Battles for Love

By Knightmare1618

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First of two stories I had written years ago. This one is short compared to some of the work I have now. Summ... More

Chapter 1: Heartbreak Central
Chapter 2: Well-Dressed Mess
Chapter 4: Land of the Loveless
Chapter 5: Another's Point of View Pt. 1
Chapter 6: A City for Couples
Chapter 7: Another's Point of View Pt 2
Chapter 8: A Final Job, a Final Clue
Chapter 9: Mission: Escape

Chapter 3: City of the Past

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By Knightmare1618

Quick note about chapter: In it there are some qustions asked to Raymond. Again I wrote this in the 7th grade, so there was no research done for this story. So if you notice any stray facts, let me know.

After a week, Raymond found a town that looked like a city. All the buildings were tall. Occasionally there would be a house in between. ‘This place could hold some clues,’ Raymond thought as he pulled his cloak farther over his face.

Just as he suspected, the entire town was filled hustle and bustle. People were always going in and out of all the buildings. No one even looked at Raymond when he was walking through the crowd. ‘I think now would be a good time to head for the leader of this town,’ Raymond thought as he walked toward the city hall of the town.

“Excuse me,” said a timid voice from behind him. Raymond turned to find a girl his age or younger holding a package with both hands. “Are you planning on going to City Hall?”

Raymond was intrigued. “Actually, yes I am.”

“Then I suggest you turn around. They don’t let children in there. When they do, the children disappear. The same thing happened to a close friend of mine.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Listen, I’ll take you home and you can tell me all about your friend,” said Raymond with great kindness in his voice.

The girl grinned, “I’d like that. Maybe you can stay over for a while. I’m sure you don’t live here considering what you’re wearing.”

“I guess you’re right. Now let me take you home before your parents get angry.”---

The moon was rising when Raymond and the girl came to a self-made house only a mile from the city.

“My name is Kari. I didn’t quite catch yours,” said the girl.

“Right, my name is Ra…Raven,” Raymond said, as they made their way up the porch steps.

“Well Raven, my family is nice so don’t worry at all, even if it is only my mom and dad.”

“Thank you Kari, for taking in a complete stranger.”

Kairi smiled and opened the door. “Mama! I’m home,” she called, as they entered the house.

“This is where you live?” Raymond asked, “It’s beautiful.”

“Do you like it?” The new voice surprised Raymond. It was kind and somewhat quiet.

“Hi mama.” Kari ran to a woman who looked like a princess. Her clothes were normal though.

“Kari, who’s the boy?” This voice sounded like a kings, tough but at the same time kind. Quickly, Raymond turned towards the source of the voice, hand on sword. “Easy boy, I don’t mean to cause you any harm, okay?”

Raymond nodded in reply.

“Raven, these are my mama and papa. Mama, Papa this is my new friend Raven. I met him in front of City Hall.”

“Nice to meet you both. Kari has told me so much since I met her. You couldn’t have raised a better daughter.”

“We’re glad you think she’s nice,” Kari’s mom said.

“Mama, doesn’t he look like Uncle Leon.”

Raymond was a little disturbed by the name Kari said. “Did you say Leon?”

“Yes,” Kari replied, “He was friends with Papa in the war over 15 years ago.”

Kari’s father was the one to ask, “How do you know that name?”

“My real name is Raymond. I never met my father, but my mother told me about him as I grew up.”

Kari’s mother asked, “Your mother, is her name Samantha?”

“Yes it is,” said Raymond, “Tell me, how do you know my parents.”

“Mama, Papa,” Kari said, “You should tell Raymond how you met his parents.”

“Well to start off, my name is Sierra. This is my husband Lloyd,” Kari’s mother said, “The reason we’re married is because of your parents.”

Lloyd continued, “I met your father as a kid, and together we enrolled in the military.”

Sierra stated, “I met your mother when we were kids. Then we met Leon and Lloyd at a party they were holding for Samantha. There I and Lloyd fell in love.”

Raymond was puzzled, “So my parents knew each other before my father went into the army?”

Sierra nodded in reply, “Yes they met around the age you are now.”

“The party was held the day before we had to go overseas,” said Lloyd. “So Samantha and Leon went into another room and well you don’t need to worry about the rest.”

“So my father left the day after my mom’s birthday?” Raymond asked.

Sierra claimed, “Yes that’s true, and that was the same time Samantha was going to have you.”

“Aunty Sierra, who’s the boy?” asked a new voice. Raymond turned to find a girl his age that looked a little like him. “Did you bring another one off the street Kari? Do you ever listen to my anti-boy advice?”

“Do you always have to be mean to every guy I bring home?” Kari asked.

“Umm, is there a problem with me being here?” Raymond asked.

“Yeah Kari, why don’t you tell Raymond here all about your bad dates?”

Raymond was a little concerned. “Why are you picking on Kari so much?”

The mystery girl said, “Because she’s like the sister I always wanted. Plus I don’t want any boy taking her away, you got that stranger.”

Raymond turned and headed for the door, supplies in hand. “I guess I’ll…”

“Wait!” Kari shouted, “I’m sorry about my friend, but she is always trying to keep anyone I date away.”

Back to Kari, Raymond said, “I’m not leaving; I was going to ask where I can stay.”

“There should be an extra room next to Kari’s. You can stay there,” Sierra explained.

“Thank you ma’am,” Raymond said.

Pulling him along, Kari said, “Come on, I’ll give you a tour as well as show you your room.

“Do we have to have this boy here?” Kari’s friend asked.

“He is the son of our friends and your twin brother. They told us to take care of him if he ever comes,” Lloyd said. “Don’t worry about it, Kira.”

“Fine. I’m still going to make sure Kari stays safe,” Kira argued, “Brother or no brother.”---

The next morning, Raymond got out of bed with a feeling on insecurity. ‘Hopefully Kari’s friend won’t kill me while I’m here. But why does she look so familiar?’ Raymond thought as he headed towards the living room.

“Good morning Raymond,” Sierra called from the kitchen.

“Oh! Good morning ma’am,” Raymond called as he walked towards the kitchen.

Sierra was cooking breakfast. “You can just call me Sierra, Raymond. By the way did you sleep well?”

“Yeah I slept great. It’s just I’m not sure…”

“If you should stay, why are you leaving already?” Kira asked.

“What do you have against me!?!” Raymond shouted.

“Raymond calm down. You may have noticed that she looks like your mother right?” Sierra asked.

“Come to think of it,” he said, “Why do you look like my mom?”

Kira smiled. She said, “First off Raymond my name is Kira. Secondly, you and I are brother and sister, twins to be exact.”

“Uhhh…” Raymond was dumb-founded. “I don’t remember my mom mentioning me having a sister or a sibling.”

“Well Raymond,” Sierra said, “I’m guessing your mom didn’t want you to know until the right time. I hope you and Kira will get along as well as siblings should.

“Yes ma’am,” Raymond said a little disappointed.

Sierra said, “Raymond, Kari and Lloyd should be up in about ten minutes. Can you go and wait in the living room while Kira and I get everything together.”

“Yes ma’am,” Raymond said. He was a little glad that he was there. ---

“Thank you ma’am, breakfast was great,” Raymond said as he finished the last of his food.

“Yeah mom, you outdid yourself again,” Kari said.

“I’m glad you both liked it,” Sierra said, “What about you Kira?”

Smiling, Kira said, “It was great. Like Kari said, you definitely outdid yourself Aunty Sierra. By the way where’s Uncle Lloyd?”

Sierra was confused a bit. “He said he had something to do at City Hall. I just hope he’s okay. Raymond, didn’t you say you were going to City Hall before you met Kari.”

“Yes ma’am, I needed to speak to any officials if my mom was anywhere in this town.”

“Mama, yesterday before I found Raymond, I saw an unconscious lady being taken to City Hall. She looked like Aunt Samantha,” said Kari.

Kira was a little disturbed, “Kari, are you sure you didn’t imagine that?”

Raymond got up from his seat, “Ma’am is it okay if I go to City Hall?”

Sierra was a little concerned. She said, “I don’t think it would be a good idea. But if you want to, I have no objections. If you need anything just ask.”

Raymond went to his room to get his swords, his bow and quiver, and his cloak. Going to the front door, he called, “I’ll probably be home by nightfall.” Saying that, he left and pulled his cloak over his body and head to conceal his weapons and his face. ‘Now I know I may find my mom here,’ he thought as he got close to City Hall. ---

At City Hall, Raymond noticed it was unguarded. Actually all he saw were people in suits with briefcases. ‘This can’t be real.’

As he walked up the steps, Raymond noticed that the people were just still. Apparently they looked like they were talking to each other. ‘Only an idiot would fall for something like this,’ Raymond thought. Now the understood why children weren’t allowed near City Hall.

Opening the door, all Raymond saw were people doing odd things. “Hello can anyone…”

“Hear you. Highly impossible. I knew another kid would come in here sooner or later. Mwahahaha!” This voice sounded evil and harsh.

Raymond had his swords in his hands and his cloaks off. “Who’s there? Show yourself!”

“I can tell you this. If you find me and defeat my minions along the way, I’ll give you a chance to rescue the children. But there is a twist to the way you must get through. Instead of using weapons, you need to use your mind.”

“Sounds fair enough,” said Raymond, “Let’s start.”

“Fine but first, remove his weapons.” With that three weird looking guys appeared and took Raymond’s swords, bow, and quiver.

After the guys disappeared, Raymond was ready and weaponless.

The voice said, “You can begin, NOW!!!”

With that Raymond made a run for the first challenge.

The first challenge was in a room that looked like a beach. “You’re kidding right,” Raymond said.

The voice replied, “I think it’s the perfect place for the first question.”

Raymond was a little angry, “I’m on a beach. Most challenges like the ones in books I’ve read are mostly in dark places.”

“Hopefully you’re a smart kid,” said a new voice.

Raymond turned to find a guy in his early twenties with his quiver of arrows. “Top of my class.”

The man smiled, “Then this should be interesting. So kid, Question #1: Years ago there was a war between Japan and another country. What was the other country?”

“The country Japan was up in arms against almost 16 years ago was China,” Raymond said with a smile on his face.

The man was startled, “Correct, here.” The man took off Raymond’s quiver and threw it to him. Raymond caught and belted it.

‘That feels better,’ he thought, ‘Now only two more challenges to go.’

“Boy, the next challenge is through that door,” said the man as he pointed to a room about three meters away.

Proud that he got through the first challenge, he headed to the door of the second challenge.

The second challenge was in a place that looked like a saloon. “Why here didn’t you hear my last complaint!” Raymond shouted.

“I like things from the older days,” said the voice.

Before Raymond could say anything else a barrage of arrows came at him. Raymond dodged the barrage and took cover behind an overturned table. “That was close,” he said as soon as he regained his breath.

“Are you ready for the second question,” said a man from behind the table. Raymond looked over and saw a guy who had no shirt on, instead he wore the garbs of a Native American Indian. “Seems like your quick on your feet, but are you quick in your head?”

“I’m ready for your question,” Raymond said.

“Why do most people marry at young ages?” asked the Indian man.

Raymond knew the answer to that hands down. He said, “There are two reasons. One reason is because those at a young age think they have found true love. The other reason is because a couple is about to have a child.”

The Indian man was impressed, “Correct, here is your bow young scholar.” The man gave Raymond his bow while gesturing to the next challenge. “Be aware, that the next challenge is going to be tough.”

Raymond nodded and headed toward the door of the next challenge. ‘Hopefully this will be the last one,’ Raymond thought as he went through the door of the third challenge.

The third challenge was in a room that looked like his classroom. “No way, this can’t be right. I can’t be back at my hometown,” Raymond said.

The voice said, “Doesn’t it give you that at home feeling you don’t have.”

Raymond was infuriated, “Shut Up! You know nothing of my past! So don’t try to pretend like you do!”

The voice seemed pleased, “My, my no wonder you care for no one but yourself. You’re a lone wolf, why did you come here in the first place wolf-boy?”

Raymond was awestruck, “I…I came to find my mother. She was taken from me after I went to the movies with someone.”

The voice seemed even more pleased, “So you claim you don’t care for others, yet you’re looking for your own mother.”

“Shut up,” Raymond shouted, “Let’s just get the third challenge over with so I can find out who you are.”

“I guess it’s our turn sis.”

“You bet, we’re gonna make this boy wish he never made it past the first two lame-o challenges,” said two new voices both of which were girl voices.

“CROSS SLASH!” said the two voices at the exact same time.

Raymond jumped in time not to get a fatal blow, but he did get a cut on both arms.

“Quick on his feet and a cutie.”

“A major quick cutie.”

Raymond was surprised to see two schoolgirls with his swords.

“Hey those are mine, hand them over,” he demanded.

The school girls looked at each other. “Hey sis, did you hear what I just heard?” asked the younger of the two.

“Yeah I heard, he just told us what to do.”

Raymond was about to say something when the older of the schoolgirls charged at him. “Take this!” She swung at Raymond, but he was able to move without receiving a blow in anywhere vital. “Your turn sis, he’s all yours,” said the older schoolgirl as she crouched down. She let her sister jump off her back.

“Time to die, boy, SONIC THRUST!”

Not having enough time to dodge, Raymond was able to move the part of his body the schoolgirl was aiming for. “Ha missed,” Raymond laughed. The schoolgirl smiled and kissed him. “WHAT THE HECK!!”  Raymond yelled, flustered.

“You’ve past part one of our challenge,” said the older schoolgirl.

“Proving your speed, timing, and skill is the only way for you to get the final question,” said the younger schoolgirl.

Raymond got the idea, “I see, the challenges got harder as I advanced. The first challenge was just the question. The second challenge indicated how well I used the terrain around me. This challenge was to test my evasion and concentration against more than one opponent.”

“And that was what the question was,” said the older schoolgirl.

Raymond was confused, “I don’t understand.”

The younger schoolgirl spoke, “What my sister means is that we were going to ask you what you learned throughout your experience in these three challenges, about being a good warrior besides caring for others.”

“Here take your weapons and proceed to the leader,” said the older schoolgirl as both of them sheathed and unbelted Raymond’s swords.

“Thank you,” Raymond said as he took his sword s and belted them on both hips. ‘I’m coming mom, I promise,’ he thought as he walked through the door to the leader’s room. ‘I will save anyone who is here.’

The leader’s room was pitch black. “What the heck, I can’t see a thing,” Raymond said. “I guess you’re too much of a coward to show your face.”

“I thought you said you’d expect a dark room,” said the voice, which by now Raymond realized was a female’s voice.

“I’m just wondering, are you a boy or a girl?” he asked.

At that, the lights flashed brightly. On the far side, Raymond saw the leader. She screamed, “I’M A WOMAN, you dolt! How you got through the questions I’ll never know.”

Raymond moved closer and noticed that the people from the challenges were guarding a huge cage with kids in it.

Raymond asked, “Is that what would have happened to me if I answered a question wrong?”

The leader seemed pleased. “You’re not dumb after all, boy.”

Raymond noticed the leader actually around his age. “I bet you’re no older than 18, miss leader.”

The leader was surprised. “How’d you know?”

Raymond explained, “There two reasons how I came to that conclusion. One was your voice, all you did was modify it until I got to this room. The other was how you look, because you actually look no older than me.”

The leader was pleased, “You really are a smart kid. To think your mother isn’t here to see you.”

Raymond was surprised now, “How do you know my mom?”

The leader was surprised, “Wow, I guess you were too young to remember. Try to go back to the time when you were a little kid, okay.”

Raymond tried to remember. He saw a party with a bunch of people and a banner that read; “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RAYMOND,” in bold letters. He saw his mom and a lot of other people as well as the leader he was against.

“You were at my 5th birthday party,” Raymond said.

The leader was happier than ever, “Do you remember my name Raymond.”

Raymond nodded, “Yes you name is Katie.”

The leader gestured towards the challenge people to let the children go.

“Katie, why did you do this?” Raymond asked.

Katie looked disappointed, “Because I’m almost 20 and I haven’t found anyone who was right for me. So in other words I’m very lonely.”

Raymond walked closer to her, “Why don’t you go out and look for a boyfriend?”

Katie brightened but then looked sad once more, “Because all the guys I see have someone already.”

Raymond tried to reassure her, “Katie you can find a boyfriend, if you look hard enough. I know because there is a girl who had asked me out because she knew I was lonely, since I had no father.”

“I guess you’re right Raymond. I should try to find someone who would like me for who I am,” Katie said.

Raymond was happy, “All right Katie. I hope you have a happy life.”---

“All right everyone you can go home.” Raymond called outside City Hall.

Lloyd was next to him, “You did good Raymond. I’m sure your parents would be proud.”

Raymond smiled, “I’m sure as well sir.”

“Good, then let’s head home,” Lloyd said.

Raymond smiled even more, “Yes sir.”---

At the house, Sierra, Kari, and Kira ran out at Lloyd and group-hugged him. Raymond was glad that everyone was happy and safe. “I guess I better get my stuff and go.”

Kari was the first to let go. “Wait, you don’t have to go. After all you saved Papa, the least we can do is let you stay,” she said.

Lloyd spoke towards Kairi saying, “Sweetie, Raymond can’t stay because he still has to find his mom. Do you understand?”

Kari was disappointed, “Yes papa.”

Raymond walked up to Kari, placed his hand on her shoulder, and kissed her. “That’s a reminder,” he said, “A promise that I’ll come back.” With that he headed into the house, got his belongings and set out to continue his journey. ----------

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