Forgive Me, Naruto

By sns_enthusiast

152K 4.7K 2.5K

(Naruto The Last Movie AU) After returning from his 2-year redemption journey for an emergency mission, Narut... More

* Disclaimers!!! *
The Mission
Just You Wait
Sasuke's Return
An Awkward Meeting
The Cherry Blossom Festival
Capable of Love
Toneri Appears!
A New Mission
Wishful Thinking
Just Friends
A Warm Heart
A Cold Heart
Don't Walk Away (Again)
Kumi Otsutsuki
Naruto's Letters
Conflicted Once Again
Sasuke's Letter
The Otsutsuki Wedding
Wedding Crashers
The Final Showdown!
Silent Scream
Love and Hatred
A Tough Decision
That Damn Uchiha
A Tough Decision, Pt. 2
Finally Together
My Loser
* Thank you!!! *

Old Memories

9.1K 246 228
By sns_enthusiast

This story will be set during the time period of "Naruto: The Last Movie", where Sasuke returns to Konoha for an emergency mission after his 2-year redemption journey. Also, I know in the movie it's wintertime but I made it spring in this story because I like it better lmao.


Sasuke's POV:

I look up at the sky as I see a flock of birds migrating toward the Leaf Village. In the far distance, I see pink cherry blossoms bordering the village.

That's right, it's springtime here in Konoha, I thought.

I hold my bag tight and continue walking towards the village, but slowly.

I mean, can you really blame me for taking my time? I am returning to the very village I vowed to destroy about 2 years ago. Who knows what could've happened if Naruto didn't knock some sense into me.

"Hn," I say subconsciously.

I couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Naruto. He was the only person in Konoha who wasn't afraid to land a punch on me. Most other ninjas were too busy admiring my looks or avoiding me to take me seriously. But that soon changed when I was consumed with rage and hatred. The same people who admired me began to fear me, and even tried to kill me. I didn't blame them, of course. I became just another Uchiha who fell victim to the Curse of Hatred. But Naruto never gave up on me.

I glance at my missing left arm and think back to our last battle at the final valley.


CW // blood

I slowly open my eyes.

"'re finally awake, huh?" Naruto says, laying on the ground next to me.

Remembering that we had been fighting, I try to sit up. However, I suddenly feel immense pain in my left shoulder. I look to my left and notice that my left arm is missing, replaced with a large pool of blood. Similarly, Naruto's right arm is missing and also replaced with a large pool of blood, forming a V-shape with mine.

"As you can see, if either of us moves too much...we'll bleed out and die," he says calmly.

I turn toward him. Studying his face, I see the bruises I left on him swelling up. Although I'm sure he left an equal amount of bruises on me, I'm sure my hits were far more lethal. Not because I am stronger than him, but because he held back. All that time we were fighting, he never intended to kill me once.

"Why would you go that far?" I ask.

I've asked many times before, but the answer is never satisfying. What is it about me that he is so determined for? While I'm wondering, I realize that for once, Naruto is quiet.

"You've never tried to cut me off. After all I've done...why do you keep involving yourself with me?" I ask.

"Because you're my friend," he simply says. But still, I am not satisfied.

"You say that a lot, but what exactly does that mean to you anyway?" I press further.

"I don't know how to explain it," he says. "It's just that...when I see you take on all that stuff and get all messed, kinda...." he trails off.

I wait patiently for him to finish.

"Hurts me," he finally states.

I widen my eyes. I don't know how, but that statement perfectly expressed it into words. How we both felt. All those times I saw him isolated on that swing outside of the academy while others avoided him like the plague. All those times I saw him standing alone while parents arrived to pick up their kids from the playground. All those times he purposely caused trouble in the village so that he would gain the attention of others. I felt all of it. And in return, he felt all of my pain too. It was the perfect answer. Something felt missing, but it was enough. I was satisfied.

"Ditto," I finally say.

"Ditto? What the hell, Sasuke! We're having a moment, ya know! You don't get to just get by with witty remarks while I'm giving a heartfelt confession! Don't make me knock your lights out agai-"

I suddenly start laughing uncontrollably. I haven't laughed in so long, but when I'm with this blonde idiot I can't help it. I've been in the darkness and consumed by hatred because I thought I had lost everything. Everyone. I have the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and Rinnegan, yet I failed to see that there was one person left, right in front of me, who cared about me more than everyone else. I finally stop laughing and look at the sky, smiling.

"I admit it. I've...lost," I say with full acceptance.

" idiot! This fight isn't about winning or losing!" He says angrily.

"Naruto...I've just acknowledged you," I say with a smile. "Take my Rinnegan after I die. You can use it to release the Tailed Beasts and Infinite Tsukuyomi. Everything will return to normal. It's end this Curse of Hatred," I state. He's speechless for a moment and heavily sighs.

"You still don't get it, do you? This fight isn't about winning or losing. This is a fight to bring you back home. We can protect the village together, ya know. Besides," he smirks, "don't think dying will keep you away from me."

I turn toward him. "How are you so confident I won't go rogue again? How could you continue to have faith in me, after all I've done?"

"Man, now that you can't move you sure are talking a lot, huh," he chuckles.

I start to grow impatient. "You have Kakashi and Sakura to help you protect the village. They've been loyal to you since day one. Why me, specifically?"

"You still don't get it," he says again, chuckling. "Now that I think about it, you've always been kinda dense, ya know," he continues to tease. I roll my eyes.

"Just answer the question, loser," I say, annoyed.

"You're really gonna make me say it, huh?" He says, chuckling again. I swear if he chuckles one more time I'll go rogue again. "Well, Sasuke, it's because-"

"And don't say it's because I'm your friend!" I interrupt.

"'s because..." He turns to the sky and sighs.

"Quit stalling, dumbass, before I Chidori your-"

"I love you," he casually says before looking up at the sky.

I widen my eyes and stare at him.

Naruto...loves me. Naruto Me.

After processing what he said, a tear spills out of my eye.

I quickly turn away, but he already notices and widens his eyes too.

I remain silent, but he doesn't seem to mind.

We both face the sky in comforting silence until Sakura arrives to heal us.


I smile at the sky once more. I make sure my envelope is secure in my bag before I continue walking towards the village.

Hope you didn't miss me too much, loser.

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