Pellucid H.S. AU

By zigggystarrdust

16 0 1

pel·lu·cid /pəˈlo͞osəd/ adjective translucently clear. More


1. Rain

10 0 1
By zigggystarrdust

Hey guys, this is my very first attempt at consistency. I've written "books" for this app before but I've grown a lot as a writer and a person and think I'm ready to share what I've been working on.

So, without further ado, this is the first chapter of Pellucid.

Please be kind but I would appreciate any feedback you have for me!



"It's raining."

I couldn't tell if Mrs. Buel was happy or upset about the fact. Her voice was so monotonous it was hard to differentiate her emotions though she seems to only have one: bored out of her mind.

Water trickled off of the tree leaves outside of the biology room window. I watched one water droplet fall from leaf to leaf until it eventually hit the ground and the process started all over again. The sprinkle only lasted for a few minutes until it stopped, leaving the ground wet to my dismay. That's my own fault for not asking for a ride.

My attention turned away from the window to scan the classroom full of people packing their things before the bell. I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed, but AP Biology was simply boring and repetitive. When I think Mrs. Buel can't get any more dull, she gives us yet another assignment on apical growth.

Maybe I don't want to study marine biology.

I shifted in my seat as the chatter in the lab increased. My partner was no longer aware of my existence and focused his attention on the manga in his hands.

Parker Bore was a bit of a nerd and everyone knew it. If life were a movie, Parker would be the epitome of those extras they put in fake glasses and suspenders to pose as a dork being stuffed into a locker. Luckily for him life was not a movie and people tend to mind their business when you don't bother anyone. I however had to deal with his lack of participation in class which leaves me with doing most of the work and him getting half of the credit. This may be a controversial topic but I just don't believe Naruto is interesting enough to take your attention away from school for 3 consecutive months.

Maybe I just don't understand the plot entirely.

"Happy Friday, everyone," Mrs. Buel says. Her voice was too low so only the first row could hear her, but she didn't care much due to being occupied by solitaire on her computer.

I mean seriously, how has she not been fired.

I gathered my things on the table in front of me, waiting for the bell to sound off. My spiral notebook was nearly on its deathbed, but I had to make it last until the end of the quarter. It was covered in writings from all the times I found my thoughts drifting in class. Words of encouragement such as eat shit Ethan Stamos and Principal Stevens is too hot to function were written in red pen to get me through long days.

I'm quite the philosophical thinker, if I do say so myself.

The bell finally rang in the middle of me zipping up my backpack.

The library was usually where I spent my Friday evenings. I know it sounds wearisome, but I usually got all of my homework done on Friday nights. I would've had a clear schedule except my history teacher decided to put a surprise essay question about the Nanjing Massacre on the next unit test.

Typical Mr. Addison.

On my way out of class I pulled out my cell to phone my dad. I scrolled through my phone until I saw the tiny photo of him hanging me upside down over my kiddie pool circa 2004. Dad had a buzzed head which was now grown out long enough to hang over his eyes when he didn't style it. He looked bald due to the sun reflecting off of his blonde hair and his eyes were squinting due to a glare, probably off of the camera. I, on the other hand, was halfway into a pool of water. My curly hair was drenched in dirty water and my pregnant mom laughing her ass off in the background. She had her coils in a small afro sporting a sports bra and long, flowy skirt.

Oh to be young and naive.

I dialed the number and put the phone up to my ear.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello, Darling," my father answered.

"Hey, can you pick me up from the library later on?" I ask as I speed walk to my locker.

My locker sat right next to the entrance of the girls bathroom. You may think of this as a plus, but the girls track team does not have a locker room due to the obvious favoritism shown to mainly male sports. I have to avoid the crowd of girls every day so I don't get stuck behind a huge line of pissed off runners who have vendettas against our entire township.

"I guess if I have to." He let out an exaggerated sigh as I rolled my eyes.

"I can feel the love, father dearest," I replied.

"Don't worry, I'll be there the same time as yesterday," he reassured. 

"Just make sure you aren't late this ti-"

"Yes, yes, alright, loveyoubye."

He'll probably be late.

I drop off my biology and calculus textbooks and grab my emergency umbrella, courtesy of the Y's lost and found bin. Before you judge me, just know it was pouring and I had just gotten my hair straightened. It would've poofed up in seconds.

I quickly shut my locker as I hear the voices of angry female athletes and rush out of the closest exit. The rain was long gone, but she left her remains in giant puddles that I found myself skipping and hopping over. Having a license but no car felt like my own personal purgatory.

My past attempts at saving for a car all ended in putting more money away for college and borrowing my mothers car when I could. I walked my brother and myself to school everyday, avoiding the gaze of my fellow classmates who've had cars since sophomore year. Though I didn't like walking so much (an understatement) it was worth realizing over and over again the view I could get from our small town. I tried to make the best out of a not so great situation.

I didn't pull my headphones out of my backpack until I got to the main sidewalk. The streets were busy and the campus security guard was at the light panel to do traffic control. I plugged the thick cord into my headphones and put my "walking to the library" playlist on. And before you ask, yes I do have a playlist for every occasion. The first song to come on was Grey Seal by Elton John and I immediately turned the volume up, but not so much that I couldn't hear my surroundings.

The journey was slow. Usually I'd be too zoned out or distracted to notice how far I'd have to go, but the rain was making me tired. The thunder rumbled as I passed the local gas station. For a moment I was worried for Kitty, but I noticed her sleeping in her usual spot under the bright lights of the fill station. Normally whoever was working that day would shoo her away or lead some food towards the back of the building so no cars would run her over, but I assumed they left her alone due to the chance of more rain.

Kitty was like a neighborhood cat. She would sometimes lurk near the school, outside the gas station, and she would even find herself on the roof of a car outside of the dollar general on 10th street. No one bothered Kitty though. We all knew she meant well.

I smiled as a woman walking out of the store sat an open can of tuna down near a sleeping Kitty and carried on.

Out of all the times I've walked to the library after school, this time seemed different. The view was the same as always, and I passed the same buildings and small shops I usually passed. The rain was definitely a dead giveaway, but something else was off.

My brain decided to ignore the possibility of anyone following me or some kind of impending doom so I continued on at a quicker pace.

When I got to the library the sun had started setting just a little bit. I waved at Chancellor, the librarian, and made my way to my usual table by the window.

Chancellor was a student at the local community college. His hair was blonde, almost white, and he always sported a worn out sweatshirt or the same beat up flannel and white tee. Uni student on a budget I suppose?

I wasn't quite sure what his major was, but he quoted Gordon Wood often.

The building was empty, per usual. I remember it being full of readers as a kid, but now there's hardly 20 people in at a time. I couldn't blame the people though, this place was a bit outdated.

I emptied the contents of my backpack onto the table in front of me. My hands shuffled through papers until I found the papers I was looking for. Usually I wasn't one for study guides. I preferred to challenge myself on test days and I never really needed the extra credit. I think my Mr. Addison finally got sick of my accurate guess work and decided to truly put my deductive reasoning to work.

I decided not to push my luck this time.

I had no laptop to do my research on due to leaving it at home, and the computers here were practically ancient and hardly working. Lucky for me, I memorized this library like the back of my hand.

While searching through nonfiction, I made my way to the Chang's. Iris Chang to be exact. It probably would've been easier to just use the school history books, but if Addison wanted to test me and my logic he'll get an entire paper on the Nanjing Massacre.

I know I'm unhinged, but that's what makes it fun.

"Hey Chancellor," I say, "do you know where I can find Iris Chang?"

"Check near the life sized Johnny Appleseed!" he shouted.

My eyes scanned the bookshelf in front of me until I found the section of Chang's. After a few seconds, I finally spotted the red cover. Much to my dismay however, it was at the very top shelf. I groaned internally.

Damn you mom for making me 5'5.

I reached above my head until I was straining my arm. My hand was close to grabbing onto the hardcover until another rugged one grabbed it for me. I furrowed my eyebrows, ready to start an argument with the jerk that grabbed my book, but then turned to meet eyes with the most beautiful jerk I'd ever seen.

He was tall, of course, with the most intense grey eyes I'd ever seen. His hair was curled in a neat mess on top of his head. He was dressed in black jeans, a dark grey sweater, and dark brown cap toe shoes. I felt small and inferior to the Adonis standing in front of me. Somehow I didn't mind the intimidation.

"Thank you," I said, the corners of my mouth tilting upward a bit but then deflating back down when he didn't say a word. He held the book out for me to grab and I took it ever so slowly. The man held my gaze for quite a while and my mouth hung somewhat agape. He was magnificent.

"My name is Bailey," I spoke when he didn't move.

He only returns a small nod. 

Before I could say anything else his head shook and he glanced away from my gaze like he'd been snapped out of a trance. His mouth opened to say something, but then closed again like he couldn't get the words out. He repeated those actions again before he furrowed his eyebrows while mumbling, I have to go, and stalked away from me. 

I watched as he swiftly grabbed his coat from the back of a chair and then left through the front doors of the building, leaving me in shock as I tug the sleeve of my sweater over my hand.


I'm going to try and update this as often as I can but due to the school year almost being over I'll most likely be updating every week the most.

Thanks for reading!

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