Another Life

Galing kay ajash10

21.7K 763 179

"But I don't know how to tell them. What if they react badly?" Clint sighed and looked at the subject of thei... Higit pa

Patrol ~M~
New mission
Hatching Pt.2
Aunt Tasha ~M~
Clint Pt2


1.2K 56 9
Galing kay ajash10

Natasha watched silently as Peter spoke to the AI, listening to every order closely.

She was wondering who 'intimate third party' was, when she heard Peter restrict their access to her and Clint's personal information.

It made her smile involuntarily, as Peter chose to protect them both, in his own small way.

She waited impatiently, with her foot tapping, as the discussion drew on.

"Peter." She allowed her Russian accent to leak into her voice, garnering his attention.

"Come on, you've stalled for long enough."

Peter sighed and stepped fully out of the room, only to lean back in and shout across to the bathroom, confirming for Natasha that there was, in fact, someone else still in there.

"Hey love, lock up after I've gone!" He called, making Natasha frown.

She began to wonder if whatever Peter had going on with this mystery person was less 'one-night-stand' and more 'starting-a-relationship'.

There was a quiet response, mostly distorted by the sound of the shower.

She saw Peter nod and then he finally closed the door behind himself, turning to her and gesturing for her to lead the way.

"After you?" He suggested, looking at her with a smile.

"Nah uh, Peter. You're up front." Peter sighed, but nodded, beginning to walk ahead of his aunt.

Natasha watched as he walked ahead of her and frowned slightly, perhaps she had overestimated how much coverage he was provided by that bathrobe. It went to just above his knees, but as he walked and it parted slightly, she was able to see nearly all the way up to the top of his legs- the material barely staying still enough to conceal his "private" area.

That also meant that anyone looking would clearly be able to see the numerous red and purple love bites that lead a clear path up the inner side of his thighs, ending behind the material that barely concealed his crotch region. It made her frown deepen considerably, as she withheld a cringe. No one was good enough to touch her Petey, not in her opinion.

"Are you sure you're comfortable enough in that?" She asked him, getting a curious and slightly oblivious look from the young adult.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be. There's nothing that could make me uncomfortable about this robe. It's nice and warm and soft."

She shook her head and sighed in frustration, choosing to ignore it, as she grew impatient at their pace and strode ahead, gesturing for him to follow more quickly.


"I just don't get why he would give himself a higher clearance. What would even be the purpose of that, for him." Steve said as he paced around the room, most of the others having settled into the seats around the living area.

Even Fury had relaxed from his rigid posture, choosing to perch on the arm of a chair closest to the door, Maria Hill in the chair to his nearest 6.

"Maybe he was sick and tired of how closely he's been monitored. All kids rebel against their parents, especially when they're put on a leash." Sam suggested, getting reproachful looks from both of the aforementioned parents.

"What? So it's our fault?!" Tony challenged the other man, about to stand from his seat, despite Steve trying to stop him. Actually, Steve was trying to stop them both.

"Romanoff, did you find him?" Fury's voice drew them away from their squabble and they looked first at the Director and then followed his eye to see Natasha coming around the corner of the stairs that went to Peter's floor.

"You could say that, I suppose." She replied with a frown, looking over her shoulder and whispering something harshly in Russian.

They watched with interest as she backtracked and then disappeared briefly around the corner, emerging again, moments later, with an annoyed looking Peter.

She lead him down the steps, her hand securely on his elbow, while holding him at arms length and leading him towards them.

Only when he was right in front of the group, did the rest of the adults finally notice what he was wearing. Or, rather, what he wasn't.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Tony asked, ignoring Steve's "language", having grown woefully used to it, by this point.

"Interesting story, that," Natasha answered in his stead, while Peter just looked interestedly after the screens that showed the code. He could already tell that it wasn't Wade's, his boyfriend was much better at coding than that mess of information.

"Peter, here, appears to have been in the middle of entertaining someone, before I interrupted. I didn't see who they were, but the bed was covered in some pretty obvious evidence, someone was in the bathroom having a shower and it's pretty blatant just by looking at him." She jabbed her thumb in Peter's direction, drawing his attention back to the conversation.

He looked around the silently stunned room, even Fury and Maria appeared slightly surprised.

"Tony, were you aware that he soundproofed all of the rooms on that floor?"

Tony looked surprised and stared between Peter and everyone else in the room, disbelief on his face.

"What? No. When did you do that?" He asked Peter, staring at him intently.

Peter frowned in thought, growing tired of the conversation.

"I didn't like the idea that anyone with enhanced senses could just listen in to whatever I was doing, whenever they wanted. It's an invasion of privacy. All of the rest of you get soundproofed rooms, so why not me? You try being a teenager with a sex life in a house full of sense-enhanced superheroes. And while we're on that note..." he looked at the ceiling and swiped through the air, a silent order for Jarvis to bring up the schematics.

"J, what is "person of interest", doing right now?" He swiped across the screen, ignoring the adults for the time being.

"Your "guest" has just finished in the shower and moved to the adjoined room, he appears to be on a phone call." Peter silently applauded Jarvis for catching on to his ploy and not naming Wade directly.

He went over to the counter and grabbed an earpiece, putting it in and leaning against the counter.

"J, patch me through, setting private, code yellow." He continued to ignore the curious looks that he was receiving from his family.

"-o I'm just saying that you're the best at this, it should be you! Do me a solid, DP."

He frowned at what he heard and continued to listen. He could see his pops, Bucky and Thor all straining to try and hear, but the com was set on minimal volume, so what they could pick up was very limited.

"No, I can't help you, you jackass. First, you tell me that you used my coding to piggyback your way into the system, now you're telling me that you want me to help you to get into the SHIELD database. I swear on pinkie-pie and namjesus that I will unalive you if you try something else."

"You're gonna regret this Deadpoo-!" He was cut off by Wade's sarcastically happy voice.

"Oh, I can't wait! We'll talk about all of our regrets and the things we missed out on in life~"

Peter actually snorted as he heard Wade's response, unable to contain it.

His smile left his face, however, when he heard the man's next words.

"And if something were to happen to that pretty boy and your four beautiful children?" A vicious glare appeared on his features, his lips turned up to show his teeth.

He heard as Wade began cursing the man down the line, threatening him with so much grievous bodily harm and all the things that he would do to him.

"Jarvis," he was listening in on mute, still able to hear them but not the vice versa, "track the man on the other end of this line. I want a pin dropped on his exact location."

"Yes, Peter."

He walked over to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water, returning to the group with the glare still firmly on his face.

The others had watched as the glare appeared, surprised by the fierce image that he presented. They had never seen him that angry. Tony and Steve didn't even know that their son could make that expression.

"Peter, what-" Steve went to ask, but Jarvis interrupted him. Everyone was on high alert, waiting to find out what was going on.

"Peter, I have pinpointed a location for the threat. It appears to be a Mr. Jackson W. Brice."

Peter glared at the profile image of the man who had once worked alongside Mr. Toomes.

"Give his information and location to Deadpool."

The watching adults gave him surprised looks, not at all expecting what they were currently witnessing.

"Of course, Peter. What should I tell him are his instructions?"

Peter didn't even need to think about it before he answered, already knowing his response.

"Threat to life, code red, elimination."

Jarvis confirmed that the order had been sent and Peter listened back in on the call that he was still tapped into.

"~oops, I gotta scoot. We'll continue this later. See you soon~" Peter nodded to himself and smiled at the tauntingly dark tone that entered Wade's voice. He had no doubt that his boyfriend would deal with the man, very promptly.

He ended his connection to the call and moved across the room, his arms crossed over his chest while he looked at the hologram of code.

"J, delete all records of that call." The AI confirmed that it was done and Peter began spinning the code, trying to find a way in.

He muttered things like, "tacky", "basic" and "amateur", as he reconfigured the data.

"Peter!" He jumped slightly and looked over at his dad, not having noticed that they were trying to get his attention.

"Yeah dad?" He looked at them innocently, adopting a face of naivety.

"Don't you try and pull that over me. I want to know why and what you just sent to the 'merc with a mouth'."

Peter stilled for a moment, glancing nervously at the rest of the adults and letting his eyes settle on the intimidating director of SHIELD.

"I sent a request to Deadpool to eliminate someone. They are an imminent threat to the well-being of several individuals that I care deeply about, as well as a well known criminal that once worked with Adrian Toomes."

Fury nodded, "I know who he is. What I want to know is why you have the contact information for Deadpool."

Peter stilled and let his eyes flicker across to Clint, his actions not going unnoticed by any of the agents in the room.

Clint met his eyes and Peter gave him a helpless look, seeing some form of realisation on his face. Though Peter couldn't know for sure, what he believed he had just figured out.

"We have a mutual friend. That friend has saved my life on several occasions."

"What?" Wanda asked him, looking concerned, "what occasions?"

Peter frowned and looked at the ground, remembering the building that Toomes had dropped on him, how Deadpool had showed up and encouraged him to keep going, to not give up. He also remembered the incident with Dr. Curt Connors and how Deadpool had pulled him from the Lake's water, after he was flushed through the drainage tunnels.

He looked at the group and sighed, "occasions when none of you could protect me."

He saw that they were going to ask more questions but interrupted them instead.

"Do you want my help with this virus or not?"

His dad stopped himself from speaking and then nodded, moving closer from where he's been sat on one of the chairs.

"Okay, what are we dealing with?"

Peter pulled apart the coding and isolated Wade's program, sending it across to another screen.

"What's that?" Bruce asked and Peter looked over to see him inspecting Wade's coding.

"It's my friend's code. Helps them to come and go without any of you lot realising."

Bruce nodded and frowned.

His dad walked over and tried to swipe it down, an action that would have deleted it.

"Jarvis, save the ghost code to my personal info grid."

"Yes Peter."

His dad huffed and moved back over to him.

"Nice try. I'm not about to let you get rid of my security blanket."

Tony gave him a glare.

"It's a security risk. Anyone could just waltz on in through the firewalls."

Peter snorted and continued unwinding the virus.

"Not just 'anyone', it would take someone highly skilled to utilise it. The only other person that seems to have known of its existence will be gone by the end of the day, anyway."

"Killing is wrong." He looked at his pops and frowned.

"Yeah, it is. But I haven't killed anyone." Steve frowned at him and Peter turned back to the code, swiping his hand through the script and watching as it unfolded. He had called back all of the siphoned out data and watched as screens upon screens of classified SHIELD missions data was displayed across every screen in the room.

"What's Black-Box-12874?" He asked, reading the largest file's name.

He opened it and noticed that it had links to every other file in the room, mapping the movements of numerous vigilantes and speculating over their origins.

Most of them had black lines through their individual file names and he realised belatedly that they had been either eliminated or died in the line of fire. The only ones with ongoing case-files, were Deadpool, Spider-Man, Ant-man, BlackPanther and WinterSoldier.

"What the-" he trailed off and opened his own file, looking at it closely.

There was a lot of N/A's and unknowns in his, thankfully.

Next, he opened Wade's, only to close it immediately after, not allowing anyone to see the image that had appeared. Apparently, Brice had known quite a lot about Wade, which was why he didn't think twice before swiping down on the folder to permanently delete all of the information.

"Peter! That was valuable information!" His dad chided, making him step back slightly while he was chastised.

"For you, maybe."  His father blanched at his reply and shared a look with the other avengers, one which went 'unnoticed' by Peter. He looked at his own file again and paused before throwing it towards Fury, seeing it pop up on Agent Hill's tablet.

"There. Not like there's anything useful in it though." Fury looked at Maria for confirmation and she nodded that Peter was correct.

He pulled down the remaining active files and duplicated them, swiping one set towards his dad and the other to Fury, seeing as Maria began to go over them.

"Brice has been hunting down and eliminating vigilantes. I would suggest that you warn all of the people on those files. Brice may not be long for this world, but there's no way that he's acted alone."

Fury looked stonily at him, waiting for Maria to finish reading through the files.

Peter turned back to the screen and typed in the new code to replace the virus, erecting stronger firewalls and setting Jarvis to block any future attacks by the same or similar viruses. He also took the time to programme Wade's code permanently back into where it had previously been, without the entry loopholes, this time.

"Peter, your guest has exited the building. I would suggest you head back to your living area. Junior4 will be waking shortly. Your guest cleaned the room. The bedsheets have been replaced and made up, all clothes are currently being washed and the carpets have been vacuumed."

Peter smiled at the ceiling and pulled his robe around to cover himself better.

"Thanks, J."

He closed down all the screens and walked over to Clint, holding out a hand to pull up the curious agent, once he met his grip with his own work-hardened palm.

"C'mon. You want to meet Junior4?"

Clint's eyes widened and he nodded his head, straightening out his clothing and beginning to follow Peter from the room.

"Junior4? What is that? Something I should be aware of?" Fury asked him, making his eyes widen.

"No, no. Nothing like that. It's a helper project that I made." He shook his hands with flailing motions.

"It's a bit like dummy," he implored from his dad. Tony nodded his head and sat back. Though he didn't realise that the similarity was in how his dad said that dummy always acted like a baby.

"Can I see it later?" Peter's face went pale and he hastened to disagree.

"No. It's not done. Clint found out about the project a couple weeks ago and I promised that I would show him when it was further through development."

Natasha looked interested now, along with Bruce, Bucky and Thor.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it. But I want to see it when it's done." His dad compromised and Peter quickly agreed, not wanting to have to delve into any types of lies. He was already stretching the truth, as it was.


"Dummy? You really compared your secret children to dummy?"

Clint asked him incredulously, as soon as they got out of enhanced hearing range.

"What was I supposed to say? Hey dads, I'm just going to introduce Clint to your grandchildren that you're not allowed to meet yet. Oh! By the way, meet the other father who has been living in the tower without your knowledge."

Clint's eyes widened as he heard what Peter said.

"Your boyfriend is living in the tower?"

Peter smiled and nodded as he opened the door into his bedroom, "it's an easier commute. It also means that we can co-parent more easily. It would be very difficult for me to take care of 4 babies alone."

Clint nodded and looked around the impeccable room, it was hard to believe that it had ever been a mess.

"Wait here a sec, I need to have a really quick shower and get changed, before I introduce you to them."

He grabbed a pair of tracksuit pants and boxers and headed into the bathroom. He didn't bother to close the door. He wouldn't be more than a few minutes anyway and he wanted to be able to hear if Clint was trying to snoop around.

He was in and out of the shower within a couple of minutes, brushing his teeth to freshen up his breath and combing his hair, before slipping on his pants and boxers. He had struggled a little bit with a couple of the extensions, but it was mostly fine. It was just a few of them that caught on the prongs of his comb. No major disaster. George would probably be checking them when he headed in, anyway, as well as most likely removing them.

"That was quick." Clint said, as he headed back through from the bathroom.

He dropped his small towel from his roughly dried hair, having draped it across to soak up some of the last bits of moisture. He didn't want to have water dripping on his babies.

"Yeah, well, with two people on irregular hours, you learn to be fast."

Clint nodded and looked around the room.

"For living with your boyfriend, I don't see much of his stuff. A jumper and some crocks, but that's it."

Peter looked around the space and gave Clint a strange look.

"There's loads of his stuff. He has half the wardrobe, his own drawers. His shoes are mixed in with mine and everything unicorns and my little pony is his."

Clint laughed and poked at a pinkie pie toy.

"Isn't that a bit strange, like, creepy, for a grown man?"

Peter glared at him and snatched the toy away, putting it safely on the other bedside table.

"He's not weird and he's definitely not creepy. He has episodes and anyone who sets him off will not get a part in our family."

Clint held his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. But you know that's exactly what the others will think, don't you?"

Peter frowned and poked the toy softly.

"Maybe... but I don't care about what they think, I care about how it affects him. And frankly, I know that it would trigger him into an episode. He hides it well from everyone apart from me, but he's actually quite insecure. He's not the crazy person that everyone thinks him to be."

Clint smiled at the emotion in Peter's voice.

"I can see how much you care for him. For that reason and for you, I'll make an effort not to say anything that might cause an 'episode'."

He bunny eared the word episode and Peter nodded, gesturing for him to move towards him.

"What types of episodes are they anyway? Is he aggressive or is he hysterical?"

Peter shook his head in disagreement, "he's very self-destructive."

Clint nodded and moved closer.

"I've met people like that, usually war veterans and retired agents who have a chip on their shoulder."

Peter nodded, his hand hovering over the door handle to the nursery, before he pulled away and turned to his uncle.

"He was terminally ill. He went for an experimental treatment and there was a serious accident at the lab. Lots of people died and he got severe third degree burns over every part of his body."

Clint paused as he heard what Peter said, but Peter wasn't done.

"He's a good man. A really good man. He helps people. The other day he tried to help a young girl who had been taken by some dodgy people, but when she saw him, she reacted horribly and it sent him into a serious episode once he returned. I struggled to calm him down because when he gets set off, he internalises it. He doesn't talk. He allows the voices in his head to take over. Ironically, the best thing that I've found is actually shouting loud enough that I block the voices from being heard. As soon as his attention switches, it's much easier to calm him."

Clint nodded and put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Sounds like PTSD."

Peter didn't comment, knowing exactly what PTSD felt like, he had developed it after he had that building dropped onto him. Wade had helped him though it, for the most part, now he only got flashes when around unstable buildings. It's the reason why he sometimes froze up before running to help people to escape from burning buildings, he was always hyper-aware of the crumbling supports and how the building could come down on top of him at any moment. It made him feel claustrophobic, which was another thing which he had developed after the incident. Like, whenever he was trapped in a space, he would feel like the weight of the entire building was pressing down on his chest. It was bearable, but extremely uncomfortable.

Luckily, that fear only extended to when he was actually trapped.

"Okay. That's enough of the depressing conversations. Ready to meet the newest members of the family?"

Clint nodded and looked at him curiously as he turned back to the door.

"You're keeping them in a storage room?"

Peter laughed at him.

"Oh, please, spare me. As if I would keep my babies in a storage room. No, we remodelled." He finished before opening the door and allowing Clint to follow him into the colourfully pastel and natural themed baby room.

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