassinet that Yan Li had gotten specially prepared for her niece and nephew.

Sizhui and Jing Yi were instructed by Wang Ji to clean and arrange the Jingshi for the arrival of the twins. They had been strictly instructed to keep it a secret. Wang Ji was excited to go back home. Although in the past few months, home was where Wei Ying was, he wanted his children to know that the Cloud Recesses was their home too. But with better rules.

The twins slept through most of the journey and were the most well behaved babies ever. They did have their moments but it wasn't anything that Wei Ying or Wang Ji couldn't handle.

They were almost reaching Cloud Recesses when Wei Ying felt his hands turn sweaty and clammy. He was nervous. He knew that his husband's uncle did not like him but he just hoped that he wouldn't say anything against the twins. The twins were his pride and life. And so was Wang Ji's. Wang Ji was sure that he wouldn't hesitate to leave if push comes to shove.

The horse stopped with the jerk and a neigh, causing the twins to wake up and stare at their A-Die and Gugu groggily.

"We're here," said Yan Li, feeling nervous all of a sudden. After all she was going to meet Lan Qi Ren as his future daughter in law.

Xi Chen opened the door to the carriage and helped Yan Li step out followed by Wang Ji who appeared to take hold of one of his babies.

"Are you ready, Wei Ying?" he asked taking little A-Yan in his arms. "Uncle is here."

Wei Ying nodded with a sigh. Here goes nothing.

He jumped down from the carriage and carefully lifted a blanket clad little A-Qing in his arm and turned to greet his Old Master.

Except for their heads, they were being covered by Yan Li and Xi Chen and Jiang Cheng who were busy exchanging pleasantries with Lan Qi Ren. Si Zhui and Jing Yi waved at them and tried to stand on the tips of their toes, peering over the head of their elders, trying to see the newest additions to their family.

"Wang Ji, how are you?" asked Lan Qi Ren suddenly, causing Xi Chen and Yan Li to move aside.

Both Wang Ji and Wei Ying stiffened as the Old Master scrutinized the scene ahead of him. He stared at their faces before his eyes snapped to the blanket clad bundles in their hands and his eyes widened. His eyes flitted between the two babies before it stopped at Lan Qing.

"Cangse," he gasped out, staring at little A-Qing with wide eyes. His heart was beating loudly. Thud thud thud thud.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Qi Ren's shocked face and turned to his little princess. Cangse?

"That's it!" Wei Ying exclaimed. "A-Qing looks just like my mother! No wonder I felt that she looked familiar."

Lan Qi Ren's mouth ran dry. The thought of Wei Wuxian cheating on his nephew was immediately pushed aside when he noticed that both the babies had Wang Ji's light eyes. The child in Wang Ji's arms even had his nose. But the very same child had Wei Wuxian's lips. What the hell had happened? Why was his nephew and nephew in law holding onto two babies that looked like a perfect combination of them? If he didn't know better, he would have thought that they had somehow achieved the impossible.

Sizhui and Jing Yi immediately appeared behind their master, to hold him in case the latter collapsed. Even Xi Chen moved to his ShuFu's side, prepared for the worst case scenario. Yan Li and Jiang Cheng just stared at Lan Qi Ren in apprehension, just hoping that he would not Qi Deviate.

"What?" he managed to say.

"Shu Fu," began Wang Ji with a bow (as deep as he could with a sleeping baby in his arms) and stopped. This was the man that had taken on the role of his father and he really did not know where to begin. His acceptance meant a whole lot for Wang Ji.

The silence was suddenly becoming very deafening and Wei Ying sighed. Looks like he has to take matter into his own hands. "Aiya! Master, as you already know Lan Zhan and I eloped. But what you didn't know was that I was pregnant with our twins. No, don't give me that look," he said, like a mother reprimanding her child, at the horrified look Lan Qi Ren shot him. "There was no demonic cultivation involved. It came as surprise to all of us. And two months ago, I gave birth to our precious little twins." He held Lan Qing up, so that the grandfather could have a better look at his granddaughter. "This is Lan Qing and that is Lan Yan, courtesy name Lan Shi Yun."

Lan Qi Ren was gobsmacked. He honestly did not know what to do. They had indeed achieved the impossible. In his entire life, he had seen plenty of strange occurrences but this took the medal! 'Strange occurrences and Wei Wuxian were a packaged deal,' he thought. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. He just felt so tired. "Let's go inside and discuss this further," and with that he turned around and walked inside.

"At least, he didn't outright kick me out," Wei Ying said, rhetorically.

Once they were all seated in the Lanshi, Lan Qi Ren stared pointedly at his younger nephew, who was avoiding his eyes by staring at his sleeping son and continued to tighten the already tight blanket around his son causing the latter to squirm and whine loudly in his sleep.

"Speak," Lan Qi Ren said in a commanding voice.

Wang Ji closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was no avoiding this. He explained the events that had taken place, from the night hunt to the pregnancy and finally to the birth. Once he was done explaining the whole thing twice, he stared at his uncle nervously.

Lan Qi Ren took a few minutes to process everything. "So Wei Wuxian himself gave birth to these two? And there was no demonic cultivation involved?" he asked for the nth time, still not capable of believing it. He honestly did not know if he should confront Wang Ji about his lack of restraint or focus on the fact that he had two beautiful grandchildren.

"Yes, I did. No, there wasn't. Do you want to see the surgical scar for proof?" Wei Ying asked, tired of having Wang Ji repeat the same thing over and over again.

"No, that won't be necessary," he replied immediately, fully aware that Wei Ying would not hesitate to disrobe irrespective of the people in the room. He turned to take a good look at the babies. His grandchildren. Oh God, he was now a grandfather. "Can I hold them?" he asked nervously. Not one word was said about the relieved sighs that went through the room.

As A-Yan was still fast asleep, Wei Ying decided to pass A-Qing to her grandfather. Lan Qi Ren carefully held her in his arms, one hand supporting her head and cooed at her. A-Qing stared at him curiously with wide eyes, before she gurgled and wrapped her tiny little fist around his thinning beard and pulled. Everyone winced except for Lan Qi Ren who let out a loud laugh, startling A-Yan from his sleep. Wang Ji glared at his uncle before shushing his son and soon the child was back to sleep. Wei Ying clutched his husband's arm tightly, visibly expressing his happiness at his uncle's acceptance.

"You are just like your grandmother, aren't you?" Lan Qi Ren spoke in a baby voice. "Just don't shave my beard and we'll be fine!"

Everyone laughed softly and shockingly enough, little A-Qing let out a watery smile, causing everyone to gasp.

"You traitor!" Wei Ying spoke to his daughter in an animated voice. "We have been trying for two months to get you to smile and all it took was your grandfather to utter a few words?"

Lan Qing merely let out another watery laugh.

Lan Qi Ren smiled proudly at the little ball of sunshine in his arms, pleased with what he had witnessed. He then passed A-Qing to an eagerly waiting Sizhui and Wang Ji passed a sleeping A-Yan to his uncle. Sizhui babbled utter nonsense in an effort to make her laugh again and Jing Yi leaned against his friend trying to see the baby clearly, only for the little one to stare at them blankly.

Sizhui pouted and passed his little sister to Wei Ying. Wei Ying held her against him and tried making baby noises and funny faces in an attempt to get her to laugh. A-Qing just snuggled closer to her father's chest and closed her eyes.

Realization suddenly dawned on Lan Qi Ren and he turned to his now relaxed disciples. "You two knew about this didn't you?" Qi Ren asked accusingly with narrowed eyes.

Sizhui and Jing Yi blushed and squirmed in their seats and avoided looking at their Grand Master.

Lan Qi Ren continued glaring at them. "Handstands for one hour and write the rules a hundred times."

"But Hanguangjun told us to keep it a secret!" Jing Yi protested, throwing Lan Wang Ji under the bus (or carriage, he he).

'That snitch!' Wang Ji glared but said nothing. Wei Ying snickered. They were lucky that they had to write it only a hundred times.

"Write the rules two hundred times," Qi Ren added with a huff.

"Yes, Zufu," Sizhui said immediately with a bow, before Jing Yi worsened their punishment.

Lan Qi Ren smoothened his beard and then turned to his older nephew and soon to be niece/daughter in law. "I am glad that you two decided to get married." He turned to Jiang Cheng and continued, "Sect Leader Jiang, on behalf of the Lan Sect, I thank you for accepting the betrothal between my nephew and your sister."

"As long as my Jie Jie is happy, it's my pleasure, Master Lan," he replied with a bow.

"The wedding will be held next week. As you requested, it's going to be a private affair. But all the traditions will be followed. I have already asked the seamstress to visit the Cloud Recesses tomorrow. So whoever needs new robes can go meet her," Qi Ren continued. "Madam Jiang, when will Sect Leader Jin be joining us?"

"Master Lan, please call me Yan Li. And yes, A-Ling will be here in another day or two," she replied.

Lan Qi Ren nodded. He was happy that his nephew had moved on from the incident that had almost destroyed him. And Yan Li was a wonderful woman. Graceful and respectful. If his nephew was happy with her, then he would happily accept her. And the same went for Wang Ji. Both his nephews had been through a lot and at a very young age. And they deserved all the happiness in the world. Then there was the advantage of having two different sects bound to Gusu Lan by marriage. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

"You should call me Shu Fu then," Qi Ren said suddenly. "You too, Wei Wuxian."

If Wei Ying was shocked at the sudden display of love from his old Master, he did not let it show. But Wang Ji smiled at his uncle in gratitude and gave him a look that said, 'Your acceptance means a lot to me, Shufu.'


GuGu: Father's sister (Yan Li)

Shu Shu: Father's Younger Brother (Jiang Cheng)

Shu Fu: Father's Younger brother (Lan Qi Ren)

BoBo: Father's Older Brother (Lan Xi Chen)

A-Die: Father (Wei Ying and Wang Ji)

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