By Varshnys_anthology

211 80 25

A gang of friends who always stick with one another no matter what, but recently something they didn't expect... More



13 4 2
By Varshnys_anthology

Chapter 2 January 10th 

Hazel was on her way to Keele University with her boyfriend Tony in his car, tensed and staring at her phone. It was a new semester, new lecturers and modules.

"Liam" "Liam" "Are you there yet?" "Oh for god's sake text me back"

Read the texts on her phone.

Liam Payne is a final year student she always hangs out with, he's doing the same degree as her. Her other friend was Thalia, she was doing a different degree but they had a few classes together.

"Hey....sorry just took my phone out I was driving..I'm at the parking where are you?"

"On my way"

"Ok hurry up, hot girls alert"

"Stare at them, don't tell me"

Hazel smiled and locked her phone,

'What made you smile?', Tony was a little obsessed about her.

'It's who, and it's Liam'

'You still talk to that guy?'

'He's my friend, not just random dude'


'Stop it Tony, He's just a friend'

'Ok ok I'll stop.....well but can I meet him?'

'I guess so'

'You guess so....or am I gonna meet him?'

'Fine he's waiting for me at the parking, you can say hi'

'Don't have to get cranky'

'Then you have to stop asking too many questions'

The car turned into the parking and Liam was waiting for her with a blue jacket and a grey denim.

'So that's him huh', Tony asked in an insulting tone.

'Yeah why?'

'Just.....getting to know my Hazel's friends that's all'. Hazel introduced Liam and Tony to one another, they shook hands and asked how each other were and there was a long uncomfortable silence. She could sense that they didn't like each other, but there was nothing she can do or someone would force her to do. She loved Tony despite his over obsessiveness and Liam too was a very good friend who is so,wine very hard to find. Hazel kept wondering how to break the ice when Thalia's yellow Lamborghini pulled up.

'Oh look Thalia is here finally........', Hazel's voice faded.

Thalia spent her whole vacation at her boyfriend's place they both were wealthy families and their fathers were friends and somehow they got their kids to be in a relationship.

'Hazel.....', Thalia got down out of the car and ran straight into Hazel's arms, 'oh my god I missed you so much..... I wanted to keep you updated on everything but Harry's family is all strict about the phone usage.'

'Thank goodness', Tony scoffed.

All three of them stared at him, puzzled they almost forgot he was still there.

'Fine fine I'll go, text me ok', he gave it like an order to Hazel and drove away.

Thalia was all set to show off her engagement ring. It was way too huge and shiny for her small hands, but Hazel didn't dare to say a word.

On the way inside the campus the three of them discussed about their vacation and time, and got to the office in time to get their timetables. As usual Hazel and Thalia had psychology modules together..and this was Liam's final year and half of the time he was given free time to work on projects.

'Well there's a new name', Hazel was going through the sheet and saw a new name, it was two actually a lecturer and his substitute.

'Oh I know Mr. Mullens ....but who is Mr. Tomlinson? maybe he's some new'll know soon. He's the first session. You better hurry Mr. Mullens doesn't like his students to be late' , Liam hurried off because he has to pick some book, the very first day. Yes, he was a bit of a nerd.

Hazel and Thalia agreed to meet on lunch and go to the next session together and went on to find their classes.

There's no point in focusing on Thalia she was just physically in her class but her mind and soul was in a fantasyland with Harry Styles her fiancé, the most gorgeous man a girl could ask for.

But Hazel on the other hand, set out to get the best out of this semester as well, she is a very good and keen learner. According to Liam Mr. Mullens was a grumpy and a strict old man but a very good teacher, so she was all prepared for the grumpiness that was going to be thrown at her today.

Moreover there were only six other students in that room with her, psychology and music must have seemed to be an odd choice to people, but the ones who experienced truly knows the connection. While Hazel was wondering about all these, the door opened and a young, attractive, and middle height guy walked in,

'Hi Everyone I'm Louis Tomlinson, you can call me Louis, me and Mr. Mullens will take you through this module and I'm his substitute.'

He then went around the room asking for names and getting to know everyone and finally came to Hazel's spot.

'I...I've seen you somewhere'

'I don't think so Mr. Louis'

'Just Louis is enough...but yes I'm quite sure I've seen you somewhere'

'Does that matter really?'

'Yes...I like making friends'

'Then let's be friends'

'That was easy..but I'm quite sure I've seen you'

He kept thinking for a while, but a little while later he started the lesson, midway through he walked by Hazel and again stopped and asked,

'Do you know Niall? That law student deputy's son?'

'Yes he's Liam's neighbour'

'Who's Liam?'

'My friend he's a senior he knows Mr. Mullens'

'I'm new so I don't know him you ever hang out at his place?'

'Umm...yeah when his mom is in town'

'So that's where I've seen you'


'Ookkaaayyy', Louis dragged.

'I'm sorry I don't know what to say anymore', Hazel was a bit socially awkward, she rarely keeps up a conversation except with her friends.

'Why don't we hang out during lunch you can introduce me to Liam'

'Yeah sure, our usual table is in the left corner'

Louis did meet Hazel as he said he would during lunch and she introduced him to Liam and Thalia. Somehow Liam and Louis clicked immediately. It was very evident Louis wanted to be good friends with Hazel as well, but Hazel always needs some time. So they talked a bit, and Thalia kept showing off her heavy ring. By the time break was over they decided to get together after college and go have some coffee, Thalia offered to ask Harry to join them but Hazel didn't want Tony to be there because she genuinely needed some time off him.

As decided after college they met at the parking lot, Louis offered to drive Hazel and Liam, but had to wait because Harry was a little late, but finally he came.

'Everyone this is my fiancé Harry Styles', she showed him off like he was some very valuable diamond she found. 'And Harry this is Hazel my best friend, Liam, and this is Louis our new friend.' Harry went around shaking everyone's hands and he gave some extra attention to Louis.

'Okay let's go........'Hazel led the way and got into the car, she took the front seat and Liam took the back, he was busy with one of his books. Louis looked back and asked Hazel to come a little closer.

'I think your friend's fiancé just checked me out'

'Don't be ridiculous'

'Fine don't believe....I know when I see one and trust me he's so not straight'

'Louis I'm begging you drop the topic and drive please' and just like that they clicked and after that they became best friends.

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