Hidden Marriage {SamYU}

By YuukiRend

553K 19.9K 2.5K

After the betrayal of his fiance and bestfriend on his bachelor party Yang Yuteng just want to take revenge... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Last Chapter
new story

Chapter 60

8.1K 283 105
By YuukiRend



The scheduled time had arrived. As promised, LM released their highlights right on time...

YU opened the video, it was a short 30 seconds...

he finally got to see how his expression appeared when he was filming the commercial with Sam....

He looked like he had complete trust and was full of love; like he had forgotten the world around him. In his eyes, there was total devotion for Sam .

Seeing this, even  YU couldn't help but blush!

Of course, in the video, all that could be seen of Sam  was his back. LM selected to end the highlights video with the last scene of them holding each other's hand and YU leaning on Sam's shoulder. The scene was shockingly beautiful, so beautiful it made other's breathless, because...

...the emotions...

...were too touching.

LM even turned this scene into their promotional image, blowing it up into huge posters and light boxes and gradually popping them up in major shopping centers.

In an instant, Bingwei's phone almost exploded with calls from various people. Some wanted to know YU's schedule, other's wanted to know who the male model was; they all wanted them to either appear together on their magazine front covers or walk down the runway together...

Bingwei was at home at this time. He had no idea LM's commercial highlights would create such a stir. So, he pulled out his laptop to have a look.

Although he had already witnessed the scene at the resort, seeing the interaction between Yuteng  and Sam on screen, made him finally understand why a short 30-second highlight video...could attract the attention of so many people.

This commercial had the ability to stir up deep emotions within the viewer. After seeing it, it gave one a sense of satisfaction and happiness...

This was the message LM wanted to convey: marriage...was not the end...

Online, everyone was full of praise, "OMG, even though I know this is a commercial, I am willing to be sucked in by them..."

"The highlights are already so beautiful. LM, hurry and place the entire commercial up! This is the first time I've fallen in love with a commercial, I've already repeated it 20-30 times."

"Oh! Most importantly is this back. Who is this man?"

"I'm about to explode! This man has such a charisma; he looks noble, mature and is bursting with manliness. Why are we only allowed to see his back? I want to become a fan of his back!"

"Please reveal the 'back-view dream man'!"


No one expected, with a simple highlights video, YU and the 'back-view dream man' would become the hottest topic.

LM's commercial went viral.

Not only because of the highlights, but also because of the posters that were popping up in shopping centers everywhere. Apart from attracting a huge number of engaged couples to purchase wedding rings, fans flocked to LM's counters in groups to inquire about the 'back-view dream man'.

Who was this man and what was his identity? Even one word would be enough to satiate their curiosity.

The counter staff didn't know whether to laugh or cry as they explained it was also their first time seeing the back of this man; even internal corporate staff had no idea who he was.

According to rumors, during the commercial shoot, the set had been completely cleared. Apart from the director and a few important people, no one knew of the man's identity...

Meanwhile, Yuteng's unobtrusive aura emanated in all directions. His unique aura could be especially seen during the commercial; his every expression, every positioning, and every pose was lively and vivid. He completely encompassed the happiness of a man, winning the support of everyone...

Online, the profile of the mysterious man began to shrink in range. However, one thing was certain, no matter who this man was, his identity could not be simple...


Those at Lin Corp that saw Sam Lin often, vaguely felt the man was him. But, according to his personality, how could he possibly lower his status to help out a model?

So, both the public and Lin Corp were full of discussions, but no one dared to put Sam in the picture.

"Yuteng, there are three talk shows that I feel are worth making an appearance on. Choose one amongst them," Bingwei suggested as he helped Yuteng take screenshots.

"I'll go on Heart Talk ," Yuteng said after taking one glance at the computer monitor.

Bingwei looked at the invite from the show he did not even consider and was a bit surprised, "This talk show is the most transparent and they request their guests to be completely honest. Their questions are extremely difficult; they will definitely ask you about the man in the commercial."

"I'm certain. I will go on Heart Talk ."

Heart Talk was extremely famous in Asia and did not engage in under-the-table operations because they were supported by the nation. So, they did what they wanted without any restraints; this meant, Yuteng has to be honest about everything they ask.

Above all, this program was a good test of an artist's EQ. It had a high viewership, so they requested, upon entering the studio, artists should not dream of getting out of things easily; no matter how difficult the questions, they would have to answer them honestly.

"OK," Bingwei nodded as he thought about how brave Yuteng was.

After hanging up the phone, YU leaned back on the warm chest behind him .

Sam took the opportunity to embrace him and place his lips against his ear. He spoke in a deep voice,

"You're quite brave to go on Heart Talk . What if they ask you if you're married, whether you have a husband and who your husband is? Have you considered how you will answer them?"

YU turned his head and pressed himself closer to Sam, "How do you think I'll answer? Can you guess ?

Sam did not speak, he simply reached out his hand to tuck some hair behind YU's ear.


Heart Talk's interview was organized for the following week, in 4 days time. Because of LM's commercial, Yuteng's job invites were once again increased.

After confirming Heart Talk's appearance time, Yuteng went to a few magazines that were arranged by Bingwei for some interviews. In the evening, YU suddenly received a message from Sam, "Come to Crown Hotel tonight, I have booked a candlelit dinner."

YU glanced at the date on his phone before smiling, "What is it? It's not like today is our wedding anniversary..."

"I want to show you the best view in Taipei "



Upon arriving at Crown Hotel, Sam drove  through the VIP entrance. And he  dragged YU by the hand into the lift.He then took YU to the top of the building - the 101th level.

"This is the highest point in Taipei . From here you can see the entire city."

Yu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked down. He couldn't help but feel moved by the sparkling lights of the city below. Not long after, he felt a pair of arms wrap around her and a set of soft lips press firmly against his neck, "Afraid of heights?"

"With you here, I'm not afraid," YU shook his head.

With the satisfaction of being needed and being depended on, Sam turned YU's head and gently lowered his kiss, "Actually, a place like this...is even more suitable for kissing..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it's high up and it's easy to be short of breath!"


The night before Heart Talk's interview, YU went to the studio to film a trailer. As he left, outside the front door were a whole heap of fans.

They gave him flowers and requested to have photos taken together. Tangning politely nodded his head and agreed. After all, in such cold weather, they had waited so long outside; they must have suffered.

Of course, the thing that the fans were most curious about was the 'back-view dream man'. But YU simply smiled, "Remember to watch tomorrow's live broadcast of Heart Talk . I'm sure you will all be pleased with the reply I give there."

The fans couldn't help but squeal with excitement. Especially when YU removed his sunglasses to give them autographs.

"You look even more beautiful up close!"

"Your legs are so long."

"Yang Yuteng ,don't worry...we will protect you."

In the end, Yu waved goodbye to his fans and was helped into the manager's van by Bing Wei .

"Tomorrow, are you really planning on revealing the 'back-view dream man'?" Bing wei  finally asked after quite some time. "You won't regret it?"

Yuteng smiled mysteriously. Even towards Bing wei he did not intend to give him the answer.

The next day ,The studio staff  put in a lot of effort to decorate the studio with posters of Yuteng's magazine shoots and commercials; they were well prepared.

As the clock hit exactly 7pm, the show officially started. As it was a live broadcast, both the hosts and the guest had to be careful with what they said. Because of this, many celebrities slipped and revealed secrets; many scandals had previously been exposed on this show.

Of course, Yuteng was once again in his calm state.

After initial greetings, the hosts quickly started asking some warm-up questions, "Yang Yuteng , we vaguely remember that 3 months ago you were a groom-to-be. Then suddenly, one day you announced your comeback and threw yourself into a series of battles with WU . Under what circumstances did you make such a definitive decision to start all over again?"

"Can I really answer this?" Yuteng suddenly smiled after hearing the question.

"Be careful, our program is all about telling the truth. Otherwise, all your answers could possibly be made into memes; slapping you in the face," the host slightly smiled as she warned Yang Yuteng . She held up an adorable prop shaped like a hand as the sound effect of an audience laughing played in the background.

Yuteng was stunned for a moment before answering, "It's nothing special. I simply experienced how it felt to be betrayed and matured from that experience. I am someone that let's go when I say I will."

"Great, now that we are done with the warm-up, it's time to move on to the big questions: Are you married?"

After asking this question, even the host was surprised. Yuteng's answer could become a huge exposé. It seemed, they were forcing him into taking extreme measures.

But, in the end, it all depended on the guest's wisdom and EQ.

Inside the studio sat over 100 fans waiting for Yuteng's answer; in front of their TV's at home, the audience also waited; even Sam who was listening to the live broadcast in his car couldn't help but smile.

He had previously asked YU how he would answer if he was faced with this question.

At the time, YU simply smiled secretively. But now, he could no longer avoid it.

Sam felt a sense of anticipation. He was sweating nervously on behalf of YU , but he had faith in him .

"Why do other guests get such gentle questions, yet when it comes to me, I get asked about my ex and then about whether I'm married?" YU looked a little helpless, but everyone knew, he wasn't actually bothered by the questions; he was simply livening up the atmosphere.

"Don't try to hide or drag out your answer. Quick tell us," the host wasn't going to let him off the hook. Actually, from the moment Yang Yuteng  appeared on the program, the two hosts were relieved. They knew that Yang Yuteng was an extremely mature interviewee; he knew his place, he knew how to liven the atmosphere and he knew how to interact with both the audience and the hosts. Most importantly, he was extremely friendly; he was like the boy-next-door.

"Yes, I'm married!" Yuteng swiftly answered.

Everyone's eyes opened in shock; no one expected him to admit to it so directly.

Sam's heart skipped a beat as he listened.

But he quickly smiled helplessly and dotingly.

He had to bow down to his cheeky wife's answer.

He knew, under normal circumstances, only artists with something to hide would think of a way to dodge the question rather than admit directly like YU. So, on programs like this, the majority of those that made admissions turned out to be fake.

Plus, the tone with which YU answered, was so casual, it was practically like someone asked him if he ate dinner and he simply said yes. He answered so normally that everyone felt it couldn't possibly be the truth. Even though in actual fact, what he said was indeed true.

"Really?" the host pretended to be surprised as she giggled and continued to ask, "In that case, who are you married to?"

"The most powerful man in the entertainment industry," Yuteng once again told the truth, but the hosts giggled and brushed her off.

"Then doesn't that mean you are married to me?" the male host teased.

The studio erupted in laughter.

It turned out his dear wife not only knew how to be a model, he even knew how to create a situation where it was hard to differentiate between truth and lies. At times, when one is too exaggerated, even if they are telling the truth, no one would believe it...

A moment later, one of the hosts noticed the ring on Yutenh's finger, "Oh, you even have a ring, it's almost like you're telling the truth. Lift up your hand and let us admire it."

Yuteng was unfazed. He lifted his right hand to show everyone his ring.

In reality, this was truthfully a wedding ring...

Sitting in the car, Sam couldn't help but stroke the ring on his left hand; the couple's hearts were connected.

Watching from the sidelines, Bingwei's heart was trembling in fear as he broke out in a cold sweat. How could he be so brave?

Most shocking of all, he was telling the truth, yet everyone thought he was joking...

The hosts chuckled, picked up the question board and flipped it. It was a photo of  Sam and YU's LM commercial, "Regarding this 'back-view dream man', isn't it about time you give us an answer? All the beautiful girls and Boys in the studio have been waiting anxiously..."

Yuteng covered his mouth shyly as he helplessly hesitated, "Errr..."

"Did you think you could avoid this question? Quick, tell us who it is, let us see his face," the host encouraged cheekily, playing along with Yuteng .

Yuteng's head hurt a little. He then asked his fans softly, "What should I do? Do you guys really want to know?"

His fans nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"OK!" Yuteng was finally ready to speak up...

However, this one simple word made Bingwei's heart almost stop. Meanwhile, Sam's attention was focused on the conversation.

"I don't think it's right for me to reveal his name directly. How about this? I'll give him a phone call right now and we can ask him if he is willing to give us his name. What do you guys think? If he refuses, then you can't continue to make things difficult for me," Yuteng smiled as she pulled out her phone and waved it at the audience.

"OK..." the fans replied in sync.

"So, you are going to make the phone call live in the studio?" the host had never seen such a direct model; she faced their question head on and did not try to hide at all.

"Yes...otherwise, I think I'm going to have dreams about my fans chasing me to death...I'm a little scared!" After speaking, Yuteng searched for the number he prepared earlier and made a phone call in front of everyone.

On the other side of the phone, Sam was sitting in his car listening to the live broadcast. Seeing YU's name pop up on the caller ID, in his deep voice , "Hello..."

His voice was extremely deep and mellow, making him sound extra charming and attractive.

The studio erupted in a high-pitch scream.

Yuteng placed his finger to his lips, gesturing them to hush, before asking, "Mmm hi.... You see, after the commercial we filmed together, the entire nation has been curious as to who you are. Are you willing to tell everyone your real identity?"

On the other side of the phone, Sam was silent for a moment before asking back, "Do you want others to know who I am?"

With this question, the studio once again erupted in a high-pitch scream; his tone was too ambiguous.

"Yes, I do. I don't want your fans to chase me to death," YU replied calmly. In actual fact, YU did not tell Sam about this beforehand because he wanted to give him the final decision-making right. If Sam decided to reveal everything, she would not avoid telling the truth.


"You two better stop with your ambiguous conversation and get to the point. Quickly decide whether you will make a revelation or not," the host cut-off their conversation, they were teasing everyone too much.

YU thought Sam wanted to reveal everything.

But Sam did not respond the way she expected...

"I've decided not to reveal my identity," Sam responded straightforwardly. "I'm sorry, I don't want my private life to be affected."

Although he wanted badly to tell everyone he was YU's husband and was the CEO of Lin Corp...when actually given the option, his heart ached for YU; he had put in so much effort up to this point.

He knew this wasn't what YU truly wanted deep down.

He wanted to be on the same level as him and shine in splendor!

Hearing Sam's response, not only did the fans not feel disappointed, they even found themselves fantasizing about him even more.

"Yuteng and I simply collaborated for this one commercial. I am already married. I hope everyone can stop making things difficult for Yuteng ."

Since Sam already gave his response, the hosts did not continue to pressure them. They asked Sam for one simple request, "Can you tell us what you think of Yuteng? Does he have any habits or hobbies that are out of the ordinary?"

YU maintained her smile, however, he was a little nervous after hearing the host ask Sam this question.

"He is very honest. As for habits and hobbies, I can't say anything or else I might get beaten later!"

The audience broke out in laughter as they understood the reason why Sam did not want to reveal anything. Eventually, YU hung up the phone before the host requested, "Use one phrase to explain the relationship between you and the 'back-view dream man'."

"A lifelong confidant."

Yuteng revealed one form of his and Sam's relationship; there was no one else in this world that understood him more and loved him more.

"Great. Although we did not find out the true identity of the 'back-view dream man'...at least everyone had the opportunity to listen to his attractive voice. I hope everyone can respect his decision. Here, I have a great news to announce to everyone...LM's completed commercial will be officially released next Monday. We will all get the chance to savor this attractive back once again..."

The entire interview ran for exactly 45 mins. Apart from a few intense questions, the hosts also asked Yuteng about his life and aspirations. As usual, Yuteng dealt with these questions well, so he left everyone with a really good impression. By the time the program wrapped up, the time was already 10pm.

Under Bingwei's protection, Yuteng was ready to leave the studio.

Afterwards, YU left the studio. However, as soon as she boarded Sam's car, he was immediately pulled into a warm embrace as a pair of lips pressed down against him.

YU adjusted to the sudden action and enjoyed the familiar warmth. He relaxed his body and returned Sam's passionate kiss. It wasn't until the couple felt breathless did Sam finally let her go.

He rubbed the tip of his nose against YU's and mumbled with a sexy and husky voice beside YU's lips, "This is the last time, if you do this again, I will definitely tell the whole world...you are mine."

YU grabbed onto Sam's handsome face and smiled, "Whether you say it or not, I am still yours; from head to toe, I am completely yours."

YU couldn't help but smile slightly as he leaned his head on Sam's body, "I want to turn you into a part of the audience."

"And do you know what I most want to say to the audience?"

"Sam Lin belongs to me. I adore him and love him; I want to take care of him and understand him for the rest of my life. Don't any of you dare to even dream about being with him."

YU never thought of himself as the weak one in the relationship and never expected to be spoilt. He simply loved Sam the way Sam loved him.

Even if he had to exhaust himself, he did not hesitate.

In the past 27 years, this was the first time Sam experienced what it was like to be spoilt!

A couple days later . Late into the night. After a long day at work, Sam finally returned home. As he walked in through the front door, he discovered YU wearing a thin layer of training gear as he worked out in the gym. He was silent for a few seconds. At first, he was afraid he'd be cold, but on second thought, he decided to grab a pair of black training shirt and pants and joined him .

YU was already 25-years-old. If he was to maintain his fit and healthy figure, he would need to put in a lot more effort than those that were younger than him. So, seeing him dripping in sweat, Sam couldn't help but feel his heart ache a little...

He approached him from behind, leaned over and helped him lift the dumbbell in his hands as he leaned back onto his chest, "It's OK to have high expectations for yourself. But...you shouldn't push yourself too hard."

"I have no choice, I don't have a trainer," YU leaned against Sam's body as he sighed, "But, you're right, when I follow the same routine as before, I do feel my body can't handle it as well."

Sam nudged him forward and placed the dumbbell back on the floor.

He then grabbed a towel and gently wiped the sweat from YU's body.

"What do you mean you don't have a trainer? I'll train with you..."

YU froze for a moment. Suddenly, he took a couple steps back before removing Sam's shirt from his body...An extremely attractive male body was exposed before him; his 8-pack abdominal muscles were perfectly sculpted and his tight muscles complemented his healthily glowing bronze skin...

Seeing the courage of his lover , Sam's lips curved upwards into a smile, "You've seen it so many times. Still not satisfied?"

"President Lin , from now on, I hope you don't wear clothes at home."

Sam hooked his arm around YU's waist and drew him into his chest, "You like seeing me like this?"

"Who wouldn't want to see a sight like this?" YU couldn't help but ask back. "However, only I am allowed to see it - only me."

Sam was pleased with YU's possessiveness, so he lowered his head and passionately kissed him on the lips. After a few minutes of affection, he grabbed onto his waist and said, "The top half of your body is strong enough...you should focus on training your abdominal muscles."

"Do you feel that my body isn't flexible enough?"

Sam was resisting his urges, yet here he was trying to provoke him.

He pinched him on the waist.

"Then you should train with me."

Sam lowered his head and brushed his nose against YU .

YU could feel his heart beating out of his chest because of the soul-stealing, hormone-fueled atmosphere that was right in front of him. In a moment like this, even if he was to ask him to run 10,000 meters he would be willing, let alone train his abdominal muscles a little...

Sam looked at YU . All of a sudden, he lifted him horizontally in his arms. At a time like this, who still had the mood to train?

He directly carried him into the bedroom and straight into the bathroom. The couple made love once and then made love again until they were completely exhausted. Afterwards, they headed into the kitchen to cook noodles for each other.

Sitting at the dining table, YU looked at Sam who was wearing nothing but a robe. He shook his  head. It seemed, he would need to hire a another trainer. Otherwise, if Sam was his trainer, he was afraid 9-out-of-10 times, they would end up on the bed.

Sam saw through to his thoughts. He returned to his usual seriousness and cleared his throat, "I couldn't control myself today, I promise there won't be a next time."

YU tilted his head and looked at Sam . Did you think I would believe you?

"As long as you don't make a move, I'll be fine."

In reality, YU himself did not feel confident that he'd be able to control himself. All he knew was...to have a person that stayed by his side no matter what he did; someone who helped him tirelessly; someone to share the joys of being together with; having all this, YU felt his heart fill with happiness.

With these thoughts, YU placed the egg from his bowl into Sam's, "At home, you are no longer just my husband and boss. You have gained one more identity: my trainer. So, President Lin , from now on you've really got your work cut out for you!"

"Will you ever be able to leave me?"

YU shook his head submissively, "No way."

"Hurry, finish your food and go to bed early.

YU nodded. he couldn't wait to improve on himself; to become the best; to be worthy of all that Sam had done for him, because - he wanted to be with Sam forever...

A while later, Sam carried YU into the bedroom and sat in bed next to him as he coaxed him to sleep.

Suddenly, the corners of Sam's eyes became watery.

Sam looked down at him and asked, "Why are you crying?"

"I've experienced being treated harshly by this world. But, I am currently being treated lovingly. Only when someone gets treated with love, will they learn how to show love."

"Did you think, before meeting you, I would do stuff like this?"Sam smiled as he lay beside YU and pulled him into his embrace. "At first I was quite skeptical whether you'd get used to living the simple life."

"If the 16-year-old YU had met the 18-year-old Sam , perhaps...because of our youth we would have argued constantly and had an on-again-off-again-relationship. But now that the 25-year-old YU met the 27 -year-old Sam  we will simply support each other and have a long and lasting relationship."

Sam smiled as he lowered his head to place a gentle kiss on YU's ear. The couple soon entered into slumber in each other's embrace.


The next morning, while YU was packing his luggage, he received a phone call from Richard  . Sam wanted him to attend a private gathering so he could meet some of higher in Lin Corp .

"I've already spoken to the President about this and he has agreed..."

Normally, YU did not like social events, but since Richard had already organized it and Sam had agreed, YU had no reason to refuse. So he said ok.

After all, he was part of the Lin family and need to get more friendly with them.

So, that night 6pm, he made his way to a hidden club with Evan . In order not to make her feel awkward, Richard waited for him at the entrance and led him into the high-class cocktail party.

Inside the lavish venue, beautiful classical music resounded under the dazzling crystal chandelier; a famous singer was playing the piano.

YU concentrated on the faces around him . He realized most of the people attending the cocktail party were people that often appeared on TV. They were either famous TV and movie stars or famous singers. The only person from the same career path as him was the international supermodel, Shih Chih Tian . He was dressed in a silver suit  and was sitting elegantly with a glass of champagne.

Afterwards, Richard  led Yuteng to the man playing the piano and smiled as he said, " Krist Perawat , I would like you to meet Yang Yuteng .."

Although YU rarely sang, he was still familiar with the status in pop music that this man had. Ten years ago, his fame was already widespread and he had set many records on the billboards. Now, ten years later, he was still beyond the reach of the younger generations and was like an evergreen of the music industry.

As the man looked him up and down, YU did not hesitate at all as he politely greeted him, "Hello "

"It's nice to meet you. Attend these gatherings more often. If you like to sing, I can teach you."

"Thank you, mr Krist."

"Yang Yuteng is here..." the other people present immediately raised their glasses and gathered around as they gradually greeted him.  During this entire time, Richard patiently introduced him to each person until he completely blended in with the crowd.

In the end, YU sat down beside Shih Chih Tian . Not too long ago their abilities had already been compared by the public, but Shih Chih Tian had gotten famous early on and had his own unique style, so he had his own advantages.

He simply turned and smiled at Yuteng "
Long time no see Yusuke ,Don't like scenes like this?"

"Yeah , long time no see Chih Tian , i miss u... a lot "

"You have have a lot of thing to explain to me , but later .... "Chih Tian  murmured as he drank the champagne in his hand .

Yuteng nodded as he looked seriously at Chih Tian .

The two continued to chat for a while before noticing Richard saying to everyone in secret, "Did you guys know, the president will be making an appearance tonight?"

As soon as everyone heard the news, their expressions were filled with joy. A few artists even started clapping and whistling.

Although they worked in the same office, Sam had his own private lift, so artists barely had the chance to see him, let alone attend private gatherings with him. Sam was like a legend in their hearts; he was more dazzling than any singer or movie star.

Shih Chih Tian subconsciously studied the expression on Yuteng face. He noticed that everyone, including the charismatic Krist was filled with excitement at the mention of Sam's name. Yet, although Yuteng was famous for being calm and quiet, his unaffected expression still made Shih Chih Tian lower his head and smile.

"It seems you are well acquainted with President Lin ?"

"I guess so," Yuteng nodded admittedly.

"In this industry, not many people are close to President Lin. His lifestyle isn't at all like a typical person in the entertainment industry," Shih Chih Tian said with a deeper meaning. Afterwards, he lowered his head and took a sip of his champagne.

Yuteng gave a gentle laugh.

Approximately 10 minutes later, there was a huge commotion. Yuteng glanced over and noticed Sam standing amongst the crowd. He was tall, mighty and radiant.

He was still wearing the same suit as he wore earlier that day as he left home; a black lapel suit. However, maybe because he had drunk some wine, the YU at this time, actually started thinking about Sam when he wasn't wearing any clothes and his strong physique. So, his face began to turn red as he looked at the man amongst the crowd. His eyes were passionately burning to the point where his gaze could possibly sear a hole in Sam's body.

Sam greeted each and every person before he started to look around for YU . As soon as his eyes met his fiery gaze, he couldn't help but smile. As he held back his urge to rush over and give him a hug, he gave him a look gesturing him not to drink so much.

YU gave a gentle smile as he looked down at his glass and slightly nodded.

"Yuteng, come over here..." seeing Yuteng remaining seated, Ray waved him over.

YU grabbed his wine glass and obediently walked over to Ray's side before he looked at Sam.

"You should have a drink with PresidentLin ......"

YU did not hesitate as he asked, "May I have this honor?"

Sam grabbed a tall wine glass from the waiter and clinked his glass gently against YU's. The two's actions were the same and they drank in the same way; without knowing each other for a long time, it was impossible to be so in sync.

Chih Tian seemed to have discovered something as he let out a giggle. With their matching actions it was hard for those present not to be suspicious.

For an artist to make it to the top, both their EQ and IQ couldn't possibly be low. If they still couldn't figure out what was happening here...

...they didn't deserve to be the leaders in the industry.

Ray also took the hint. If he had merely been suspicious when Sam said he'd be YU's manager, then at this moment, seeing Sam that never attended gatherings appear because of YU , wasn't things obvious?

Of course, Big Boss didn't shun away even though he knew everyone would see the telltale signs because he was secretly hinting for them to watch over his man.

Everyone understood. In reality, they weren't that surprised. Although some of them were younger than Yang Yuteng, they still understood that...

...since Yuteng will be their future Queen in Lin Corp ,So they already intended on taking good care of him

After having a drink with YU , Sam  turned to discuss something with a few of his directors .

Yuteng returned to Chih Tian's side and continued to listen to the comforting music. His tense body slowly relaxed.

"Since when ?" Chih Tian sitting next to him suddenly said.


"Your relationship with President Lin . Since when ?,"  he looked at Yuteng seriously.

Yuteng was stunned for a moment before smiling.

"3 months "

Meanwhile, Sam seemed to have finished chatting. He suddenly placed his eyes upon YU . The softness of his gaze made YU feel like he was bathing under the moonlight.

YI had drunk a little too much. During his chat with Chih Tian , he repeatedly lifted the glass to his mouth. By the time Sam looked at him for the 5th to 6th time, he was already lying unconscious with his head on the table.

Seeing this, Sam stood up from the crowd and approached him. He then helped him sit up by supporting his shoulders.

YU sensed the familiar bodily warmth, so he immediately sat up straight, turned his head and wrapped his arms around Sam's waist as he buried his head into his lower abdomen.
And call him

"Zihong.....i dont feel good, i want to go home "

This scene...everyone saw it!

Although their eyes were wide, they were no longer shocked...

From now on, thanks to their junior , they would get a lot more chances to come in contact with the boss. It seemed, they would have to treat him even better.

Unable to wake YU up, Sam had no choice but to carry him in his arms. At this moment, he was no longer the high and mighty boss, he was simply a drunkard's husband...

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