Krishna travels

By missganguli

23.1K 1.2K 168

"Pranipaat...we are lost. I am prince Bheem and this is prince Duryodhan " a large man said. The girls looked... More

Taking a break
Karn and Arjun in Kaliyug
The other members
Journey to Dwapar Yug
Lord Parshuram as Gurudev
Archers versus non archers
Shakuni's plotting
Draupadi's swayamvar
Sidharth and Draupadi's cute encounter
Sidharth and Draupadi
Arjun likes Naina

Descendants of the Yadavas

2.3K 134 6
By missganguli

"What do you mean the bill was not paid? Then how is the TV working?" Naina asked looking towards the TV.

"Krishna!" Kunti, Arjun and Karn exclaimed surprised.

"Isnt he your nephew aunty?Is he a part of your play? He seems like he is playing Krishna" Sidharth said. 

"Well I am not the actor but the writer of this great epic. Krishna Vasudev Yadav from Gokul."Krishna said and smiled . His smile was so heavenly and  divine. He   looked different. There was a special spark in his face. He was no ordinary human. 

"Please be seated all of you. There is something you all need to know" Krishna said calmly.

Sidharth, Tara and Naina looked at each other. What was going on ? 
"Firstly I wanna know who are you and who are these guys?" Naina asked .

"They are aunty's sons. They came here to pick her up" Sidharth said introducing Karn and Arjun. 

"I am not her son. I am..." Karn was struggling hard to introduce himself when Arjun helped him.

"He is my friend and thus he accompanied me" Arjun said. He was feeling sorry for Karn. He knew Karn didnt have a mother and seeing him struggle Arjun could'nt stop himself from helping him.

Karn and Kunti looked at him shocked. Did Arjun just call Karn his friend? What was going on?!

Krishna couldnt control his laughter any longer. He burst out laughing. The other's attention again drifted towards the television. 

"Please be seated all of you. You all will reach dwapar yug as soon as your work here is done. Some more people will be joining you . As soon as all the required members are here some truths will be revealed to all of you." Krishna said.

"What on earth is happening?! Dwapar yug!? Who are you?" Tara asked extremely confused.

"Well the question is when will you be confessing your truth to your friends Tara? They will get to know about Mihir someday." Krishna asked with a smile. Tara couldnt believe her ears. WHO WAS THIS STRANGER WHO KNEW THE DARKEST SECRET OF HER LIFE?

"Wait what...What is he talking about? What happened Tara?"Sidharth asked.

"Tara what is it?"Naina asked concerned.

"Well coming to you Naina...when are you gonna tell your friends about your job?" Krishna asked Naina with the same smile.Naina's facial expressions changed. She was unable to process it. How did this man know about this? She had not even mentioned about this to her friends. Naina was a software engineer but since the last few days she had been hiding something from her friends.

"What the hell are you hiding now? Whats wrong with you guys?! I cant believe this! You both keeping secrets from me now? " Sidharth said frustrated.   
"Let's not forget about the house matter then? What say Sidharth?" Krishna said smiling. Tara and Naina looked at Sid confused.
"Who are you and how do you know all this about us? Were you spying on us?" Naina asked.
"Well honestly I am spying on you three since the longest time. A brother needs to look after his siblings." Krishna said.
Sid , Naina and Tara were too confused to react.
"You are mistaken. We are orphans" Tara said.
Kunti , Karn and Arjun looked at them pitifully. They didn't know they were orphans.
"Well all three of you were found together in the same orphanange at the same time and went on to become best friends. Think about it . Naina think about those dreams you see every night about a certain dream city where you are the princess. Tara think about your connection with the
Ancient history...your love for mythology especially dwapar yug and your special bonding with the peacock feather. Sidharth have you forgotten about your attraction towards the fire...your talent with the flute...your constant dejavus. How do I know all this? I am doubt whether you all know these things about each other. You three are the children of Yadav Vasudev and Maata Rohini. You three are my siblings. My brother and sisters. And I am here to take you." Krishna said smiling.

Tara , Naina and Sidharth were too shocked to speak. This man was certainly not lying. He knew their deepest secrets. Does it mean he was actually Krishna? Were they brother and sisters? How had they never realised? Many people had earlier commented about them looking similar but they had never thought much about it.
"Why were we here?" Sidharth asked all of a sudden. Tara amd Naina nodded their heads demanding the same answer.
"All three of you know the story of Kamsa right? My mamasree? Well when there was an akaashvaani Kamsa wanted to kill not only maata Devaki's son but also maata Rohini's children. We had decided to shift you three to Gokul bit word had started spreading really fast and all Kamsa had reached you three before Nandbaba could take you all to Gokul. So he prayed to Narayana who helped him escape and you three with Nandbaba landed here. He wanted to keep you three safe so he left you in the orphanage where he was ensured you three will stay safe and thus he returned. We all wanted you three's safety more than anything." Krishna said tears clouding his eyes.
Tara , Naina and Sid could suddenly feel tears in their eyes.
Was it true? They were the descendants of Yadavas and Sri Krishna was their brother. Moreover they were brother and sisters too. They smiled at the irony that they had ended up being best friends when in reality they were siblings.

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