I Do(n't) Care (BoyxBoy)

By FrozenEscence

76.7K 3.1K 83

Finding your mate is one thing, actually getting them to like you is harder for some than it is for others. P... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Forty

1.1K 51 0
By FrozenEscence

-Kaygen's POV-

I've never seen Nate snap like that before, he was always so calm and collected, the complete opposite of me, I always let the littlest of things get to me, even if I don't always show it.

I'm the reckless one, not Nate, he's the one that will stand there grinning at you, as if nobody could ever break into his perfect little bubble, but I watched it pop, something in him snapped and he was angry.

He pushed Brett up against the lockers with a strength that was anything but human, I didn't care much for Brett, his words didn't bother me because they didn't mean anything.

But to see Nate get so defensive over someone like me, is something I haven't experienced in a long time, and surprisingly, it made me...happy.

It also got me pretty defensive, I know the effects of the upcoming full moon were affecting him, which was the only explanation for why he reacted the way he did, any other day he would have handled it in his usual happy-go-lucky manner.

His identity is something he has to keep a secret though, and someone like Brett was not worth exposing himself for.

Luckily, I managed to pull him out of it before something bad could happen, I knew the moon would increase his need for me, but I didn't know it ran this deep.

The effects completely changed who he was, he was on edge, agitated and permanently holding his wolf back, it was interesting to see this side of him but a part of me felt bad for putting him through it, I really didn't know the full details.

The full moon is tomorrow, and I was intrigued to see how Nate would act today, I was also all packed ready to leave but Laken wanted some alone time with Damon before I could come over, the horny idiot.

I suppose it gave me more time to say goodbye to my childhood home, I didn't plan on saying anything to my parents, I was just going to up and leave, but in the case that they actually call the police, the thought lingered in my mind that I might actually have to tell them.

There was always the option of telling just one of them, but there was no better option for that, I still didn't want to see my dad, let alone talk to him, and knowing mum she'd probably cry and beg me not to leave, acting like she cared only when she was about to lose me too.

Not that I could bring myself to care, she had her chance, but I just can't bring myself to live like this anymore, not after I've experienced what true happiness feels like.

I walked through the empty halls of my house with nothing but distaste and bad memories, once upon a time these rooms were filled with joy and laughter, how the stupidest of things can rip that from you, leaving nothing but barren memories of a lost time.

It tasted bitter and all I could feel was the coldness that wracked my body, it made me uncomfortable, until I just wanted to get out of here and never look back.

Today would be my last day here, I already planned it out, I was ready to go but first I have school, my plan is to come back here after school and grab my shit, then I'd say goodbye to whoever was here, making sure they saw my bags, and then leave for good.

Something will go wrong, something always goes wrong, it won't come as a surprise, I'm already prepared, I just hope it doesn't turn out to be too bad.

I sighed as I glanced around once more, a shiver wracked my body before I forced my eyes shut and shook my head.

Okay, time for school. I stepped out of the house, making sure to close and lock the door behind me before I pulled up my hood, and started walking to the nearby bus stop.

Light rain scattered across the pavement, turning the grey even darker around me as I forced myself to look up at the sky, it was almost blinding to look at, but the clouds were a mix of white and grey, as the rain couldn't seem to decide whether to pick up or slow down.

I found myself wishing the bus would hurry up as the little bit of shelter I was under didn't do a lot to protect me from the rain, not that I minded much, but the idea of going to school drenched wasn't appealing to me in the slightest.

A part of me was also longing to see Nate, it was like a nagging feeling in my chest that refused to subside until I was with him, and it only seemed to grow stronger.

Idiot, the full moon is supposed to be effecting you, not me. I could already tell this was going to be a long day, and the part of me that dreaded it fought viciously with the part of me that felt excited.

For what? Seeing my...mate? What does that even mean?

Hell if I know, this bus better hurry the fuck up already, or I may just explode.

-Nate's POV-

I was out the door by 7am, school didn't start for another two hours but I couldn't sleep worth shit and I needed to get out of here.

My wolf was fighting for release and I was tempted to let him run around in the woods for a bit just to release some tension, but I didn't trust him not to take full control and run to our mate, it was too risky to let him out when the full moon was so close.

And boy could I feel its power, I feel like I'm on my way to insanity and I'm losing it fast, and to top it all off, Damon didn't come back to the pack house last night.

I didn't go straight to school, it was too early anyway, instead I went to find my Alpha, I really need some kind of support right now before I completely lose it.

There was only one place he would be, and I probably broke many speeding limits on the way there, but my chest felt so tight, it was like I couldn't breathe, and I was really starting to freak out, so I pulled up outside of Laken's house in record time.

I barely managed the cut the engine before I was jumping out of the car and started banging on L's door, way too loud for the time of morning, not that the thought occurred to me at all.

The door swung open to reveal an annoyed looking Damon, but that changed the moment he realised who it was.

"Dude, do you know what time it is? Are you okay?" He was tied between being annoyed and being worried, but he seemed to read something on my face and opened the door wider for me to step in.

I strode into the living room where I started pacing, trying not to rip my hair out as I ran my fingers roughly through it.

"Maybe you should skip school today," he said, as he watched me in concern.

"I can't," I spat through clenched teeth.

"Dude you look like shit, you're pale and you're sweating, there's no way you can go like that, have you even looked in the mirror?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I can't skip, I need to see him." Even I could hear how deep my voice sounded, was it even me talking anymore?

"Seriously man, go look in the mirror," he insisted.

"I don't need to see to know I look a mess, I barely slept and I'm in fucking agony, I didn't know it would hurt this much," I growled.

"It's not the moon that's hurting you."

"What?! No, I just got to wait for the cycle to be over and I'll be okay," I kept telling myself that, hoping I'd be strong enough to fight my way through it, what's one more day? Although tomorrow would be the worst.

"Your pain will go away once you're with your mate." I nearly gave myself whiplash with how fast I turned to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like I said, it's not the moon that's hurting you, your wolf is in pain because he needs his mate, once you're with Kaygen again the pain will go away, but with the state you're in, you'll probably mark him within the first five minutes."


"How come you're not going crazy?" I was envious of him for being so strong when I felt so weak, but I guess you don't get the title Alpha for nothing.

"Ya know, I was wondering the same thing," Laken's voice drifted into the living room, catching our attention.

"Sorry, didn't want to intrude." He shuffled his feet awkwardly, but I shrugged it off, it's his house, if anything I'm the one intruding.

"You're fine, baby. First off, you're my boyfriend, I already have you, Nate and Kaygen haven't even put a label on their relationship yet. Also, I'm not fighting to stay away from you, being near you is actually helping me to keep calm, but don't think I don't feel it cause I do.

But I had to go through training to be an Alpha, which doesn't necessarily mean I have full control over my wolf, but we have a good understanding of each other, we both want to respect our mate's wants and needs, so in a way we're both fighting it together."

Damon really is impressive, to have that kind of connection with your wolf isn't something that happens overnight, it takes time, and every second I spend with him, the more I understand just why he's the Alpha, he truly deserved the role.

"You can still mark me you know? I don't mind," L said like it was nothing, I guess twins really have a lot in common.

"And this is why I'm struggling," Damon said, looking directly at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I know what you mean," I chuckled, now I know the pain will go once I see Kaygen, the more I want to see him, and I didn't even think that was possible.

Just like that my goal was already set, there has to be a limit to the fighting, I can do this.

"Do you think he's at school yet?" I asked, glancing at the time.

"Who the hell gets to school at half seven when classes don't start until nine?" L laughed, shaking his head, he has a point.

"Just text him," Damon shrugged, that actually wasn't a bad idea.

I pulled my phone out and immediately clicked onto Kaygen's chat but before my thumbs could even come into contact with the buttons, I stopped.

"What do I say?" I asked, Damon rolled his eyes in amusement.

"Hey, you awake?" He offered.

"Say I want your dick," L said with a straight face, gaining a nudge and a laugh from Damon.

"I'm serious," I whined, gazing helplessly at them.

"So am I," L shrugged. "Here, allow me." He took my phone before I even registered what was happening.

"No, L, seriously," I panicked, going to reach for my phone, but he didn't type anything, just stared at the phone.

"Wow..." He looked shocked, so I stared at him in confusion, we rarely texted each other so there was nothing on there for him to have that kind of reaction.

"What?" I asked, Damon leant over to look at the phone and I watched his eyes widen slightly.

"What?!" I asked again, slightly louder this time.

"His last message to you," L explained, turning the phone to me so I could see, it said ily.

"What about it?" They were really confusing me at this point, and I wanted in on whatever they know that I don't.

"Do you know what that means?" Damon asked slowly.

"It was just before my accident, I think he sent it by mistake, it's just gibberish," I shrugged, what's the big deal?

L face planted in front of me, handing the phone back and walking away, I turned towards Damon with a raised eyebrow.


"Ily means I love you, man," Damon explained and my eyes widened as I stared at the text for the longest time, I thought it meant nothing, but I couldn't be more wrong.

"Huh?" I asked but I knew what he said, am I an idiot? How could I not know that?

"Are you sure?" I asked desperately, what if he was wrong?


Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't believe I ignored it like it was nothing, I'm such a fucking idiot, I need to get to Kaygen as soon as possible, I don't mind waiting at school for him if I have to.

"I have to go," I said distracted, already on my way to the door.

"Oh, and Nate!" L shouted from somewhere in the kitchen. "You might want to sort your eyes out before you do."

My eyes flashed to the mirror for the first time this morning, only to see glowing yellow eyes staring back at me, now I know why Damon kept telling me to look in the mirror.



Good evening! I feel like it's been so long since I updated, but I finally got around to finishing the chapter, I'm gonna post it in parts since it came out so long so some chapters may be longer than others, but I will do daily updates of them once they've each been edited.

I hope you're all well and enjoying the start of the weekend, I've been so lost in writing and streams lately that they have pretty much taken up all of my time, but I'm glad to be making progress on this story, it's turning out to be a lot longer than I originally planned so I hope you all keep with me through this.

I also need to pick out a bunch of songs now, but I may just pick songs I like if I can't find ones that go with the representing chapters.

Sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoyed this one, have a fantastic weekend.

Leave a like for love and light <3

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