A Jedi's Duty

By moon_11412

3.6K 121 169

Luna Coran has always dreamed of growing up and becoming a padawan fighting side by side with her master, but... More

Destroy Malevolence
Master Kenobi...
A New Beginning
Dooku Captured
The Gungan General
Holocron Heist
Children of the Force
Landing at Point Rain
Weapons Factory


227 7 10
By moon_11412

This chapter is dedicated to my amazing brother, Robin! Thank you so much for always supporting me and being there when I need your help.

Happy Birthday!

And May the Force Be With You. Always.


Luna's POV

I yawn, finishing another chapter of Legends of the Force. I knew I should be resting, but I just wanted to finish one more chapter and see what happened to the Sith...

There's a knock on the door and Obi-wan walks into my room, eyebrows raised, "I thought I told you to get some rest," He states, glancing at the ancient book of legends in my hands.

"You did." I say easily, "But then I thought, 'why not read one more chapter?' So I did."

Obi-wan rolls his eyes, "That's what you've been saying the last five times I've walked in here to tell you to get some rest. Or at least meditate." He sighs, "You need to rest. You can't stay awake forever."

I snort, "Try me."

Giving me the, 'don't argue with me look,' Obi-wan folds his arms, "You're training tomorrow, you need to be rested."

I roll my eyes, "Haha. Nice try, but I'm training every day."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Obi-wan sighs, "You are impossible."

"I really am." I agree, laughing, "Fine. I promise I'll go to sleep after one more chapter."

"I get the feeling you won't."

"I will!" I fold my arms, "Promise."

Sighing, Obi-wan turns to my door, "Very well, then. One more chapter."

"You're the best," I say happily.

Though his back was turned to me, I swear I could see him smile at my words.


After about 20 minutes of reading, I feel my eyes begin to drop, shaking my head, I struggle to focus on the words in front of me. Mentally groaning, I sigh, not wanting to sleep just yet. I just want to finish the kriffing chapter...

My train of thought stops as my brain shuts, down, letting the relaxing darkness take over.


Obi-wan's POV

I knock on Luna's door and walk in, expecting to see the padawan in bed. Instead, I smile in amusement.

Luna was still sitting in her mini couch, hands still holding onto the ancient book of legends with a peaceful expression on her face as she snored softly.

I sigh, shaking my head and silently laughing.

 Like me when I was younger. A voice in my head says. It was true. Master Qui Gon often told me that I would fall asleep while reading or studying.

"What am I going to do with you?" I say, Gently scooping up her sleeping figure and tucking her into her bed. I begin to pry the book out of her hands, but she growls in her sleep and clutches the book tighter.

"It's mine." She mutters sleepily.

I laugh slightly, abandoning my attempt and let her clutch the book. Brushing a bit of hair out of her face, I sigh contentedly. She looked so peaceful. Safe. Small. I swore, she looked ten times younger sleeping.

I take one last glance at my padawan's sleeping figure and then close her door.


Luna's POV

"Master?" I walk around the Jedi Temple, "Master, where are you??" Something didn't feel right. The Force didn't feel right.

Suddenly, Hayden walks up to me out of nowhere, "You failed." He hisses, face smirking, "It's all your fault. I knew you were never worthy."

I glare at him, "What do you mean??" My heart pounded, suddenly scared. Something didn't feel right here...

Obi-wan comes out of nowhere too, "He means, you have failed being my padawan."

"I- wh- what?" My voice becomes small and my heart stops.

Ahsoka and Anakin also appear, "We all knew that you weren't worthy." Anakin says cruelly, "You're a failure. It's your fault Dooku escaped!"

I step back, voice cracking, "I- I didn't mean to! I didn't know what t-"

Ahsoka interrupts me, "Which is why you have failed."

"You are no longer my padawan." Obi-wan folds his arms and glares at me angrily, "You've failed me for the last time." He reaches over and rips my padawan braid off ruthlessly.

I scream in pain, feeling skin being ripped off along with the braid. Pain spiked my head and I feel a tear slip down my chin, "NO!"

Smiling, Obi-wan gives my braid to Hayden who waves it teasingly at my face, "It's mine now."

I glare at him, "It's mine." I shout angrily, head still pounding with pain. 

"Not anymore." Hayden clutches the braid, "Obi-wan is now my Master as he should have been from the beginning." He stares at me disdainfully, "I don't know what he was thinking, making you his padawan."

"He's right." Obi-wan folds his arms, "You were never worthy. And you never will be. You're not even a worthy Jedi."

"Agree, I do." I whirl around, coming face to face with Master Yoda, "Expelled from this order, you must be."

"No." I gasp out, terrified, "The Jedi Order is my home!"

"Before I knew it, I was outside the Temple, with my master, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Hayden jeering at me.

"Get out of here, you piece of lowly scum." Obi-wan snarls, "I've had enough of you."

Tears run down my cheeks now. It was over. I had failed. I wasn't worthy. I had never been worthy. Suddenly, Hayden disappears and my master, Anakin, Ahsoka fall to the ground, all writhing in sudden pain. 

"IT'S YOUR FAULT!!" Ahsoka yells angrily, voice filled with hate and pain.

I bend down, trying to make whatever was hurting them stop, "What's happening??" I yell, eyes widening. My heart was pounding and I clutch their hands, trying to offer comfort.

Anakin groans in pain, "You are a monster." He growls.

I sob, "I am! I AM A MONSTER!!"  

Everything was my fault. If only I could do something! If I could cease to exist. I was useless, a failure.

Obi-wan grabs my arm, his eyes suddenly filled with hate and anger, "You are nothing. Just a piece of junk. A failure and a monster. You don't deserve to live. You're WEAK." His body suddenly turns paler and more transparent. Ahsoka and Anakin also begin to turn transparent, seeming to fade away.

"NO!"  I sob, "Come back!" Please! I need you!!" Tears stream non-stop and my heart aches while my head pounds in pain, there's ringing in my ears and I try to grab onto them in desperation, "Please..."

"MASTER!" I sob.

"LUNA! WAKE UP!" Someone shakes my arm.

I jerk awake, tears streaming down my cheeks and sobs racking my body.

"Breathe." Obi-wan cradles me protectively, "You're fine. It was just a nightmare." He murmurs gently, rubbing soothing circles on my back, "Breathe."

I hang onto his words, breath coming in shallow sobs while brushing away tears, hoping he hadn't seen them. The dream was still vivid in my mind.

Obi-wan continues to comfort me, cradling me softly while reassuring me with gentle words," You're safe. It's okay." He murmurs, hugging me.

I turn my head away and brush any tears away, feeling ashamed. Jedi didn't have nightmares. Jedi weren't supposed to display emotion at all. 

There is no emotion, there is peace.

I sigh, "Sorry." 

Obi-wan pauses, "For what?" he asks gently.

"For fail- waking you up," I say I say quickly, realizing I was still caught up in my dream.

"No harm done," Obi-wan tells me. He bites his lip, "Would you like to talk about it?" He asks quietly.

I hesitate, wanting to tell him but not wanting to look like a coward at the same time, "Maybe another time." I murmur uncomfortably.

Obi-wan nods, repositioning himself, "That's alright." He strokes my hair softly, "Now go back to sleep. You look exhausted."

I gulp. What if I had a nightmare again? My head was still pounding and a massive was forming. Not wanting to worry my Master any further, I nod slightly.

Obi-wan tucks me in, making sure that I wouldn't begin reading again, and then began to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" I call out.

Obi-wan stops, turning around, "Yes?"

I bite my lip, "Is it okay if you meditate with me instead?" I ask hopefully.

Obi-wan smiles softly, "Of course."

Sighing in relief, I relax as my Master leads me to the two meditation cushions on the balcony overlooking the city.


~Next Morning~

By the time Obi-wan and I had finished meditating, it was morning and I was hungry.

Obi-wan shifts, "I can hear your stomach grumbling, you know." He says plainly amused.

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, I didn't even notice."

He smoothly gets up and stretches, helping me up, "let's get something to eat first." He says, "Then we can train."

Sighing, I walk over to my refresher and glance back, "I'll be right back." I tell him.

I quickly splash some cold water on my face in an attempt to fully wake myself up and change into a pair of light brown robes. Taking one last glance in the mirror, I smooth out my hair and walk out.

"You ready?" He asks.

I nod, "Let's go."

Together, my Master and I walk down the halls to the refectory. Taking a single muja fruit and a glass of blue milk, I slump down and rub my temples which were both aching.

Obi-wan glances at me in concern, "Are you feeling alright?" He asks, slightly worried.

I nod, "Just a headache. It'll pass."

"If you say so." My master sighs, having a few pieces of fruit for himself. He glances at me, "If your still not feeling well, you can have the day off-"

I shake my head quickly, causing it to throb in pain, "I'm fine, don't worry. I need to work off some energy anyways."

Obi-wan frowns, "Fine. But you'll be taking it easy today."

"Fine." I sigh.

Once finished eating, Obi-wan and I head to the training hall which was mostly empty.

"You know the drill." He tells me, pulling out a few training droids.

I grin, already feeling myself forget about last night's worries. Pulling off my cloak, I ignite my two lightsabers and power them down, ready to begin.

Obi-wan smiles too, "We'll start blindfolded this time." He tells me, pulling out a blindfold.

I allow him to wrap the dark fabric over my eyes and feel my senses immediately spread out to make up for blindness. But I wasn't blind. Not with the force guiding me. 

Bringing my sabers up into a defensive position, I nod to Obi-wan, signalling for the session to begin.

I sense the three training droids activate and bring up my saber to deflect the blasts. The force guides my hand swiftly, and I relax, feeling at peace for the first time in a while. I could sense each blast before it fired, and I begin to aim the blasts back at the droids.

"Good." I hear Obi-wan say, "Let the force guide the blasts back."

I nod, feeling myself dive in deeper into the force, letting it flow through me, becoming one with it.

Without even thinking, I feel my sabers move up and down, aiming two blasts back to the droids, shutting them down.

"You're improving." I hear my Master say.

Deactivating my sabers, I locate the last droid using the force and use the force to push it into a wall, letting it fall to the ground, deactivated.

I reach to take off my blindfold but Obi-wan stops me, "Again, but with only one lightsaber." He orders.

I inwardly groan. It had taken me forever to master the technique of using two lightsabers, even being able to adjust one of them to be a shoto blade. It had been a long time since I had used only one.

Nevertheless, I clip one saber to my belt and ignite the other, "I get the feeling this is not going to end well." I tell Obi-wan.

I sense him grin, "Good. A challenge for you."

I hold back a snort and ready myself as the droids activate again. Letting the force guide me, I'm able to deflect the blasts, but somewhat more clumsy than last time. Relax. I tell myself sternly, rolling away from a blast that I probably should have deflected. Sinking into a version of Soresu that I had adapted to my preference, I hold my ground, hearing the satisfying sound of lasters being deflected.

"Not bad." I hear Obi-wan say, "Now deactivate them- by returning the blasts, no pushing them into a wall this time."

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I move my saber left, deflecting a blast into a wall.

"Remember, let the force guide you."

"I'm trying." I grit my teeth as I feel a blast hit me, leaking a small, minor burn. Get it together! I yell at myself. Doing the best I could to calm my mind, I reach out to the force, letting it guide my saber, knocking a blaster directly at one of the training droids. I sense another two shots being fired and I dodge, deflecting one successfully into the droid. One more.

Doing a quick somersault to avoid being hit, I deflect a few more blasts before being able to aim back. There's a beep and the droid deactivates.

Taking off my blindfold, I smile weakly at my master, "Happy?"

He grins, "Considerably. You did well, but you're going to have to get used to fighting with one saber."

I nod, "I'll practice, don't worry."Obi-wan gives me a few minutes to catch my breath and get some water and I slump down against a wall, twirling my lightsabers in each hand, waiting for my Master to come back with his check on the 212th.

My master arrives after a few moments and grins at me, "Ready for a sparring match with me?" He asks.

I get up enthusiastically. I had only sparred with my master twice. Each time, I had only lasted a few minutes and I was hoping that I could hold out longer this time, "I thought you'd never ask." I respond eagerly.

"Remember, three strikes, a disarm, or a yield to end the match." He reminds me, shedding his cloak.

I nod, doing the same and ignite my two cyan lightsabers while he ignites his blue one.

"Your move, Master." I grin, energy suddenly coursing through my bones.

Obi-wan comes at me with a full forward strike which I deftly block, feinting to his left. He doesn't fall for the move and parries my strike to the right. Grinning, I reach out into the force and let its energy wash through me, guiding my hands. The moves suddenly become an instinct and I find myself parrying all of my Master's strikes. I dodge as he strikes me from the right this time and bring both sabers up to strike at his shoulder. He blocks the blow and I grunt in effort as our sabers clash. 

"You've gotten better," Obi-wan comments, not even panting as I back away slightly.

This time, I aim for his right knee with one saber with the other aimed at his shoulder, successfully landing a small burn. My first time even landing a strike!

Obi-wan looks surprised and smiles, parrying my strikes. Feeling slightly overconfident, I strike at his left shoulder- which he blocks and then dodges a strike to his knee. Suddenly on defence again, I pant as I block his strikes, doing three consecutive backflips before meeting his saber with my own.

"Don't get too cocky in the middle of a fight." My master warns me, striking at my right knee. I deflect it and pant.


Probing into the force again, I let it lend me some strength to continue the fight and parry my Master's strikes- somewhat less gracefully than when we had started.

A hard blow to my right knocks one of my lightsabers away. Great. I sigh. The fight was going to be over soon. I should really practice with one saber more often. 

Another hard strike from my left jerks me back from my thoughts.

"Focus." Obi-wan says, "Do not let your thoughts distract you in the middle of a fight."

"Sorry," I mutter, dodging another strike, rolling to the side.

Reaching out into the force, I let it guide my hands, parrying my master's strikes. Focusing on nothing but parrying my Master's strikes and finding openings to attack, I don't sense Anakin ad Ahsoka walk into the training hall until Anakin yells out in encouragement.

"COME ON MOON! KICK THT OLD MAN'S BUTT!!!" Anakin yells. I could just imagine Ahsoka's muffled smirk and Anakin's smiling face.

Obi-wan rolls his eyes at the comment while I let out a smirk.

Grinning, I keep to the defence, resiting the urge to use the force to grab my other saber which was still lying on the ground.

"You're holding out." Obi-wan comments, "Now try attacking."

I nod, gritting my teeth in annoyance as I wish yet again I had my other lightsaber. Left, up, block, left, right. 

Something moves from the shadows, and I frown, trying to keep attacking while seeing what it was. Who it was.

I feel my heart sink as I see Hayden, arms folded, leaning on the wall. When he sees me notice him, he mouths something. Weak

My heart skips a beat and my mind flashes back to my dream.

Weak. Useless. Failure. Monster. It's all my fault. I let them down.

I feel Obi-wan strike me from the right, knocking my saber away easily. I barely notice, mind flooding with insecurities from last night's dream.

"Luna?" My Master puts a hand on my shoulder, eyes worried, "Are you feeling alright?"

Of course. He sensed my feelings. I quickly raise my mental shields and fake a smile, "I'm fine."

I could tell he wasn't convinced but thankfully, Ahsoka jogs over to me, oblivious to my sudden emotion.

"Not bad." She says, handing me my lighsabers.

"Thanks." I smile gratefully, taking them and clipping them to my belt. 

I turn my head away from Obi-wan's gaze and try to sound chill, "I'm going to go rest." I murmur.

I sense Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin exchange glances but none of them stop me as I walk out of the training hall towards my shared quarters.

Sighing, I run my hand through my hair, trying to clear my mind from the thoughts and insecurites going on inside.

There's a hiss and the doors open. I step inside and instantly slump into the couch next to the small kitchen. My energy felt drained and I felt like hibernating. Groaning, I jerk my mind away from sleepiness, not wanting to risk another nightmare.

The doors slide open with a hiss again, and Obi-wan walks in, sitting next to me. There's an awkward silence and Obi-wan clears his throat, "What happened back there anyways?" He asks gently.

I bite my lip, not wanting to tell him.

"Padawan." He says sternly, "You were doing well. What made you fall back?"

I shrug, "I guess I just didn't feel completely into it."

He frowns, "And?"

"I-I saw Hayden," I murmur, voice barely audible.

Obi-wan frowns, "Did he d-"

I cut him off, "He just triggered some memories. That's it." It wasn't a lie.

Obi-wan sighs, "Is there anything else bothering you?" 

He was subtly asking me about my nightmare.

"No," I answer a bit too quickly.

Sighing, my master stares at me softly, "You can tell me anything, Luna." He says gently, "But if you really don't want to tell me, I understand."

I nod, "Thank you, Master."

"And you need to get some sleep. You look exhauseted."


He cuts me off, "Now."

I fold my arms, "I don't want to." I complain.

Obi-wan raises two fingers, putting an extremely strong mind suggestion form me to sleep on me.

Fighting off the sleepiness, I shake my head as he presses the fingers on my forehead, "Not... Fair..." I murtter sleepily.

Chuckling, my master scoops me up, carrying me into my room, "Sleep well, padawan."


Obi-wan's POV

I sigh as Luna begins to mumble in her sleep, sweat beading her forehead. I had been meditating beside her bead, keeping an eye on her in case she needed me. Reaching out into the force, I calm whatever nightare she had been having into a normal dream.

Maybe I should see what really is bothering her... I stop the thought. It would be taking away the girl's privacy. She would tell me in her own time. I had to respect that. Resisting the urge o dive into the force and see what was going on in her head, I continue to meditate, calming Luna's dreams whenever I sensed the tiniest bit of distress in her mind.


Luna's POV

I yawn, opening my eyes, nearly nursing out in laughter at the sight in front of me. My master was lying on the ground besde my bed, gently snoring. Had he stayed there all night? I feel affection creep up on me. He really did care about me. Then a thought catches me- what if he entered my mind while I was asleep. My mental barriers would have been weak then.

Obi-wan suddenly rolls over, groaning, "Great. Now my back hurts." He grumbles, opening his eyes, "Good morning, Padawan."

I smile slight, "Morning, Master."

Obi-wan smiles, "How was your sleep?" He asks, standing up and stretching.

"Good." I pause, wondering what to ask, "did you um- my mind..." Was all I came up with.

Obi-wan puts his hands on my shoulders, grey-blue eyes staring into my own, "Luna, I would never invade your privacy like that." He tells me sofly, "You decide what to tell me. I won't force you to do anything."

I smile gratefully, "Thank you, Master."

He nods, "I'm your Master, Luna. You can trust me just as I trust you."

"You trust me?" I bite my lip worriedly- had I gone too far?

"With my life." Obi-wan's eyes stare into mine, unblinking.

He was right. I could trust him. He was my master and I was his padawan. We were stuck together. No matter what, he would stick up for me and trust me, simply because he did.

I smile, feeling my insecurities slip further away but not yet gone.

Hello there!

K, yea, I tricked you guys. I know I said I wouldn't be updating this week, but I happened to have a free day and decided to write.

I recently found out that someone has posted this Wattpad story on a different website WITHOUT my consent or permission. I have no clue how to take it down and I don't feel comfortable giving my identity to put in a copyright strike. 
Just to be clear, this is MY original story and whoever is reposting this on a different website does not deserve to take credit for MY work. 

Now that I've got that cleared, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you so much for all the votes, views, and comments, and follows❤
I'll be trying to update about every week if I have time.

~May The Force Be With You~


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