Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

By MysticTalia

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"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... More

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

Little Bird

3K 157 58
By MysticTalia

Kind of a long chapter so get some snacks first.😂


He tumbled a step back, his jaw hitting the floor. How had he been so flabbergasted not to know who his was?
Jungkook had turned to the voice who had spoken, another boy making his way over, his hair a bright blond-gold, broad shouldered, and a backpack lazily thrown over his left side. There was a bounce to his step as he came to where they stood like he had all the ease and confidence in the world.
"It's nothing, Jin."

Shit. It really was them...
Jeon Jungkook.

There were people like Jimin.
People who no one really talked about, kept to themselves and would vanish from the memories of others the moment they were out of sight- if they had ever been there in the first place.
Then there were the people who stood out a little. Who were funny, entertaining and you befriended because they were fun to spend time with. People you would think back to once every couple of years and think: oh yea... I think I remember them. Maybe even share a drink with to catch up on old times.

And there were people like Jeon Jungkook and his friends.
The people you wanted to be. The people who filled you with envy and jealousy because they showed you everything you didn't have. People you would think of every day and just feel so stupidly, ridiculously insignificant. People everybody talked about, even those who barley talked at all, just because they were them.

They were funny. They were rich. They were talented, all in their own way and got what they wanted with the snap of a finger.
They were as close as brothers and spend most of their free time together and you always saw them laughing when they were in a group- always fooling around and having the time of their life.
They didn't seem to have a care in the world, and in return cared little about what others thought of them and yet people would do anything to get in their good favor.
But most annoyingly of all, they were also really nice people you couldn't hate. They didn't bully or rioted. They didn't get shitfaced just to beat someone up and they always talked to others with respect and were nothing but polite and friendly.
At least most of the time...

Jungkook snapped back around to Jimin, his expression still a mixture of angry and worried.
Knowing who he was now, it only confused him more. Jimin was no one. Jungkook should not be concerned about someone like him. Could anyone possibly be that nice and care about a stranger so intensely?
" I was just telling Jimin here that that he better watch out the next time he crosses a street."

His chin dropped all the way to the floor.
He hadn't imagined it.
The Jeon Jungkook knew his name.

"Why did something happen? You okay Jimin?" Jin immediately inquired also looking slightly concerned now.
And Jimin just stood there like a mute, unable to even utter a single word. Jin knew him too?

But then the how just happened to walk out of the main building of the Uni, smiling as brightly as ever.
Of course... how could he have forgotten that Hoseok was one of them?
It still did not explain why Hoseok would mention him in front of his friends though.

"Hey guys. Oh-" he stopped a little too abruptly as he took in the situation:
Jin and Jungkook's frowns, the latter's bruised arms and slightly tousled hair and not to forget him: a bright red mute who just nearly turned himself into a road-kill!
Maybe Jungkook should have just let him get hit- it would have been less horrific than being the center of attention of THE most poplar group in the entire school, gaping at them like a fish on dry land- a very red fish!

And it was about to get worse.
Three more people exited the building, laughing and smiling broadly as they descended the stairs.
He definitely preferred getting hit by a car.

To the far left walked Namjoon, his dark hair tugged behind his ears as he said something that made the other two laugh more loudly.
He was in his third trimester of his bachelor in art history and on his way to become a brilliant art director. If the glasses on his face were any indication, this boy was smart as hell and knew how to make people feel welcomed at the same time. A social bird while also being a little nerd.

To the left was Yoongi, possible even more accomplished. He already was a producer even though he was only in his second semester studying music theory, composition and conducting. People practically lined up to have him compose a piece for them.
He had a similar build to Jimin and was also more quiet and observing, which many people had mistaken for shyness but quickly learned that that boy was anything but, shutting them up with a few well-placed words. He'd witnessed it himself once. That kid was savage if he wanted to be and spoke his mind freely, not giving a shit about others opinion of him. 
His hair was as black as Jungkook's but cut a little shorter.

And in the middle walked Taehyung- heartthrob of the school. There was no girl he knew of who didn't want to date him. And Taehyung had come back to their offers many times. Jimin saw him with another girl almost every few weeks.
And as good as he was at getting them to date him, he was at breaking up with them.
He was a friggin master at break-ups! He stayed friends with most of the girls he dated, and at worst he was on friendly terms with them. Jimin had no idea how he did it.
Maybe it was because his mayor was theatre and acting and no wonder he was doing so good: who would not want to cast a dark-haired Adonis in their drama or theater show?

All of them were just so ridiculously perfect, it was beyond annoying. 
Jin came from a super rich family and he switched mayors as many times as he did his hair, which was a lot...
He already finished his degree in engineering some time ago, and now just hung out on university, studying this and that without any reason other than that he wanted to. And he was also good in most of them, leading to much complaining of the professors to loosing such a talent in their classes. 

But nothing and no one beat Jeon Jungkook. 
He was perfect at everything! 
His mayors were photography, filmmaking and art. But no, of course, he did not only have to be top of his class in all three of his mayors, he was also the fencing team captain, once got a solo in a concert that brought tears to everyone's eyes with his beautiful voice and won the University sports award- THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!
He was even cast in a little short clip that blew up on the internet, the netizens going crazy over how cute that tall, black-haired boy looked! 
Ugh, he was the most annoying of all of them! And also the one he envied the most, because he would never be like him. He would never be anything like any of them and seeing them always made him hate himself more. 

The three newcomers finally reached where they stood and just like he feared, they immediately picked up on the situation. 
"What's going on here?" Namjoon asked and then his eyes skipped down to Jimin. Was he imagining the surprise in his widened eyes as they landed on him?

Jimin just kept standing there, saying nothing, completely and absolutely overwhelmed by this entire situation. 
He just wanted to be home in his bed and hide under a blanket, please and thank you! 

Jungkook shot him another long look he only notice from the corner of his eyes as he had once again lowered his head to the floor. Maybe he was hoping it would open up and swallow him...

"Jin," Jungkook suddenly then let out, ignoring his friends questioning eyes. 
"Can I get your car? I'm just going to drop Jimin off and then I'll meet you guys at your place." 
Jimin took a startled, stupefied breath.

"Absolutely, frigging not!" 

Six heads snapped around to him, eyes wide and only then did Jimin realize he had spoken aloud. Really loud and clear. Jungkook looked most surprised of all, his hand hanging mid air since he had already started to reach out to grab the keys from Jin. 

"I.. I mean.. uh, I'm f-fine. I'll just be o-on my way t-then." 

He was about to turn and with the least bit of dignity he had left, maybe he would manage not to literally run away from them all when Jungkook suddenly shot forward, grabbing his upper arm and stopping him. 

Jimin's eyes flew wide as he stared up at him, taken utterly by surprise by his proximity. 

"You were so exhausted from practice you nearly got yourself killed and now you wanna take your bike?"

 Jimin was only half aware that he was holding his breath. He tried to look anywhere but his eyes, but that turned out harder than he thought with how close he stood. 

"I- I'm really fine. A-and it's not t-that f-far."
A flat out lie. His little, run-down attic room was almost on the outside of town, simply because rent was cheaper there and he had to decide whether to take the bike and eat a hot meal, or take the subway and then lie awake with a gnawing stomach all night. 

Jungkook stared down at him, a dark shadow passing over his features, before he sighed and let him go, taking a step back. 
Jimin let out the breath he'd been holding. 

"Fine. It's your decision. Just-" 
He took a deep breath. "Just be careful."

Shock hit him once again at hearing the honest worry in his voice, but he did not dare look up. He did not dare to speak either, so he simply turned and hurried away. 

On his long way home, all that happened went over in his mind, spinning in spinning like a merry-go-around until he felt sick and disoriented. It didn't make sense. They shouldn't know him, and they defiantly should not care. 

He almost fell from his bike when a sudden realization shot through him and he hit the breaks too hard, coming to a stop a few blocks from his house. 
Jungkook had not only saved him today. He also took the brunt of the fall, leaving Jimin without a scratch.  He also offered to drive him and told him to be careful when he'd refused. He had been... nothing but nice. 
And Jimin... Jimin had not even said thank you. Not once. 
A little laugh escaped him and it sounded almost hysterical. 
At what point does shyness becomes ignorance? And at what point do you realize your ignorance is nothing but a result of your petty envy and jealousy of those who have what you never will? And when would he realize that it was nothing but his own lack of trying that got him into this vicious cycle? At one point, he had just stopped trying to make friends...

 He sighed loudly and then continued driving, only making one stop before turning the keys to the five story building which was in desperate need of some renovation. Opening the front door was a mystery in itself, having to first push against it with your weight, wriggle the key to the left, then pull the doorknob a little, turn fully to the right and then push once more. The door squeaked like it had never seen a lick of oil.

"Jimin? Is that you?"

Despite all this day had held for him, a small smile grew on his lips at the familiar, raspy voice. 

"Yes, Misses Yang, it's me!" he called back, took his bike inside, locked it and then walked to the second floor, where the door was already thrown open wide and he was greeted by a frowning old women.
Misses Yang was ancient.
And yet Jimin had never met anyone with a younger, more carefree spirit than her. 
Her skin was wrinkled, but in all the right places around the eyes and lips which were prove of a woman who had smiled many times in her life. 
She was also one of the few people smaller than Jimin, dressed in a wool shirt and comfy trousers. She clicked her tongue, one hand on her hips, the other waving a warning finger to him. A perfect act for a perfect woman.

"Well, well, look who's home late again! I hope you at least went out and had some fun and did not practices this late?"

"You know I need to keep up my grades or I'll loose my Scholarship Misses Yang!" Jimin whined. 

"And if you don't start to learn how to have some fun, I'm going to raise your rent and make you the caretaker of this house and me to pay of your debts, how does that sound?"

Jimin's smile grew, knowing she was kidding and put on a fake pout, raising the bag in his hand? 
"Can I pay my debt with Jjajangmyeon instead? Please?" He made his best puppy eyes to go with the whole package. 

Misses Yang kept up the pretense for a few moments longer before she smiled brightly, and it really lit up her entire face. 

"I'll make an exception this time. Now come, I just  knew you were going to get food tonight- felt it in my bones!" 
She ushered him inside and Jimin chuckled as he went past her to enter the little living area. 
"Yes, I'm sure you had some kind of premonition and it has nothing to do with the fact that it's Wednesday and I ALWAYS bring Jjajangmyeon on Wednesday."

"Pah," she waved him off, flying through the kitchen like she really was a young woman still, even though she must be close to ninety. 
"Must you always be so realistic Jimin? You're a dancer. You have to have some sort of soft spot for the magical and mystical?"

"I have very few soft spots. I do train every day. It's all muscle!" He joked, inflating his chest and straining his arms like a body-builder. 
He older woman jus chuckled and rolled her eyes as she set the table for two and took a seat across from Jimin. 

Wednesday was the day they had dinner together since the day he moved into this little flat. 
Misses Yang had found out Jimin liked to skip meals because he'd rather spent it on dancing clothes and ballet-shoes, so she made him come down every Wednesday and cooked him a massive meal. Wednesday, because that was usually his day off from work- his only day off. 

But when she had lowered the rent times and times again, Jimin had sworn he would do something for her, so he insisted on being the one to bring the food. He couldn't remember how they settled for Jjajangmyeon though or why...

"You're quiet today. Did something happen?"

"Hmm, nope," he lied as he took a mouthful of noodles. 
Misses Yang smiled broadly as she took a sip from her water, her eyes sparkling as she watched him over the rim of her glass. She set it down, leaned back and crossed her hands in front of her chest.
"So, what's his name then?"

Jimin choked on the noodles, almost making them come out if his nose. 

He coughed and beat his chest twice before he felt like he could breath again. 
"I don't know why you would say that!" 
"Because I know you?" she stated innocently. 
"I know you know me, but why would you SAY it?"

"Is it something that shouldn't be said? Shall I whisper it then?" 
She had indeed whispered the last part of her sentence and Jimin rolled his eyes at her. 
"You're ridiculous." 
"I am? You are?"
"Mh, mh," Jimin murmured through closed lips and shook his head. "You are."

"Are we really doing that again? I can do this all night long. You are ridiculous!" 

Jimin laughed and raised his hands in defeat, mostly because he knew for a fact, she could and would and he'd loose as he always did. 
"Fine, fine, I'm ridiculous."
"Smart boy. But don't you try to avert the question!" 
"You caught me."
"I always do. Now tell me! Who is he? Is he pretty? A dark knight on a horse who saved your life and now you are forever grateful to him so you marry him because you feel like you have to? You try to escape him when you realize you should have only married for love. But then- Oh! You get kidnapped. And then you suddenly realize you actually love him. And since he's a prince after all, of course he comes to your rescue, saves your life again and you live happily ever after, riding into the sunset on a white horse?"
"You read too much romance novels, Misses Yang and that story did not make sense at all!" Jimin stated with serious concern for the old woman. 

"Not a prince then?"

Jimin sat back, thinking over her sentence, and then couldn't help his small chuckle. 
"You know what? The beginning was actually kind of right."

"I am?" 
Jimin shook his head, barely believing how close she had been to hit the nail on the head. Maybe she really did have foresight powers. 

"If anything, it's a very twisted version of a fairytale. First of all, he did kind of save me, but then he started shouting at me and got really angry. And then all his friends showed up, and they are the four F's, you know." 
Misses Yang raised her eyebrows: "Should I know what that means?"

Jimin shrugged his shoulder like it should be obvious, even though he had made up the abbreviation himself. 
"You know... fabulous, famous, fun and friggin handsome."

"And you dare call me ridiculous?"

"What? It makes total sense. Anyways. Long story short..."
Jimin grew a little more quiet, playing with the last bit of noodles on his plate absentmindedly. 
"I kind of just stood there and looked like a total moron. So no, not a fairytale in the slightest. It felt more like horror story."

"He was cute though, right?"
His eyebrows shot into the sky. "What?"

Misses Yang smiled like she was discovered pandora's box. 
"You said they were all 'frigging' handsome, so I assume your little prince looked H.A.H." 

Jimin tilted his head, almost afraid to ask, so he simply raised his eyebrows in a question. 
A wicked, little smile formed on her lips. "Hot as Hell!"
Jimin groaned. 
"Can we at least settle for: we are both ridiculous?"

"No. We can't. But you are avoiding my question again, cupcake!"

Jimin buried his head in his hands, and then spread his hands to sneak through his fingers at the grinning woman. Oh, she was playing him. 
"I guess he's alright."
"I'm not!"
"You are!"
"YES. A little sweet, liar!" she sang back at him.
"I- OH, forget it! Yes, he's freaking hot okay? He's like hottest person in school and he is tall and has black hair like a freaking midnight prince and he is also really, really tall. "
"You said that twice. You like 'em tall?"

"Oh God, someone save me from this woman!" he let out and let his head drop to the table with a loud bang, mostly to hide how red he turned. 
"God will take me soon enough little cupcake, but not before I make sure you find your tall, dark-haired, freaking midnight prince who is also really tall. And yes, I said it twice too!"

"I'm never coming over again. Ever."
"Yes you will."
"No I won't!"
"Yes, yes you will, little cupcake."
"No, I- Okay, this is getting out of hand."
"So, are you going to ask him out?"

He groaned again. Someone remind him why he made this woman his only friend?
"Of course not. What part of he belongs to the four F's didn't you get?"
"The part where you are also one of your so called four F's."
"Yeah, right."

Misses Yang was quiet for a send before she sighed. 
"We should add one more F for unFortunately in denial.
"That's not how this works, you can't just use any word with an F in it."
"Really? How about you are 'frigging unfortunately in denial?' There is your F at the beginning. And don't think I know you're trying to change the subject again."

"I'm changing it because your wrong. I am neither famous, nor fabulous in any way. And I don't really talk to other people except you, so I can't really be fun either. You said it yourself when I came in... that I needed to know fun. Well, you were right, I don't know. And the handsome part... it's not like anyone has ever called me that. And-" He quickly went on as Misses Yang was surely to interrupt him. "As much as I like you, you don't count."
"What, because I'm old?"
Jimin cracked a little smile, but shook his head, his forehand still on the table like he could somehow escape the truth. 
"No. Because you want me to feel better and pity doesn't count."

Misses Yang was quiet for a long while. Long enough for Jimin to grow concerned, so he lifted his head. 
He didn't like the way her wrinkled face suddenly looked so much older. 
"Stop it," he tried to joke as she kept staring at him like that. "Sadness doesn't look good on you Misses Yang."
"Neither on you." She replied. 
Finally a soft smile bloomed on her lips again and Jimin felt a little relieved. Misses Yang so rarely got serious, so when she did, it always felt- like more. More real. Even now, her eyes seemed to bore into him and he couldn't look away, her gaze holding something he had no words for.

"One day, my sweet Jimin, someone will come along and show you who you truly are. I've known it from the moment you walked through that door with nothing more than a bag and a promise you would pay me back double if I let you stay a month for free. And you have, in more ways than you could know. I won't list all the things I know you are, because I know you won't believe this old, wrinkled lady. But- this old wrinkled lady still hopes that she will get to see the day her little bird spreads his wings and discovers he was a swan all along."

Jimin's lips had parted, his throat suddenly clogging up. He didn't know whether it was because she truly believed that about him or because he hoped it was true. 
He felt the sting of his tears in the back of his eyes, so he quickly cleared his throat and put on a smile, faking bravado. 
"Like I said, you read too many romantic novels, Misses Yang."

She smiled too, but it didn't reach her eyes. 

The silence felt like a heavy cloak, weighing him down. He searched for something to say, but Misses Yang beat him to it, her smile now back with full force, wrinkles and all.

"Or maybe I just want to one day get to tell you: I told you so."
"That will never happen." Jimin let out with a relived breath. 
"It will."
"No, it won't."
"Are you sure? Cause it will!"
"I hate you, you know that."
"And you are a sore looser."
Jimin let out a small rumble of laughter. "I always loose against you."
"OH darling," she drooled, getting up to reach for a hug, but in the last moment she turned away, taking the plates instead, grinning like an evil sorceress. 

"You always have and always will. No one ever beats me!"


Please, a round of applause for the keenest, funniest old lady ever!
And ridiculous 🤣

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